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• Able to clearly & concretely map the goals of establishing a company;

• Able to determine the direction & principles held by the company which formed as the
company’s characteristic & increase income;

• Able to comprehensively and professionally explain their company profile to external

parties; and

• To improve student’s analytical skill in understanding the company’s position in the

product value chain to increase the competitive advantage of the company.

A. Vision & Mission

Vision is words that express dreams or ideals and what a company or an
organization should do in the future. In making a vision, there are some conditions to be
met, that are:

1. Future oriented;

2. Not based on current condition;

3. Expressing creativity; and

4. Based on principles and values that include community accolades.

In the process of making vision must refer to S.M.A.R.T. aspect. S.M.A.R.T. is the
method that will make it easier in setting out your company’s vision. The S.M.A.R.T.,
aspect consists of:

1. Specific
(simple, sensible, significant)

2. Measurable
(meaningful, motivating)

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3. Achievable
(agreed, attainable)

4. Relevant
(reasonable, realistic, resourced, results-based)

5. Time Bound
(time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)

Mission is a statement about what the company or organization must do in an

effort to realize the Vision. The mission is defined as the purpose and the reason why the
company or organization was created. The mission will also provide direction as well as
boundaries in the process of achieving goals.

B. Company Value
The value of companies is made to shape behavior and character in the work
environment to grow a corporate culture that could support corporate strategies to
achieve the corporate vision, therefore the company's value comes from the company's
vision and mission.

C. Company Brief
Company Brief is your brand’s professional summary that provides an overview of
the business and its activities to potential customers and investors.

D. Value Chain Analysis (VCA)

A Value Chain is a set of activities that an organization carries out to create value
for its customers. Value Chain Analysis focuses on analyzing the internal activities and
describing business activities it takes to create a product from start to finish.

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VCA for Manufacturing Company

VCA for Service Company

Copyright © HRTEAM 2021

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