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The following text is for question number 1.

Kindly rearrange the books neatly on the bookshelf.

1. What is the writing purpose of the text above?

A. To make a clear regulation for the all visitors.
B. To remind someone to be an obedient person.
C. To alert someone to follow the school regulation.
D. To ask someone to put the books back after reading.

The text for questions number 2 and 3.

2. Where can we find the notice?

A. On the road.
B. In the office.
C. In the drugstore.
D. In the school area.


The word “FREE” means that 6.
A. no protection from danger
B. no influence to intimidate
C. no strong regulation
D. no nice atmosphere

The text is for questions number 4 and 5.

To celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Art and Culture Club of

our school, we'd like to invite you to join
the Evening Show party 2019
that will be held on
Date: December 28th, 2019
Place: School hall
Time: 07.00 p.m.

Wear an original unique costume!

Habibi : 085756564330 Class IX H

4. The writer’s purpose to write the text above is 6.

A. to ask someone to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Art and Culture Club
B. to inform someone to come to the school Art and Culture Club
C. to invite someone to attend the School Evening Show party
D. to persuade someone to join the Evening Show party

5. What is the dress code of the party?

A. Original and distinctive costume.
B. Unusual and innovative costume.
C. Formal and original costume.
D. Causal and original costume.

The text is for questions number 6 to 8.

To Khansa Naurah, My Firend

Your graduation is
certainly an achievement,
but you know there’re lots of things coming-
goals, dreams, challenges, and opportunities
that bring your fulfillment and
help you make a positive difference in the world 6
in Senior High School.
Congratulations and Happy Always!


6. What is Daniel’s intention to send the card?

A. To show his sympathy to Kansa Naurah.
B. To help Khansa to make a positive thought.
C. To congratulate Khansa on her graduation.
D. To support Khansa to reach a high achievement.

7. What has Khansa Naurah done?
A. She has finished studying at a Senior High School.
B. She has graduated from a Junior high school.
C. She has made a different world.
D. She has an achievement.

8. “ 6 that bring your fulfillment and 6.” (line 5)

The word “your” in the text above refers to 6.
A. my friend’s
B. the writer’s
C. Khansa’s
D. Daniel’s

The text is for questions number 9 and 10.

To Harun
Hi Harun, due to the Study Tour preparation for the eighth grade students, there will
be no Scout Activity for this week. Please forward to others. Thank you.

9. What does Panji actually emphasize?

A. Telling Harun that there is no Scout activity for that week.
B. Telling Harun about the Study Tour preparation.
C. Reminding Harun to prepare the Study Tour.
D. Asking Harun about the Scout activity.

10. What will Harun probably do after reading the message?

A. Telling that there will beScout activity.
B. Confirming the message text to Panji.
C. Forwarding the information to others.
D. Preparing the Study Tour program.

The text is for questions 11 to 13.

Leni : Hi Yosi, have you heard about the Try Out held by Yaspenta?
Yosi : Hi Leni. Not yet.
Leni : Come on, let’s join it with other friends. Some of us have done the registration.
Yosi : When will it be held and where?
Leni : It will be held on Saturday, the 21st of December at Yaspenta’s Hall.
I do hope that you can attend it. We will get a bag of writing kits, certificate,
snacks and lunch. I do hope that you can attend it.
Yosi : That sounds great.
Yosi : Can I have the brochure?
Leni : Sorry, I haven’t got it but I have the Contact Person, Ms. Linda. Let me send
Yosi : Well, thank you Leni.
Leni : That’s ok.

11. What is the topic of the dialogue above?

A. Leni’s and Yosi’s struggle to be smart students.
B. Yosi’s questions about the Try Out.
C. Yosi’s curiosity about the Yaspenta.
D. Leni’s invitation to join a Try Out.

12. What will Yosi likely do to get more information?
A. Calling Ms. Linda.
B. Confirming Ms. Linda.
C. Reading the brochure.
D. Asking Leni more questions.

13. What might Lina have done to require Yosi to join the Try Out?
A. Hoping more that Yosi can attend it.
B. Giving much information about the Try Out.
C. Treating her with snacks and lunch.
D. Giving her the Try Out brochure.

Text for questions number 14 to 16.

To: Boy Scout Troop 591

Our Boy Scout program begins after our Cub Scout transitions to a troop in the fifth
grade. We offer a continuous, adventure-filled program that includes camping, rock
climbing, rappelling, horseback riding, leadership, advancement, backpacking,
canoeing and friendships.

You may contact Ken Owens 314-920-9838 for further information on the scouting

14. What does the text mostly talk about?

A. The transition of Cub Scout program.
B. The beginning of Boy Scout Troop program.
C. Information about the beginningof the Scout progam.
D. The Camping and friendship program.

15. When will the Boy Scout program start?

A. Before the camping program.
B. Afer the adventure-filled program.
C. Before the members get additional information.
D. After the Cub Scout transition to a troop in grade five.

16. The text is addressed to 6.

A. Ken Owens
B. Boy Scout troop 591
C. Cub Scout members
D. Fifth grade students

Text for questions number 17 to 19.
Dear Michael,
Wewill go on holiday tomorrow. While we are away,don’t forget to do the following
Firstly, put all of the rubbish in the bin outside. Do this before you go to school so
that the house will not smell horrible. Next, feed the dog and cat. Their foods are in
the fridge. Do not forget to keep the delivered newspaper on the bookshelf.

Mum and Dad

17. What is the text written for?

A. To tell Michael to keep the dog’s food.
B. To remind Michael that the house is horrible.
C. To tell Michael that his parents will have a holiday with him.
D. To inform what Michael should do during his parents are away.

18. What should Michael do with the newspaper?

A. Put it near the fridge.
B. Use it to wrap the cat food.
C. Delivers it every morning at six.
D. Put it on the bookshelf.

19. “Do this before you go to school6.”

What is meant by the word “this” in the sentence above?
A. Feeding the animals.
B. Doing the instructions.
C. Putting the rubbish in the bin outside.
D. Keeping the delivered newspaper

Text for questions number 20 to 23.

Wat Phra Singh

Wat Phra Singh is located

in the western part of the old city
centre of Chiang Mai. The main
entrance is guarded by Singhs
(lions). Wat Phra Singh is exactly
situated at the end of the main
street (Rachadamnoen road) of
Chiang Mai.
The temple houses an
important Buddha statue: the Phra
Buddha Singh which gives the
temple its name. The origins of this statue are unknown, but according to a legend, it
was based on the lion of Shakya.It wasbrought to Ligor (Nakhon Si Thammarat)via
Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Then, it was brought to Chiang Maivia Ayutthaya.
It is supposed that the head of the statue had been stolen in 1922 so it is
possible that the head statue is only the copy.
Every year, during the Songkran festival, the statue is taken from Wihan Lai
Kham to carry along the streets of Chiang Mai in a religious procession.The spectators
honour the statue by sprinkling water over it.

20. Why is the text published?

A. To explain that the name refers to the word Singh.
B. To introduce a temple named Wat Phra Singh.
C. To inform about a religious procession.
D. To tell about the Songkran festival.

21. Where is the location of Wat Phra Singh?

A. In the eastern part of the old city centre of Chiang Mai.
B. At the end of the Rachadamnoen road.
C. in the city of Nakhon Si Thammarat.
D. On the bank of the Ping river.

22. What will the reader probably do after reading the text?
A. Look for the stolen statue of Phra Buddha Singh.
B. Honour the statue by sprinkling water over it.
C. Make a plan to visit Wat Phra Singh.
D. Join the Songkran festival.

23. Who is probably interested in reading the text?
A. People who live the Ping River.
B. Tourists who want to visit Chiang Mai.
C. The pedestrian of the streets in Chiang Mai.
D. The janitors of the temple houses.

Text for questions number 24 and 25.

24. The writer’s intention to write the text is to....

A. give detailed information about Fiber Yum
B. persuade the reader to buy the product
C. tell about a gluten free product
D. describe the liquid fiber

25. What is the main ingredient of the product?

A. Tapioca starch.
B. Pure yum.
C. Gluten.
D. Liquid.

This text for questions number 26 to 29
On April 16th, 2010, I thought this would be a great holiday for me because that
was the holy day for Hindu people. I was so tired about the study, so I guessed this
time I could get full refresh anyway. However, the fact said the other way.
First, like an ordinary daughter, I had to get up early morning helping my mother,
of course after I prayed. Then I did my chores, cleaned up my room, and spread out
my bed under the sun ray. I was really in danger if my mom knew that my room was
messy. So, I made it as soon as possible. Second, my aunts called me in the
afternoon. I did not meet them for a long time, that was why I kept for hours to talk with
them. After that, suddenly my neighbors visited me. They asked my help finishing their
homework. At last, the time was running and I just remembered that I had a lot of
homework. I got mad, confused and regretful why I did not check my homework before.
Therefore, I did my homework until 2:00 a.m. the next morning.
I did not feel this was holiday instead of I had to work hard and got a long ship
with my homework.

26. What does the text mainly discuss about?

A. An ordinary holiday.
B. A frightening holiday.
C. A tantalizing holiday.
D. An exhausted holiday.

27. How did the writer communicate with her aunt?

A. By coming to her aunt’s house.
B. By meeting her at a restaurant.
C. By chatting via phone.
D. By visiting her aunt.

28. How did the writer feel when she knew that she had a lot of home works?
A. She felt confused and wondered.
B. She felt confused and regretful.
C. She got mad and astonished.
D. She felt surprised and upset.

29. “6was why I kept for hours to talk with them”. (second paragraph line 5)
The underlined word refers to6.
A. the writer’s neighbors
B. they writer’s parents
C. the writer’s aunts
D. the writer’s family

This text is for questions number 30 to 32

The Ant and The Elephant

Once upon a time, there lived a huge elephant in a jungle. He was arrogant and
always underestimated animals smaller than him. In the same jungle, there lived a
family of ants. Every morning, they would go in search of food and on their way back,
they would always see the elephant troubling other animals.
One day, when the ant family was coming back collecting their food, the
elephant sprayed a trunk full of water on them. “You shouldn’t hurt others like this”

cried one of the ants. “Shut up you, tiny ant! Keep quiet or I will crush you to death”
said the elephant angrily. The poor ant kept quiet and went on its way. But she
decided to teach the proud elephant a lesson.
Next day, when the elephant was sleeping, the tiny ant slowly crept into the
elephant's trunk and started biting him. The elephant woke up and tried everything to
get the ant out his trunk but could not. Such a big animal but he could not do anything
to get the tiny ant out.
The elephant started to cry and begged sorry to the ant. “I hope now you
understand how others feel when you hurt them” said the ant. “Yes, I do. Yes, I do”
cried the elephant and pleaded the ant to come out. The ant took pity on the elephant
and came out of his trunk. From that day onward, the elephant never troubled any

30. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the text?

A. To persuade people to love ants.
B. To tell people that ants are wise animals.
C. To describe the life of a strong elephant and wise ants.
D. To entertain people with the story of an elephant and ants.

31. What did the ants do to make the elephant realize about his fault?
A. They bit the elephant’s trunk.
B. They crept into the elephant’s ears.
C. They sprayed its trunk full of water.
D. They collected food and put them into its trunk.

32. “Yes, I do. Yes, I do” (Last paragraph)

The underlined sentence means6
A. The elephant understood the feeling of being hurt.
B. The elephant would not bite other animals.
C. The elephant felt hurt bitten by the ants.
D. The elephant will not hurt the ants.

33. What can you learn from above story?

A. Underestimate others make us feel strong.
B. Never underestimate and hurt anyone.
C. The greatness is not everything.
D. Don’t imitate a naughty animal.

This text is for questions number 34 to 36

34. What does the text tell us about?
A. The detailed information of a product.
B. The way how to make a product.
C. The benefit of a product.
D. The usage of a product.

35. What is the product made for?

A. For making strong muscles.
B. For increasing immunity.
C. For preventing sickness.
D. For providing energy.

36. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?

A. To give information about a dietary supplement
B. To persuade people to use a dietary supplement
C. To inform people the way how to get a dietary supplement.
D. To inform people that there is a new product of a dietary supplement

The text for questions number 37 to 40

A long time ago, in a kingdom near the sea, there lived a beautiful
princess named Putri Aji Berdarah Putih. Her beauty made a
foreign king came to propose her.
The Princess tested the king by asking him for a dinner
together. The Princess was shocked when she saw the king
eating directly using his mouth instead of his hands.Because of
the king’s behavior, the Princess felt so disgusted and mad.
After the dinner, the king boldly proposed the Princess. She
refused his proposal. She said, “Sir, what a shame if I marry a
man who eats directly using his mouth like a dog!”.
The king felt very insulted by the princess’s refusal. He
went back to his ship in anger. The king didn’t go back to his kingdom, but he planned
to destroy the Princess’ kingdom for revenge.
The war between the king with his troops and Putri Aji Berdarah Putih began. It
turned out that the Princess’ kingdom was not strong enough to defeat the king’s
The Princess knew that her kingdom was in danger. Immediately, she chewed
the betel and said, “My betel residual will become big centipedes to beat them!”. And
then, she spitted the betel. Suddenly, the betel residual turned into giant centipedes.
They attacked the king’s soldiers one by one. Soon, they were easily defeated.
Meanwhile, Putri Aji Berdarah Putih disappeared magically.
Finally, the king’s ship sank into the sea. The location where the ship sank
became shallow and transformed into a vast lake. Now, it is known as The Centipede
Lake or Danau Lipan.

37. What is the best title for the above text?

A. The Centipede Princess.
B. The History of Danau Lipan.
C. The Origin of Centipede Lake .
D. Putri Aji Berdarah Putih and The King.

38. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The Princess was shocked to have dinner with the King.
B. The Princess felt disgusted with the King’s behavior.
C. The King refused to have dinner together.
D. The King enjoyed the dinner very much.

39. How could Putri Aji Berdarah Putih defeat the king’s soldiers?
A. She asked giant centipedes for help .
B. She attacked the soldiers one by one .
C. She chewed the betel while fighting with the king.
D. She created giant centipedes from her betel residual.

40. What lesson can we get from the story?

A. Refuse someone’s proposal politely.
B. Respect the king or you will die.
C. Never insult or hurt others.
D. Think first before you leap.

The text for questions number 41 to 43

How to Use Whatsapp Web

• Open on your computer using the web browser (Chrome,

Firefox, Opera, Safari or Edge are compatible)
• Open the WhatsApp app on your phone by tapping on it
• Open the Chats screen and select Menu and then WhatsApp Web
• There will be a QR code (looks like a scrambled barcode) on the computer
screen. Scan this using your phone
• WhatsApp will then open in your computer browser and you’ll be able to use it
as to send messages as you would on your phone
• When you’ve finished your session, remember to log out. Click on the three-dot
menu above the chats list on the left hand side of the screen
• Click on Log out at the bottom of the list

41. What is the communicative purpose of writing the text?

A. To share the steps of using whatsapp web.
B. To explain the ways to use whatsapp application.
C. To describe how to open whatsapp web on the computer.
D. To give instructions how to install whatsapp on your phone.

42. What should we do with QR code? We should ...

A. copy the QR code.
B. open the whatsapp menu.
C. scan the code with our phone.
D. look at the scramble barcode

43. “...Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari or Edge are compatible” (the first step). The
underlined word has the closest meaning as ...
A. predictable
B. valuable
C. portable
D. suitable

The text for questions number 44 to 46

The man I admire the most is my Dad. He is forty years old. He has short and
black hair. He is quite handsome with his neat police uniform. He has tall and
strong body.
My Dad is a hero for me. He guards, defends, and takes care of me well. He
is an example of masculinity for me and my brother. One more thing that makes me
admire him is his hard working spirit. He works from morning until late at night. In
other words, he often works over time. He sometimes feels tired, but he still gives
me and my brother enough attention, though sometimes he does it by phone.

My Dad teaches me and my only brother to be brave children. Furthermore,
he also teaches us to be friendly and helpful. When we got a problem at school, he
tells us to solve it ourselves, ofcourse, with good solution and wise ways. When we
get difficulties, then he will help us. My Dad is definitely the man who deserves
respect and admiration.

44. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?

A. To show her pride having a good father.
B. To tells about her father’s way of life
C. To admire her father’s appearance.
D. To describe her beloved father.

45. From the text, we know that the writer’s father is a ... man.
A. good looking and caring
B. respectful and helpful
C. brave and friendly
D. smart and diligent

46. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The writer and her brother are brave children.
B. The writer’s father educates his children well.
C. The writer’s father is a teacher.
D. The writer is a friendly girl.

The text for questions number 47 to 49

Last holiday, I went to climb the Tanggamus Mountain in Lampung. I have never
climbed it before. I went there with some of my friends. We started climbing at 7 p.m. It
was so dark but I felt no worried because all of my friends were professional climbers.
We climbed slowly and enjoyed the moment. After climbing for about 7 hours, we
could reach the top of the mountain. There were a lot of other climbers who reached
that top faster than us. We waited for the rising sun while cooking some food and
drinking coffee to get warmer. Others sang some songs together, shared stories or lay
on the ground to take a rest. After seeing the sun rose, we prepared to set up the tent
because we wanted to stay there for three days. We really enjoyed the moment and
did so many interesting activities there.
After all, that was my greatest experience I have ever had in my life. It was really
tiring but I was very happy.

47. What does the text mostly tell us about?

A. The writer’s experience in climbing Tanggamus Mountain.
B. The description of Tenggamus Mountain in Lampung.
C. The writer’s first experience in climbing a mountain.
D. The view of Tenggamus Mountain in the morning.

48. What did the writer and his friends do before setting up the tent? They ...
A. shared stories.
B. lay on the ground.
C. cooked some food.
D. enjoyed the sunrise.

49. The writer climbed the mountain with professional climbers 6 he had no worry at all.
A. because
B. so that
C. in order
D. if

The text is for question 50

You’re in a million.
Because your jokes are funny, ha ha ha ha
You give good advice
You tell great stories.

I am glad
We’re friends
We laugh at the same things.

DAD, you’re the best

Because you make me laugh
You’re good at fixing
You always come to rescue
You means everything to me

Wish you all the best.

50. “You always come to rescue. You mean everything to me.”

The underlined sentence above means that the writer’s father 6.
A. is one of rescue team
B. keeps wanting the writer’s help
C. always gives help when the writer gets in trouble
D. is someone who always supports his children



1 D 26 D
2 D 27 C
3 B 28 B
4 C 29 C
5 A 30 D
6 C 31 A
7 B 32 A
8 C 33 B
9 A 34 A
10 C 35 B
11 D 36 A
12 A 37 C
13 B 38 B
14 C 39 D
15 D 40 C
16 B 41 A
17 D 42 C
18 D 43 D
19 C 44 D
20 B 45 A
21 B 46 B
22 C 47 A
23 B 48 D
24 A 49 B
25 A 50 C


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