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Problem 4. Seven points lie inside a hexagon of side length 1.

Show that two of the

points whose distance apart is at most 1.

Meaning : Minimum distance is at most 1

Solution. Partition the hexagon into six parts as shown below. Now there are six parts (boxes),
into which seven points (objects) are distributed. So some part contains at least 2 points. These
points must be within distance 1 of each other.

Exercise 2. Five points lie inside a rectangle of dimensions 3 × 4. Show that two of the
points are at most a distance √ 5 apart.

Sol: easy, divide it into 4 parts..

Solution. There are 50 positive odd numbers less than 100: {1, 3, 5, · · · , 99} . We can partition
these into subsets as follows: {1}, {3, 99}, {5, 97}, {7, 95}, {9, 93}, · · · , {49, 53}, {51}. Note that
the sets of size 2 have elements which add to 102. There are 26 subsets (boxes) and 27 odd
numbers (objects). So at least two numbers (in fact, exactly two numbers) must lie in the same
subset, and therefore these add to 102.
Problem 6. There are n people present in a room. Prove that among them there are two
people who have the same number of acquaintances in the room


Exercise 3. How many people do you need to be able to assert with certainty that three have the
same birthday?


Problem 8. In any group of six people, prove that there are either 3 mutual friends or 3
mutual strangers.


Each square of a 3 × 7 board is coloured black or white. Prove that, for any such
colouring, the board contains a sub rectangle whose four corners are the same colour.

Fix first column.. 2B 1w or 2w 1b
Now only 6 columns are there which wouldnt form subrectangle of same color..
Exercise 7. The digital sum of a number is defined as the sum of its decimal digits. For
example, the digital sum of 386 is 3+8+6 = 17.
(a): 35 two-digit numbers are selected. Prove that there are three of them with the same
digital sum.

Max sum of 2 digits = 18
sum=1 and 18 have means no. is 10 and 99, no ther possiblity..

11. If you pick five numbers from the integers 1 to 8, then two of them must
add up to nine.

Sol: easy

Gary is training for a triathlon. Over a 30 day period, he pledges to train at least once per
day, and 45 times in all. Then there will be a period of consecutive days where he trains
exactly 14 times.

Let Si indicate the cumulative number of workouts by day i. Since each day contains one
workout, and the total number of workouts is 45, we know that:

1 ≤ S1 < S2 < … < S30 = 45

We want to prove there is some place with i < j such that Si + 14 = Sj. Start by adding 14 to
every term in the inequality:

15 ≤ S1 + 14 < S2 + 14 < … < S30 + 14 = 59

The two inequalities imply there are 60 numbers (S1, S2, …, S30 and S1 + 14, S2 + 14, …, S30
+ 14) that can assume any of the 59 integer values from 1 to 59. By the pigeonhole principle,
two of the numbers must be the same.

Which two? Notice that none of the numbers S1, S2, …, S30 could possibly be equal to one
another (Rick takes at least one workout every day, so the sequence is strictly increasing). The
same logic is true for the group S1 + 14, S2 + 14, …, S30 + 14.
Therefore, we must have one value from the group S1, S2, …, S30 equal to one of the values
from the group S1 + 14, S2 + 14, …, S30 + 14, which is exactly what we wanted to prove.



Extension to 6 friends wala..

Consider one mathematician..


Divide square into 4 parts

Consider the column
There are 2^3 ways of painting the column
But we have 9 cols
So one column will be painted exactly the same..
Take those column in that column, in each col 2 colurs will repeat..
Rest is chindi



Take the mod 99 of all cumulative sum (mod 99)

Si => (sum from 1 to i) mode 99

Since ther are max 99 remainders and u have 100 Si’s

One of them will be same
Take Sj-Si =0 mode 99
=> ai +.. + aj = 99k

Six distinct positive integers are randomly chosen between 1 and 2006, inclusive. What is
the probability that some pair of these integers has a difference that is a multiple of 5?

U know it

Prove that having 100 whole numbers, one can choose 15 of them so that the difference
of any two is divisible by 7. (Solution)
(Manhattan Mathematical Olympiad 2005)
Prove that from any set of one hundred whole numbers, one can choose either one
number which is divisible by 100, or several numbers whose sum is divisible by 100.

Prove that among any ten points located on a circle with diameter 5, there exist at least
two at a distance less than 2 from each other. (Solution)
(Japan 1997)

Every point in a plane is either red, green, or blue. Prove that there exists a rectangle in
the plane such that all of its vertices are the same color. (Solution)

There are 51 senators in a senate. The senate needs to be divided into committees
such that each senator is on exactly one committee. Each senator hates exactly three
other senators. (If senator A hates senator B, then senator B does 'not' necessarily
hate senator A.) Find the smallest such that it is always possible to arrange the
committees so that no senator hates another senator on his or her committee.

^good question!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!

Consider a 4 × 82 rectangle of points for problem 4

There are 51 ants sitting on top of a square table with side length of 1. If you have a square card
with side 1/5, can you put your card at a position on the table to guarantee that the card
encompasses at least 3 ants?

U know it..

Divide square into ⅕*⅕ squares

Every even number is of the form of 2^k * n where n i odd number..!!!

Sol: easy..

4 types of points.. O,e |e,o | o,o, …

2 points of same kind..


Write even as 2^k odd

Make set of {1,2*1,2^2*1,2^3*1…} , {3,2*3,2^2*3…} …………..{.....}

=> n sets
Have to choose 2 from 1 one set.
I know u know i can do it..

A course has seven elective topics, and students must complete exactly three of them in
order to pass the course. If 200 students passed the course, show that at least 6 of them
must have completed the same electives as each other.

I know u can do it..!!

7C3 = 35
200/35 = 5.7

Consider a equilateral triangle of total area 1. Suppose 7 points are chosen inside. Show
that some 3 points form a triangle of area ≤14≤14.


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