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MAKE/DO - practice

Use make or do according to the phrase

- ___________________a favour.

Can___________________a favour?

-___________________an exception.

We will___________________an exception this time and we will analyse it today.

-___________________a difference.

It doesn´t really___________________difference to us. We can make it by May.

- ___________________an effort.

Radiographers ___________________an effort to incorporate staff in our private sector.

- ___________________plans.

We will be ___________________plans in the short term.


Our board are___________________decisions in this line.

- ___________________a report.

I have to sit and __________________on this issue.


This mild treatment will___________________good in the long run.

- ___________________a reservation.

We have ___________________a reservation for tomorrow evening.

-___________________a phone call.

She ___________________a phone call this morning and said she couldn´t join us.

-___________________a suggestion.

I would like to ___________________a suggestion on this m atter.

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