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College of Food Science and Technology, Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology,
Qinhuangdao, 066004, China
Corresponding author: Tel. +86-03352039075, Fax +86-03352039075,


Good health has been linked with healthy diet. N-3 fatty acids are required for proper function-
ing of many physiological systems. There is a large body of evidence documenting the effects of
polyunsaturated fatty acids with the first double bond at the third position from methyl-terminal
on health benefits. Scientific evidence is accumulating to substantiate the role omega-3 fatty acids
play in conditions such as cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and other diseases. The avail-
ability of n-3 fatty acids to various tissues is of major importance to health and depends on die-
tary intake for both normal development and in the prevention and management of chronic dis-
eases. In this review we will summarize the biological properties of omega-3 fatty acids.

- Keywords: omega-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acid, biological properties, health -

Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 129

INTRODUCTION improving serum cholesterol profiles, stabilizing
arrhythmias, reducing inflammation, improving
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) insulin sensitivity in patients with Type 2 dia-
with the first double bond at the third position betes, and enhancing the immune response.
from the methyl-terminal (so called omega-3 In this paper, we will discuss diverse effects of
fatty acids or n-3 fatty acids) can be found in an essential component of a healthy diet, long
plants and fish. N-3 fatty acids refer to a group chain n-3 PUFA. Because modern diets are rel-
of three fats called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), atively deficient in this special type of fat, there
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexae- is a great potential for improving many aspects
noic acid (DHA). Because these essential fat- of health by adding it to the diet.
ty acids cannot be synthesized in the human
body, they must be derived from dietary sourc- Cardiovascular disease
es. They are required for the structure of cell
membranes and, because they are unsaturated, Cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes all
they help keep membranes flexible. The peculiar diseases of the blood vessels and circulatory
properties of the DHA molecule make it a criti- system such as coronary heart disease (CHD),
cal component of nerve and retinal cells. Flax- ischemic heart disease (IHD), myocardial infarc-
seed, hemp, canola and walnuts are generally tion (MI) and stroke. CVD is the leading cause
rich sources of the ALA. Fish provide varying of death in Canada and the United States. Since
amounts of n-3 fatty acids in the form of DHA the original epidemiological observations of low
and EPA. The n-3 PUFA are obtained predomi- CVD mortality in populations with high con-
nately from fish, seafood, meat and eggs (MEYER sumption of fish there has been continuous in-
et al., 2003) and in recent years from enriched terest of scientific communities in the possibili-
food products such as bread, milk and marga- ty of lowering CVD risk by n-3 fatty acids. Both
rine. The role played by essential fatty acids in EPA and DHA play a role in modification of li-
the human body has been the subject of vol- pid and lipoprotein metabolism. N-3 fatty acids
umes of international research in recent years. have synergistic and additive effects on plasma
The results indicate that n-3 fatty acids may lipids when co-administered with statins (DA-
be of value in the treatment of various medical VIDSON et al., 2007). Increased triglyceride lev-
conditions (UAUY and VALENZUELA, 2000). Re- els are seen among individuals with HIV who
search has been carried out in animal models, receive antiretroviral therapy. A study reported
tissue cultures and human beings. A present the results of a research that examined the ef-
study was to produce pork with enhanced nu- fects of a controlled dietary study supplement-
tritive value for humans, in terms of fatty acid ed with 4 g of fish oil daily to reduce triglycer-
profile. When fish oil was included in the diet, ide levels in HIV (CAPILI and ANASTASI, 2013).
higher levels of EPA, DPA and DHA were meas- Another practical implication of such studies
ured in the subcutaneous fat (MOREL et al., is the proven safety of n-3 fatty acids add on
2013). The positive effects of essential fatty ac- therapy to statins. Both DHA and EPA have
ids are attributed to their ability to reduce in- profound effect on platelet function. Not only
flammation (SIMOPOULOS, 2002). Many studies membrane stabilizing effect but also competi-
show that fish oil with high content of n-3 pol- tion of n-3 fatty acids for cyklooxygenase activ-
yunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) plays an im- ity with arachidonic acid, which lowers produc-
portant role in human health and disease. But tion of platelet activating eicosanoids play an
the effects of fish oil with high content of PU- important role (LARSON et al., 2008). In a study
FAs on gut microbiota, which are also known in diabetic patients Woodman and co-workers
play a significant role in several human diseas- demonstrated administration of highly puri-
es, is not clear. YU et al. (2014) evaluated the fied EPA/DHA was associated with a decrease
effects of fish oil with high content of n-3 PU- in platelet aggregability by 30 % (WOODMAN et
FAs on gut microbiota. They found that fish oil al., 2003). The platelet effects seem to be medi-
treatment resulted in a decrease in Helicobac- ated mostly by EPA (DIN et al., 2008). OLIVEIRA
ter, Uncultured bacterium clone WD2_aaf07d12 et al.(2014) suggested that fish oil upregulate
(GenBank: EU511712.1), Clostridiales bacte- the expression of the cholesteryl ester transfer
rium, Sphingomonadales bacterium and Pseu- protein (cetp) gene.
domonas species Firmicutes, and several un- Another possibly cardioprotective action of
cultured bacteria. Fish oil with a high content n-3 fatty acids can be modulation of immune
of n-3 PUFAs are capable of producing signif- response and anti-inflammatory properties. As
icant changes in the gut microbiota that may, demonstrated in vitro, DHA lowers cytoadhesive
at least in part, explain the health benefits or molecules expression on endothelial cells and
injury induced by fish oil use. monocytes (MORI and BEILIN, 2004). Similarly,
In recent years, the number of studies de- levels of interleukin 6, interleukin 1β and tis-
scribing the health-promoting benefits of n-3 fat- sue necrosis factor α decrease after EPA/DHA
ty acids has increased. Some of the reported ac- administration (BHATNAGAR and DURRINGTON,
tivities attributed to the n-3 fatty acids include 2003). Consumption of n-3 fatty acids of 8 g/d

130 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015

was associated with a significant reduction of that marine n-3 fatty acid may increase appe-
inflammatory marker levels in patients with se- tite (SIGNE et al., 2013). This finding would be
vere heart failure (MEHRA et al., 2006). potentially beneficial for patients with compro-
Some studies have shown that n-3 fatty ac- mised nutritional status.
ids may increase the susceptibility of LDL to ox-
idation (SORENSEN et al., 1998), whereas others Bone
have not (HIGDON et al., 2001). It therefore re-
mains to be established whether LDL oxidative The n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids
status in vivo is affected by omega-3 fatty acids are the immediate precursors to a number of
and, if so, whether this has any adverse clini- important mediators of immunity, inflammation
cal implications and bone function, with products of n-6 general-
ly thought to promote inflammation and favour
Cancer bone resorption. Western diets generally provide
a 10 to 20-fold deficit in n-3 PUFAs compared
Cancer is another disease that has generat- with n-6, and this is thought to have contribut-
ed great interest in evaluating the usefulness of ed to the marked rise in incidence of disorders
n-3 fatty acids. Cancer and its treatments are of modern human societies, such as heart dis-
associated with significant long-term side ef- ease and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease
fects such as cachexia, cognitive impairment, in which bone mass is low and the risk of bone
distress, pain and fatigue that all warrant sup- fractures is high. Regarding bone diseases, stud-
portive care. Many experimental studies have ies in animals have shown that the ingestion of
shown the role played by n-3 fatty acids in sup- n-3 fatty acids could influence bone formation
pressing the development of most cancer pro- and resorption (POULSEN, 2007). ALA may help
cesses, including breast, colon, prostate, liver prevent bone loss and osteoporosis by blocking
and pancreatic cancers (SIMOPOULOS, 2009). In the production of tumor necrosis factor α, which
addition, there is evidence that EPA and DHA promotes bone resorption and inhibits bone for-
exert a potent antiangiogenic effect, inhibiting mation (BOYCE et al., 2005). When bone metab-
the production of some of the main angiogenic olism was measured in the volunteers, the high-
mediators (SPENCER et al., 2009). This explains ALA diet reduced bone resorption without reduc-
the great interest in establishing fatty acid in- ing bone formation (ZHAO et al., 2007). The de-
gestion in adequate proportions. crease in bone resorption may have been due to
EPA has been suggested to play a protective a decrease in the dietary n-6/n-3 ratio as a re-
role in hormone-related cancers, particularly sult of the high-ALA diet. TARLTON et al. (2013)
breast and prostate cancers. In animal experi- found that there was a significant 40–60% re-
ments, EPA and DHA have consistently inhibited duction in keel bone breakage rate, and a cor-
the proliferation of malignant breast and pros- responding reduction in breakage severity in
tate cancers; however, epidemiological studies the n-3 supplemented hens. The biomechani-
examining the role of n-3 fatty acids in cancer cal and biochemical evidence suggests that in-
have not been consistent (TERRY et al., 2003). creased bone turnover has enhanced the bone
Fish oils can have a benefit in reversing cancer- mechanical properties, and that this may sug-
related cachexia by decreasing the protein deg- gest potential benefits for human osteoporosis.
radation in cachectic muscle (TISDALE, 2003), However, some studies found no effect of n-3
suggesting that there may be a potential place fatty acids consumption on measures of bone
for n-3 fatty acids in cancer therapy as well as in formation and resorption among postmenopau-
prevention. XUE et al. (2014) suggested that DHA sal women (DODIN et al., 2005; BROOKS et al.,
exerted its anticancer activity through down- 2004). These results suggest that the benefit of
regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Thus, it n-3 fatty acids on bone metabolism is not suffi-
should call for further studies to assess the ef- cient to overcome the bone remodeling that oc-
fectiveness of fish oil as a dietary supplement in curs during menopause.
the prevention and treatment of breast cancer.
In the last decade, many clinical trials exam- Emotional distress
ining the effects of n-3 fatty acids supplemen-
tation on cancer cachexia have been conducted Most newly diagnosed and recurrent can-
(RIES et al., 2012). Some randomized controlled cer patients presented with a significant lev-
trials confirmed these results, especially at dos- el of mental distress. Commonly, distress in-
ages of 1.5–2 g EPA-enriched enteral liquid for- volves anxiety and depression. A study report-
mula administrated for at least 8 weeks in gas- ed that the antidepressant protective role of
trointestinal or pancreatic cancers (RYAN et al., n-3 fatty acids might be exerted through pro-
2009). Clinical studies are emerging to support duction of eicosanoids that are able to reduce
providing long chain n-3 fatty acids to prevent the excessive pro-inflammatory cytokine pro-
muscle loss, minimize side effects and improve duction in depressed patients (KIECOLT -GLA-
chemotherapy response in patients with can- SER et al., 2007). Animal studies in which rats
cer (MURPHY et al., 2013). A research suggests were fed an n-3 fatty acids rich diet indicated

Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 131

a better habituation to chronic restraint stress results suggested that the principle mechanisms
as they showed less stress-induced weight loss, involved in the antidiabetic and neuroprotective
compared to both control and n-3 deficient rats effect of fish oil were its antioxidant, anti-inflam-
(HENNEBELLE et al., 2012). Several clinical tri- matory and anti-apoptosis potential, supporting
als addressing non-cancer populations have also a potential role for fish oil as an adjuvant ther-
suggested beneficial effects of n-3 fatty acids on apy for the prevention and treatment of diabet-
anxiety and depression (LUCAS et al., 2009; ARB- ic complications. Dietary fish oil showed bet-
ABI et al., 2014). However, no trials were found ter tissue preservation that was supported by
exploring the potential benefits of plant-derived histopathological observations (JANGALE et al.,
EPA. Similar positive results were found by TA- 2013). Thus, the diet proved to be beneficial in
JALIZADEKHOOB et al. (2011) in elderly patients. preventing tissue injury and alleviating diabet-
Although the potential benefits of n-3 fatty ac- ic insults in the livers of diabetic rats. A recent
ids on emotional distress per se have not been research explored insulin signaling in the new-
examined as a primary endpoint in cancer pa- born rat heart. A diet rich in fish oil improves
tients, one trial did study depressive symptoms cardiac Akt-related signaling in the offspring of
in lung cancer patients. The trial reported an diabetic rats (NASU-KAWAHARADA et al., 2013).
inverse association between n-3 fatty acids in- HILL et al. (2007) found that exercise and n-3
take, as well as serum n-3 fatty acids and minor fatty acids supplementation resulted in a signifi-
depression (KOBAYAKAWA et al., 2005). Though cant reduction of body fat. However, MUNRO and
controversy exists as to whether EPA, DHA or GARG (2012) described that dietary supplemen-
both are responsible for the efficacy of n-3 fatty tation with n-3 fatty acids did not promote ad-
acids in depression, results from a randomized ditional weight loss when combined with a very-
controlled trials suggested EPA to be a more ef- low-energy diet for 4 weeks. The most possible
fective fatty acid component in the treatment of cause for the disparities in these results may
mild to moderate depression (MOZAFFARI-KHOS- be related to phenotypical characteristics of the
RAVI et al., 2013). subjects included in the study. Indeed, mech-
There is also evidence that the pathophysiolo- anisms underlying this differential response in
gy of major depression is influenced by changes body weight in obese humans remain a chal-
in fatty acid intake. In 2009, DINAN et al. evalu- lenging point still to be addressed in future. It
ated the levels of arachidonic acid, IL-6 and TNF should be stated that the effects of n-3 fatty ac-
α in depressed responders and non-responders ids on fat mass and weight regulation might be
to antidepressive treatment. There were signifi- difficult to address due to important differences
cant differences in the EPA and arachidonic acid in how the studies were designed as well as the
ratio between controls and responders versus inclusion criteria and source for n-3 fatty acids
non-responders. One research reinforces these supplementation. Therefore, effectiveness of the
observations in major depression and bipolar n-3 fatty acids supplementation might be relat-
disorder, and low DHA levels may even predict ed to dietary and exercise patterns and gender
suicidal behaviour (MCNAMARA et al., 2008). It aspects might also be relevant.
has been shown that DHA content in brain tis- However, the effects of these fatty acids on in-
sue is decreased in patients with neuronal al- sulin sensitivity remain controversial (KABIR et
terations, as in Alzheimer’s disease. al., 2007; NAVAS-CARRETERO et al., 2009; HIRA-
BARA et aal., 2013), the fact is that insulin re-
Obesity sistance is usually linked to other pathological
conditions such as hypertrigliceridemia, over-
Obesity, a chronic low-grade inflammatory weight and cardiovascular diseases and might
condition, is considered to be a metabolic disor- be difficult to study on itself. Thus, further stud-
der, whose prevalence is increasing dramatical- ies are needed to evaluate this aspect of n-3 fat-
ly in most developed countries over the last 20 ty acids in insulinemia management.
years. Obesity is associated with an increased
risk of CVD, type 2 diabetes and a number of Nutritional recommendations
cancers. One study suggests that at baseline for the consumption of n-3 fatty acids
men with high fish consumption were less like-
ly to be overweight, however no data about as- As we have seen, there are a number of pa-
sociation of n-3 fatty acids intake and changes thologies in which the n-3 fatty acids play an
in BMI (body mass index) were provided in this important role, thus reflecting the importance
12-year follow-up cohort (HE et al., 2002). The of ensuring their adequate dietary intake. Rec-
effects of a combination of n-3 fatty acids and ommendations for dietary intakes of n-3 PUFA
a dietary energy restriction in obese volunteers vary considerably from the consumption of two
were also examined. PARRA et al. (2008) showed fish meals a week to EPA plus DHA intakes of
that satiety was increased after consumption of 500 mg/d (KRIS-ETHERTON et al., 2002) and the
the n-3 fatty acids-enriched meals. Researches Japanese recommend consumption of n-3 PUFA
have demonstrated that diabetes induces learn- of 1.6 g/d (SUGANO, 1996). An approximate es-
ing and memory deficits (JIA et al., 2014). The timation of the consumption of n-3 fatty acids

132 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015

in Europe is 0.1-0.5 g/d. These datas are high CONCLUSIONS
in comparison to the estimated intake of DHA
and EPA in the United States (0.1-0.2 g/d), but Our message is that omega-3 fats can contrib-
low in comparison with the data correspond- ute to a longer and healthier life. Most studies
ing to Japan (up to 2 g/d), where fish is one of indicate that the consumption of n-3 fatty ac-
the most commonly consumed foods (CARRERO ids should be more than that presently found in
et al., 2005). In Spain, a study carried out by the general population, with a view to improving
the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, general health and reducing the risk of disease.
showed that the fact that the Spanish popula- However, further studies are needed to confirm
tion consumes levels of n-3 close to the recom- and consolidate this idea. The future study of-
mended level (1.52 g/d). However, the percent- fers the opportunity to clarify the underlying mo-
age of energy contributed by EPA+DHA with re- lecular mechanisms and elucidate the observed
spect to total energy in the diet was lower than differences between different ethnic groups and
the recommended value (0.5%). ALA, the precur- genders in developing population-specific dietary
sor of n-3 fatty acids, can be converted to long- recommendations.
chain n-3 PUFA. The minimum intake of n-3
PUFA needed for beneficial effects depends on
the intake of other fatty acids. Dietary amounts REFERENCES
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Paper Received April 11, 2014 Accepted August 8, 2014

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