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Language Improvement

Alliterative expressions

There’s no focus to his work, it’s just a mish- __________ of ideas.

Well done! It’s all looking ship- __________ and ready for inspection.

I’m not prepared to listen to another one of her sob-__________, I’ve had it
with her excuses.

She told me that Sue, next door, has been seeing Ron from number 62. I’m
sure it’s just idle tittle-__________.

A: “The daily grind of working in London is killing me”. B: “Welcome to the rat

She’s been off sick 3 times in the last fortnight. Do you think we’ll be hearing
the pitter- __________ of tiny feet soon?

I’ve never been in the Queen’s Head, have you seen the riff-__________ that
hang out there?

The one thing I hate about camping is all the creepy- ____________.

The books we ordered have been arriving in dribs and __________ for the last
few days. Why don’t they just send them all out in one go?

My kids are always arguing, it’s never serious though, just tit for __________.

I was black and __________ all over after my first karate lesson.

A: “What did you get up to this weekend?” B: “Oh this and __________, you

I’ve never considered working in the private sector. I prefer schools that are a
bit more rough and __________. I like the challenge.

My husband is on leave at the moment. He’s been working so hard lately, he

really needs the rest and ___________.
Language Improvement

Alliterative expressions

There’s no focus to his work, it’s just a mish- mash of ideas.

Well done! It’s all looking ship- shape and ready for inspection.

I’m not prepared to listen to another one of her sob- stories, I’ve had it with
her excuses.

She told me that Sue, next door, has been seeing Ron from number 62. I’m
sure it’s just idle tittle- tattle.

A: “The daily grind of working in London is killing me”. B: “Welcome to the rat

She’s been off sick 3 times in the last fortnight. Do you think we’ll be hearing
the pitter- patter of tiny feet soon?

I’ve never been in the Queen’s Head, have you seen the riff- raff that hang out

The one thing I hate about camping is all the creepy- crawlies.

The books we ordered have been arriving in dribs and drabs for the last few
days. Why don’t they just send them all out in one go?

My kids are always arguing, it’s never serious though, just tit for tat.

I was black and blue all over after my first karate lesson.

A: “What did you get up to this weekend?” B: “Oh this and that, you know”

I’ve never considered working in the private sector. I prefer schools that are a
bit more rough and ready. I like the challenge.

My husband is on leave at the moment. He’s been working so hard lately, he

really needs the rest and recuperation.

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