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Michell Méndez León

Juan Manuel Vertel Castro


Liney Lilian Hernández Julio


English I

G 1B

University of Córdoba

Science Faculty-Chemistry

Córdoba - Colombia

Page 41

2) Look at the menu. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.


The Shrimp boat
Shrimp cocktail W
soup of the day M
1 the soup is an appetizer
Garden salad
2 the shrimp savoy is an _entrees ***
3 the pastas is a _entrees_ Shrimp savoy W M
Shrimp plaza
4 the ice cream is a _side dish
Shrimp ritz
served with rice or pasta and mixed
5 after your meal, you can have coffee or _tea
3) PAIRS. Discuss the questions Cheesecake
Chocolate ice cream M
 How often do you go to restaurants? Raspberry sorbet
 What is your favorite restaurant? Coffe tea
 Why do you like it Cappuccino espresso

 I rarely go to restaurants, I only go on special occasions

 my favorite restaurant is called Dominic pizzas
 I like that restaurant because I love pizza and it is what their menu offers

4) Look at the menu. Listen to two people orderin a meal at The Shrimp Boat. On the menu, put an
M next to the food the man orders and a W next to the food the woman orders.

Extra activity:

You’re a famous chef. You’re going to open a new American restaurant in your city. What would
you like to have on the menu? Write a memo to the person who will design the menu. Include
information about appetizers, entrées, side, dishes, desserts, and drinks
Monteria – September 10, 2021

Good morning, I am writing this so that you please take into account the dishes that I want to have
on the menu that you will design for my restaurant, let's start with the appetizers, I want to have a
teaspoon of salmon and avocado, shrimp and zucchini bronchetas and, montaditos of moorish
skewer; For starters I want tartlets and toasts, tuna loin canape with peppers; As side dishes I want
French fries, pasta, puree and vegetables; of dishes I want seafood with garlic and potato tortillas
with tuna; I want papaya cream, cholado and cocada for desserts and natural juices for drinks.
Thank you for your attention

Page 45

5) Arthur C Clarke is a scientit. He has also written many science fiction novels, including 2001: A
Space Odyssey. Read his predictions

Brave new worls

In 1967, the scientist Arthur C. Clarke made these predictions about the year 2000:

1 We will have satellite TV. English will become the mais world laguaje used in satellite TV
programs. (X)

2 We will have newspapers on computers. Peoples won’t use paper, and we will get our
informatiom from TV screens. (X)

3 We will send messages around the world by computer. People will have friends from all over the
world and not just in their own country. (X)

4 People won’t live in cities. Everyone will live in small, independent comunities in the country.

5 The population will increase to 6 billon and then will get smaller. By the end of the 21st century.
Only a few millon people will live on earth

6 People won’t work in offices. They will work at home and communicate with computers. (X)

7 We will have automatic cars with no drivers. Cars won’t use gasoline.

8 We will use technology to make healthier food.

9 We will go on vacation in space. There will be hotels on space stations as well as on the moon
and mars

6) PAIRS. Which of Arthur C. Clarkes predictions have come true? Put a check (x) next to the
predictions that are true for most people today
7) Complete the predictions from the reading with the words in the box

Cars space programs messages offices

cities food the news population

1 We will have satellite tv programs

2 We will read the new on the computer

3 People around the world will send messages to each other by computer

4 No one will live in cities

5 The population of the world will get smaller

6 No one will work in offices

7 Cars won´t need drivers or gasoline

8 The food we eat will be healthier

9 There will be hotels in space

Page 46

3) Use the words to make sentences about the year 2100.

1 The population of the world / not increase.

 The population of the world won’t increase.

2 Where / people / go on vacation?

 Where do people go on vacation?

3 I / not think / people / go on vacation in space

 I don't think people go to the vacation space

4 Everyone / have / a computer?

 everyone will have computers

5 I think / everyone / speak one lenguaje.

 I think the most spoken language will be English

6 The world’s weather / not get warmer.

 the world's climate can be warmer

7 You think / technology / cost less?

 do you think technology costs less?

8 I think / transportation / be cheaper.

 I think the transport will be cheaper

9 The world economy / be stronger.

 the world economy will be stronger

10 There be / flying cars.

 there will be flying cars

11 I / not think / we find life on another planet.

 I don't think we will find life on another planet

Extra activity:

Look again at the web page on page 45. Use Arthur C. Clarke´s predictions as a model. Write your
own predictions about five (5) big issues for the year 2050. Use will.

My predictions of big problems for 2050 are:

1 the water will run out

2 the air will be toxic from pollution

3 people will be less sociable

4 the world population will increase

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