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Telinga / ear

Bunyi dihasilkan melalui getaran / sound is produced by vibration.

Semakin kuat petikan, semakin kuat bunyi dihasilkan

The stronger the plucking, the louder the sound produced.

Semakin kuat bunyi, semakin besar amplitud.

The louder the sound, the bigger the amplitude.
Semakin tebal dawai guitar, semakin kurang langsing bunyi dihasilakan.
The thicker the guitar’s string, the lower the pitch of the sound produced.

Semakin langsing bunyi, semakin tinggi frekuensi.

The higher the pitch of sound, the higher the frequency.

Bunyi terhasil apabila udara ditiup ke dalam pemipit.

Jarak udara yang melalui trompet akan mempengaruhi kelangsingan bunyi.
Semakin panjang jarak udara melalui trompet, semakin rendah kelangsingan bunyi yang

Sound is produced when air is blown into the mouthpiece.

The length of air which travels through the trumpet will affect the pitch of the sound.
The longer the length of air which travels across the trumpet, the lower the pitch of sound
is produced.
Karton telur diperbuat daripada bahan penyerap bunyi yang baik.
Permukaan karton telur yang tidak rata dapat mengurangkan pantulan bunyi.

Egg cartons are made up of materials which is good in absorbing sound.

Uneven surface of egg cartons can reduce the reflection of sound.

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