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Possible questions for oral exam

Find the answers to the following questions in the Glossary of Naval Terms in the
Watchstanding (under Unrestricted Line Officers) pp. 134, 135

1. Where are watch stations located and what is their purpose?

In main operational areas: bridge, engineering, navigation, etc.
They respond to emergencies, patrol the ship to ensure security, good order and
discipline, and to respond to disorders and criminal acts.

2. What does it mean to stand watch?

To man a watch station (to be on duty at a watch station) for a specific period of time.

3. Who is a watch stander?

A person who has been trained and is qualified to stand a particular watch.

4. What determines the number of sections and watchstanders in each

By the number of watches that must be stood and the number of qualified personnel
available to stand the watches.

5. Describe the traditional watch system.

There are 3 sections and the day is divided into 6 watches, each lasting 4 hours.

6. What is meant by dogging the watch?

Splitting the 16.00-20.00 watch into 2 two-hour watches to create a 7th watch. Each of
these two split-watches is called a dogwatch.

7. What is another reason for splitting the 16-20.00 watch?

So that both watches will be able to eat the evening meal during normal dinner time.

8. What is the probable origin of the term dogwatch?

Sirus, the "dog star", because Sirus is the first star to come into view on the first dog
watch. Or, someone standing a dogwatch in the past was said to be "dodging the
watch", and this was shortened to dogwatch.

9. What is the role of the ship's bell in watchstanding?

It is used to regulate the watches.

10. How often are the bells struck?

Every half hour and in pairs (to make counting easier). Any odd bells are struck at the
end of the sequence
11. Describe the process of relieving a watch?
A new watch stander reports 15 minutes before the beginning of the next watch,
reviews any information regarding the watch, receives briefing about the current and
expected events of the watch, then relieves the watch.

12. What is a watch log?

A book in which anything that occurs during the watch is written (changes of the
watch, rounds being completed, course changes, etc.)

13. What kind of uniform is required for standing watch?

It varies from a working uniform to a full-dress uniform. In any case, the watch
stander should be properly groomed and wear a clean uniform that is in good repair.

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