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Vidyard Installation details:

1. Open in chrome browser.

2. Click on “Sign up for free”

3. Create your “login account”

4. Once you Login to on the library page there’s an option to “Install vidyard
extension” for google chrome, click and install the extension.
5. Once installed, ensure that the extension is visible, also allow permission to access
camera and mic.

6. Now to Record Video, Click on the Right hand top corner on “New” which has 2 options
in the drop down, click on “Record Video”.

7. In the Create New Window scroll down and select the option “Screen” and then select
“Entire Screen” option.
8. The Recorder will start recording as you continue your Programming Test.
9. To stop recording, Click on STOP.
10. To Share the recording, Click on share link and send it to us.

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