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B: Incremental Heat Rate Characteristics

Mark Jaworski Cadayong
October 08, 2021

Cases: Dispatch with piecewise linear heat rate curve problem.

Unit #1
Inc. Cost / F1P1 Total
Lambda ($/h) Generation
100.00 7,000.00 11.20 1,120.00 Case 1 300 0 300.00
200.00 8,200.00 13.12 2,624.00 Case 2 300 200 500.00
300.00 8,900.00 14.24 4,272.00 Case 3 400 300 700.00
400.00 11,000.00 17.60 7,040.00 Case 4 400 440 840.00

Unit #2
Inc. Cost / F1P1
P IHR For Cases: Prioritized the Lowest Incremental Cost
Lambda ($/h)
150.00 7,500.00 15.75 2,362.50
275.00 7,700.00 16.17 4,446.75
390.00 8,100.00 17.01 6,633.90
450.00 8,500.00 17.85 8,032.50

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