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Article evaluation form

Dear reviewer, mark a response for each item of the evaluation and at the end present
specific comments of your analysis.

Prezado revisor, assinale uma resposta para cada item da avaliação e ao final
apresente comentários específicos sobre os aspectos analisados.

Manuscript/Article number: -

Title of the article: Occurrence of overweight in school children and analysis of

agreement between anthropometric methods

Does the article meet the format of manuscript preparation for submission in the Brazilian
Journal of Physical Activity and Health?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ ] Yes [ X ] Does not apply

Regarding the formal aspects, is the manuscript well structured, containing the following
sections: introduction, methods, results and discussion (conclusion as part of the

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Is the title brief, sufficiently specific and descriptive of the work? (up to 100 characters)

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Is the language appropriate, the text is clear, accurate and objective?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Was there any evidence of plagiarism in the manuscript observed?

[ X ] No [ ] Partially [ ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Suggestions/comments: O único detalhe presente na formatação é o subtítulo “discussão”

que não foi traduzido corretamente para a língua inglesa

Are the abstract adequate (containing: objective, information about the study
participants, variables studied, main results and a conclusion) and portray the content
of the manuscript?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Suggestions/comments: Resumo muito bem escrito, com todas as informações relevantes

do método e com os dados com resultados significativos

Was the research problem clearly explained and delimited?
[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Is the research problem adequately contextualized in relation to the available knowledge,

starting from general and narrowing it down?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Do the reasons that justify the need of the study (including the authors' assumptions
about the problem) are well described in the text?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Are the references used to support the presentation of the research problem up to date and
relevant to the topic being addressed?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Was the purpose of the study clearly presented?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Suggestions/comments: Boa introdução, abrangendo todos os tópicos, com todas as

referências a partir de 2005, e descrevendo a razão de se realizer o estudo de forma
concisa e objetiva


Are the methodological procedures generally adequate for the study of the research

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Are the methodological procedures adopted for conducting the study sufficiently detailed?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Was the procedure adopted for the selection or recruitment of participants appropriate for the
research problem addressed and is it sufficiently, clearly and objectively described?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Were information on the instruments used for data collection, their psychometric qualities
(e.g., reproducibility, internal consistency and validity) and, when relevant, on the
operational definition of variables presented?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Was the data analysis plan appropriate and adequately described?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Have the inclusion and/or exclusion criteria of the participants been described, and are they
adequate for the study?

[ ] No [ X ] Partially [ ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Did the authors provide clarification on the ethical procedures adopted for the research?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Suggestions/comments: Na metodologia são citados os princípios do Comitê de Ética para

Pesquisa com Seres Humanos, e o método é descrito de forma clara. A exclusão
provavelmente não se aplica nesse método, já que é um estudo observacional e não é
longitudinal. Toda a parte de análise de dados é descrita de forma clara.

Is the use of tables and figures appropriate and facilitates the understanding of the results?
[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Is the amount of illustrations (tables/figures) is in accordance with the norms for

submission of manuscripts to the journal?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ ] Yes [ X ] Does not apply

The number of participants in each stage of the study, as well as the number and reasons for
the losses and refusals are presented in the manuscript?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Are the characteristics of the participants presented and sufficient?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Are the results adequately presented, highlighting the main findings and avoiding
unnecessary repetitions?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Suggestions/comments: Os resultados estão descritos de forma clara e sucinta. A divisão

entre meninos e meninas é extremamente importante para o trabalho, mesmo que ainda
seja uma idade em que não há tanta influência de diferenças hormonais.

Are the main findings of the study presented?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Are the limitations and strengths of the study presented and discussed?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Are the results discussed taking into consideration the limitations of the study and the current
knowledge on the subject matter?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Are the potential contributions of the study's main findings to scientific development,
innovation or practical application discussed by the authors?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Suggestions/comments: A discussão é feita de forma que foi possível observer tatno os

desdobramentos importantes dos resultados, como as limitações da escolha de somente
duas medidas antropométricas. Porém, como era o intuito do trabalho observer se essas
medidas tem boa chance de predição de outros dados relacionados à saúde.

Was the study's conclusion presented properly and is it consistent with the purpose of the

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Is the conclusion of the study novel?

[ ] No [ X ] Partially [ ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Suggestions/comments: A conclusão resume de forma objetiva os achados do trabalho. A

inovação do trabalho é restrita, já que realmente há uma facilitação de trabalhos futuros
ao utilizer somente uma medida, porém é possível, com base nas equações
antropométricas anteriores na literatura, prever que uma medida específica terá seu valor
maior em indivíduos com maior IMC e maior circunferência abdominal.


Are the references up to date and in sufficient amount?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Is majority of the references comprised by original articles?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

Do the references meet the RBAFS norms/style [quantity and format]?

[ ] No [ ] Partially [ ] Yes [ X ] Does not apply

Is the in-text citation adequate, that is, do the statements included in the text cite references
that actually support such statements?
[ ] No [ ] Partially [ X ] Yes [ ] Does not apply

General comments:
O trabalho foi importante para validar uma possível forma de avaliação com grupos
amostrais maiores, já que ao utilizar uma única medida antropométrica (no caso, a
triciptal), há uma boa correlação com a condição corporal geral do indivíduo. É
necessário, no entanto, não extrapolar esses resultados para grupos mais gerais, já que o
trabalho foi feito somente com crianças de 7 a 10 anos.

Comments to the author(s):

A inclusão de pelo menos mais uma medida antropométrica, que tomaria muito pouco
tempo, poderia ter trazido mais uma variável ao trabalho e talvez até uma boa equação de
regressão para duas medidas. Não foi o intuito do trabalho em si, mas seria útil para
novas pesquisas futuras.

Confidential Comments to the Editor:



The manuscript should be:

[ ] Accept for publication as is

[ ] Revisions required
[ ] Rejected [with the possibility of re-submission]
[ ] Rejected [without the possibility of a new submission]

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