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Why College Athletes should be allowed to Smoke Marijuana

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Why College athletes’ should be allowed to Smoke Marijuana

Marijuana entails the dried seeds, flowers, leaves and stem that is derived from the

cannabis Sativa. Cannabis sativa is a plant that is majorly grown in western Asia. It is a

flowering plant. Individuals who are cultivating it, use it as a source of seed oil, spiritual

moods, medicine and recreation. Cannabis is used as Marijuana since it contains substantial

quantities of tetrahydrocannabinol which are typically crucial for the effects of Marijuana on

individuals' mental state. Marijuana is also known as weed. It a very notable history of human

use (Smith burger, 2019). The ancient generation crew marijuana as a medicine. They

depended on its substances to cure some chronic diseases at around 500BC in Asia.

Marijuana evolved from central Asia into Africa, Europe and later America. Marijuana

cultivation started in America began during the colonial period. The colonists grew cannabis

sativa to provide rope and textile. In the 20th century Marijuana effects on individuals became

dangerous to an extent that its use was criminalized in America, however in many parts of the

world Marijuana legal status are ever changing daily. The paper analyses the pros and reasons

why the college athletes’ should be allowed to smoke Marijuana.

Marijuana lowers inflammation in the athletes’ muscles according to Dias. Cannabis

are potential anti- inflammatory substances. Cannabis bring about the anti- inflammatory

effects through induction of apoptosis and inhibition of cell profeliration (Bryen, 2019).

According to the research the most advantageous thing of Cannabis involves reduction of

muscle and joint inflammation. For instance Adam Yoga who is a certified yoga instructor

uses Marijuana to facilitate his training. He advocates for the use of Marijuana and

recommends people to use it. According to Adam, the college athletes have to be allowed to

use Marijuana. It helps the athletes in reducing their muscle and joint inflammation and also

facilitating their practice. During the Olympics the athletes’ will not experience any

challenge in the competition due to the positive effects of Marijuana.


Marijuana is used as a lotion medicine to heal ruptured Achilles tendons. According

to Jamie Feaster, the current marketing president at marijuana delivery startup. When his

Achilles tendon ruptured, he used Marijuana cannabidiol lotion, which provided him healing

very first. For this reason, college athletes’ have to be allowed to use Marijuana so that they

may get healing in case they get any rapture Marijuana plays a very significant role when it

comes to healing reasons. The college athletes' careers will not be disturbed by the challenges

of tendon rapture while in the competition. Marijuana will provide them with faster pain

relief, thus allowing them to continue competing favourably (Riggs et al., 2018). Besides,

Marijuana serves to alleviate chronic pain. In case of pain in muscle spasms, the use of

Marijuana acts as a good pain reliever. After the competition, many athletes usually

experience muscle pains, which even limit them from continuing with the completion. In the

world competition, most of the athletes have been seen getting to the point of leaving the

Olympics camps due to the pain they feel in their muscles after the competition. There is a

need for college athletes to be allowed to use Marijuana so that it may help them get relieved

from pains that they might suffer from after engaging in competitions.

Marijuana helps to reduce stress, according to Ricky Williams. Many individuals are

mostly diagnosed with diseases that arise due to living a stressful life. For instance, high

blood pressure. The individuals who suffer from such infections are usually the victims of

emotional stress. According to the scientific research, the findings and the conclusions

indicate that Marijuana is much helpful in reducing stress and making individuals healthy,

according to Richardson, who used Marijuana to forget about the death of his parents.

Basing, on this research, college athletes' have to be given chances to use Marijuana (Pearson

et al., 2017). This will help eliminate the emotional stress that the majority of the athletes

usually undergo while preparing for the competition. Before the preparation lapses, the

athletes usually get worried about their level of preparedness and the performance that they

will get when the competition day arrives. Allowing them to use Marijuana will create a

significant impact to their health and general body development. Marijuana will make an

athlete healthy, active and cool, free from stress, thus allowing them to compete favorably

with others in the competition. Moreover, according to a report from the University of

Chicago, Marijuana contains numerous psychoactive substances that helps to eliminate stress

from individuals. Moreover, Marijuana provides good sleep. Sleep is crucial to overall body

fitness. It is also very beneficial to athletes' performance. An individual who lacks sleep is

likely to wake up feeling too tired. Thus the daily activities won be well attended. An

individual will experience daytime fatigue (Lungu, 2019). During the college competition,

the athletes need to be allowed to use Marijuana before sleeping to wake up while free from

fatigue. This will enable them to compete with feeling tired. Their minds and bodies will be

free and ready to compete freely without limiting them from engaging in the competition. In

case one athlete is suffering from stress, Marijuana will reduce the level of stress, thus

allowing the athletes to sleep well without lacking sleep. However, according to the research,

the young adults who use Marijuana are likely to wake up feeling sleepier and having

impaired memory; this has no scientific justification.

Furthermore, Marijuana helps to strengthen Mental Status, According to Williams.

Compared to other people's views on the impacts of Marijuana that it may impact negatively

on the brain. Marijuana has proven to improve mental acuity if they are taken in lower levels.

Minimum amounts of THC restore individuals' cognitive function (Goode, 2017. According

to a study done in 2017, Marijuana helps to bring back individuals in the zone with their

workouts. Allowing college athletes to use Marijuana will help them to reduce anxiety and

keep them calm. When the athletes use Marijuana, they can attain a meditative flow state that

will enable them to succeed in their competition. |Besides, Marijuana serves to enhance

performance. The athletes who use Marijuana can get good performance since it allows them

to perform well in the case of the competition. An individual who uses Marijuana cannot feel

the weight of the competition while on track. This is because Marijuana improves body

activities, making them compete favourably. Marijuana, more significantly, activates brain

cells and enhances an individual's concentration while performing a task. The individual who

uses Marijuana feels energetic and determined when it comes to delivering on the activity

that he is linked to.

Marijuana makes athletes stronger. Richardson, a recognized American sprinter,

became stronger in the athletic competition from the use of Marijuana. Richardson performed

well and won many titles for the country in the competition. This made him a famous athlete

in America. There, college athletes are not an exception. They have to be given the chance of

using Marijuana so that they can make liver successful in their colleges and gain fame across

the globe. Marijuana improves body performance. An athlete who smokes Marijuana can

deliver positive results as compared to the one who does not smoke before joining the

competition (Friese, 2017). Besides, Marijuana helps athletes to maintain focus on their task.

For instance, Richardson, who was diagnosed with the use of Marijuana in Tokyo said, he

used Marijuana to help him forget about his parents' death. This clearly, justify the reasons

why Marijuana needs to be legalized to all the college athletes. The majority of the athletes

happen to lose their competition due to distractions that they possess in their minds. This

distractions usually arises from their family backgrounds. When it comes to competition they

happen to be mentally unstable making them to compete unfavorably, allowing the college

athletes to smoke marijuana is very crucial to their competition. They will compete without

any reflection from their background challenges thus making them to deliver success to their

states and families.

Moreover, Marijuana contains medicinal substances. According to Riley cote.

Marijuana serves to relives pain after the competition. It contains cannabinoids chemicals

which serves to offer treatment services to the smokers' health. The college athletes' have to

be allowed to smoke weed so as to enable them to remain healthy and not fall sick without

any reason. The chemical substances in the Marijuana serves to heal them while they smoke.

This will enable the athletes not to miss the competition with an excuse of sickness. The

medicinal effect of Marijuana come in when it comes to the treatment of nausea in the cancer

victims and patients who are yet to undergo chemotherapy. It also stimulates appetite in the

individuals. The athletes who after the competition they might experience loss of appetite

they need to be allowed to use Marijuana so that they can they can get appetite to allow them

have meals at their comfort Dills et al., 2016). This medicinal effect of Marijuana is good for

the growth and athletes’ body development. They need to be allowed to use so as to avoid

other body effects that may accrue to them as they grow. Besides, from the research study

smoking Marijuana helps to improve the ling capacity and protecting them from any harm.

Allowing them the athletes to smoke is very essential because, as they compete a lot is

inhalation and exhalation of air is need thus the athletes need to be allowed to smoke

Marijuana to strengthen their lungs capacity. This will reduce the breathing problems to the

athletes that may result from the lungs effect. The athletes' who use cigar rates are likely to

experience breathing problems while in the competition. They have to be prohibited and be

allowed to smoke Marijuana which is helpful to them when it comes to lung development


Marijuana helps the athletes to reduce body weight. Low body weight strengthens the

athletes’ body and improves flexibility. When it comes to athlete with a big

body size is unable to move very fast when it comes to running. The body limits the athletes’

speed subjecting them to poor results (Caulkins, 2019). Marijuana contains chemicals which

help to lower the body weight. This is the reason why the college athletes needs to be allowed

to smoke Marijuana. Marijuana helps to control the level of insulin in the body. Moreover, it

also help to regulate the intake of chloric efficiently thus allowing an individual to maintain

low body weight. If the college athletes are allowed to smoke Marijuana all this impacts will

accrue to them making them making them very essential in their competition because of

flexible body weight .In addition, Marijuana helps to prevent diabetes. It improves blood

circulation in the individuals' bodies by lowering the blood sugar. Allowing the athletes to

use Marijuana will be beneficial in that it will make them healthier thus without any effect

they will be able to compete favorably.

The individuals who are associated with depression are usually advised to use

Marijuana. This is because it will help them to recover from the effects of depression by

setting their minds free from distraction. Marijuana helps the individuals to live a comfortable

life. Prior to the competition majority of the employees are usually diagnosed with issues to

do with depression. Some are usually very anxious to get there thus they to stress about the

same competition making them depressed. To help them recover and stay sober, there is a

need for them to be allowed to smoke Marijuana so that they may live a free life and prepare

adequately for the competition without having prior projections on the possible outcomes.

Marijuana will also help to stabilize the moods of the athletes thus reducing the effects of

depression. Furthermore, the research states that Marijuana helps to strengthen bones. Some

competitions requires a lot of jumping that can easily break the athlete bone. Allowing the

college athletes to smoke Marijuana is very essential (Cavazos et al., 2019). This is because

Marijuana will help to strengthen their bones and repair the worn-out tissues, thus making

their bodies strong for the competition. For the athletes whose bones are broken, smoking

marijuana will help them develop strong ones that cannot break easily in future. Smoking

marijuana also help to lower the effects that are associated with hepatitis. Marijuana helps in

increasing the effectiveness of the hepatitis treatment. This will greatly help the athletes' to

even avoid the effects of Marijuana if they are allowed to smoke.


Finally, legalization of Marijuana to college athletes' has significant impacts.

Marijuana is the substances that are obtained from the cannabis Sativa. It was majorly grown

in Asia before it evolved into Africa, Europe and later America. The cannabis plant was

grown by the ancient people so as to obtain ropes and medicinal substance from it. However

the scientific discoveries have revealed how effective Marijuana can be to the live of the

people. The studies and the experiences that have been received from individuals and athletes

like Richardson, Riley cote. Eugene Monroe among others clearly indicates the reasons why

marijuana smoke has to be legalized in the world and be allowed to the college athletes. This

is because, the Marijuana helps the athletes to be strong for the competition, provides healing

effects in case of tendon rupture, makes the athletes get adequate sleep, reduces the

bodyweight of the athletes and also lower tension and stress. Justify the reasons why there is

a need for the athletes to smoke marijuana.


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