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1. Which of the following is not a chronic adaptation to aerobic exercise?

A. Increased maximal cardiac output

B. Increased capillary density in muscle fibers

C. Bradycardia during rest

D. Increases T-tubule density

2.which body type do late-maturing adolescents typically have?

A. Ectomorphic

B. Endomorphic

C. Mesomorphic

D. No specific typical build

3. Which of the following substrates provides the majority of energy during a 50m dash?

A. Krebs Cycle

B. ATP +Cp


D. Glucose

4. Of the many back muscles that activate to assist the latissimus dorsi during a pull up, which of the
following do not?

A. Teres minor

B. Erector spinae

C. Trapezius

D. Rhomboids
5. What effect does overtraining have within muscle tissue?

A. Decreased glycogen storage

B. Decreased creatine kinase

C. Elevated blood lipids

D. Decreased dopamine levels

6. Which of the following is not a muscle structure adaptation to anaerobic training?

A. Larger pennation angle

B. Fasicle length increase

C. Increased CSA

D. Decreased cytoplasmic density

7. During ventricular contraction, which valve stops the backfolw of blood from the ventricular to the
atrium on the right side of the heart?

A. Bicuspid valve

B. Semilunar valve

C. Tricuspid valve

D. Pulmonary valve

8. Which of the following substances increases red blood cell formation?

A. Winstrol

B. Erythropoietin

C. Glucose

D. Bicarbonate
9. Which of the following terms best describes the skills and abilities needed to explosively change
movement directions, velocities, or modes in response to stimulus?

A. Change of direction

B. Agility

C. Speed

D. Explosive power

10. Name the arm action performed concentrically during a dumbell lateral raise.

A. Adduction

B. Extension

C. Flexion

D. Abduction

11. Which muscle stabilizes the hip in the frontal plane during squatting movements?

A. Gluteus maximus

B. Hamstring complex

C. Abdominal wall

D. Gluteus medius

12. Which of the following lever by definition operates at a mechanical disadvantage?

A. First-class

B. Second-class

C. Third-class

D. Fouth-class
13. Which of the following terms refers to increased end -diastolic volume stretching the myocardial
fibers resulting in increased systolic injection?

A. Size principle

B. Myotatic reflex

C. Frank-starling mechanicsm

D. Stretch reflex

14. Which of the following is not an adaptation that occurs in the endocrine system?

A. Increased binding sensitivity

B. Variation in the rate of hormone degradion

C. Increased hormone production

D. Increased mitochondrial density

15. Which of the following best promotes increases anabolic hormone concentration?

A. 8 total sets at 85% 1RM

B. 10 total sets at 75% 1RM

C. 3 sets at 95% 1RM

D. 40 minutes 50% VO2 max

16. Which phase of the stretch-shortening cycle corresponds to the time delay required for afferent
nerves to synapse with alpha motor neurons?

A. Concentric pahse

B. Eccentric pahse

C. Amortization phase

D. Impulse phase
17. Which of the following muscles acts as a synergistic during deep aquating to counteract hip flexion?

A. Vast Is lateralis

B. Rectus femoris

C. Gluteus maximus

D. Lattissimus dorsi

18. Which is the primary concern associated with peak height velocity in terms of injury risk?

A. Ligamentous tears

B. Growth plate damage

C. Muscle strain

D. Joint sprains

19. In an electrocardiogram or ECG, what is the significance of the T-wave?

A. Ventricular depolarization

B. Atrial repolarization

C. Ventricular repolarization

D. Atrial depolarization

20. Which of the following activities results in the greatest EPOC?

A. 10 total sets @80-90% 1RM

B. High reps sets @50% 1RM

C. Long-duration cardio

D. CP rest thesis
21. Glycogen depletion during moderate and high-intensity exercise primarily occurs in which of the

A. Liver

B. Kidney

C. Myocardium

D. Muscle tissue

22. What condition may be experienced with a decrease engagement of available range-of-motion in an
older person?

A. Fibrosis

B. Rheumatoid arthritis

C. Atrophy

D. Strength loss

23. According to the mechanical model of plyometric exercise, which of the following is responsible for
increased concentric force production during a plyometric movement?

A. A stretch reflex

B. Elasticity in the tendons and other tissues

C. Greater motor unit recruitment

D. Faster rate coding

24. Men and women display differences in which of the following?

A. Women are weaker than men relative to fat-free mass

B. Women are much weaker in lower body strength compared to men relative to body weight

C. Upper body strength in women tends to be much lower than men

D. Muscle quality is sex-specific

25. Which of the following is not a likely reason for aerobic power differences inen and women?

A. Decreases testosterone in women

B. Higher body fat in women

C. Lower blood haemoglobin in women

D. Larger heart size in men

26. Which of the following muscle actions results in the greatest need for recovery?

A. Ecentric

B. Concentric

C. Isometric

D. Iso kinetic

27. Which muscle acts as an antagonist during knee extension?

A. Biceps femoris

B. Rectus femoris

C. Gastrocnemius

D. Vastus medialis

28. The calf muscles act as which type of lever when raising the body onto the balls of the feet?

A. Firts-class

B. Second-class

C. Third-class

D. Fourth-class
29. While skating, which of these hip movements depends on the gluteus maximum for a hockey

A. Hip flexion

B. Internal hip rotation

C. Hip adduction

D. External hip rotation

30. Which of the following training methods are important to reduce the risk of falling:

A. Light resistance training

B. Water aerobics

C. Heavy resistance training

D. Balance and flexibility training

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