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Describir mi amigos

Ones on the right used to describe good friends

Te apoya/te ayuda = They support me
Te conoce bien = They/he/she know you well
Te acepta como eres = They accept you as you are
Te da consejos = They give you advice
Te escucha = They listen to you
Te hace reir = They make you laugh
No te critica = They do not criticise you
Nunca te juzga = They never judge you

Un buen amigo / una buena amiga es alguien que = a good friend is someone who

Un buen amigo es alguien que te conoce bien y te ayuda durante los tiempos difíciles. Es
muy importante que te hace reír y nunca te juzga. Además un buen amigo te escucha y te
da consejos

A good friend is someone who knows you well and supports me during difficult times. It is
very important that they make you laugh and never judge you. Also a good friend listens to
you and gives you advice.

1. Met at badminton club, She is loyal and they support her with my problems
2. Met in Primary School, makes you laugh, never judges
3. In school, Listens and not critical
4. Football club, always helps you, honest

1. Met him 4 years ago (yo conoci a mi amigo John hace cuatro años)
2. Met in Malaga on the beach playing football (en Málaga, cuando el estaba de
vacaciones en la playa, jugando al fútbol
3. They both have sports in common (Como tenemos el deporte en común)
4. They met in school 10 years ago and at 15 dated and lived together(A los 15 anos
nos hicimos novios
5. Kiara is: creative, strict and energetic (Como persona, es creativa, tolerante,
energica). Loves films (Nos encantan las películas)
6. A good friend has to be someone who loves you and always supports you (Un buen
amigo es alguien que te quiere mucho y te ayuda en todo)

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