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“I am” poem

Frdous Yagoub
Intro Comp: writing as inquiry
Professor. Said, Stacey

1.I feel good about knowing that I have an idea about what part of my identity I want to share
and what I'm actually trying to achieve.
2. I’m not sure about how to write a poem about my identity without it seem or sound like an
3. Should each stanza in my poem be focused on a certain point?
4. I think she (professor. Said) will say that I'm showing more than telling, and that I need to give
more details, or give more examples
I am from the great pyramids of Giza
Where camels trek across the 100 degrees F desserts
The home of the forever lasting mummies, the water banks of the Nile
Providing a permanent lifeline for all

I am from waking up early in the dawn to stand in bread lines by the sharp
crowing of the roaster from the neighbor's house
I am from walking miles to school as the sun is cresting the horizon
I am from a family of 9, where laughter never ends, and tears hardly sheds
I am from constant fights for stability, and chasing unrealistic dreams
I am from a place where promises are told, heard, and never granted, but rather earned

I am from a place where I'm labeled as an alien, distinguished by papers and numbers
I am from cool, hot, dry air, but the next day the winds breeze over my face politely
Wearing shorts and tops in the morning, and hoodies and sweats in the evening
I am from lonely, dark nights
I am from a town where six street is the main hangout spot
Where people drink out their problems, and consume BBQ surpassing the average
I am from diverse backgrounds and communities

And yet, I am from no where

I am the child of three nations, loss of my identity
Traveled across the world to find a home
I am from places where I’m called the child of the Nile, an alien, and a half nontraditional
My family always told me Never forget where you are from no matter where you go
To me, Home is just another myth
Struggling to find a community, trying to fit in between the lines
I am tired and beat it I am frustrated
At the fact that I can’t tell who I am truly from within

Then I being to connect the dots, to find out who I am

A place that when it rains heavily the mud turns all squishy
The cold, sticky, soft, squishy feeling of the mud between my toes
A feeling that only few will ever know
During the spring I see the birds in their nest singing and dancing happily
As the sun shines down into their nest, I see grass beneath the flowers
Everyone and everything love the spring because it is the most beautiful and cheerful
time of the year

I am from brick-built homes, miles, and miles of fields

When I take long walks in the fields, I feel my skin passionately resting
Millions of stars are visible at night, the moon shining bright
Where I am from feels different than the neighboring places, we share borders, we
share languages, but when it comes to the culture one must seek to understand it like
Extremely hard to tell from just seeing it but when you experience it you can see the
meaning behind it
I can say I am from every bit of the experience, and every place I being to
Every tiniest experience and place are significance to my journey

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