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WEEK ONE Where will you lead your group? Pick and choose from these
I DESERVE DEATH, BUT HE suggestions to create the right discussion for your group.
• Tell your best “getting caught” story that wasn’t so funny when
it happened.
Review the key points from
Craig’s talk, what stuck out? • Best Easter tradition—let’s hear it.
We are all guilty of breaking • Not everyone has an I-stole-these-running-shorts-for-my-mom
God’s laws. story, yet the Bible says we all come up short. Talk about the
moment you first realized you needed Jesus’ forgiveness.
James 2:10
• How do you approach your sin and shortcomings differently
Luke 7:9
now that you’ve realized your need for a savior?
Luke 23:32-33,39-41
• Craig talked about how the second thief had to be saved by
“We don't have eternal life because grace through faith, not works. Do you live like you’re saved by
we're good. We have it because your belief in Jesus or by your accomplishments for Jesus?
God is good.”
• What is one thing you’re facing that desperately needs the
saving power of what Jesus has already done?
We are all one of two thieves.
• Is there any guilt you need to acknowledge so Jesus can give
Thief #1: Unrepentant you life?
(Prideful, critical, entitled, no fear of • Read Romans 6:23 as a group. Does it compute for you that
God, no need for a savior) death is what you deserve? How should this realization
change the way you live?
Thief #2: Repentant
• Pray together to thank Jesus for the specific ways He already
(Feared God, broken, humbled,
gave and continues to give you what you don’t deserve.
desperate, needed forgiveness)
What about Scripture? Read through these together to test
“The second thief deserved death,
your discussion with scriptural truth.
but Jesus gave him life!”
Philippians 2:5-11 Hebrews 9:12
Luke 23:42-43
Psalm 103:10 John 12:23-25 Isaiah 53:1-12
1 Peter 1:3
1 Peter 2:24 Ephesians 2:4-10
“Jesus gave up what He deserved
End with a challenge to make it real. Commit to a next step as
to give us what we don’t deserve.”
a group and bring the discussion to life this week.
• Start your day with worship music and reflection on your
Leaders, Craig filmed this video
Savior in this three-day Bible reading plan:
to thank you:
• Share your story of how Jesus has changed you with at least
one new person this week.
• How will your week look different because of what Jesus has
done for you?

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