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Domestic Animals–Case report

Veterinary Pathology
2019, Vol. 56(2) 277-281
Fetal Pathology in an Aborted Holstein ª The Author(s) 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
Fetus Infected With Bovine Parainfluenza DOI: 10.1177/0300985818798117
Virus-3 Genotype A

Melissa Macı́as-Rioseco1, Santiago Mirazo2, Francisco A. Uzal3,

Martı́n Fraga1, Caroline Silveira1, Leticia Maya4,
Franklin Riet-Correa1 , Juan Arbiza2, Rodney Colina4,
Mark L. Anderson3, and Federico Giannitti1,5

Bovine parainfluenza virus-3 (BPIV-3) is a recognized respiratory pathogen of cattle, and it has also been identified in aborted
fetuses. However, little is known of this agent as a reproductive pathogen and detailed descriptions of fetal pathology on natural
cases are lacking in the scientific literature. This article describes and illustrates lesions in a fetus spontaneously aborted by a first-
calving Holstein heifer, naturally infected with BPIV-3 genotype A, broadening the current knowledge on fetal pathology by this
virus. Fetal autopsy revealed diffusely reddened, rubbery and unexpanded lungs. Histologically, there was necrotizing bronch-
iolitis/alveolitis with intraluminal fibrin exudate and syncytial cells in the bronchiolar/alveolar spaces, and non-suppurative peri-
bronchiolitis and perivascular interstitial pneumonia. In the small intestine there was multifocal necrotizing cryptitis and occasional
necrotic syncytial enterocytes. Intralesional and extralesional BPIV-3 antigen was detected by immunohistochemistry in the lung
and small intestine, and BPIV-3a was identified in fetal tissues by RT-PCR and sequencing.

abortion, bovine parainfluenza virus-3, fetus, immunohistochemistry, reproductive pathology, Paramyxoviridae, Respirovirus,

Bovine parainfluenza virus-3 (BPIV-3, Respirovirus, Paramyx- lesions in one case.1 Here we provide a pathological descrip-
oviridae) was first isolated from the nasal discharge of cattle tion of pulmonary and enteric lesions in an aborted fetus natu-
with respiratory disease. It was named after its human counter- rally infected with BPIV-3a, broadening the current knowledge
part, as it is antigenically and genetically related to human on fetal pathology caused by this agent.
parainfluenza virus-3 (HPIV-3).8 It has a single-stranded, The case occurred in April 2017 in a herd of *315 Holstein
negative-sense RNA genome, and a spherical to pleomorphic cattle at a Brucella abortus-free dairy farm in Uruguay. The
virion of 150-200 nm diameter, comprising the nucleocapsid
and lipid envelope. Three distinct genotypes, namely BPIV-3a
through c, have been identified.9,13 1
Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Plataforma de
BPIV-3 causes respiratory disease, and far less commonly, Investigación en Salud Animal, La Estanzuela, Colonia, Uruguay.
abortion. The virus spreads aerogenously, and even though Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
infection is widespread in young dairy and beef cattle, sponta- California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System (CAHFS),
University of California, Davis, CA, USA
neous disease caused solely by BPIV-3 is rare.3 However, the 4
Laboratorio de Virologı́a Molecular, Centro Universitario Regional (CENUR)
virus compromises the mucociliary apparatus and causes bron- Litoral Norte, Universidad de la República, Salto, Uruguay
chitis, bronchiolitis and alveolitis, with necrosis of the respira- Veterinary Population Medicine Department, University of Minnesota, Saint
tory epithelium, and changes in the local and systemic Paul, MN, USA
inflammatory response that contribute to the establishment of Supplemental material for this article is available online.
bacterial infections, typical of enzootic pneumonia and bovine
respiratory disease complex.3,7 Corresponding Authors:
Federico Giannitti and Melissa Macı́as-Rioseco, Instituto Nacional de
Information on BPIV-3 as an abortifacient is scant,19 and Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Ruta 50 km 11, La Estanzuela 70006,
descriptions of fetal lesions in spontaneously aborted fetuses in Colonia, Uruguay.
the scientific literature are succinct and limited to pulmonary Emails:;
278 Veterinary Pathology 56(2)

aborting animal was a 25.5-month-old, first-calving heifer of small-caliber arterioles and venules was multifocally expanded
unknown vaccination history that had been purchased preg- by moderate numbers of lymphocytes, macrophages and fewer
nant, and introduced into the herd 48 days before. The heifer plasma cells occasionally forming layers of up to 5 cells thick
aborted a well-preserved female fetus, 83 cm in crown-to-rump (peribronchiolitis with perivascular interstitial pneumonia)
length consistent with 240-270 days gestation.14 (Fig. 4). In the small intestine, there was scattered crypt dilation
The fetal autopsy revealed diffusely reddened, rubbery and with epithelial necrotic debris filling the lumen (multifocal
unexpanded lungs (Fig. 1). No other gross abnormalities were necrotizing cryptitis) (Fig. 5) with few neutrophils occasionally
observed. The placenta was not available for examination. infiltrating the lamina propria. In addition, the superficial
Tissues including lung, kidney, spleen, heart, adrenal enterocytes occasionally formed syncytial cells that sloughed
gland, liver, skeletal muscle, trachea, tongue, brain, thymus, into the intestinal lumen, and often had hypereosinophilic cyto-
lymph node, abomasum, forestomachs, small intestine, colon, plasm and hyperchromatic/pyknotic nuclei (necrosis) (Fig. 6).
and eyelid were immersion-fixed in 10% neutral buffered No lesions were found in the other tissues. No intracytoplasmic
formalin. Sections from all lung lobes sank when immersed inclusions were identified. Immunohistochemistry revealed
in formalin. Tissues were embedded in paraffin, sectioned at moderate multifocal widespread granular intracytoplasmic
4-5 mm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histologic BPIV-3 antigen in bronchiolar epithelial cells, pneumocytes,
examination. syncytial cells and alveolar macrophages, and in the alveolar
Sections of lung, trachea, small intestine, abomasum, liver, and bronchiolar proteinic exudate (Fig. 7), as well as the necro-
kidney, heart, thymus, lymph node, skeletal muscle and brain tic crypts and syncytial enterocytes in the intestine. Thus, the
were processed by immunohistochemistry for the detection of immunoreactivity colocalized with the lesions. BPIV-3 antigen
BPIV-3 antigen. Slides were immersed in citrate buffer and was also present in non-lesioned areas of the lung (pneumo-
heat-induced antigen retrieval was performed in a decloaking cytes), small intestine (crypt enterocytes and leukocytes/fibro-
chamber at 121 C for 10 min, after quenching the endogenous blasts in the lamina propria) (Fig. 8), and superficial and
peroxidase with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 10 min. Goat glandular epithelium of the trachea. No significant intracyto-
polyclonal antibody against BPIV-3 (VMRD, #210-70-PI3, plasmic immunoreactivity was observed in the other tissues.
Pullman, WA) was applied as a primary antibody at a 1:500 BPIV-3 genome was detected by RT-PCR. Sequences from
dilution for 15 min, and anti-goat horseradish peroxidase the 5 clones were identical. Sequence analysis of the 274-bp
(HRP)-labeled polymer (Biocare, #GHP516, Pacheco, CA) matrix gene region confirmed the BPIV-3 identity. The iden-
was used as the detection system (15 min incubation), with tified strain, named LE017_1, was classified within genotype A
3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole as the chromogen substrate solution by phylogenetic reconstruction (Fig. 9). The sequence was
(ThermoScientific, #TA-125-SA, Fremont, CA). A formalin- deposited in GenBank (#MG976794).
fixed paraffin-embedded section of archived lung from a The diagnosis of BPIV-3a abortion in this case was
naturally-infected bovid that had tested positive for BPIV-3 based on pathological findings in the fetus, coupled with
by PCR and immunohistochemistry was used as a positive intralesional detection of the agent by immunohistochem-
control. As negative controls, serial sections of all tissues were istry, and identification of the viral genome in the lung.3
processed in parallel as described above but the primary anti- Other infectious abortifacients were ruled out by specific
body was replaced by normal goat serum (Gibco™ Normal testing (Supplementary Table 1).
Goat Serum, #10098792) at the same dilution. The etiologic diagnosis of bovine abortion is complex. As it
Frozen lung (–20 C) was processed for BPIV-3 detection by may be caused by many bacterial, viral, parasitic, toxic, meta-
reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR.9 Nucleic acid extraction was bolic, or genetic factors, identification of the specific cause can
accomplished by TRIzol™ reagent (ThermoFisher, USA). be challenging. Even at laboratories with experienced pathol-
RNA quality and integrity was assessed by NanoDrop™ (Ther- ogists that routinely apply a broad panel of ancillary tests, most
moFisher, USA) and RT-PCR by amplifying a region within to detect infectious agents, the cause remains undetermined in a
the beta actin gene.17 BPIV-3 RT-PCR product was cloned into large proportion of cases. A subset of these have inflammatory
pJET1.2 Vector (ThermoFisher, USA) and 5 positive clones lesions suggesting an infection, although in many cases, a spe-
were sequenced. The plasmids containing the amplified region cific pathogen is not identified.1,2,4,10 Viral causes of bovine
were purified and sequenced directly in both directions abortion are generally represented in low frequencies. An
(Macrogen, Korea). Sequence analysis and phylogenetic recon- early study aiming at isolating viruses from aborted fetuses
struction was performed with MEGA software. Supplementary in Ohio identified the first BPIV-3 fetal isolate.15 No results
Table 1 summarizes other ancillary test results. of histopathologic examination were provided.
Microscopically in the lungs, there was multifocal infiltra- In a 10-year study that examined 8,962 abortions and still-
tion of neutrophils and macrophages in the alveolar spaces births submitted to a diagnostic laboratory in South Dakota, a
(alveolitis) with scattered intraluminal fibrin exudate and viral etiology was determined in 948 (10.57%) cases. BPIV-3,
pyknotic or karyorrhectic cellular debris (necrosis), and a mod- detected in only one case, was considered a miscellaneous
erate number of syncytial cells with up to 40 nuclei within the infection, and fetal lesions were not described.10,11
alveolar and bronchiolar spaces (Figs. 2-3). The interstitium In a case series from California that investigated 468 bovine
surrounding the epithelium of the terminal bronchioles and abortion cases in 1985-1989, viral causes of abortion were
Macı´as-Rioseco et al 279

Figs. 1-4. Bovine parainfluenza virus-3 (BPIV-3) infection, lung, aborted Holstein fetus. Fig. 1. The pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely reddened
and unexpanded, indicating lack of aeration. Fig. 2. The alveolar spaces contain fibrin exudate (center), sloughed karyorrhectic epithelial cells
and occasional alveolar macrophages. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Fig. 3. There is an epithelial syncytial cell in the lumen of a terminal
bronchiole/alveolar duct, and mild peribronchiolar and periarteriolar interstitial inflammation (upper left). The adjacent alveolar spaces contain
pyknotic epithelial cells, and macrophages. HE. Fig. 4. The interstitium surrounding a terminal bronchiole and adjacent arteriole is infiltrated by
moderate numbers of inflammatory cells. HE. Figs. 5-6. BPIV-3 infection, small intestine, aborted Holstein fetus. Fig. 5. Focal necrotizing
cryptitis. HE. Fig. 6. There is a syncytial cell with hypereosinophilic cytoplasm and hyperchromatic/pyknotic nuclei (necrosis) within the
epithelium of the villous tip (center). HE.

diagnosed in 26 (5.6%) cases, including one BPIV-3 case.1 BPIV-3 is infrequently associated with bovine abortion in
In a second series that included 709 cases of abortion sub- the USA.
mitted to the same laboratory in 2007-2012, no BPIV-3 In case series from South America, including Uruguay,7
cases were recorded.4 Altogether, these works indicate that Brazil,5 and Argentina,2 that collectively evaluated several
280 Veterinary Pathology 56(2)

We can infer that the virus is not transmitted aerogenously in

fetal life. Experimentally, in utero inoculation of bovine fetuses
with a BPIV-3 strain isolated from an aborted fetus produced
both fetal lesions and immune response.19 Neutralizing BPIV-3
antibody in pregnant heifers parenterally inoculated with
BPIV-3 appears to prevent fetal infection.19 However, viremia
by BPIV-3 has been demonstrated,20 and hematogenous trans-
placental transmission seems plausible in naı̈ve dams. It has
been hypothesized that in areas where most of the adult cattle
have antibodies against BPIV-3, this agent is not likely to be a
major abortifacient; seronegative pregnant females might
instead be susceptible to abortion.19
Necrotizing bronchiolitis, interstitial pneumonia and peri-
bronchiolar lymphoid stimulation (“lymphoreticular hyperpla-
sia/proliferation” and “peribronchiolar lymphoid nodules”)
were demonstrated in surgically removed fetuses inoculated
in utero with BPIV-3 at mid-gestation.18,19 Under these experi-
mental conditions, some fetuses died and were aborted, while
others survived the infection and were born weak, unable to
rise, underweight, or died in the perinatal period.18,19 Descrip-
tions of fetal lesions in spontaneous abortion cases are scarce
and restricted to lymphocytic bronchointerstitial pneumonia in
one case.1 In the case presented here, the spectrum of pulmon-
ary lesions included not only bronchointerstitial inflammation,
but also necrosis, inflammatory and fibrinous exudate and
epithelial syncytial cells in the bronchiolar/alveolar spaces.
Although bronchial/alveolar syncytial cells are occasionally
found in pneumonia induced by postnatal BPIV-3 infection,3
to our knowledge this lesion has not been described in bovine
fetuses. Interestingly, histological examination of the lung of a
human fetus infected with HPIV-3 revealed multifocal pneu-
monia with necrosis, mononuclear and polymorphonuclear
Figs. 7-8. BPIV-3 infection, aborted Holstein fetus. Immunohisto-
infiltrates, and “giant cells”16 that might have represented
chemistry for BPIV-3. Fig. 7. Lung. (a) Strong granular immunoreac-
tivity in pneumocytes, cytoplasm of inflammatory or epithelial cells epithelial syncytia. In addition, the fetus in our case had multi-
within alveolar spaces, and alveolar proteinic exudate. (b) Negative focal necrotizing cryptitis and syncytial enterocytes in the
control, lack of immunoreactivity in the alveolar spaces, inflammatory small intestine, which also represent previously undescribed
exudate and alveolar walls. Fig. 8. Small intestine. (a) Strong granular lesions for this virus. In a diagnostic setting, identification of
cytoplasmic immunoreactivity in crypt enterocytes and cells in the these lesions should encourage the pathologist to pursue spe-
lamina propria (presumably leukocytes and/or fibroblasts). (b) Nega- cific BPIV-3 testing.
tive control, lack of immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm of crypt enter-
ocytes, with mild nonspecific chromogen deposition in the lamina Current knowledge on BPIV-3 molecular epidemiology is
propria and muscularis mucosae. Fig. 9. Phylogenetic tree based on somewhat limited. Sequencing analysis of BPIV-3 strains from
a partial 274-bp region within the matrix gene of BPIV-3. The tree was the USA revealed that, in addition to the BPIV-3a that had been
generated by using the neighbor-joining algorithm using Tamura-Nei previously identified in the country, there were two additional
as the best substitution model, as tested by the ModelTest v3.7 tool. genotypes circulating that, until then, had been described only
The robustness of the tree was determined by bootstrap with 1000 in Australia (BPIV-3b) and Asia (BPIV-3c).13 American gen-
replicates. Only values 70% are shown. BPIV-3 sequence obtained in
this study (LE017_1) is highlighted ().
otypes B-C showed some divergence from the Australian and
Asian strains, and cross-neutralization studies indicated that
there were antigenic differences between these genotypes and
hundred laboratory submissions, BPIV-3 was not reported as a the BPIV-3a included in commercial vaccines.13 Information
cause of bovine abortion. However, BPIV-3a was isolated from from South America is scant. In Argentina, BPIV-3a and
an aborted bovine fetus in Brazil,6 although no pathologic BPIV-3c have been reported from cattle, and BPIV-3b was
information was provided. identified in water buffalo,12 while BPIV-3a was identified in
The pathogenesis of BPIV-3 as a respiratory pathogen in cattle in Brazil.6 No information is available from Uruguay,
postnatal life is relatively well understood;3,8 however, the since this case report represents the first scientific documenta-
mechanisms associated with abortion are largely unknown. tion of BPIV-3 in this country.
Macı´as-Rioseco et al 281

Acknowledgements repeated abortion and concurrent infection in aborted fetuses in Southern Brazil.
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technical assistance, and graduate students from INIA for sup-
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