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Challenge, Focus, Strike!

Adventure Hooks for Legend of the Five Rings

Written by Isawa Nazomitsu (Scott Stockton) z Compiled & Edited by Pirate Spice (Sean C. Riley)
Following is the ninth volume of a series of documents collecting the
esteemed Isawa Nazomitsu’s “CFS of the Week” feature in the L5R RPG
GMs section of AEG’s gaming forum (
Winter Court, Part II
You might notice that this volume contains only two installments; one
of which is the long-awaited CFS of the Week #100. By the time 100. A Chance for Greatness
Nazomitsu-san was finished with this masterpiece, it alone was larger This adventure marks the 100th week of Challenge-Focus-Strike of the
than any previous volume of Challenge, Focus, Strike!, so I felt it Week (even though it’s a full week late). It is a milestone I have been
deserved a volume all to itself, where it can shine and bring a little spice looking forward to for quite some time, and I hope you will all join me in
to your L5R campaign. celebrating with an extra-special, super-sized Winter Court adventure.
Okay, #100 doesn’t get this volume entirely to itself. We’re starting Let the games begin!
this volume off with the exclusive CFS of the Week #B!
– Sean C. Riley (a.k.a. Pirate Spice) CHALLENGE
As Winter Court begins, the PCs hear an unusual rumor. It seems that an
Exclusive Scenario important guest has arrived unexpectedly, forced to change his travel
plans by a sudden storm. While no one but the host has seen the guest or
even knows who he is, speculation is rampant, and everyone looks
Living Up to the Legend forward to the opening of Court in the evening with great anticipation,
eager to rub shoulders with a member of the social elite.
Of course, there is much to do in the meantime. Many of the PCs’
CHALLENGE friends, allies, contacts, and rivals are also present at Court this winter,
The player characters are sent by their respective daimyos to serve a and the last hours before the festivities begin are certain to be filled with
Phoenix scholar. While his true name is Isawa Noshinto, most know him greetings from old friends, reaffirmations of friendship (and hostility) and
as "the Author," for he is one of the most prolific writers of the day. It no small amount of political maneuvering. Still, the main question on
seems that he has requested the services of each of the PCs specifically, everyone’s lips is the same: Who is the mysterious guest?
and even called in a number of favors to secure their commanders’ When the momentous occasion finally arrives, the truth is much more
cooperation. Although no reason for his request was given, it must be amazing than anyone could have imagined. As the host welcomes
something significant for a man of his standing to exert such influence. everyone to Court in a formal ceremony, the Imperial Seal hangs on a
great banner behind him. A majestic throne sits upon the dais, and
FOCUS members of the Imperial Guard stand by it. Whispers of the Empress’ or
The Author explains that he discovered a number of ancient scrolls while an Imperial Cousin’s presence run through the court. Finally, amid a
organizing his family’s library. Upon deciphering them, he found that collective gasp of surprise and awe, the guest’s identity is revealed when
they held a prophecy telling of a group of heroes who would save the the Emperor himself emerges to address the assembled guests.
Empire from a great crisis. Due to similarities in their deeds and personal The Son of Heaven will be staying at the same Winter Court as the
histories and those recorded in the scrolls, he believes that the PCs are the player characters.
heroes the scrolls tell of. He even notes that the titles used to refer to the
heroes in the prophecy fit the PCs, such as “the Hero in (target character’s FOCUS
Clan color),” “the (adjective that describes target character) Swordsman,” The presence of the Emperor is a great honor, but after a few days, two
and “the Prodigy of (target character’s home province).” problems become apparent, and both have to do with a lack of
In order to fulfill the prophecy as it is written, the PCs must undertake preparation. The first lies in the absence of several key members of the
a number of tasks. However, the Author only reveals these tasks one at a Emperor’s entourage. While many (but not all) of his servants and
time, forcing the PCs to return to his home for further information after yojimbo were able to accompany him, a great number of his clerks, aides,
each stage in their journey toward becoming heroes. advisors, and councilors were delayed or prevented from coming. In the
First the PCs must defeat an army of bandits that is gathering near the absence of proper intermediaries, many guests are hesitant to approach
Shinomen Forest. Then they are to recover a blue crystal from the Caverns the throne directly, leaving the Emperor sitting idle.
of Beiden’s Teeth. Next, they have to prove to the Monks of the Seven The second problem is due to a lack of suitable entertainment for the
Fortunes that they are worthy of being allowed to meditate in the Garden Emperor. Winter is a boring time of year at best, and it is even longer
of Judgement. After that, the party must travel to the Islands of the Mantis without some way to pass the time. While several social activities were
and defeat the strongest jiujutsu master there. Finally, they must venture planned, few of them are fitting for a figure of such stature. To think that
into the Kuni Wastes and defeat a monster. Once they have done all these the Emperor would be entertained by simple guessing games and
things they will be ready to face the danger that threatens the Empire. performances by a lackluster acting troupe would be a grave insult, and it
is better to present nothing at all than to offer such low fare.
STRIKE In order to solve both of these dilemmas, the host announces a contest.
As the PCs are performing these tasks, they may notice that things aren’t Anyone who wishes may come forward and demonstrate a skill or talent
exactly as they should be. The bandit army they are supposed to eradicate before the Court. If anyone else believes they can match or surpass such
seems to have already suffered heavy losses. Footprints in the dust show skill, they are welcome to try. In the end, the person who displays the
that someone besides them has entered the Caverns recently. Many of the highest level of ability will be named the winner. All comers are
NPCs they meet speak of other groups that approached them about welcome, and any skill (within reason, of course) will be considered.
similar matters. And each time they return to the Author for further
instruction the servants begin to act strange, whispering amongst STRIKE
themselves and possibly even calling party members by the wrong names. Pleased at the host’s proposal, the Emperor takes things one step further.
Eventually, the Author finds himself forced to reveal the truth. The PCs He declares that any person who is able to prove that his or her level of
are not the first group of “prophesized heroes” he has enlisted the services skill is unmatched is welcome to serve him in an appropriate capacity for
of. There have been a number of other groups before them, each of which the duration of Winter Court. Failing that, the winner may ask the Emperor
failed to live up to the demands of the prophecy. for any one favor, which he will grant.
The Author professes his confidence in the PCs, but reluctantly admits The Court is shocked by this unprecedented announcement. Never before
that he has no proof whether or not they are actually the heroes he is searching in recent history has the Emperor shown such boundless generosity, and
for. All he really has is faith in their ability to do something great. the reaction is overwhelming. Warriors, scholars, artisans, priests, and
diplomats all spring forward to claim a chance at greatness. Courtiers and Player characters (and NPCs as well) will have a lot of difficult
politicians rush about making deals and searching for opportunities. decisions to make if they are able to win a favor from the Emperor. Do
Where moments before the Court was filled with an uneasy silence as they ask for something they desire themselves, or make a request on
people hesitated to speak to the Emperor, now it is bristling with energy behalf of their Clan? Characters whose families or superiors are present
and excitement. may find themselves under pressure to ask for things beyond their own
It is a true once-in-a-lifetime chance, for the PCs could gain almost wishes. Courtiers are sure to offer various gifts and promises in attempts
anything they desired… to buy favors. Some Clans may try to keep their rivals from gaining any
…if they have the courage to seek it and the skill to take it for their favors from the Emperor, and a great deal of political maneuvering is
own, that is. certain to go on as competitors attempt to sell or trade favors in exchange
for other gifts. PCs may find themselves asked not to compete against any
This adventure is designed to be played in a court that would not members of a certain Clan, or even ordered to use their favors towards
normally see the presence of the Emperor for two reasons. certain goals.
The first is the potential difficulty involved in getting the Emperor and As for the contests themselves, there are numerous areas in which
the PCs to the same Winter Court. If your party has sufficient social participants might try to show off their skills. High arts, works of
status to secure an invitation to a court that the Emperor is likely to visit craftsmanship, martial skills, scholarly learning, mystic rituals, or any
on their own merits, so much the better. However, many groups may find other special ability could potentially be used to show off one’s merit.
themselves relegated to a less glamorous location, where the odds of an Players should be able to use traits, skills, school techniques, spells, kiho,
Imperial visit are quite low. Thus, it may be necessary to have the kata routines, martial arts maneuvers, advantages, and their own
Emperor come for reasons that are beyond his control. creativity in their attempts to gain favor from the Emperor. A clever
The second reason is to present a the PCs with an arena that is not samurai might even be able to find a way to show off mastery of a Low
automatically dominated by higher-level figures. Unless they are truly skill without losing honor in the attempt.
epic heroes, your PCs probably won’t be able to defeat Clan Champions Keep in mind that certain skills may overlap but still be conceptually
and family daimyos in contests of skill. While having some powerful different. This is especially true for skills that have different emphases.
NPCs present is a good thing, you don’t want the PCs to be completely One character may claim the prize for "best storyteller" while another
overshadowed by everyone they meet. could be known as the "best poet," and yet another as "best playwright"
Of course, you are welcome to change these two points if you so wish. (which would, of course, be different from "best actor.") In some cases a
Perhaps the PCs are lucky enough to receive a personal invitation to the distinction might be less important, but PCs could argue for one if they
palace where the Emperor is holding Court this winter, or are asked to wished. A bushi who is unable to win the prize for "best swordsman"
accompany a general or daimyo from their Clan. Maybe the more might claim that using a katana is different from using a wakizashi
experienced bushi and shugenja in attendance are specifically asked not skillfully and make a case for a second, separate contest. But he would
to compete, so that talented youngsters have a chance to show their skills. also run the risk of the person who defeated him entering the second
If you want to make things challenging, put the PCs in a position where contest as well, and possibly winning another favor from the Emperor. Be
they will face off against living legends. Or you could scale down the careful to stay within the bounds of common sense, however. Claiming
premise completely, placing the adventure in the court of a provincial that "Mirumoto Rising Fire Dragon Style" and "Kakita Western Snow
governor and having inexperienced participants compete for favors from Crane Style" are two different skills is all well and good for theoretical
a minor functionary. purposes, but it’s more likely that the prize will go to whichever fighter
If your game is set in a time period where there is no Emperor, or one can defeat the other. Likewise, a courtier who has encyclopedic knowledge
in which the Emperor holds limited power, feel free to change the identity of the folding fan designs of the Shosuro family during the reign of Hantei
of the Court’s benefactor appropriately. The Otomo and Seppun families XIV but knows little of other styles or time periods will likely be praised
hold significant political sway, and their daimyos might be interested in for his skill but see the Emperor’s favor awarded to the competitor who
hosting such an event. The Champions of the Crane or Scorpion are also shows greater familiarity with the subject matter as a whole.
well-connected enough to offer great favors to those who can entertain This makes the way in which one demonstrates their skills a point of
their courts, even if they do not have as wide-reaching or powerful some consideration as well. Showing a fan and asking other competitors
influence as the Emperor himself. A power behind the throne, such as the if they know the artist whose painting is featured upon it is very different
Gozoku (in either incarnation) or an imperial chancellor, might also be from asking challengers to bring you painted fans for you to identify.
interested in giving away gifts to sway the opinions of potential allies. If Designing a garden and actually building a garden may fall under the
all else fails, it’s entirely possible for different rewards to come from same skill heading, but the two actions are very different, and a clever
various sources. Generals are always looking for skilled fighters, patrons gardener will try to arrange the contest so that his own strengths come
of the arts often show support to those with talent and vision, and into play more than the strengths of his opponents. One bushi may try to
spiritual leaders have been known to give great boons to those who can demonstrate his prowess by throwing an apple into the air and cutting it
show they have bettered themselves in some way. into pieces before it falls to the ground, challenging others to do the
Keep in mind political ramifications of such a contest are not same. Another bushi may simply issue an open invitation to any who think
insignificant. There is much glory to be had by demonstrating peerless they can beat him in single combat. Either method would be valid, and it
skill in front of the Emperor, but there is even greater glory in being comes down to which one steps forward to set the terms of the contest first.
granted a favor by him. Competition is certain to be fierce for exactly this All in all, there’s a lot to do here. Players who like political adventures
reason. Even those who do not have some specific goal in mind may step will be able to broker deals and apply their influence. Players who enjoy
forward to show the might of their school’s techniques and the lessons of social interaction get to support their allies and oppose their enemies.
their sensei. And those who do have a request for the Emperor will work Players who are into combat and tactics can compete in a number of
that much harder to ensure that they can claim victory. different contests. Players who like moral dilemmas can be thrown into
Keep in mind that there are certain limits to what the Emperor can do. situations where they must reconcile differing desires. And everyone
While he may have limitless authority, there are some things that would (hopefully) gets a chance to ask the Emperor for something nice!
be beyond the scope of his command, both in terms of practicality and Being a Game Master can be a difficult job sometimes, but it also
decorum. Asking for a woman to be separated from her husband and offers a great deal of reward and personal fulfillment. You get to take
made your wife instead is a very bad idea for several reasons. Not only charge of an entire world and all the people in it. You get to tell stories,
does it make you look bad, but it shames the Emperor as well, as he must and set up a stage for your players to tell their stories as well. And, most
either break his promise or carry through with such a distasteful action. importantly, you get to provide an evening of fun for your friends.
Making a request that the Emperor could not possibly fulfill, such as a Thus, it is my deepest hope that you and your players will enjoy this
gift of ten million koku, would be a very foolish idea. special one hundredth installment of CFS of the Week, as well as the
There are, however, an almost countless number of favors that the possibilities it offers. For there is no greater reward for a GM than to
Emperor could grant. As the ruler of the Empire, he can call upon any give a feeling of enjoyment to others.
loyal subject to perform any task desired. As owner of all the land and
wealth in Rokugan, he can gain access to just about any gift. And as the
most powerful individual in Rokugani society, he can bestow any honor
upon an individual. While one should take care in asking for a gift or
privilege beyond one’s station, being able to seek a favor from the
Emperor is a tremendous opportunity, and no small number of individuals
will compete for the right to do so.
A competition isn’t much of an adventure unless you have someone to
Monk Teacher
compete against. And what better choices for opponents than the NPCs
C: Divination, Lore: Geography, Staves, Instruction, Defense, Athletics
we’ve met in the past 99 adventures?
B: Stamina, Willpower, Theology, Jiujutsu, Earth kiho
A few notes before we begin.
A: Meditation
The information listed below is not set in stone. Your campaign has
Agenda: Jianzhen is concerned about a group of cultists that has been
probably unfolded in a completely different direction. Maybe the PCs
active in the area near his home temple. It seems one even went so far
failed to stop Satsujinki and Kuni Toshi was eaten by zombies. Maybe
as to impersonate him. He would like to gain help through conventional
they killed Ryota for his crimes. Maybe Saya was betrothed to one of the
means, but if he has to enter a contest in order to gain the Emperor’s
PCs and they’ve been married for the past six months. The ideas given
attention he’ll do so without regret.
here are only guidelines to help you get started, and you can use, change,
or ignore them as much as you want. KINTARO
Many of the NPCs listed below were not given names or Clan (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #3)
alignments when they originally appeared. I have taken the liberty of Ronin Shugenja
providing such information for the purposes of this scenario, but there is C: Hunting, Athletics, Defense, Deceit, Heavy Weapons
no reason why you should feel compelled to use my suggestions if you do B: Artisan: Sculpting, Craft: Woodworking, Commerce, Traps, Earth magic
not wish to do so. If you think that Kawachi should be a shugenja from A: None
the Unicorn Clan, go for it. Likewise, if you have already used a name of Agenda: Kintaro has spent the last several months trying to make
your own creation for an NPC which was previously nameless, keeping the amends for the crime he committed, donating a large amount of money
established name is much better than introducing a completely new character. toward building a new shrine to the kami. If he is able to win a favor
I have not, however, given any of the NPCs school ranks, skill ranks, (most likely through his sculpting skills) he will ask for aid in the shrine’s
or spell lists. This was a conscious decision on my part in an effort to completion. Unfortunately, Kintaro gained the money he donated by
make this adventure useful for as many different groups as possible. GMs
ambushing and robbing bandits. A group of them have tracked him
already have too many things to handle without having to adjust Insight
down, and will try to exact vengeance before the winter is over.
Ranks and skill levels to fit the capabilities of their own group.
Instead, I have provided some minimal information on the strengths A KUJIKI
and weaknesses of the NPC competitors using a sliding scale, ranked (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #4, BUT NOT NAMED)
from C to A. Using these rankings as a guide, you can adjust the exact Imperial Courtier
school, trait, and skill ranks of a given NPC to match the power level of D: Honor Rank
your player characters. C: Intelligence, Knives, Acting, Lore: Politics, Battle
“C” stands for “Common,” and means that the NPC is pretty close to B: Awareness, Courtier, Lore: Law, Anatomy (Torture), Perceived
average, give or take a little. While not a real weakness, the listed skill or Honor
trait is not one in which the NPC can claim any great expertise. A “C” A: Etiquette, Deceit
ranking basically means that the NPC is better than unskilled in such areas. Agenda: If the PCs did not eliminate this madman the last time they
“B” stands for “Bright,” and means that the NPC is somewhat better met him, they’ll find him back to his old tricks. Somehow he managed to
than average when it comes to that skill or trait. Most skills or traits that convinced some influential friends that the testimony given against him
an NPC uses frequently will have a “B” ranking. was merely slander, and has been cleared of all wrongdoing. If he secures
“A” stands for “Amazing,” and means that the skill or trait in question a favor from the Emperor he’ll ask to be made governor of a small village
is a specialty of the NPC. Only those who have undergone a lot of somewhere remote, so that he can continue his reign of terror.
training should be able to rival the NPC’s performance in such an area.
Skills or traits in which the NPC has no special training will not be B ANZAEMON
listed. In addition, skills or traits in which the NPC’s rank is significantly (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #5, BUT NOT NAMED)
below average (indicated by a “D” for “Dismal”) are also not listed, Mantis Bushi
except in special cases. C: Performance: Singing, Craft: Sailing, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Storytelling
That said, let’s meet some old friends (Bragging), Craft: Fishing
B: Navigation, Peasant Weapons, Jiujutsu, Performance: Drums, Lore:
RAI LI A: Stamina
Agenda: Banzaemon’s primary goal at this year’s Winter Court was
Monk Historian simply to relax and have a good time. While the presence of the
C: Calligraphy, Etiquette, Investigation, Storytelling, Air kiho, Void kiho Emperor means he cannot unwind as completely as he would like, it has
B: Awareness, Theology, Meditation, Lore: History, Lore: Heroes, also given him an idea. He would like the Emperor to attend Winter
Artisan: Painting Court at his home next year. Naturally, he or another Mantis will have
A: None to secure a favor before another Clan can make a similar invitation.
Agenda: Rai Li isn’t interested in glory or gaining any favors from the F UMIMARO
Emperor, but he would like to record the valiant deeds of the
competitors. As such, he’ll spend as much time as possible talking to the
Crane Courtier
Emperor and getting his opinion of the proceedings. Those who think to
C: Courtier, Etiquette, Storytelling (Poetry), Performance: Biwa
talk to Rai Li will be able to learn much of what the Emperor thinks of
B: Lore: Romantic Epics, Lore: Myths, Lore: Drama, Artisan: Painting
those present at Court.
A: None
THE AUTHOR Agenda: Fumimaro has neither the ambition nor the confidence to
compete for the Emperor’s favor. He doesn’t have the confidence to tell
Phoenix Shugenja Miyuki how he feels about her either. Even though he held a flower
C: Perception, Spellcraft, Calligraphy, Tea Ceremony, Lore: Literature, viewing party in her honor, it took him years to work up the courage to
Void magic do so. Unless someone does something to encourage him, he’ll likely
B: Intelligence, Divination, Storytelling (Fiction), Investigation, Air magic end up wasting the entire season.
Agenda: The Phoenix shugenja known as "The Author" is best known
for his stories of fiction. What many people don’t know is that the
Unicorn Bushi
stories he sets to paper are actually based on old scrolls he
C: Horsemanship, Animal Handling (Falconry), Artisan: Gardening,
discovered—including both historical records and prophecies of the
Jiujutsu, Craft: Armorsmithing
future. If given the chance, he’ll attempt to approach the PCs with advice
B: Strength, Etiquette, Battle, Kenjutsu, Heavy Weapons, Lore: Bushido,
on how they can use any favors they are granted, as it seems he knows
Lore: Drama
what troubles they might face....
A: None
Agenda: Wakasaburo is used to having a lot more power and influence Agenda: If the PCs have dealt with a sodan-senzo at some point in their
than he currently wields. Most of his subordinates, staff members, and travels, odds are it was Ruriko. Her travels have taken her to various
servants were sent to other courts for the winter. It is a decision that corners of the Empire, and she’s talked to countless scholars—both
Wakasaburo has come to regret since the Emperor’s arrival. He’d like to living and dead—about the genealogies of various families. Now, she’d
request aid in repairing the damage that a storm did to his family’s like to invite the Emperor to view her completed work. But first she has
holdings, but it is a difficult task to undertake by himself, and he’d be to win a favor before someone else can invite him.
willing to offer a great deal to anyone who could help.
Fox Shugenja C: Reflexes, Battle, Courtier, Games: Dice, Spears, Performance: Drums
D: Reflexes, Strength B: Agility, Kenjutsu, Athletics (Kemari), Kyujutsu, Defense, Artisan: Origami
C: Spellcraft, Lore: Spirits, Artisan: Gardening, Water magic A: None
B: Craft: Farming, Lore: Plants, Lore: Weather, Earth magic Agenda: Many years ago Iemitsu’s ancestor was defeated by the
A: Inner Gift: Equivalent to the Speed Growth spell ancestor of one of the PCs. The insult was not forgotten, and Iemitsu’s
Agenda: Hana-saka-jiji has been ready to retire for many years, but his ancestor has guided him to thwart and oppose the PC in retribution.
love of plants and flowers keeps him traveling the Empire. He has heard Although he does not hate the PC enough to wish him dead, he will do
a lot of news and stories in his travels, and can be an excellent source of everything he can to see his rival’s efforts fail miserably.
information for those who will ask. While he has no pressing request to Iemitsu’s Clan alignment should be selected with the PC he will serve
make of the Emperor he will compete if invited and ask for a small as a rival to in mind.
cottage with a garden if he wins.
Ally Courtier C: Awareness, Intelligence, Calligraphy, Investigation, Lore: Art
D: Courtier, Lore: History, Lore: Heraldry, Lore: Law, Battle, Investigation, B: Etiquette, Lore: Law, Lore: Geography, Lore: Heraldry, Games: Go
Instruction, Commerce, Engineering, any other complex skill A: Courtier
C: Etiquette Agenda: As a personal friend of the host, Ayako has a vested interest in
B: Artisan: Gardening seeing that the winter passes without serious incident. After all, one
A: None doesn’t get a second chance to impress the Emperor. To that end, she
Agenda: Baramucha has a highly inflated view of his skills, ans will end will do her best to smooth over disagreements between Clans and settle
up embarrassing himself and his Clan if he is not stopped. He does, disagreements without undue trouble. What she’d really like for herself
however, have a hidden aptitude for landscaping and gardening, which he is a gift from the Emperor to remember this special event by, but such
engages in as a hobby. Unfortunately, persuading him to compete in such wishes will have to wait.
an endeavor rather than show off his "talents" in the higher skills will be
quite a task. TAKEDA EICHI
Baramucha’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more (INSPIRED BY CFS #12)
of the Player Characters. Ronin Bushi
C: Lore: Takeda Family, Craft: Farming, Hunting, Battle, Meditation
S HINICHIRO B: Agility, Void, Iaijutsu, Defense, Animal Handling (Horses), Kata routines
Ally Bushi Agenda: Claiming to be a descendant of the legendary ronin Takeda
C: Void, Defense, Lore: Ancestors, Lore: Weapons, Meditation, Kata Fujimu, Eichi seeks to reclaim his family’s lost lands and title. The lands
routines he claims are not that vast, and parting with them would be no great
B: Reflexes, Agility, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Lore: Bushido consequence for the Clan that currently holds them. Unfortunately, Eichi
A: None has no proof that he really is who he says he is. As such, he’ll attempt to
Agenda: Depending on which version of Shinichiro the PCs met, he show the truth of his claim the only way he can: by using his family’s
may be either eager or hesitant to use his skills with the sword. kenjutsu style to defeat all challengers.
Regardless, his family has great confidence in his abilities, and will
attempt to trade away the favors they earn from his victories before the OTOMO N AGASUNEHIKO
contest even begins. If Shinichiro does not win the competitions he (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #13)
enters his family may find themselves unable to uphold their part of the Imperial Courtier
bargain they have made. C: Tea Ceremony, Investigation, Lore: Politics, Lore: Economics, Artisan:
Shinichiro’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more Bonsai
of the Player Characters. B: Courtier, Calligraphy, Lore: Heraldry, Lore: Law, Lore: Gifts
A: Etiquette
N OBUISA Agenda: Fate has not been kind to Nagasunehiko. It all began when he
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #10, BUT NOT NAMED) turned away a young cook from the palace gates. Soon afterward he
Crab Bushi learned that the young man had been Sapphire Chef Kawachi, and that
C: Willpower, Strength, Athletics, Defense, Craft: Cooking, Shadowlands he’d come at the invitation of the Otomo daimyo’s cousin. Since that
Lore, Traps time he’s found himself relegated to increasingly less important duties.
B: Battle, Kenjutsu, Heavy Weapons, Engineering, Craft: Masonry, Lore: Nagasunehiko has long rued that day, and his hatred for the Sapphire
Superstitions Chef is almost at the boiling point.
A: None
Agenda: Nobuisa has spent the last year rebuilding the damage that an ENDOU
oni did to his family home. In the process, he has devised some new (INSPIRED BY CFS #14)
ideas for siege engines and fortifications that he would like to develop. If Mantis Bushi
possible, he’ll ask the Emperor to provide someone to take over his C: Commerce, Forgery, Locksmith, Knives, Deceit, Acting (Disguise), Read Lips
duties to his daimyo so that he can have free time to confer with learned B: Courtier, Underworld, Stealth, Kenjutsu, Jiujutsu, Know the School
Kaiu Engineers about what he has designed. (various bushi schools)
A: None
KITSU RURIKO Agenda: Whether or not they know it, Endou has been searching for
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #11 AND CFS #23, BUT NOT NAMED) the PCs for quite some time. At some point in their travels, they came across
Lion Shugenja an item that his employers would like returned, and it’s Endou’s job to
C: Calligraphy, Divination, Theology, Lore: Spirit Realms, Lore: Heraldry find it and get it back. Unless they no longer have the item. In that case,
B: Lore: History, Lore: Ancestors, Spellcraft, Meditation, Water magic it becomes his job to convince them that it is in their best interest to recover
A: Ancestor magic the missing item. Either that or make their deaths look like an accident.
Rival Shugenja Lion Bushi
C: Agility, Intelligence, Artisan: Tattooing, Kyujutsu, Lore: Law, Courtier (Gossip) C: Strength, Lore: Law, Courtier, Etiquette, Horsemanship
B: Spellcraft, Meditation, Lore: Maho, Polearms, Fire magic B: Jiujutsu, Battle, Kenjutsu, Defense, Hunting
A: None A: None
Agenda: Having been accused of being a maho-tsukai and almost Agenda: Kuma will not be at Winter Court unless his brother’s crimes
executed has done little to improve Yamazaki’s outlook on life. If were revealed. If so, ignore the events listed in Washi’s write-up.
anything, it has only served to make him more bitter and hateful toward Kuma has seen too many members of his family pass away in the past
others. Yamazaki will do his best to encourage others to compete against two years. His children were murdered. His father, Lord Takanobu, died
members of his rival’s Clan, even offering additional favors from his own soon after. And now he is forced to hunt down his own brother. Even in
Clan. He doesn’t care who wins, as long as the PC and his family loses. exile, Washi retains the loyalty of his followers, and has been able to
Yamazaki’s Clan alignment should be selected with the PC he will escape justice time and time again. But Kuma will call upon every ally he
serve as a rival to in mind. has if necessary. The ghosts of his children demand it.


Phoenix Courtier Lion Bushi
C: Perception, Commerce, Performance: Flute, Kenjutsu, Engineering C: Strength, Jiujutsu, Etiquette, Lore: Superstition, Battle
B: Etiquette, Courtier, Games: Go, Lore: Geography B: Deceit, Kenjutsu, Defense, Horsemanship, Hunting
A: None A: None
Agenda: Toshihisa has never been happier than since he married Agenda: Washi will not be present at Winter Court unless he was able
Hikaru. Not only does she manage their home well, but she has also to somehow pin the blame for his own crimes on his brother. If so,
proven herself to be quite resourceful. Though it is difficult for him to ignore the events listed in Kuma’s write-up.
say to her directly, he is very proud of her and glad to have such a Lord Takanobu named Washi his successor only hours before he
strong woman for a wife. He is even considering putting her name forth died. Before he was choked to death. Guards came forward with
for consideration as a teacher of kenjutsu at the dojo near their home. testimony implicating Washi’s own brother. The fact that Kuma fled
from the house when Washi tried to apprehend him only confirmed his
S HIBA HIKARU guilt. Now, Washi seeks help in hunting down and executing his brother,
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #17) for once he does his perfect crime will be complete.
Phoenix Bushi (formerly Crane Bushi)
C: Reflexes, Performance: Dance, Storytelling, Artisan: Painting, Etiquette, KEISUKE
Courtier, Tea Ceremony (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #26)
B: Agility, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Defense, Athletics, Kata routines Ronin Bushi
A: None C: Willpower, Underworld, Hunting, Stealth, Knives, Lore: Merchants
Agenda: Hikaru’s life has been a lot quieter since she married Toshihisa. B: Reflexes, Athletics, Kenjutsu, Jiujutsu, Defense, Peasant Weapons
There are times when she misses life on the road, but she has gotten A: None
used to being in charge of the household and does a fine job of managing Agenda: Having left his life in Kurushii’s band of robbers behind, Keisuke
the family’s affairs. Nonetheless, there are times when she wonders if is trying to make a new start in life. He has tracked down the family his
Toshihisa is truly happy with the woman she has become. Does he long father was from, and learned that he has an uncle named Wakasaburo. It
for a more cultured and demure wife, like her sister? Perhaps if she was took every bit of luck he had, but Keisuke was able to find out which
able to best Mizuho in a contest of courtly arts, instead of martial skill, castle Wakasaburo would be attending Court at and get himself invited
she would be the woman Toshihisa has always dreamed of. as well. He has yet to approach his uncle about his heritage, but he
hopes that if he can distinguish himself well in the contests that have
DOJI MIZUHO been announced he will be accepted into the Clan of his father’s birth.
C: Storytelling, Lore: Heraldry, Calligraphy, Performance: Flute (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #27, BUT NOT NAMED)
B: Tea Ceremony, Courtier, Etiquette, Performance: Dance Tortoise Merchant
A: Artisan: Painting C: Awareness, Reflexes, Navigation, Etiquette, Forgery, Underworld
Agenda: Mizuho cannot help but feel a twinge of envy when she looks B: Games: Dice, Deceit, Craft: Silk Weaving, Craft: Tailor, Lore: Trading
upon her sister. Hikaru and Toshihisa have settled into married life quite Houses, Lore: Fashion
comfortably, while she and Den’yu have yet to set an official date for A: Commerce
their marriage. Mizuho has no intention of stealing her sister’s husband, Agenda: Ochaku has managed to save the Kirekazu Silk Works from
but she figures that if she can show Den’yu that others appreciate her ruin by hitting upon the unique idea of cutting up bolts of silk for use as
womanly charms he just might get jealous and pay more attention to her ribbons, enabling him to make more money for less product. Due to his
instead of his work. poor reputation, it would be quite difficult for him to compete in the Emperor’s
contest. But Ochaku is not concerned with such things anyway. He’s
KAKITA DEN ’YU more interested in betting on the outcome of each game, and will approach
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #17, BUT NOT NAMED) anyone who looks like they might be tempted to join in the gambling.
Crane Artisan
C: Acting, Lore: Fashion, Tea Ceremony, Performance: Puppeteering, M IYA HORIKAWA
B: Awareness, Artisan: Origami, Artisan: Ikebana, Craft: Cooking, Imperial Courtier
Storytelling (Poetry) C: Etiquette, Lore: History, Lore: City Planning, Way of the Land (Various)
A: Lore: Art B: Navigation, Horsemanship, Lore: Heraldry, Calligraphy
Agenda: Den’yu takes pride in his skills as an artist, and is eager to A: Lore: Geography
show off for the assembled members of Court in the Emperor’s Agenda: Despite his brush with death at the hands of bandits, Horikawa
competition. But there is another reason why he competes as well. The remains devoted to his mission of mapping the Empire. He has noticed
Crane are attempting to curry favor with another Clan, and any favors that several villages have expanded since the last road maps were made,
Den’yu acquires will be used on behalf of members of that Clan. Den’yu and significant revisions are required in order to bring them up to date.
might even give the favors themselves away as gifts. But after the Crane He would never dream of saying that the Emperor’s maps were
have given so much, they’re sure to expect something in return. inaccurate. Rather, the villagers have failed to keep the governors
notified of new construction. Luckily, Horikawa himself is willing to make
the necessary inspections and adjustments to update the maps. He just
needs permission to requisition supplies, and maybe the services of a few
bodyguards to protect him while he travels.
RYOTA help himself. He figures that maybe, just maybe, if he uses them as a basis
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #31) for his own poems he’ll be able to write something great. But the contest
Ronin Bushi is approaching quickly, and he’s becoming more and more desperate.
C: Commerce, Defense, Jiujutsu, Knives, Animal Handling (Horses), Tatsu’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more of
Underworld the Player Characters.
B: Kenjutsu, Athletics, Craft: Carpentry, Lore: Crab Lands
A: None
Agenda: If the PCs encountered Ryota and let him live, they’ll find he (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #39 AND CFS #66)
has managed to turn his life around almost completely. He has found Sparrow Bushi
steady employment with the Crab Clan protecting shipments of iron ore C: Athletics, Etiquette, Medicine, Instruction, Craft: Fishing, Lore: Regional Products
and weapons going to and from the Kaiu smiths. It’s safe work, and he is B: Tea Ceremony, Knives, Lore: Food and Drink, Lore: Animals
able to support his family without trouble. However, he lives in constant A: Craft: Cooking
fear that someone will learn of his past as a bandit, for while such news Agenda: Anyone who knows Kawachi knows his biggest wish is to
would not end his relationship with the Crab, it would probably get him become the Emerald Chef. It has been his single biggest goal for the past
reassigned to a less desirable and much more dangerous position. year, and if he can impress the Emperor with his cooking, he stands a
chance at earning a place among the Imperial Kitchen staff. His dream
KUNI TOSHI has never been closer. But recently another dream has entered
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #35) Kawachi’s thoughts—having dinner with the sweet maiden Eriko. With
Crab Shugenja two precious dreams, could he bear to choose between them?
C: Courtier, Lore: Law, Kenjutsu, Meditation, Theology, Lore:
B: Perception, Willpower, Spellcraft, Shadowlands Lore, Earth magic (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #39.5)
A: Investigation Imperial Courtier
Agenda: With the defeat of Satsujinki and the destruction of the C: Lore: Food and Drink, Lore: Law, Lore: Heraldry, Calligraphy
Bloodscrolls, Kuni Toshi has turned his attentions to other artifacts that B: Courtier, Etiquette, Lore: Politics, Lore: Art
pose a threat to the Empire. His most recent target is the Horn of Saisei, A: None
last seen in the possession of Lady Osumi of the Phoenix. Believing that Agenda: Ever since tasting Kawachi’s cooking at last year’s Winter
the Horn would be much safer in the custody of the Crab, Toshi has Court, Amato has been a devout supporter of the aspiring chef. Amato
begun petitioning Osumi to turn the item over to him. So far the was the one who recommended Kawachi to the Otomo daimyo, and he
disagreement has been a personal matter between the two of them, but still regrets the fact that Kawachi was turned away. The entire incident
Toshi is prepared to cause a scene and reveal the matter to the entire has become somewhat of a sore point between him and his estranged
Court if Osumi continues to resist. cousin Nagasunehiko. So great is his faith in Kawachi’s abilities that he is
even considering betting on the outcome of the contest, wagering his
S AYA precious tapestry collection against Ensaku’s prized vase.
Ally Courtier
C: Tea Ceremony, Performance: Singing, Artisan: Ikebana, Artisan: (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #39.5)
Painting, Lore: Fashion Imperial Bushi
B: Awareness, Etiquette, Courtier, Storytelling (Oratory), Lore: Gifts C: Kyujutsu, Battle, Horsemanship, Athletics, Spears
A: None B: Reflexes, Agility, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Kata routines
Agenda: Things have gone smoothly for Saya since Kouji was reassigned A: Defense
to aid another diplomat. She has dealt with many of the skeletons in her Agenda: Karami has a secret shame, of which even Amato is unaware.
closet, and made several beneficial deals for her Clan. Now, with the One of his brothers was mistakenly charged with a crime and executed.
chance to win even greater favors, she is determined to do even more And while his family was later cleared of any guilt, there is still no official
for her people, starting with inviting the Emperor to visit her family’s record of his brother’s innocence. The stain on his family’s honor weighs
estate next year. on Karami heavily, and he would desperately like to put right this oversight.
Saya’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more of the A BBOT NIGASA
Player Characters.
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #36) C: Storytelling, Lore: Food and Drink, Water kiho, Earth kiho
Ally Courtier B: Void, Meditation, Theology, Lore: History, Lore: Myths
C: Intelligence, Perception, Etiquette, Courtier, Investigation A: None
B: Calligraphy, Commerce, Lore: Logistics, Lore: Law, Games: Shogi Agenda: There are many things that Nigasa would like the call upon the
A: None Emperor’s favor for. There is a village in the North that needs a skilled
Agenda: Even though he may be a member of the same Clan, Kouji healer. There are bandits roaming the land, preying upon the helpless.
bears no love for Saya and the PCs. He has yet to recive any promotions There are peasants whose homes have been destroyed by storms. All of
or recognition for his efforts, and he blames their meddling for his failure these problems could be solved with the Emperor’s influence. But, alas,
to advance. But he has a plan to change all that. When he served under Nigasa has no way to win a favor from the Emperor. If only someone
Saya she was always the one to win allies with her charming smile, while else could help him do so....
it fell to him to take care of the actual paperwork. If he can goad her M UKACHI
into entering a competition in one of his strong areas, he will finally be
able to show that his skills are superior to hers.
Phoenix Shugenja
Kouji’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match Saya’s.
D: Agility, Reflexes
TATSU C: Perception, Medicine, Tea Ceremony, Lore: Shugenja, Water magic,
Ally Bushi B: Calligraphy, Meditation, Spellcraft, Lore: Oracles, Lore: Superstitions
C: Medicine, Lore: Literature, Sleight of Hand, Chains, Peasant Weapons A: Divination
B: Storytelling (Poetry), Athletics (Kemari), Precise Memory Agenda: Mukachi wants to organize a meeting of shugenja, scholars, and
A: None (But using Yukishima’s poems give him Storytelling at this rank) specialists in fortune telling to discuss new developments in spellcraft.
Agenda: Tatsu wants to be a great poet, but he just can’t organize He even approached his daimyo about the idea, but was dismissed
words as well as the great masters. The fact that he lacks the patience to before he could convince him of its benefits. So he hopes the Emperor
practice and perfect his art doesn’t help. He wants to get famous quickly will be more receptive. But the presence of seers like Zeshin and The
and make his aunt Junko proud without going through any hard work. Author have eroded Mukachi’s hopes of winning a divination contest.
That’s why he has copied several poems from the notebook of the great Even though his own skills are formidable, his lack of confidence may
poet Yukishima. He knows what he has done is wrong, but he just can’t lead him to try his luck in other competitions first.
Crane Courtier Scorpion Bushi
C: Etiquette, Performance: Jesting, Investigation, Lore: Heraldry C: Etiquette, Tea Ceremony, Acting (Noh), Lore: Heraldry, Artisan:
B: Awareness, Storytelling, Games: Sadane, Lore: Current Events Porcelain Pottery
A: Courtier (Gossip) B: Courtier, Commerce, Lore: Law, Calligraphy, Lore: Art (Porcelain Vases)
Agenda: It’s possible that Yukio could win a favor from the Emperor on his A: None
own merits. If he did he’d be sure to use it to gain a position in the Emperor’s Agenda: While decorum has forced Onohisa to let the matter of his
staff. It’s more likely, however, that he’ll simply latch on to anyone who broken vase drop, his anger at Ensaku has not faded. To make matters
distinguishes themselves as a favorite of the Court and follow him or her worse, recent events have left his family in debt. He could part with
around simply for the sake of being seen with someone popular and famous. more items from his extensive collection, or even arrange a marriage for
his daughter into a rich family. But his daughter and his vases are both
TOSHIHIDE precious, and he’d rather find some other way to get the money he needs.
Scorpion Bushi C HOHEI
C: Kenjutsu, Polearms, Spears, Games: Sadane, Knives, Athletics (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #47, BUT NOT NAMED)
(Kemari), Performance: Dance, War Fans Unicorn Courtier
B: Deceit (Seduction), Know the School (Core Bushi schools), Defense, D: Strength
Chains, Kyujutsu C: Horsemanship, Animal Handling (Horses), Etiquette, Courtier
A: Agility B: Calligrapy, Theology, Staves, Lore: Geography
Agenda: Toshihide has been charged with a special mission in order to A: None
maximize the number of Scorpion Clan members who can gain favors Agenda: Chohei’s given a lot of thought to his future since he broke
from the Emperor. His job to enter as many martial contests as he can. Onohisa’s vase last year. He’s not sure if he’s cut out to be a courtier,
And while he’ll do his best to win, it’s not actually required of him. All he and he knows he could never pass the training required to become a
really needs to do is injure as many of his opponents as possible, bushi. The only real option left to him is to seek training as a shugenja.
preventing them from competing in any further games. The fact that he Luckily for him, his superiors have granted him permission to transfer to
enjoys hurting people is simply a bonus. a new school—provided he wins a favor on behalf of his Clan first.


Imperial Courtier Lion Bushi
C: Commerce, Lore: Heraldry, Lore: History, Battle, Investigation, C: Lore: Heraldry, War Fans, Tea Ceremony, Defense, Kyujutsu, Kata routines
Artisan: Painting B: Lore: History, Acting, Storytelling, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Battle
B: Meditation, Artisan: Bonsai, Courtier, Etiquette, Lore: Politics, Tea A: Lore: Drama
Ceremony Agenda: Minoru has always dreamed of presenting a full list of his
A: None heroic ancestors and their great deeds to the Emperor. If he manages to
Agenda: Shigeki has managed to work through the difficult times he was win a favor he’ll do exactly that. And with the next favor he wins he’ll
facing last year and regain a feeling of inner peace. He has balanced his commission a great work of art in their honor. And then a temple. He
duties to the Empire with his personal life, and taken up a number of won’t be satisfied until he’s claimed as many favors as he possibly can,
hobbies to help him relax. But while this helps him deal with the difficult making him a relentless competitor.
decisions he must make in his job, it does not make those choices any
less unpleasant for others. Someone is very upset with the way Shigeki ASAHINA S ADAHIRO OF HOUSE INOUE
has reorganized the men under his control, and has hired an assassin to (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #49)
kill him. In his relaxed state of mind, however, Shigeki may not realize Crane Shugenja
the danger he is in until it is too late. C: Etiquette, Courtier, Lore: History, Divination, Air magic
B: Shadowlands Lore (Oni), Spellcraft, Craft: Talismans
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #46, BUT NOT NAMED) Agenda: After his last encounter with an oni, Sadahiro has been
Mantis Bushi researching other incidents of Shadowlands activity within the Empire.
C: Commerce, Kenjutsu, Performance: Biwa, Defense, Lore: The Sea While he has turned up little more than rumors and hearsay, it is still
B: Craft: Sailing, Navigation, Peasant Weapons, Kyujutsu, Games: Dice enough to worry him, and he intends to ask the Emperor to station a
A: Deceit (Seduction) Jade Magistrate in the area near his home. Even if he does not win a
Agenda: The recent birth of a healthy son has put Jotaro in a good favor to use for this purpose, he will be quite outspoken in stating the
mood, even despite the shame he has suffered for his indiscretions with threat that such attacks present.
the serving girl who bore his child. With the announcement of the
contest, he hopes to win the right to request governorship of a thriving LORD U ESHIMA
fishing village, so that he might one day pass it on to his son. But he may (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #50)
find himself father to another son if he does not curb his womanizing Dragon Courtier
ways. C: Lore: Law, Lore: Heraldry, Games: Shogi, Athletics, Jiujutsu, Horsemanship
B: Stamina, Courtier, Etiquette, Spellcraft, Kenjutsu, Defense, Hunting
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #47, BUT NOT NAMED) Agenda: Last year’s attack by Oni no Kyohaku left Ueshima’s forces
Lion Courtier severely depleted. Several dozen of his best men were killed, and most
C: Courtier, Commerce, Storytelling, Artisan: Porcelain Pottery, Calligraphy of his remaining troops are unskilled. More than anything, he needs
B: Etiquette, Games: Go, Athletics (Kemari), Lore: History, Lore: Art support, either in the form of troops or rice, if he is to maintain his
(Porcelain Vases) defenses. Unfortunately, his pride has kept him from telling either
A: None Akamaru or Shouichiro of the dilemma that they all face, and any efforts
Agenda: Last year Onohisa brought a treasured vase to Ensaku’s home, made to solve this problem will be his alone.
where it was accidentally destroyed. In a surprising show of good faith,
Ensaku has brought one of his own vases to Court this year to show A KAMARU
Onohisa. Despite the problems last year, he’s not worried about anything (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #50)
happening. That’s because the vase is a fake. He’s still debating whether Dragon Bushi
to give the vase to Onohisa, barter it away, or stage an accident where it C: Storytelling (Oratory), Medicine, Spellcraft, Lore: Shugenja, Lore: Oni
is broken (although he favors the last choice, because it would give B: Etiquette, Kenjutsu, Lore: Heraldry, Theology, Acting
Onohisa a chance to see what it feels like to be put in such a situation). A: None
Agenda: Akamaru is a troubled young man. His beloved bride Moemi
has fallen ill, and his search for a shugenja capable of curing her has
turned up no leads. He’s willing to do anything to save her, but he has no retainers, or young Fusahiro’s interest in nezumi culture. He hopes that
idea who to turn to, and is becoming increasingly desperate. by showing off his skills in other areas and giving gifts to the other
If Oni no Kyohaku is present in the Court, Akamaru will automatically members of Court that he can make a name for himself other than “the
be able to see through his disguise. Rather than expose the oni for what Lord of Ratlings.”
he is, however, Akamaru will attempt to make a deal. He knows the oni
is bound to keep any promise it makes. If it promises to save Moemi, YASUKI JIROKICHI
there’s no telling what Akamaru might offer in return. (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #63)
Crab Courtier
S HOUICHIRO C: Instruction, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Etiquette (Sincerity), Courtier,
Crab Bushi B: Commerce, Lore: Merchants, Games: Dice, Animal Handling
C: Athletics, Horsemanship, Engineering, Battle, Kyujutsu, Heavy Weapons, (Goblins), Shadowlands Lore (Goblins)
Craft: Weaponsmithing A: None
B: Reflexes, Agility, Defense, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Spears, Knives Agenda: Jirokichi hopes to win a hunting contest by sending a pack of
A: None dogs into the woods to catch game. In reality, the actual hunting and
Agenda: Although he is employed as a yojimbo to Lord Ueshima, killing will be done by his goblin servants, with the dogs merely carrying
Shouichiro sees no reason why he should dedicate himself to gaining the spoils back out to their "master trainer." Hopefully, this will gain
favors for another. He has already promised Ueshima’s family his life and Jirokichi a chance to ask the Emperor to let his caravans bypass certain
his loyalty. Isn’t that enough? While it would be imprudent of him to inspections, and let him smuggle more goblins across the Empire.
make such an announcement publicly, Shouichiro does his best to make If Uulhan is present in the Court Jirokichi will become one of the
it known that anyone who needs a champion in their quest to get a favor goblin’s chief supporters, even offering to donate significant resources to
from the Emperor need only turn to him. So long as they bring ample civilizing his tribe of wayward goblins. It is, of course, just a ruse to help
payment, he will do his best. him get more followers.


Phoenix Shugenja Mantis Courtier (and pet)
C: Investigation, Medicine, Etiquette, Tea Ceremony, Lore: History C: Awareness, Horsemanship, Artisan: Ikebana, Artisan: Origami, Lore:
B: Intelligence, Shadowlands Lore, Lore: Law, Spellcraft, Calligaphy, Fire magic Foreign Lands, Games: Animal Tricks
A: Lore: Nemuranai B: Animal Handling (Several Types), Lore: Geography, Courtier, Etiquette,
Agenda: Life has made a number of demands on Osumi lately. Her Lore: Fashion
yoriki report that maho-tsukai and bandit activity has been on the rise, A: Lore: Animals
the horn of Oni no Saisei continues to deteriorate, and, to top it all off, Agenda: Eriko has two wishes this winter. One is to have a giant salamander
Kuni Toshi has gotten involved in her private affairs. There are too many brought from the Ivory Kingdoms for her menagerie. But the other is
problems to deal with everything at once, and Osumi is seriously that she might have the chance to become better acquainted with Kawachi.
considering using some of the less conventional resources at her disposal Although she has only talked to the young chef a few times she feels a
to solve some of her problems. deep connection with him already, and wonders what it would be like to
eat his cooking, or if he would get along well with her beloved Hana.
C: Agility, Intelligence, Void, Etiquette, Lore: History, Meditation, Games: Shogi Unicorn Bushi
B: Reflexes, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Kyujutsu, Craft: Bowyer, Lore: Naga Culture C: Defense, Battle, Kyujutsu, Animal Handling (Dogs), Lore: Barbarian Culture
A: None B: Strength, Stamina, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Athletics, Polearms, Heavy Weapons
Agenda: Since his meeting with Shishya, Chikayasu has put considerable A: Horsemanship
time and effort toward ensuring good relations with the Naga. Many Agenda: No one dares speak of Chinua’s reputation for cruelty openly.
within his Clan have scoffed at the amount of resources he has used in The fighting dogs he pits against one another are as ill-tempered and
what they believe to be a foolish endeavor. But Chikayasu sincerely vicious as he is. His long-standing feud with General Shutaro is well
believes that the Naga are worth having as allies. His current plan is to known, and many believe that the only favor he could possibly want
ask the Emperor to give him the resources to build a library of Rokugani from the Emperor is permission to duel his hated rival.
scrolls within a Naga city, so that they might learn more about human
society. But he will have to overcome the negative influences of his GENSHIRO & C HIBI
Unicorn Bushi (and pet)
TOKUKO C: Spears, Chains, Battle, Performance: Drums, Medicine, Athletics,
Dragonfly Courtier B: Horsemanship, Animal Handling (Dogs), Hunting, Kenjutsu, Jiujutsu,
C: Commerce, Meditation, Theology, Tea Ceremony, Lore: Naga Kata routines
B: Etiquette, Courtier, Artisan: Gardening, Lore: Politics A: None
A: None Agenda: Having found that Chibi makes up for what he lacks in strength
Agenda: Every time Chikayasu praises Tokuko for her fine service she and size with intelligence, Genshiro decided to keep and train the small
feels worse about what she must do. Unless she can come up with one dog. Since that time, the two have perfected a number of tricks, which
hundred koku, the truth about her brother’s involvement in the opium Genshiro will use in an attempt to gain the Emperor’s favor.
trade will be revealed. With no idea who the blackmailer is, she has no Unfortunately, he plans to ask the Emperor for permission to serve in
choice but to pay the money and hope he will leave her alone. But what the Imperial Legions, which will likely mean that he will have to part
other way can she get that much money besides diverting it from from Chibi once again.
Chikayasu’s coffers?
Crab Bushi C: Stamina, Hunting, Craft: Weaponsmithing, Knives, Defense
C: Strength, Courtier, Lore: Ratlings, Defense, Kyujutsu, Horsemanship B: Willpower, Shadowlands Lore, Heavy Weapons, Kenjutsu
B: Etiquette, Kenjutsu, Polearms, Games: Go, Acting (Noh) A: None
A: None Agenda: If the PCs helped Masaaki they’ll find him very, very grateful.
Agenda: Fusanori has had to put up with some unkind rumors being But life has been difficult for him since losing his leg in the Shadowlands.
spread about him since his son was rescued by a ratling. He really wishes He managed to avoid the Taint, but his handicap and the lingering fear
people would stop talking about his decision to make Ik’rik’uk one of his that he may be infected by the Dark Lord’s touch make it extremely
difficult for him to find employment. His deepest wish is to be given HIDEKO & S ATSUKO
stewardship over a quiet village where he can life out his life peacefully, (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #77)
and he would do anything for someone who could make that happen. Scorpion Courtiers
C: Intelligence, Deceit, Lore: Fashion, Calligraphy, Tea Ceremony, Investigation
B: Awareness, Etiquette, Courtier (Manipulation), Craft: Cooking,
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #73 AND CFS #74) Knives, Performance: Dance
Crab Shugenja A: None
C: Stamina, Strength, Anatomy, Kenjutsu, Athletics, Spellcraft, Defense Agenda: After the incident that nearly tore his family apart, Tozai
B: Willpower, Heavy Weapons, Jiujutsu, Battle, Medicine, Earth magic decided that it was impossible to keep his wife and his lover under the
A: Shadowlands Lore same roof. One of the two women was sent away to serve as a liaison to
Agenda: Even after his disastrous march into the Shadowlands, the Imperial Clerks. The other was allowed to stay, and used the
Kuroshige remains convinced that the only way to defend against the opportunity to regain Tozai’s good graces. As it stands now, the woman
Horde is to present a strong offense. He plans to lead another group of who was allowed to stay holds Tozai’s full affections.
samurai on a hunt for trolls and ogres in the spring, and will do his best Depending on how things turned out, either Hideko or Satsuko could
to secure any logistic support or supplies he can find. have been forced to leave Tozai’s home. Whichever lady was sent away
C HASUMI will be sure to bear the other quite a bit of ill will, and the friction
between them is certain to make things difficult for Tozai.
The fact that these two women share many of the same skills is not
Unicorn Artisan
accidental. They are meant to be perfect rivals for each other.
C: Awareness, Etiquette, Lore: Art, Lore: Gifts,
B: Artisan: Bonsai, Artisan: Gardening, Lore: Plants REI
A: Artisan: Ikebana (INSPIRED BY CFS #79-B)
Agenda: Flowers are Chasumi’s art, and her life. She has spent years Dragon Shugenja
perfecting her skills, and acquired a reputation as one of the best artisans C: Intelligence, Perception, Kyujutsu, Theology, Calligraphy, Fire magic
in the area. She’d like nothing more than the chance to assist the B: Meditation, Investigation, Spellcraft, Lore: Riddles, Void magic
caretakers of the gardens in the Imperial Palace. But she knows the A: None
competition will be fierce, and worries that her skills outside of Agenda: Rei was once the student of Anaume, and dreamed of
gardening are too limited. following in her master’s footsteps to become a magistrate. Since her
GENERAL S HUTARO teacher’s death, however, she has been seeking a new purpose in life,
and wonders if she can’t serve her Clan better by recovering lost
wisdom. She’s heard rumors of secret records kept in the Shosuro
Lion Bushi
Libraries, but would need a sponsor as powerful as the Emperor himself
C: Perception, Strength, Spears, Lore: History, Instruction, Athletics,
to have any hope of being granted entry.
Craft: Armorsmithing
B: Agility, Battle, Kenjutsu, Defense, Kyujutsu, Horsemanship, Kata U MIKARO
A: Games: Shogi Mantis Bushi
Agenda: Despite having finished his maneuvers for the year, Shutaro C: Reflexes, Navigation, Investigation, Craft: Sailing, Performance: Flute,
remains troubled. Civilian losses were heavy, and a number of defensive Medicine
structures in the area he patrolled were damaged. Believing that he B: Agility, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Lore: Law, Hunting, Craft: Fishing
could do more to protect the region if given more authority, Shutaro A: None
intends to ask the Emperor to name him the new governor. Agenda: Umikaro is still feeling the sorrow of having failed to protect
A BBOT OSHO the city he was assigned to guard from the predations of the bandit lord
Kurushii. Seeing no way to escape his shame, he’d like to join a
Deathseeker unit, and hopes for permission to join one. He’ll join any
Monk Teacher
contest he possibly can to gain a favor to use to this end.
C: Intelligence, Investigation, Medicine, Staves, Lore: History, Craft: Sculpture
B: Perception, Void, Theology, Meditation, Instruction, Water kiho LADY M OMOYO
Agenda: Osho’s main concern during Court will be to see that his Unicorn Courtier
pupils, Yuta and Niimai, don’t cause any trouble. Even though he is not C: Awareness, Theology, Horsemanship, Artisan: Fashion, Lore: Food
from their Clan, he takes his responsibility as their mentor very and Drink
seriously, especially seeing as their behavior reflects on his ability to B: Tea Ceremony, Courtier, Etiquette, Lore: Music, Artisan: Bonsai
teach them proper etiquette. But Osho would also like the chance to A: None
show off his skills as a teacher. A good enough presentation might gain Agenda: This winter has brought a number of surprises for Momoyo. It
him more students, or even a chance to teach the children of the was her husband’s intention to punish her by sending her to a minor
Imperial families. Court while he basked in luxury. Instead, she has found herself brushing
TOZAI shoulders with the Emperor. And, even more surprisingly, her old lover
Tousuke somehow managed to find an invitation to the same Court despite
her husband’s best efforts. As long as she is careful not to let anyone see
Scorpion Bushi
the two of them together, the season promises to be quite enjoyable.
C: Battle, Lore: Heraldry, Lore: Economics, Courtier, Defense
B: Polearms, Etiquette, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Games: Shogi TOUSUKE
Agenda: Tozai has three big problems this winter. He’s supposed to Tortoise Courtier
request Imperial aid for his province with Otomo Ayako. But the D: Reflexes
presence of Hideko and Satsuko make it difficult for him to present his C: Deceit (Seduction), Commerce, Performance: Jesting, Storytelling
case in a sympathetic manner. And to make matters worse some "Judge" (Poetry), Lore: Fashion, Lore: Gifts, Calligraphy
keeps sending him letters threatening to "reveal his lies to the Court." B: Courtier, Etiquette, Performance: Shamisen, Performance: Singing,
Suffice it to say, his patience is running extremely thin, and it is all he can Lore: Romantic Epics
do to keep from lashing out at those around him. A: None
Agenda: Tousuke’s standing orders are to secure gifts of fine steel and
grain from the Emperor in order to build the financial might of his Clan.
His first priority, however, is to spend as much time in the company of
Lady Momoyo as possible, recreating their childhood romance. If he is
not careful, he may find himself with nothing to show for the winter
once it has ended.
S HIORI him an excellent target for more skilled manipulators, and he’ll need help
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #81) if he’s to get through the winter unscathed. Likewise, he’ll also require
Ally Courtier guidance if he manages to win a favor from the Emperor. Without
C: Perception, Awareness, Calligraphy, Lore: Gifts, Performance: Biwa, someone to suggest a better use, he’ll waste his favor asking for a
Tea Ceremony relatively minor amount of koku, which he’ll go through all too quickly.
B: Intelligence, Courtier, Etiquette, Lore: (Hirohisa’s Clan), Storytelling
Agenda: Depending on her feelings for Hirohisa, the players might find Phoenix Shugenja
Shiori overjoyed, or dismal. At the behest of Otomo Ayako, the two are C: Calligraphy, Theology, Lore: Ninja, Games: Go, Air magic
to be wed in a ceremony that will bring their respective Clans closer B: Meditation, Spellcraft, Investigation, Lore: Law, Deceit (Intimidation),
together. As such, Shiori would be very interested in ensuring that Fire magic
Hirohisa sees her in a positive light, so that she might enjoy a relatively A: None
peaceful marriage. The only problem is that she doesn’t know how to Agenda: Never one to seek out glory for herself, Fujiko would rather
gain his friendship. leave direct competition to others. Instead, she has devised another way
Shiroi’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more of to help her Clan win the favors that the Emperor offers. Just as bandits
the Player Characters. can often be scared away simply with a show of force, she intends to
convince others that it would be in their best interests not to oppose
HIROHISA her Clansmen. Some may be deterred by rumors of great skill, while
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #81) others might be bought off with promises of help in return. Either way,
Rival Bushi she reasons that the best way to win is to be the only one playing.
C: Reflexes, Agility, Battle, Lore: (Shiori’s Clan), Kyujutsu, Meditation
B: Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Defense, Lore: Bushido, Animal Handling (Falconry),
A: None Dragon Bushi
Agenda: No matter what his feelings for Shiori, Hirohisa will accept his C: Artisan: Painting, Meditation, Tea Ceremony, Lore: Bushido, Kyujutsu
betrothal without complaint. Likewise, any favors he wins will be used B: Agility, Kenjutsu, Horsemanship, Hunting, Battle, Lore: History
for the benefit of his Clan. Such is the duty of a samurai—to serve A: None
without complaint. There is however, one thing he would like for Agenda: Until recently, there was nothing suspicious about Noritada’s
himself, even if he could never bring himself to request it. He dreams of behavior. Upon coming to Winter Court, however, he has been quite
having a hawk from the Emperor’s own aviary, and anyone who could tense and agitated. Noritada’s daughter has been kidnapped by the
get one for him would certainly earn his undying gratitude. bandit lord Kurushii. If he wins a favor and uses it to present testimony
Hirohisa’s Clan alignment should be selected with his rivalry to that Kurushii is innocent of any wrongdoing, his daughter will be
Shiori’s Clan in mind. returned unharmed. Of course, he cannot explain his strange behavior
to anyone, and he’s sure to become unpopular by claiming that Kurushii
TAKUYA was framed, but he cares only for the safety of his beloved daughter.
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #82) Those who know of Noritada’s recent conflict with faceless shapeshifters
Ally Bushi may be especially suspicious of his strange and secretive actions.
C: Perception, Kyujutsu, Battle, Games: Shogi, Lore: Heraldry, Iaijutsu,
Kata routines
B: Kenjutsu, Spears, Athletics, Lore: History, Artisan: Origami (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #93)
A: None Crane Courtier
Agenda: Takuya hasn’t given up on his dreams of glory. He hopes to ask D: Gullible
the Emperor for a chance to serve in the Imperial Legions, or even the C: Courtier, Acting, Games: Children’s Games, Lore: Fashion, Craft: Cooking
Imperial House Guard. In order to do so he’ll first have to prove his B: Tea Ceremony, Etiquette, Artisan: Origami, Performance: Singing
skills, and he’s certain to enter any contest he stands even the slightest A: None
chance at winning in hopes of doing so. The fact that Miki is likely to Agenda: If the PCs can count on one person to help them this winter,
request the same thing only makes him more desperate to win a favor as it’s Itsuko. While she does not command a great deal of influence, she is
quickly as possible. genuinely friendly and wishes to be helpful. And she doesn’t even want
Takuya’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match one or more of anything in return, as the only favor she could want is to see the Empire,
the Player Characters. which she already plans to do in the spring. As such, she may be the best
friend the party could possibly have.
C: Agility, Kenjutsu, Lore: Ancestors, Performance: Dance, Athletics, Mantis Courtier
Animal Handling (Falconry), Kata routines C: Performance: Shamisen, Tea Ceremony, Calligraphy, War Fans,
B: Kyujutsu, Battle, Games: Shogi, War Fans, Horsemanship Artisan: Ikebana, Storytelling (Poetry)
A: None B: Awareness, Commerce, Etiquette, Courtier, Lore: Fashion
Agenda: Like Takuya, Miki also continues to strive for a position in the A: Deceit (Seduction)
Imperial Guard. And while their rivalry remains friendly, they both know Agenda: Natsumi has no intention of competing in the Emperor’s game
that they will need to put forth their best efforts in order to win such a if she doesn’t have to. While she might want to ask him for permission
prestigious appointment. Every contest Takuya enters is a chance for to send a ship to trade with Yobanjin, she sees no reason to compete
him to achieve his goal before Miki does, and vice versa. So if one of when she can simply ask some lovestruck fool to win the favor for her.
them enters a specific competition, the other one is sure to follow. After all, isn’t that why she was given such beauty in the first place?
Miki’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match Tatsuya’s. KATAKI
Rival Courtier
Ronin Bushi C: Investigation, Acting, Lore: (Rival Clan), Deceit
C: Willpower, Underworld, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Games: Dice, Peasant B: Intelligence, Etiquette, Storytelling (Oratory), Courtier, Games: Sadane,
Weapons, Animal Handling (Dogs) Lore: Literature, Lore: Insults
B: Reflexes, Jiujutsu, Athletics, Commerce, Lore: Ryoko Owari (or other A: None
relevant city), Defense Agenda: Kataki deeply regrets ever helping the PCs. She only told her
A: None hated rival that Natsumi was playing with his heart because her honor
Agenda: This is the biggest social gathering young Ryuken has ever been demanded it. But now people are whispering that she did it out of
to, and he has no clue how to handle himself. His brash nature makes unrequited love. The very idea would be ridiculous if it were not so
appalling. Kataki’s hate for the PCs has never been stronger, and she NON-COMPETITORS
won’t mince words in telling him how she really feels. The following characters are not likely to participate in the games that
Kataki’s Clan alignment should be selected with the PC she will serve the host of Winter Court has organized, but may influence the events that
as a rival to in mind. go on in some other way. At the very least, they can provide alternate
KAZARI-HIME avenues of help or information for the PCs.
Imperial Shugenja (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #21 AND CFS #89)
C: Perception, Void, Calligraphy, Meditation, Storytelling, Theology, Monk (formerly Dragon Bushi)
Kyujutsu, Defense, War Fans, Fire magic, Water magic C: Meditation, Theology, Instruction, Lore: Weapons, Kata routines, Fire kiho
B: Awareness, Intelligence, Spellcraft, Kenjutsu, Courtier, Etiquette, B: Agility, Reflexes, Void, Craft: Weaponsmithing, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu
Artisan: Ikebana, Tea Ceremony, Performance: Biwa, Air magic A: None (but Craft: Weaponsmithing was formerly at this rank)
A: Lore: Riddles Agenda: Yoshimoto is still trying to adjust to retirement. On one hand,
Agenda: If no one has yet managed to solve the riddles which Kazari- the fact that he is considered a living legend for both his swordplay and
hime posed to her suitors, she will offer a new challenge, open to his skill in forging weapons brings him great satisfaction. On the other
anyone who first beats her in a contest of skill. On the walls of her hand, it also means that his slow descent into old age is that much more
chambers hang tools of every variety, from chopsticks and brushes to devastating. While Yoshimoto does not wish to compete for himself,
hammers and spears. Whoever can find "the tool that is the most useful there are sure to be those who pester him to display his skills, and the
and important" will be able to claim her hand in marriage (or gain a favor more they ask the harder it will be to refuse politely.
from her if she is already married).
Answer Follows: The question is a trick. The "most useful and J UNPEI
important tool" is actually the challenger’s own hands, or possibly his (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #30)
brain. Any other answer will be dismissed, regardless of its merit. Heimin Child
C: Animal Handling (Horses), Lore: Animals
REIKA B: Games: Children’s Games, Craft: Farming
Lion Bushi Agenda: After his father died in an accident, Junpei was sent to study
C: Strength, Lore: History, Lore: Drama, Battle, Etiquette with his grandfather, a stable-hand for the Unicorn. It was there that he
B: Athletics (Kemari), War Fans, Kenjutsu, Jiujutsu, Lore: Literature, met Mari. Although they came from completely different worlds, Junpei
Lore: Romantic Epics became smitten on her, and began doing whatever he could to get her
A: None attention. Now that she has begun spying on Tozai, he has expressed a
Agenda: The one thing Reika truly wants is something that no noble or desire to help her and get involved. But if he was caught interfering in
Emperor can give. She dreams of marrying for love, but she is betrothed the business of a samurai there would be dire consequences.
to a man she barely knows. The last few months have been filled with
despair. But recently she has met a man who seems to understand her L ADY JUNKO
feelings of loneliness, and can speak to her as a kindred spirit. His name (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #37, BUT NOT NAMED)
is Sunechi, and though she is not attracted to him, she trusts him Ally Courtier
completely. D: Stamina, Strength, Reflexes, Agility
C: Courtier, Etiquette, Lore: Ancestors
ZESHIN B: Storytelling, Lore: History, Theology
Scorpion Shugenja Agenda: Once Junko was a beautiful and respected courtier. But that
C: Intelligence, Etiquette, Lore: Law, Spellcraft, Lore: Shugenja was long ago, before her body began to fail her. Now, it is all she can do
B: Awareness, Perception, Divination, Courtier, Investigation, Meditation, to get out of bed by herself. She has made her peace with the world and
Air magic is ready to meet her ancestors, but there is one lingering regret that
A: Inner Gift: Empathy troubles her. She worries about her grandson, Tatsu, and what will
Agenda: Zeshin’s divination abilities are limited to learning the secrets become of him once she is gone.
of other people, so he’ll try to arrange any contest of skill toward so Junko’s Clan alignment should be chosen to match Tatsu’s.
that it involves such a demonstration. If his power becomes known to
the Court at large, however, he’ll soon find himself the target of M ARI
assassination attempts by every bloodspeaker, ninja, monster, and bandit (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #42)
in the Court. Such villains won’t care that he is unable to tell which Unicorn Child
secret belongs to which person—they’ll just kill him and be done with it. C: Calligraphy, Etiquette, Courtier, Lore: Law
B: Perception, Forgery, Deception, Games: Children’s Games
G ONBEI A: Investigation
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #98) Agenda: At the request of her friend Chifune, Mari has taken up her
Heimin Servant "Judge" persona once again. Sometimes she spies on Tozai directly.
C: Awareness, Stealth, Etiquette (Sincerity), Animal Handling (Horses), Sometimes she lets Junpei do it for her. She knows she is playing a
Lore: Samurai dangerous game, but it’s so much more exciting than the boring routines
B: Intelligence, Peasant Weapons, Craft: Housekeeping, Craft: Cooking, of Court, and she honestly wants to help Chifune. But Tozai is much
Deceit more respected than Toshihide ever was, and angering him would be
A: None very dangerous.
Agenda: Gonbei has his heart set on becoming a samurai and escaping
the life of a servant. If he can secure permission to compete, he’ll do YUKISHIMA
everything he can to win a favor from the Emperor, including sabotaging (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #43)
other competitors. Of course, he can’t ask to be made a samurai, but he Monk Poet (formerly Unicorn Poet)
figures that using his favor on behalf of the family he serves will garner C: Intelligence, Lore: Art, Lore: History, Meditation, Theology, Courtier
him the last bit of respect and admiration needed to be nominated for B: Awareness, Calligraphy, Lore: Literature, Lore: Famous Places in the
elevation to samurai status. Empire, Etiquette
A: Storytelling (Poetry)
Agenda: Yukishima does his best to avoid the Courts since his
retirement. People still approach him at times and ask for recitals, to
which he responds politely with a poem or two before returning to his
duties. As a member of the local temple, he still hears a lot of what goes
on in the Court however, and will be interested in news about anyone
who shows an aptitude for poetry.
YUMI joined the army. His only recourse was to join himself as well. His
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #45) experience as a skirmisher in his youth probably ended up saving his
Geisha son’s life in the battle that followed. Both father and son would like to
C: Investigation, Courtier, Calligraphy, Craft: Cooking, Performance: return home, but as long as Shutaro remains on his campaign they must
Shamisen, Lore: Fashion, Lore: Art march with him.
B: Awareness, Artisan: Ikebana, Artisan: Origami, Etiquette, Instruction,
Many different Lore skills, Performance: Singing, Performance: Dance,
Storytelling, Tea Ceremony (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76)
A: None Dragon Students
Agenda: As a geisha, Yumi has less chance of being allowed to compete in C: Theology, Etiquette, Spellcraft, Medicine, Water magic
the Emperor’s contest than many of the non-Rokugani guests. If approached, B: Meditation, Lore: Local Villages, Craft: Temple Cleaning
she could give useful advice on a wide range of subjects that would be a A: None
big help to anyone who listened. But the only way her skills would truly Agenda: Yuta and Niimai are nearing their gempukku, and will likely
shine is if she there was some way she could participate directly. leave Abbot Osho’s training in the spring. Though they are not yet fully
recognized as adults, they are no longer children either, and may be
I KUE admitted to Court functions if they are quiet and behave themselves. For
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #46, BUT NOT NAMED) Niimai, this is no problem. Yuta, on the other hand, would much rather
Heimin Servant slip away to spend time with Ai.
C: Craft: Cooking, Performance: Singing
B: Craft: Housekeeping, Craft: Tailor
Agenda: Life has taken a wonderful turn for Ikue, and she has the PCs Crane Student
to thank for it. After acknowledging her child as his own son, Jotaro C: Courtier, Etiquette, Calligraphy, Tea Ceremony
took her on as a concubine. While she will probably never advance B: Lore: Gifts, Craft: Gardening, Performance: Singing
beyond her current station, her son will grow up to be a samurai. As a A: None
mother, it is more than she could hope for. Agenda: Ai’s training is also nearing its completion, and her family has
If Ikue’s father is still working as a servant for one of the PCs, he will said they will send her to serve in a distant court once she has
also be very glad for this good news. completed her gempukku. To a girl in love, however, such news is like a
death sentence. She cannot bear the thought of saying goodbye to Yuta,
M OEMI and is afraid to even tell him, for she dreams of staying by his side forever.
Phoenix Courtier
C: Awareness, Lore: Fashion, Storytelling, Tea Ceremony (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76)
B: Performance: Singing, Artisan: Ikebana, Etiquette, Courtier Heimin Laborers
A: None C: Lore: Superstitions, Animal Handling (Horses)
Agenda: Moemi is barely well enough to get out of bed these days. The B: Games: Dice, Craft: Farming
grave illness that has befallen her defies all attempts at conventional A: Luck (for Hiroshi), Unluck (for Daisuke)
healing, and even magical cures are of limited effectiveness. Despite this, Agenda: Life is difficult for unskilled workers like Hiroshi and Daisuke.
however, her main concern is for her beloved Akamaru. As long as some Lacking any special skills with which to serve their samurai lords, the
kind soul remained to comfort him in his time of need, Moemi would be only way they can earn a living is by performing simple jobs. The most
able to pass on without regrets. common is hauling heavy boxes or bushels of rice from place to place.
Hiroshi doesn’t mind so much, as good fortune seems to come easy for
F USAHIRO him no matter what he does or where he goes. For Daisuke, however,
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #60, BUT NOT NAMED) every day brings some new problem or trouble for his wife to pester
Crab Child him about.
C: Lore: Nature, Games: Children’s Games
B: Lore: Ratlings, Ratling Language
Agenda: Despite his young age, Fusahiro knows more about the nezumi Heimin Servant
than most adults. Since he was rescued from the woods by Ik’rik’uk, he C: Craft: Farming, Lore: Rumors
has looked up to the ratling scout with great admiration. The two are B: Craft: Housekeeping, Craft: Cooking
often found together, and Fusahiro’s greatest wish is to someday A: None
become a master hunter, like the nezumi. Fusanori hopes this is simply a Agenda: Tachiko’s life would be perfect if it weren’t for her husband’s
stage that the boy is going through, for while he is glad to have allies gambling. She can’t count high enough to keep track of how many times
among the nezumi, he would rather his son behaved more like a samurai. he’s lost their savings to Hiroshi in a dice game. When she heard that
the two layabouts would be going to Court she made sure that she would
S ONODA be brought along as well, lest they continue their gambling all winter.
Heimin Servant
C: Shadowlands Lore, Lore: Law, Etiquette, Spears (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76)
B: Instruction, Craft: Carpenter, Lore: Local Villages Monk
A: Lore: History D: Perception
Agenda: Sonoda has seen many things in his time. He’s served in the C: Meditation, Theology, Navigation, Staves
armies of the Crab. He’s worked as an assistant to traveling local B: Storytelling, Lore: Vegetables
magistrate. He’s even been to the Imperial Court as a guard. And while A: None
he knows it is not an old man’s place to offer advice on important Agenda: Kero continues to wander the countryside, drinking heavily
matters, he prides himself on being an excellent listener. and rambling incoherently. His two favorite topics are the many
injustices he has suffered ("I used to be a great temple master!") and the
HARUHIDE & HARUKI virtues of domestic plants ("Consider the noble turnip..."), which he will
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #76) speak about in great detail to anyone who listens. Despite his disheveled
Ashigaru Soldiers appearance, he does seem to be a monk, and is thus regarded with some
C: Defense, Athletics, Peasant Weapons leniency, if not respect.
B: Spears, Lore: Samurai, Craft: Farming
A: None
Agenda: This summer saw Haruki get his first taste of battle as an (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #77)
ashigaru under the command of General Shutaro. Following his wayward Scorpion Shugenja
son to the general’s camp, Haruhide found that Haruki had already C: Etiquette, Meditation, Calligraphy, Artisan: Painting
B: Awareness, Stealth, Spellcraft, Air magic WAKANAI, THE WHISPERER
Agenda: Despite being three years older, Chifune hit it off with Mari as Phoenix Shugenja
soon as the two girls met. Both had been forced to face unpleasant C: Courtier (Gossip), Deceit (Seduction), Investigation, Air magic
situations at an early age, and had grown up quickly. And both had an B: Willpower, Knife, Stealth, Shadowlands Lore, Maho magic
intense dislike of liars and hypocrites. So when Mari told Chifune of how A: Special Ability: Silent Casting
she’d gotten her revenge on Toshihide, Chifune’s first reaction was to Agenda: If the PCs managed to defeat The Whisperer the first time
use a similar trick on her father, in the hopes that being shamed in public they encountered him, they will find that his mantle has been taken up by
will make him change his ways. one of his students. Named for his unusual ability to cast spells and
command oni without raising his voice above a whisper, he has returned
SPECIAL GUESTS & PARTY CRASHERS to take vengeance on Nobuisa, the PCs, and anyone else who may have
Keep in mind that the following characters are provided only for the sake wronged him. His main goal is to summon kansen or minor oni servants
of completeness, and should be used sparingly. Including them all would into the palace and cause chaos, but he will take any chance at revenge
make for a very chaotic Winter Court. If that’s the kind of thing you like, he can get.
however, feel free. It might be interesting to try a Winter Court where
everyone is a secret assassin.... GEMPACHI
GIMEI Rival Shugenja
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #1.5, BUT NOT NAMED) C: Perception, Intelligence, Kenjutsu, Calligraphy, Maho magic
Monk (actually Tainted Shugenja) B: Acting, Deceit, Spellcraft, Investigation, Knives, Peasant Weapons,
C: Meditation, Spellcraft, Juijutsu, Poison, Anatomy, Shadowlands Lore Lore: Law
B: Willpower, Acting, Calligraphy, Theology, Knife, Maho magic A: None
A: None Agenda: Gempachi’s attempt to frame others for the use of maho may
Agenda: Gimei is the bloodspeaker who impersonated Master Jianzhen have failed, but in the short time he was able to pose as a magistrate he
in an attempt to find a pure soul to sacrifice in a dark ritual. It’s been was able to uncover some very potent secrets. Such as Tokuko’s
some time since he used that name, however, and he’s banking on no brother’s involvement in the opium trade. And she’s only the first of his
one recognizing him. His current plan is to collect donations on behalf of intended blackmail victims. Once she gives him the money he needs, he’ll
his temple (actually a front for cultists), but he’s not adverse to inviting start bribing servants to give him even more dirty secrets about the
pilgrims to visit him in the spring, and would invite the Emperor himself members of Court.
if given the chance. Gempachi’s Clan alignment should be selected with the PC he will
S HOSURO RENSUKE serve as a rival to in mind.
Scorpion Bushi (actually Ninja) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #24, BUT NOT NAMED)
C: Perception, Poison, Knives, Kyujutsu, Kenjutsu, Athletics Gaki Spirit
B: Agility, Reflexes, Defense, Acting, Deceit, Ninja Ranged D: Willpower
A: Stealth C: Lore: Food and Drink, Investigation, Theology
Agenda: Shosuro Rensuke is actually the ninja shapeshifter Goju Ryosuke B: Deceit (Seduction), Courtier, Lore: Spirit Realms
(who also appeared as Matsu Ryosuke). His mission is to disrupt the A: None
Court, sow distrust, and cause unease and suspicion in the Clans. As Agenda: It took Nurari several months to return to the human world
Rensuke, he will claim to seek a blood feud against another member of after the last time he was exorcised. Now that he has made his way
the Court to avenge the sullied honor of his sister. It’s all a lie, of course, back, however, he’s eager to continue feeding. The more feelings of
but a lie can be accepted as truth if enough people believe it. All he arousal and desire he can consume the sooner he will be able to be
needs is a suitable victim. reborn and move on in the kharmic cycle. Unfortunately, he has a bad
M IYUKI habit of possessing people without their permission, and will probably
have to be driven off once more.
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #6, BUT NOT NAMED) Nurari’s Clan allegiance should be selected with his former
Snow Maiden Shugenja
relationship to the PCs in mind.
C: Performance: Flute, Medicine, Etiquette, Artisan: Sculpting (Ice), Air
B: Meditation, Theology, Lore: Spirits, Lore: Shugenja, Water magic (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #26)
A: Special Ability: Weather Control Ronin Bushi
Agenda: Miyuki is attending Court at the insistence of her old friend C: Reflexes, Knives, Battle (Ambush), Deceit (Intimidation), Athletics,
Fumimaro, and is less than comfortable about being in such a dynamic Horsemanship
social situation. While she has gained some control over her Snow B: Strength, Agility, Stealth, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Defense
Maiden abilities, she is still wary of causing a scene. If Fumimaro gives her A: Underworld
proper encouragement, however, she could be convinced to display her Agenda: Although there is no way Kurushii could gain entry into
power over ice and snow. Her only wish, besides Fumimaro’s happiness Winter Court, he will still be able to have some influence in it. Upon
is a small flower garden for her shrine. Finding a way to sustain flowers learning of the Emperor’s announcement, he managed to kidnap the
in such a frigid environment would be a major challenge. young daughter of Lord Noritada. His demands are quite simple. If
XUP, XOWN , XRANGE , XHARM , XOTTOM , & XOP Noritada wins a favor from the Emperor and uses it to clear Kurushii’s
name of any wrongdoing, his daughter will be returned safely.
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #7 AND CFS #79-C, BUT NOT NAMED) Otherwise, the bandit’s rage will be terrible indeed.
C: Lore: Food and Drink, Performance: Belching, Locksmith, Air magic A BE, GUNJI, & I ZO
B: Athletics, Defense, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Games: Pranks (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #29, BUT NOT NAMED)
A: Lore: Insults Ronin Bushi x 2, Ronin Shugenja x 1
Agenda: This pack of mujina just want to have fun. Is that so wrong? If C: Athletics, Defense, Knives, Kenjutsu, Battle (Ambush)
they’ve crossed paths with the PCs before they’ll be sure to single them B: Underworld, Hunting, Traps, Deceit, Air magic (Izo only)
out for special attention, but they’re just as likely to torment servants or A: None
courtiers as well. They only individuals who seem immune from their Agenda: There used to be several more members of this resourceful
games are shugenja (and Shadowlands creatures or Ninja who are bandit gang, but Abe, Gunji, and Izo are the only ones who haven’t been
attending Court under an assumed guise). caught yet. Being repeatedly ambushed and robbed by a heroic ronin
named Kintaro didn’t help matters much either. But they’ve managed to
track their adversary to the castle where he’ll be spending the winter. All
they need to do now is find some way into the castle and get their
revenge. And possibly make off with some fine treasures in the process.
B OUTAI A: Lore: Naga History
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #32, BUT NOT NAMED) Agenda: Pathika will also treat anyone who has helped the Naga with
Rival Bushi (actually Undead) courtesy and friendship. Those who saved her clutch-mate, Duta, from a
D: Defense slow death in the wilderness will have her undying loyalty.
C: Reflexes, Spears, Chains, Peasant Weapons, Jiujutsu
B: Strength, Stamina, Kenjutsu, Heavy Weapons, Knives, Polearms
A: Shadowlands Power: Thy Master’s Will (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #54 AND CFS #56)
Agenda: Boutai wishes only to die at the hands of his rival. Everything Naga Bushi
else is meaningless. Even though the curse that animates him hides his C: Defense, Spears, Knives, Theology (Moksha), Lore: Rokugani Law, Kenjutsu
undead nature, he will avoid all contact with other individuals, biding his B: Reflexes, Hunting, Lore: Naga Culture, Lore: Rokugani Culture, Lore:
time until the PC has entered a contest of martial skill. Only then will he Bushido, Rokugani Language, Etiquette (Rokugani)
step forward and engage his hated rival in combat. For the only two A: Kyujutsu
options open to Boutai are kill or be killed. Agenda: This is Shishya’s first trip to Winter Court as a samurai, and he
Boutai’s Clan alignment should be selected with the PC he will serve is glad for the opportunity to meet so many different people. Not only
as a rival to in mind. does he wish to make a good impression for the Naga, but he is also
eager to learn more about Rokugani society. If things go favorably he
WU TIEN would like to establish a Naga Embassy in a major human city. But first
(INSPIRED BY CFS #34 AND CFS #35) he will have to find allies to support his proposal.
Unicorn Shugenja (actually Tainted)
C: Sleight of Hand, Shadowlands Lore, Acting, Calligraphy, Divination
B: Awareness, Deceit (Seduction), Knife, Anatomy, Water magic, Maho magic (INSPIRED BY CFS #59)
A: Performance: Dance Ratling Thief
Agenda: As the last surviving student of Satsujinki, WuTien has remained C: Stealth, Hunting, Lore: Rokugani Items, Chains, Knives, Performance:
hidden for quite some time, waiting for he perfect chance to strike. Now Ratling Dance
that the Emperor is almost within her reach, she is confident that she will B: Reflexes, Agility, Investigation (Scrounging), Lore: Ratling Tribes,
be able to avenge her fallen master. First, she will attempt to win a favor Athletics (Running)
through either her dancing or her magic. Then, she will ask the Emperor A: Sleight of Hand
for a private audience. And then she will plunge a knife straight into his eye. Agenda: As the leader of his pack, it is Mattchek’s responsibility to
provide for his followers in the lean times of winter. Whether he has
KAI been officially invited or not, the vast number of treasures and usable
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #50) supplies in the Court is a temptation Mattchek cannot pass up. He will
Crab Courtier (actually an Oni) make off with as many items as he possibly can, sneaking back and forth
C: Investigation, Lore: Law, Jiujutsu, Defense, Etiquette between the castle and his camp several times in the course of the winter.
B: Reflexes, Intelligence, Awareness, Acting (Disguise), Games: Shogi,
Shadowlands Lore
A: Courtier (Manipulation), Deceit (Seduction) (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #60)
Agenda: The ronin courtier who calls himself Kai is never seen without Ratling Bushi
his cloak and hood. He says it is to cover the hideous burns he suffered C: Investigation (Scrounging), Etiquette (Rokugani), Knives, Lore: Bushido,
as a child. In reality, it is to hide his true identity. Kai is really Oni no Medicine, Craft: Item Repair
Kyohaku, returned from Jigoku to claim more slaves! And what better B: Agility, Athletics (Running), Defense, Kyujutsu, Lore: Nezumi Culture,
opportunity could there be than a Winter Court where people trade Lore: Rokugani Culture
promises and favors about like copper coins. A: Hunting
Agenda: Ik’rik’uk joined Rokugani society in order to secure a better
GINJO life for his pack-mates. Since accepting a position with Fusanori he has
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #52, BUT NOT NAMED) been able to bring back much knowledge and useful supplies to his
Crane Shugenja (actually an Oni) people. And he has also taught young Fusahiro the ways of the nezumi. It
C: Etiquette, Games: Children’s Games, Commerce, Deceit, Maho magic has given him hope that humans and nezumi may one day be able to
B: Craft: Dolls, Lore: Toys, Shadowlands Lore work together, and he hopes that it may even be possible to secure an
A: Acting agreement allowing his tribe to travel through the area freely.
Agenda: Ginjo is also an oni, albeit one of a much subtler type. She is a
Pekkle no Oni, and the dolls she creates serve as incubators for her
babies. Of course, she is clever enough not to use the same trick twice (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #61)
in a row. The dolls she sells now are crafted in a completely different Ratling Monk
style, and no longer contain her spawn. But once she has found a patron C: Void, Lore: Ratlings, Craft: Farming, Craft: Weaving, Staves, Sleight of Hand
to help her set up a shop, she’ll resume her old tricks soon enough. B: Athletics, Theology, Meditation, Jiujutsu, Lore: Monks, Storytelling
A: None
DUTA Agenda: Raoshu knows he is not human. There is no way he could ever
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #53, BUT NOT NAMED) forget. But neither does he feel any special kinship with the nezumi. He
Naga Bushi is caught between two different worlds, and is unable to find his place in
C: Stamina, Spears, Medicine, Lore: Rokugani Culture, Rokugani Language either one of them. Recently he has started to believe that a visit to the
B: Hunting, Navigation, Theology (Moksha), Lore: Naga Culture, Lore: Temple of the Seven Thunders will give him an idea of what he should
Shinomen Woods do, and he longs for permission to make the pilgrimage.
A: None
Agenda: If the PCs met the wounded Duta in the woods and helped
him in his hour of need, they’ll find him very grateful. He has learned (ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #64)
some of the Rokugani language since they last met, and is somewhat Goblin Courtier
more comfortable dealing with humans. But the memory of his ordeal C: Engineering, Instruction, Craft: Carpentry, Medicine, Hunting,
has left him uneasy. If the people of Rokugan are not capable of dealing Calligraphy, Knives
with the Foul then perhaps they are not worthy of his gratitude. B: Athletics, Deceit, Etiquette (Sincerity), Shadowlands Lore
A: Defense
P ATHIKA Agenda: Uulhan has continued his efforts to "civilize" his pack of goblins.
(INSPIRED BY CFS #53) Depending on how much he has succeeded, it is potentially possible that
Naga Courtier he could be allowed to enter Winter Court. It’s not very probable, but it
C: Awareness, Lore: Astrology, Lore: Naga Law, Courtier, Etiquette, is possible. If he is present, he will try to find others who will believe his
Hunting, Pearl Carving stories and ask them to become patrons of his motley band.
B: Lore: Naga Culture, Theology (Moksha), Investigation, Lore: Rokugani If Uulhan and Yasuki Jirokichi should cross paths, things will be very
Culture, Rokugani Language interesting.
DARKCLAW S AMANG Agenda: The tattooed woman known as Asamoya no Aya is another ninja
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #65) shapeshifter. The creature’s real name is Goju Ayashiku, and it continues
Goblin Warlord to seek out weak-willed individuals in hopes of converting them to the
C: Intelligence, Defense, Athletics, Hunting, Shadowlands Lore cause of the Living Shadow. Of course, the greatest target of all would
B: Strength, Stamina, Reflexes, Battle, Kenjutsu, Heavy Weapons be the Emperor himself, and winning the right to serve as his personal
A: None advisor would give Ayashiku plenty of time to turn him to the Darkness.
Agenda: Assuming he was not killed by the player characters, Samang will only
be present at Winter Court if Uulhan has managed to make major inroads in ORIGINAL CHARACTERS
getting goblin refugees accepted into Rokugan. Taking advantage of the favorable Editor’s Note: Nazomitsu put out the call for his readers’ characters to
situation to smuggle several dozen goblin berserkers into the Empire, Samang be immortalized in this installment of CFS of the Week, and there was a
seeks to claim undefended territory and use it to build his power base. fantastic response! What follows are those characters that were submitted
(edited for brevity, with apologies to the authors).
Scorpion Bushi (actually Tainted) (SUBMITTED BY ISAWA N AZOMITSU)
C: Ninja Ranged, Shadowlands Lore, Lore: Scorpion Clan, Craft: Jewelry, Locksmith Hare Samurai
B: Agility, Traps, Poison, Explosives, Stealth, Knives C: Kenjutsu, Investigation, Stealth, Hunting, Knives, Lore: Nature
A: Reflexes B: Reflexes, Athletics, Defense, Kyujutsu
Agenda: While Nayami retains the Bayushi name she no longer A: None
considers herself a member of the Scorpion Clan, or even a citizen of Agenda: Beiyuu has come to Court searching for the man who killed
the Empire. Her Taint has robbed her of such allegiances, and all that his older brother. Deep shadows prevented him from getting a good
remains now is her insatiable hatred for those who enjoy the life she can look at the murderer’s face, but he remembers the strange manner in
no longer live. So she hopes to spread her Taint to as many victims as which the culprit held his knife. Beiyuu will be sure to enter or watch
she possibly can, destroying their lives just as hers was destroyed. every martial event, looking for someone who holds his weapon with his
little finger resting on the pommel. And when he finds the killer he is
G ODO determined to let nothing stand in his way.
C: Reflexes, Etiquette, Calligraphy, Athletics, Lore: Drama, Lore: Ninja (SUBMITTED BY B AYUSHI M IFUNE)
B: Awareness, Stealth, Investigation, Courtier, Defense, Staves, Lore: Literature Courtly Scorpion Bushi
A: Acting (Disguise) C: Awareness, Oratory, Lore: History, Etiquette, Stealth
Agenda: Godo is not officially at Court this winter, and there is no record B: Agility, Intelligence, Courtier, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Lore: Drama
of his arrival. Once he received word of the Emperor’s arrival, he rushed to the A: Deceit
palace as fast as he could. Disguised as a scribe, he is able to attend the Emperor Agenda: Mifune was originally unhappy to be at such a low quality Winter
at most official functions, and he passes along the secrets he hears to the PCs’ Court, but the arrival of the Son of Heaven has changed that. His original
superiors. The only flaw in his plan is that it prevents him from taking action in intent was to cause arguments between the various diplomats at the Court,
the case of a crisis. If his true identity were revealed it would mean his death. then to arbitrate settlements between the feuding factions. With the
But there is nothing that says he cannot call upon the PCs to act in his stead.... Emperor present, this has taken on a whole new depth of meaning. He
Godo’s Clan alignment should be selected to match one or more of will do whatever he can to make his fellow competitors for the Emperor’s
the Player Characters. favor look bad, but won’t risk exposing himself in these manipulations.


Mantis Bushi (actually Ronin Assassin) Dragon Bushi
C: Tea Ceremony, Craft: Cooking, Acting (Disguise), Navigation, Underworld C: Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Courtier, Investigation, Navigation (Land Holdings)
B: Poison, Medicine, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Knives, Deceit B: Etiquette, Kyujutsu, Intelligence, Awareness, Lore: Drama, Lore:
A: None Geography
Agenda: Better known as "The Black Scorpion," Ryoko makes her living A: Lore: History
as a hired assassin. Her last target was a member of General Shutaro’s Agenda: An undistinguished student of the Mirumoto school, Kuro’s
command staff. Now she’s under orders to kill Otomo Shigeki. She’s level-headedness and courteous behavior has granted him frequent service
already gained entrance to the Court by disguising herself as a member as a diplomat to mid/low-rank courts where he is supposed to observe
of the Mantis Clan. Her plan is to plant a mild poison in something that its goings-on, and broker the occasional trade agreement (usually food
several people will eat or drink, such as the tea at a tea ceremony or for Dragon gold or iron). He sees the arrival of the Emperor as opportunity,
some special food. When everyone gets sick, she’ll offer some medicine but he is not quite sure how to take it. Kuro knows "The Author."
to ease the victim’s pain. Except for a few doses, which will go to Shigeki A GASHA N ARUTEN
and a few others. They’ll get a second helping of poison, making it appear
as if they all succumbed to their illness. And no one will be the wiser. (SUBMITTED BY J ADEFORM)
Fire Shugenja
S UNECHI C: Kenjutsu (wakizashi), Air magic, Etiquette, Agility, Theology
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #79-C) B: Investigation, Kagaku, Earth magic, Spellcraft
Lion Bushi (actually a Pennaggolan) A: Fire magic
C: Etiquette, Investigation, Meditation (Fasting), Defense, Chains Agenda: A battle shugenja who is as at home investigating a crime as he is
B: Kenjutsu, Spears, Deceit, Lore: Spirits, Shadowlands Lore fighting the perpetrators. He always carries a bandolier of potions ranging
A: None from Bayushi’s Bane to Liquid Fire.
Agenda: Sunechi is yet another monster in disguise. A pennaggolan to be KITSUKI ARASAKI
exact, masquerading as a Lion magistrate. Unlike the other Tainted creatures
in the Court, however, he has no great aims or master plan. He only seeks to (SUBMITTED BY J ADEFORM)
find enough victims to sate his driving hunger. The fact that everyone’s attention
C: Etiquette, Lore: History, Reflexes, Stamina, Courtier
is on the contests only makes his job easier, and is an unexpected bonus.
B: Kenjutsu (Katana), Investigation, Iaijutsu, Theology (Unorthodox Views)
(ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN CFS #86) Agenda: In court, Arasaki is best described as a carefully-applied blunt
Dragon Monk (actually Ninja) instrument. He is deployed when his lord needs to prevent an enemy
C: Reflexes, Theology, Games: Dice, Knives, Acting (Kabuki), Courtier (Manipulation) from achieving their goal. His standard method is to dig up enough
B: Awareness, Willpower, Stealth, Deceit (Seduction), Peasant Weapons, information to make a detailed picture of the target’s weaknesses. A
Storytelling well-placed comment then forces them to either back down or challenge
A: None him. If they challenge him, he wins....
Depressed Emerald Magistrate Scorpion Poet/Duelist
C: Courtier, Storytelling, Shadowlands Lore, Deceit C: Deceit, Stealth
B: Lore: Law, Lore: Ninja, Lore: Kolat, Lore: Bushido, Kenjutsu, Etiquette, B: Courtier, Etiquette
Hunting, Stealth A: Storytelling (Poetry), Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu
A: Perception, Investigation Special: High Honor
Agenda: Marime is currently attempting to root out an underworld Agenda: Advance the power of the Scorpion Clan, and specifically the
boss who’s organization she has been tracking. Following up the chain Soshi family. While Anzai is not above evil or dishonorable actions, he
has lead her to this point, but the problem is that this particular group’s avoids them because an honorable Scorpion is an asset to the clan.
leader is a former budoka (made ronin due to one of her previous Because of this, he is often sent places to show the “good” side of the
investigations), and his ridiculous skill at disguise and assassination means clan and to play down the darker aspects. He will try to foster good
he could have replaced anyone. Other magistrates know her as a relations with the Crane, continuing to build his connections with them
somewhat-batty loose cannon due to her constant bickering with her through his wife and best friend, both born of the Crane Clan.
judgmental ancestor, but recognize the effectiveness of her clandestine
and often unorthodox investigations. DOJI RYOKU
(SUBMITTED BY B AYUSHI S HOGO) C: Iaijutsu, Kyujutsu (Hankyu), Etiquette (Conversation, Sincerity),
Ronin Yojimbo/Bayushi Courtier Artisan: Origami
C: Courtier, Etiquette, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu B: Poetry, Kenjutsu
B: Spears (Naginata), Investigation (Notice) A: Spellcraft
A: Craft: Weaponsmithing Agenda: Doji Ryoku has appeared in court on order of his mother.
Agenda: Shogo has spent many hard years as a ronin, hiring himself out However, while he wishes to learn the ways of court, he has no idea
as a yojimbo throughout northern Rokugan. At the end of his last what he would do with Imperial favor.
assignment, Shogo suddenly found himself welcomed by the Bayushi
daimyo he was working for as a long-lost son, officially adopted and DOJI I SUMA
installed as heir. Is the daimyo playing an elaborate joke on other (SUBMITTED BY DOJI RYOKU)
daimyos? Is he protecting the real heir with a kagemusha? Is he genuine? Doji Courtier (formerly Bayushi, actually maho-tsukai)
Shogo has a huge natural talent for weaponsmithing. He’s made a few C: Etiquette (Sincerity), Calligraphy (Crane Cipher, Scorpion Cipher)
very loyal followers already by personally making their daisho for them. B: Courtier (Political Maneuvering), Deceit (Seduction), Maho
It is likely he will make a bid for a weaponsmithing contest, and use the A: Underworld
favor to secure himself. After all, no matter what game the Scorpion Agenda: Isuma, wife of Doji Ryoku, is here on Ryoku’s mother’s behalf,
play, throwing away a tool with the Emperor’s favor would be...wasteful. teaching him the ways of court and the art of deceit. She secretly plans
to manipulate him to attempt a coup, taking over both the Crane and
B AYUSHI AMYEKO AND B AYUSHI AMYAKO Scorpion Clans at once. PCs who approach will be met with a suspicious
(SUBMITTED BY B AYUSHI S HOGO) eye, especially if they are Imperial. She will attempt to garner as many
Bayushi Amyeko, Bayushi Courtier followers as she can, although she will not go against Ryoku. After all,
C: Kenjutsu, Tea Ceremony, Luck, Investigation who can she trust to protect her?
B: Poetry, Courtier, Etiquette, Deceit, Origami.
Bayushi Amyako, Bitter Lies Swordsman (SUBMITTED BY TAMERLAN)
Kakita Bushi
D: Common Sense
C: Courtier, Deceit, Etiquette, Meditation, Storytelling, Tea Ceremony
C: Etiquette, Iaijutsu
B: Earth Ring, Athletics, Dodge, Katana, Seduction
B: Kenjutsu, Jiujutsu, Lore: Sake, Athletics
A: Agility, Reflexes, Iaijutsu
A: Luck
Agenda: An Imperial Magistrate who also held a position in the Imperial
Agenda: Amyeko and Amyako are identical twin sisters, equally gorgeous.
Guard. Before he entered active service, however, his unit’s charge was
They can possibly serve as Shogo’s advisor and yojimbo, respectively.
slain. He only partially escaped dishonor, as he was still in training and
The two are identical to the degree that their own parents occasionally
not present. Since then, he has set out to make a name for himself and
fail to distinguish between them. They are both very skilled at
overcome the shame of his comrades’ failure. For now he has to search
impersonating the other, and it’s a fair bet that you’ll be talking to
his path to greatness through the simple errands he is asked to undertake.
whichever would be most convenient (for them).
One other thing drives Togai like nothing else. He is tragically in love
Amyeko is a courtier through and through, with the conscience of a
with a young woman who is already betrothed to another man. The only
pit viper but a carefully maintained reputation. Amyako is an absolute
thing that stops him from grieving constantly are the letters they
wild child, determined to try everything once before the Fortunes no
frequently exchange, and the fact that he can find something that
longer find her entertaining.
reminds him of his love in almost every woman. Being with them is only
Amyeko might enter the contest with her origami skills. Should she
a shadow of what he is longing for, but it is all that he can hope for.
win, she’ll ask for help locating her lost love—a fiancé she is absolutely
faithful to in his absence. Amyako might enter anything on a whim, KOUJI
though she has a remarkable knowledge of sake and an ambition to (SUBMITTED BY TAMERLAN)
sample the brew of every village in Rokugan. She’d likely ask for aid Ronin Duelist
locating her sister’s fiancé, as well. D: Honor, Etiquette
The two sisters are absolutely devoted to each other. Possibly even C: Void Ring, Athletics, Hunting, Knifes, Kyujutsu, Stealth
beyond their loyalty to the Scorpion. B: Agility, Reflexes, Deceit, Kenjutsu, Storytelling, Underworld
A KODO A KIRA A: Iaijutsu
Agenda: Kouji is a thug and a murderer for hire. He is content to serve
(SUBMITTED BY A KODO A KIRA) his desire for power by mistreating peasants and has no more use for
Lion Clan Tactician
wealth beyond his need for equipment and weapons. The one thing that
C: Investigation, Bugei Skills
drives him, however is the desire for recognition. That’s why he
B: Lore: History, Lore: Heraldry, Courtier, Etiquette
challenges every worthy opponent he meets. He is not above
A: Battle, Games: Go
dishonorable methods to acquire fame; such as cheating in a duel,
Agenda: Akodo Akira’s goal is quite simple: see the winter through
bragging about deeds he didn’t perform himself, and secretly robbing all
with little or no involvement with the Scorpion Clan. Seeing as how his
the shrines in an area, only to give his loot to another temple.
wife is Scorpion, makes this a very tricky proposition. He plans to spend
as much time playing Go and discussing matters of import with other
battle masters, and to avoid court as much as he can.

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