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This document attempts to provide a brief description of batch files and executables installed in the SPSS

for Windows installation directory.

delbars.bat - This file will reset toolbars and status bars in SPSS.

dumb-off.bat - This file reverses the settings of dumb-on.bat, causing SPSS to perceive the printer

dumb-on.bat - This file is run for chart printing diagnostics. If a user is having printing problems, s/he can
run this file to make SPSS regard the printer as a very low level printer with a primitive instruction set.

expoff.bat - This file will cause SPSS to NOT display an alert when your license is close to expiring.

generic.bat - This bat file is provided to allow users to customize SPSS font settings. Most of these
settings can also be set in the Options dialog box under the Edit menu, but Dialogfont can only be set
here. You may need to run this file if characters in your script do not appear correctly in dialog boxes, the
Data Editor, Syntax Windows, The Output Viewer Outline window, graphics, or in pivot tables.

greek.bat – This file is similar to generic.bat, but has been customized for Greek SPSS for Windows.

hebrew.bat – This file is similar to generic.bat, but has been customized for Hebrew SPSS for Windows.

launchon.bat - This file will cause SPSS to again display the "launch" dialog when the product launches.

newuser.bat - enters/registers the user in the Windows registry (inserts an SPSS branch under the
HKEY_CURRENT_USERS branch). This is used to configure a new user to use SPSS on an NT

objs-off.bat – This file turns off the Active-X functioning of SPSS objects. It undoes the work of objs-
on.bat. This toggling is needed because Microsoft has not worked out the bugs in implementing Active-X.
This file will cause SPSS to NOT add output OBJECTS to the clipboard, when the user Cuts or Copies an
object. SPSS defaults to NOT placing objects on the clipboard
because many applications do not support these (Active-X control) objects. Pasting or dropping an
Active-X object into a container that does not support them may cause instability. If you decide to try
using these objects in other applications, be certain to test their compatibility fully before relying on them
in your everyday work.

objs-on.bat - This file turns on the Active-X functioning of SPSS objects. It undoes the work of objs-
off.bat. This toggling is needed because Microsoft has not worked out the bugs in implementing Active-X.
This file will cause SPSS to add output OBJECTS to the clipboard, in addition to the other formats it
places there when the user Cuts or Copies an output. SPSS defaults to NOT placing objects on the
clipboard, because many applications do not support these (Active-X control) objects. Pasting or
dropping an Active-X object into a container that does not support them may cause instability. If you
decide to try using these objects in other applications, be certain to test their compatibility fully before
relying on them in your everyday work.

pmalert.bat - This file will cause SPSS to again prompt when opening large pivot tables or text objects.

prtfast.bat - This file will cause SPSS interactive graphics (IGraphs) to print with a buffer size that is large
in size and may result in the best print performance for PCs plenty of RAM and virtual memory. If your
printed charts have missing white stripes, try prtnorm.bat or prtslow.bat that are slower, but work better for
low-memory machines or printers.
prtnorm.bat - This file will cause SPSS interactive graphics (IGraphs) to print with a buffer size that is of
moderate size and will work with most modern printers. For faster printing, try prtfast.bat. If your printed
charts have missing white stripes, try prtslow.bat that is faster, but uses a smaller print buffer size.

prtslow.bat - This file will cause SPSS interactive graphics (IGraphs) to print with a buffer size that is
slow, but will work with all printers. For faster printing, try prtnorm.bat or prtfast.bat.

regpurge.bat - completely removes SPSS from the Windows registry.

rereg.bat – re-registers the current version of SPSS in the Windows registry. You must be in the directory
where rereg.bat resides, and it will register the version of SPSS in that directory.

rereg61.bat – if SPSS 6.1.x is installed, this makes 6.1.x the primary SPSS version on the machine
(rather than the current version).

rereg70.bat – if SPSS 7.0.x is installed, this makes 7.0.x the primary SPSS version on the machine
(rather than the current version).

wmf-off.bat - This file will cause SPSS to print charts normally. It undoes the work of wmf-on.bat.

wmf-on.bat - This file will cause SPSS to print charts differently than usual. In order to circumvent bugs
in many printer drivers, we'll print Windows metafiles directly.

50comupd.exe - Common Control Library Patch (Multi-lingual-version). For Windows®
95, 98, NT 4.0.

ACTIVATOR.EXE – License Authorization Wizard used to license SPSS products.

ainst.exe – Client Activator (License Authorization Wizard) Installer.

AUNINST.EXE – Client Activator (Licence Authorization Wizard) Uninstaller.

defrag.exe – This utility is used to defragment .SPO files that may collect unused data after repeated

dregedit.exe - an MS/DOS program that selectively alters the contents of the Windows registry. It uses
dregedit.dat, or specialized arguments and switches to add or alter SPSS keys in the Windows registry.

echoid.exe – Displays the Sentinel License Manager Host Locking Code.

fileinfo.exe – Displays version information for files.

geodictionarymanager40.exe – A graphical application that is used to register and unregister data files
for use with the Maps option in SPSS..

geosetmanager40.exe – A graphical application that is used to build geosets for use with the Maps
option in SPSS.

licrenew.exe - This is the utility to update the license codes. It prompts the user for a license code.

lslic.exe – Sentinel License Manager License Addition/Deletion Utility.

lswhere.exe - Sentinel License Manager Search Tool For License Servers.

openspss.exe – A Visual Basic application that uses OLE automation to open SPSS dialogs from the
statistics coach.

ProductRegistration.exe – Launches a browser to register on the SPSS Web site.

regdump.exe – This dumps the SPSS-key contents of the Windows registry to an MS/DOS windows.

regsvr32.exe - An MS-DOS executable used to register libraries.

runsyntx.exe – A mechanism used to open SPSS and run syntax files, primarily used in Windows when
the Run option is selected when right clicking on .SPS files. This executable should not be used to
automate jobs – this is the primary purpose of the SPSS Production Facility (spssprod.exe).

showlic.exe – Displays license information.

spssdbca.exe – The SPSS Database Access Manager is a graphical application used to simplify large or
confusing data sources for use with the Database Wizard. It allows users and administrators to customize
their data source.

spssprod.exe - The Production Facility provides the ability to run the program in an automated fashion.
The program runs unattended and terminates after executing the last command, so you can perform other
tasks while it runs. Production mode is useful if you often run the same set of time-consuming analyses,
such as weekly reports.

spssrtf.exe – A mechanism that is required by the Viewer.

spsswin.exe - This is the executable that runs the SPSS front-end GUI (graphical user interface).

syntaxconverter.exe – A utility to convert TABLES syntax to CTABLES syntax.

testload.exe – A utility used to test the loading of libraries.

virtualr.exe – Prompts the user to set the number of virtual rows in the Data Editor. This is useful when
opening huge data sets when one doesn’t want to allocate memory for all of the cases in the Data Editor.
The README contains more information on this matter.

wregedit.exe - A windows version of dregedit.exe.

dregedit.dat - Contains a list of commands used to populate the Windows registry with SPSS entries.
Used by dregedit.exe and wregedit.exe.

echoid.dat – A configuration file required by echoid.exe.

SPSSClientSetup.log - This is a plain text record of SPSS’s installation on the machine. If something
went wrong, it might be useful to inspect this file. It is created in the temp directory defined by the
%TEMP% environment variable.

spss.tpl - This file contains SPSS data templates.

70.dat, 61.dat - These are the input files required by rereg75.bat, rereg70.bat and rereg61.bat,
respectively, in order to register their versions (7.5.x, 7.0.x or 6.1.x) as the primary version of SPSS in the
Windows Registry. Note that they must also be copied into their respective directories. These files are
similar to dregedit.dat.


.386 - device driver for Windows 3.1

.acd - allClear v4 diagram file
.acl - allClear v3 script or format file
.agt - Neural Network production mode command files
.amd - Amos Text input file
.ami - Amos Text input file (the default)
.amj - Amos Graph output read by Amos Text
.amo - Amos Text output file
.amp - Amos Text output read by Amos Graphics
.amw - Amos Graphics System (data) file
.atp - AnswerTree output project file (contains tree)
.ats - AnswerTree production mode command file
.avf - Clear View, or allClear v3 & v4 file
.bak - backup file
.bat - batch file
.bin - binary files
.bmp - Window bit map
.btr - Btrieve file
.cht - SPSS 6.1 chart file
.clo - SPSS chart look
.com - command file, runs on its own
- SYSTAT v5 command file
.cpl - Control Panel entry
.csaplan - Complex Samples sampling plan file
.csplan - Complex Samples analysis plan file
.dat - any sort of data file, too generic
.dll - binary executable file, but cannot run on its own
.doc - MSWord document
.drv - driver
.eps - encapsulated PostScript
.err - error file
.exe - binary executable file, runs on its own
.fon - font (printer) file
.fot - font (terminal) file
.gif - type of image file
.grp - group file (Windows 3.1)
.hlp - help file
.hmt - NetScape Markup
.html - hypertext markup language, www language
.ico - icon file
.inc - SPSS production file, or include file
.inf - Windows information file
.ini - initialization file (Windows 3.1 applications)
.ins - internet signup
.isp - internet signup
.jpeg - an image file
.jpg - an image file
.kyb - keyboard mapping file
.lnk - link files, desktop shortcuts to the executables
.lst - SPSS 6.1 output
.mpeg - video file
.mak - for compiling, C
.mda, mdb - MSACCESS
.mml - Model Markup Language file
.mnu - menu file
.mov - Quicktime movie
.movie - video movie
.mp2 - movie
.mpg - video movie
.mpeg - video
.msg - message
.msn - MS Network document
.nna - Neural Network v1 data file
.nni - Neural Network v2 files, directions on how to run
.nnt - Neural Network v1 files, directions on how to run
.ocx - OLE custom control file
.pcx - Paint picture file
.pdf - Acrobat document file
.pif - program information file (MS/DOS within Windows)
.pix - picture file
.por - SPSS portable file
.ppt - PowerPoint file
.prj - project file
.ps - PostScript file
.qry - MSQuery file
.qt - QuickTime file
.ra - RealAudio file
.ram - RealAudio file
.reg - Windows Registry backup file
.rtf - rich text format file
.sav - SPSS for Windows data file
.sbs - SPSS SaxBasic script file
.scr - screen saver file
.sgt - SPSS chart template
.shb - document shortcut
.shp - allClear user-defined shape file
.spc - QIAnalyst file
.spd - SPSS syntax guides
.spo - SPSS for windows output
.spp - SPSS for windows production mode output
.sps - SPSS syntax files
.srv - TextSmart survey (system, data) file
.ssd - SAS data file
.sty - allClear v3 style sheet
.syc - SYSTAT v6, v7, & v8 command files
.syd - SYSTAT v6, v7, & v8 data files
.syg - SYSTAT v5, v6, & v7 graph files
.sys - some Windows system files
- SPSS MS/DOS data files
- SYSTAT v5 data files
.tif - an image file
.tiff - an image file
.tlo - SPSS table look
.ttf - TrueType font
.txt - default plain text
- default input for TextSmart, Business Objects
.url - internet shortcut, URL address
.vts - TrialRun first impression data matrix
.vxd - Windows virtual device driver
.wav - audio wave file
.wb2 - QuattroPro file
.wk* - Lotus files
.wmf - Windows metafile (graphics)
- SYSTAT v8 graph file
.wpd - WordPerfect files
.wpg - WordPerfect Draw files
.wri - Notepad files
.xbm - Netscape Markup files
.xl* - Excel file
.xml - XML file
.zip - zipped file

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