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Week 2: November 22nd-26th, 2021

 I made sure to remember that this student was going swimming on
the weekend, so Monday morning when he came into class, the
first thing I did was go over and ask how his weekend was,
specifically, how was swimming lessons? Did he have fun at the
YMCA? His eyes grew big when he realized that I had
remembered this information. He talked to me for about 5 minutes
about his weekend, which was a massive growth from the
beginning of Week 1. I took the time every day to try to connect
with this student whether it was through him taking 3 minutes to
tell me about his story or drawing of his Among us characters. Or
if it was taking time to work with him one on one in French. He
seemed to have some more incidents with a classmate in particular
this week. The two students seemed to bump heads and end up in
multiple situations at recess where they were caught hitting one
another, grabbing each other, and hanging off one another.
Something I plan on doing next week is taking extra time to go
outside for recess with them, on the days I am not supervising
outside, to get an idea of what is starting these situations, and what
the reasoning behind them occurring might be. 
 This week, all of the students seemed to lose focus in the
afternoons, no matter what subject was being taught. It really
showed me how easily some students can be affected by large
shifts in the weather! As it was snowing and chilly in the first
couple of days of the week and quickly became windy and warmed
up for the remainder of the week.
 I worked primarily with this student one-on-one during math class
as the students were working on completing their math activity
booklets. This student had written all of their answers, but had not
showed their work or written their answer in a complete sentence
(working with word problems with 3 digit addition). He worked
very hard one-on-one with me, going over the questions, showing
his work, and writing the sentences. During art class, he was very
engaged and was over the moon with doing the plasticine winter
 Something that did occur this week was the realization that this
student and others in the classroom were playing games like "War"
at recess. After asking what this "War" game they were playing
was, he told me that they were fighting each other to try to "beat
each other up". As I am on supervision twice a week, I began to
watch for this "war" game, after having a discussion with my
Teacher Associate which led to a discussion with the class about
not playing that game or other games similar to it. 
 On Fridays this student participates in "Feel Good Friday", where
he joins the teacher councillor for our Team Announcements,
sharing jokes with the school. Every Friday, he comes back to
class BEAMING, and continues to have a great day. I feel that this
is a great form of positive reinforcement for this student, as it is a
successful reward system that works well for him. 
 This student was fairly unregulated at times this week. They were
often quite emotional which led to some breakdowns during some
of the classroom activities. He was at an elevated state, which led
him to sometimes go into the emotional red zone without warning.
Something that I found during my activities/lessons was that at
times he seemed to have a difficult time listening/following
instruction. In particular, during my math lesson, I had told
students that if they finished the snowman activity early, they
could work on their math activity booklet. Instead, he came up to
me and asked me if he could draw. 
 I did find that he was more talkative to me and was coming to me
to show he his drawings more often throughout the day, telling me
the story behind each of the drawings, which I enjoyed. I felt that
he enjoyed and benefited from the creative components that I
incorporated in my activities this week as he is very creative, but I
learned that he loves to colour but not draw! So when doing our
snowman math activity, he was reluctant to colour his snowman
and instead wished to draw all around then snowman, which I was
totally okay with as he was still very engaged and completed what
I had asked. 
 This week the weather was up and down, with snow at the
beginning of the week, warm gusts of wind throughout the middle
of the week and sun by the end. I feel like this student is
sometimes affected by external factors. One of our successes
occurred in gym class, I led the class with a game called
"Icebergs", and he loved it! I had the students moving around using
different methods, little quick steps, slow big steps, stomping, tip
toeing, etc. I decided to bring in the stomping as I noticed he was
slightly more energized in the previous class and figured he would
enjoy the stomping! Which he did, amongst other students! This
was a win for the week.

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