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Mapel. : Bahasa Inggris Wajib

Kelas : X BB dan MIPA 1,2,3,4
Seemester : Gasal
Tapel : 2021/2022
Guru Mapel : Sudi Herminto,S.Pd.


1. Diperdengarkan percakapan secara lisan, pesertadidik dapat :
a) Menemukan gambaran umum percakapn tersebut.
b) Menemukan informasi tertentu dari percakapan.
2. ...


Listen the spoken English

Task 1
Listen the conversation 1 and answer the question.
1. What does the monologue tell us about?
2. Who is the speaker’s name?
3. How old is the speaker?
4. What is the speaker?
5. Where does the speaker from?
6. Who are Holly and Caroline?
7. How oldare they?
8. What sports does the speaker do?
9. What pets does the speaker have?

Tak 2
What points does the monologue have in introducing herself?
 ...
 ...
 ...
 ...
 ...
 ...

Task 3
Read the following conversation and answer the questions.

Peter: My name is Peter. What's your name?

Jane: My name is Jane. Nice to meet you.
Peter: It's a pleasure. This is a great party!
Jane: Yes, it is. Where are you from?
Peter: I'm from Amsterdam.
Jane: Amsterdam? Are you German?
Peter: No, I'm not German. I'm Dutch.
Jane: Oh, you're Dutch. Sorry about that.
Peter: That's OK. Where are you from?
Jane: I'm from London, but I'm not British.
Peter: No, what are you?
Jane: Well, my parents were Spanish, so I'm Spanish, too.
Peter: That's very interesting. Spain is a beautiful country.
Jane: Thank you. It is a wonderful place.
1. What does the conversation mainly tell us about
2. How many speakers does the conversation have?
3. Where does the conversation take place?
4. What is Peter’s nationality?
5. What is Jane’s nationality?
Task 4
Do like the example :
Example :

Hallo,my name is Carolina. You can call me Lina. I am 15 years old. I live in Kartasura. I am in the firsst
year of SMA. My hobbies are reading, swimming, playing tennis, watching films, listening musics and
travelling. I am a student.I am from Semarang. My father is a Korean but I am Indonesian.

Write your monologue. It tells about your personal introduction. Points should be available are :
 Name
 Calling
 Age
 Address
 Education
 Hobbies (at least 5 items)
 Profession (student)
 City
 Nationality


Hasil pekerjakan di buku tulis dan difoto kirim japri maksimaldibatasi sampai jam 23.00 hari ini.

Task 5
Read the following monolog and answer the questions

Let me introduce myself.

Hallo, my name is Nindya Aswaranti Seysar. I am a moslem.People call me
Nindya. I am 18 years old. I live in Pandeyan RT 03 RW 01, Ngadirejo, Kartasura,
Sukoharjo. I don’t have father, but I still have a mother. I was born in Surakarta,
January 24th 1995. My zodiac is Aquarius. My hobbies are listening music, reading
and doing sports. My phone number is 087 834 989 337. My favourite food are
much. My favourite drinks are everythings with ice. My favourite films are horror,
comedy and romantic. My favourite song are romantic and religious songs. My
favourite colors are white, pink and blue.

1.What are you reading about?

2.Who is introduced?
3.How do people call her?
4.How old is she?
5.What is her address?
6.Does she still have father?
7.When was she born?
8.What is her zodiac?
9.How many hobbies does she have?
10.What are her hobbies?
11.How do you spell her phone number 087 834 989 337 in written?
12.What kind of film does she like the most?
13.How many favourite color does she have?
14.what are her favourite colors?

Task 6
Compose your personal introduction like in task 5 and add, lessen, edit!


Task 7
Read the following text and compose the questionsbased on the answers!

Hallo, Let me introduce myself. My name is Lisa Puspitasari, but people can call me Lisa for
short. I was born in Karanganyar, May 29th 1995. I am eighteen years old. I live in Kabalan RT
1 RW 6, Ngadirejo Kartasura. I study in SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo – State Senior High School 2
Sukoharjo. I am in the third year, Science Program-One. My future plan is I want to be a techer.
My contact phone is 085 642 420 659. My hobby is playing badminton. My favourite food is
Chicken Steak. My zodiac is Gemini.
1. .....................................................................?
The text tellus about Lisa Puspitasari’spersonalintroduction.
2. .....................................................................?
People can callme Lisa.

3. .....................................................................?
Lisa is 26 years old.
4. .....................................................................?
She lives in Kabalan RT 1 RW 6, Ngadirejo Kartasura.

5. .....................................................................?
She is a student.
6. .....................................................................?
In SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo

7. .....................................................................?
She is in the third year.
8. .....................................................................?
She has Science Program.

9. .....................................................................?
She wants to be a teacher.
10. .....................................................................?
Her favorite hobby is playing badminton

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