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2, 17-19 (1987)

Determination of the Enantiomeric Composition of

( t)-Terpinen-4-01from Sweet Marjoram Origunum Mujorana L.
using a Chiral Lanthanide Shift Reagent
Uzi Ravid, Michal Bassat and Eli Putievsky
Department of Medicinal, Spice and Aromatic Plants, Agricultural Research Organization, Newe Ya'ar, Post Haifa 31 -999, Israel

Raphael Ikan and Vera Weinstein

Department of Organic Chemistry, Natural Products Laboratory, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91 -904, Israel

'H-NMR examination of (+)-terpinen-4-01, performed in the presence of various molar ratios of a chiral
lanthanide shift reagent Eu(hfc)3, showed that the enantiomeric composition of (+)-terpinen-4-01isolated from
the essential oil of sweet marjoram is 73%(+): 27%(-). Peak assignment of the enantiomers was achieved by
spiking the natural (+)-enantiomer with the commercial (-)-alcohol. The method will readily reveal adulteration
of natural oils with racemic synthetics.

KEY WORDS (+)-Terpinen-4-01 Sweet marjoram Origanum rnujorunu L. 'H-NMR Chiral Eu(hfc)3
Enantiomeric composition


Terpinen-4-01 [4-methyl- 1-(1-methylethyl)-cyclo- Sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) was

hex-3-ene-1-01] occurs in the essential oils of grown in an experimental field at the Newe Ya'ar
marjoram, thyme, cypress, juniper berry, Ceylon Agricultural Experiment Station. Seeds of a
cardamom, nutmeg and others.' The (+)- commercial variety of sweet marjoram received
enantiomer was found in the oil of Melaleuca from Desert Seeds Co., California, were sown in
finariifolia Smith (37% of the total The the autumn of 1977. The fresh foliage was
(-)-enantiomer was isolated from the oil of steam-distilled for one hour in a 130-1 direct
Eucalyptus dives (3-4%),4 and the racemate was steam pilot plant apparatus. The isolated oil
found in oil of Liquidambar formosana Hance (yield, 0.28%),was dried over anhydrous sodium
(8%).5 sulphate and stored at 4-6°C. Terpinen-4-01
Terpinen-4-01 was found also in several bark was isolated from the oil by flash chromatography
beetle species' and is the main component in the under pressure (2 atm.) on silica gel Davisil60 A,
aggregation pheromone of Polygraphus polig- 200-425 mesh (Aldrich Chemical Co.), eluant: 1
raphus. P. poligraphus responded well to traps to 20% solution of ethyl acetate in hexanes. The
baited with (-)-terpinen-4-01, while the addition chemical purities of natural and commercial sam-
of the (+)-enantiomer inhibited beetle response.' ples of terpinen-4-01 were detected by a Varian
(-)-Linalyl acetate isolated from clary sage, 3700 gas chromatograph equipped with FID, and
Salvia dominica, lavender and lavandin oils,' and a Hewlett-Packard 3390A integrator. Samples of
(-)-linalol isolated from sweet basil oil9 show 0.1 p1 of the natural fractions and of commercial
high optical purity by 'H-NMR spectroscopy in terpinen-4-01 were injected on a packed glass
the presence of E ~ ( h f c ) ~(+)-Linalol
. isolated column (3 m x 4 mm i.d.) with 5 % Carbowax
from corinader oil9 is a mixture of enantiomers. 20M on acid-washed, silanized Chromosorb W

0882-5734/87/010017-03SO5.00 Received 16 December I986

0 1987 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 3 March I987
18 U. RAVID E T A L .

(80-100 mesh) and on a fused silica capillary

column (25 m) coated with Carbowax 20M. Oper-
ating conditions were: temperature programme,
70-190°C (SUCmin-I); carrier gas, nitrogen, 30
and 5 ml min-I, respectively. Commercial sam-
ples of (+)-terpinen-4-01 were obtained from CA
Aromatics [[aID2'+ 20.2" (C = 2.10, EtOH)]
and from Aldrich Chemical Co. [[aID2' + 18.6"
(C = 0.93, EtOH)] and (-)-terpinen-4-01 was
obtained from Bedoukian Co. [[alD'' - 24.05",
(C = 2.05, EtOH)]. + +
Tris [3-(heptafluoropropylhydroxymethylene-
(+)-camphorato], europium(II1) [Eu(hfc),], was
obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co. Optical
rotations were measured on a Perkin-Elmer
Model 531 polarimeter. The specific rotation of
terpinen-4-01 isolated from sweet marjoram
was +12.2" ( C = 1.36, EtOH). 'H-NMR
spectra were obtained at 200 MHz with a
Bruker Model WP-2OOSY Fourier transform
spectrometer. Terpinen-4-01(10 pl) was dissolved
in a solution of 2% TMS in deuterochloroform
(350 pl) in the NMR tube. Ten-milligram aliquots
of Eu(hfc), were added and dissolved in the
solution. Molar ratios of the lanthanide shift
reagent to substrate ([ L]/[S]) were 0.45, 0.60,
0.75 and 0.90.

PPM 4 3
Fig. 1 . ' H - N M R spectra of (+)-terpinen-4-01 isolated
froin sweet marjoram in the presence of Eu(hfc)3 at
Terpinen-4-01 is the major constituent in the [L]/[S] = 0.75
essential oil of the fresh leaves and flowers from
sweet marjoram (26.6%). a-Pinene ( l . l % ) ,
p-pinene (0.3%), myrcene (2.1%), a-phellandrene
(0.5%), a-terpinene (9.2%), limonene (2.0%), presence of Eu(hfc)3 at increasing lanthanide-to-
y-terpinene (17%) p-cymene (2.9%), terpinolene substrate molar ratios ([L]/[S] = 0.45 to 0.90)
(3.8%), linalol (9.4%), linalyl acetate (2.5%) and show that the (+)-alcohol is not optically pure,
P-caryophyllene (5.3Yo) were also identified. and the enantiomeric composition is 73:27
Sweet marjoram oil from various sources was (+)/(-) (Figure 1). The absorption of the allylic
found to contain terpinen-4-01 as its major com- methyl protons is split into two unequal sets of
ponent.I0-l4 doublets at [L]/[S] = 0.60 to 0.90, and the
A chemotype with low phenol content and a absorption of the isopropyl protons is split into
moderate concentration of monoterpene alcohols two unequal signals. The magnitudes of the enan-
(mainly linalol and terpinen-4-01) was detected in tiomeric shift differences (AAd) are greater for
a few populations of Origanum vulgare'5*'6and the isopropyl protons (AAd = 0.23) than for the
0. syriacum . I b The flavour of this chemotype allylic protons (AAd = 0.06) at [L]/[S] = 0.90
resembles that of a mixture of sweet marjoram and (Table 1). At smaller ratios of lanthanide-to-
a phenol (thymol or carvacro1)-containing herb. substrate the enantiomeric isopropyl and ally1
The essential oil of 0. majoruna from Turkey proton signals give lower AA6 values. The mag-
contains 65% carvacrol and 4% thymol." The nitudes of the chemical shifts (6) and of the
'H-NMR spectra of (+)-terpinen-4-01, isolated induced shifts (Ad) of the isopropyl protons in the
from the essential oil of sweet marjoram, in the presence of Eu(hfc)3 at the same [L]/[S] molar

Table 1 . Chemical shifts (6) and enantiomeric shift differences (AA6) for the allyl and isopropyl protons of natural
terpinen-4-01 isolated from sweet marjoram in the presence of Eu(hfc)3 at increasing [L]/[S] molar ratios

6 (PPm) AA.3 (PPm)

[LlI[Sl CH,-C=C (CH3)z-CH - CH3-GC (CH3)2-CH-
0.45 1.99 2.32 - 0.09
0.60 2.14 3.22 0.03 0.15
0,75 2.23 3.78 0.05 0.19
0.90 2.34 4.43 0.06 0.23

ratios are also greater than those of the allyl REFERENCES

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