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Valeria Reyes

ENGL 1301- 129

Judith McCann

3, November 2021

Our Country needs a female president.

Being a president of a country means a lot of responsibilities and hard work. The first

president of the United States was created in the year 1789 which was George Washington. Over

history our country had only men as presidents, but society has never had a woman as a president.

Society thinks that the United States is not ready to have a woman as a president. In fact, there are

many websites where it states why the U.S. is not ready to have a female as a president. In the

article, “America clearly is not ready for a female president: why?” by Abby Corrington, and

Michelle Helb. The use of the rhetorical strategies logos, ethos and biases, counter claim to strength

their argument that more women need to be involved in politics and the sexism that exist of both

genders should be changed.

To begin with, a great example for this argument is when Hillary Clinton was running for

president of the United States. The authors discussed the sexism as a rhetorical strategy that took

place between the presidential debate in this case people decided to vote for Donald Trump instead

of Hillary Clinton because Donald trump had stated that he wanted to “Make America Again.”

This means he wanted people to see a big change in their country. According to the article People

thought that because Donald trump is a man, he was going to take care of the country than Hillary

Clinton. One of the reasons why people thought that Donald Trump was a great president for our

country was because he promised to protect our borders and also keep good jobs positions in our

country (Corrington and Helb 32).Another reason why the authors believe people decided to vote
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for Donald Trump instead of Hillary Clinton is because they where afraid and resisted diversity

(Corrington and Helb 32). People decided to vote for Trump because they felt more protected with

him than with Hillary Clinton. On the other hand, the authors mentioned in their article a counter

claim to show that not all people supported Trump’s sexism. Women decided to vote for Hillary

Clinton because they where women and they wanted to support their gender. One of the reasons

why many women decided to support her instead of supporting trump is because she will make

opportunities for people. Some of the opportunities Hillary Clinton was going to make was having

equality with people, expand the minimum wages, confront violence against female, protect

women’s rights, and also their health rights (Corrington and Helb 33). Since Hillary Clinton was

going to fight more for the equality of women there was more women than men that decided to

vote for her. One of the reasons why women decided to vote for Hillary Clinton rather than Donald

Trump it is because they felt that their voice was finally going to be heard and that they would have

more advantages if there was a woman as a U.S president.

In some cases, Hillary Clinton received a lot of gender related explanation against her. This

means that there was a lot of sexism against Hillary Clinton. For instance, sometimes Donald

Trump would be rude with Hillary Clinton which made him look sexist. A great example of how

Donald Trump was being disrespectful with Hillary was by mentoning that being a president was

meant for a man’s job and there was also a sticker that stated “Trump that bitch.” (Corrington and

Helb 34 & 35). This was actually so sexist because it showed that Donald Trump was making fun

or being rude with Hillary Clinton just because of her gender. One of the reasons why people were

sexist towards her is because they thought that women couldn’t be strong enough to be in charge of

a country which in this case it was the United States. In fact, In the year 1996 Fiske and Glick stated

that male’s power was on Political, religious institution, and economic (Corrington and Helb 34).
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They also said that women would dyadic power. In another words, these two people said that

Politics was not meant for woman instead it was only meant for men. They thought that women

weren’t smart enough to get on politics stuff. They thought that women wanted to have the men’s

power which makes them look like a feminist. What this means is that according to many sexist

people is that if a women would be the United States president, she would want to do things by

herself without receiving any man’s help which would make her look like a feminist. These people

are totally wrong because they are two differences between wanting to do the same jobs men do

and being feminist. In this case, Hillary Just wanted to make America different by being the first

women president in the United States and have gender equality.

Another reason why many individuals think women shouldn’t be the United States

president is because of the social role theory. In other words, society thinks that women in the U.S

are more likely to do housekeeping rather than working (Corrington and Helb 35). This means that

some people still have old days mentality which might me kind of sexist. One of the reasons why

people think that is because they have had that mentality that women are meant to be in their house

and men should go look for a job. People think that women have less power than men which makes

them look they do not have acknowledge in some of the things. They also think that if women

would be the leaders of something they were considered as having a masculine leadership style

(Corrington and Helb 36.) What this means is that women are considered more hostile. For

instance, Hillary Clinton was not accepted by many voters and was evaluated in a negative way.

One of the reasons why She was evaluated that way is because she wanted independence which

made some voters think she did not want any help. Some people think that both the female and

leadership role was too much for the Americans. Sometimes there can be different types of

stereotypes such as the warmth which means the prediction of competition and inferior which is
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noncompetitive people. This can relate with this topic because it is predicted that women are less

likely to win in a presidency election. In fact, Hillary Clinton was considered with low warmth and

high warmth if competing (Corrington and Helb 36).

In conclusion, America should make a change and have a woman as a president. Many

people always stereotype others because of the way they look or because of their gender. In fact,

Sometimes people think that just because it is a woman, they are not capable of doing something. In

some cases, people think that women want to be feminist, but they just want the same respect and

be treated equal. A great example that can relate to this topic is Hillary Clinton because she was

been treated unfairly and had mean comments. People were been sexist with her because they

treated her in a bad way just because she is a female which is unacceptable.

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