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12 Grammar  Honestly!

1 Work with a partner. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs from the box.

be (x7) come go happen meet (x3) say (x4) want

Dani I’ve 1      the director Steven Spielberg.

Max Really? When 2      you      him?
Dani Two years ago.
Max Where 3      you?
Dani I 4      in London.
Max Why 5      you there?
Dani I 6      there for a job interview.
Max How 7      you      him?
Dani I 8      to a café for a coffee and he 9      there, too.
Max Why 10      he there?
Dani For the same reason as me, I suppose. He 11      a coffee as well.
Max 12
     he      anything to you?
Yes. The café 13      very busy and he 14      up to my table
and 15      , ‘Is this seat free?’
Max OK, and what 16      you      to him?
Dani In a loud voice I 17      , ‘Go away, Steve. Stop following me around.’
Max I don’t believe you!
Dani Honestly, it really 18      , I promise you!

2 Write three true sentences about experiences you have had. Example: I’ve been to Australia.

3 Work with your partner. Write your six sentences from exercise 2. Mix up the sentences.

4a Work in small groups. In your pairs, say your sentences to the other students. Ask and answer questions about the
sentences. Guess who is telling the truth and complete ‘Name’ and ‘Sentence’ in the table.

b Check your answers with the other students. Tick (✔) or cross (✗) the boxes in the table.

Name Sentence Correct?

Gregor … has been to Australia. ✓

Carola … has met Mo Farah. ✗ (Gregor has met Mo Farah.)

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