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Advances in Differential Equations Volume 8, Number 6, June 2003, Pages 673–732



M. Efendiev
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Mathematics and Stochastics
Mohrenstrasse 39, D – 10117, Berlin, Germany

S. Zelik
Université de Poitiers, Laboratoire d’Applications des Mathématiques - SP2MI
Boulevard Marie et Pierre Curie - Téléport 2
86962 Chasseneuil Futuroscope Cedex - France

(Submitted by: L.A. Peletier)

Abstract. The longtime behaviour of solutions of a reaction-diffusion
system with the nonlinearity rapidly oscillating in time (f = f (t/ε, u))
is studied. It is proved that (under the natural assumptions) this be-
haviour can be described in terms of global (uniform) attractors Aε of
the corresponding dynamical process and that these attractors tend as
ε → 0 to the global attractor A0 of the averaged autonomous system.
Moreover, we give a detailed description of the attractors Aε , ε  1, in
the case where the averaged system possesses a global Liapunov func-

0. Introduction
We consider the following reaction-diffusion system in a bounded domain
Ω ⊂⊂ Rn with a sufficiently smooth boundary:

∂t u = aΔx u − f (t/ε, x, u) + g(x),
u∂Ω = 0, ut=0 = u0 .
Here ε > 0 is a small parameter, u = (u1 , · · · , uk ) is an unknown vector-
valued function, f = (f 1 , · · · , f k ) and g = (g 1 , · · · , g k ) are given functions
and the constant diffusion matrix a is assumed to be diagonal
a = diag{a1 , · · · , ak }, ai > 0, i = 1, · · · , k. (0.2)
Accepted for publication: November 2002.
AMS Subject Classifications: 35B40, 35B45.
674 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

The external force g is assumed belonging to the space Lp (Ω) for a some
fixed p > (n + 2)/2.
A solution of equation (0.1) is a function u ∈ W (1,2),p ([T, T + 1] × Ω) for
every T ≥ 0 (here and below the symbol W (l1 ,l2 ),p (V ) means an anisotropic
Sobolev-Slobodetskii space of functions w(t, x) such that Dtl1 w, Dxl2 w ∈
Lp (Ω), see e.g. [19]) and satisfies equation (0.1) in the sense of distribu-
tions (note that due to the embedding theorem and our choice of the ex-
ponent p, W (1,2),p ⊂ C and, consequently, the nonlinear term in (0.1) is
well-defined). The initial value u0 is supposed to belong to the trace space
of W (1,2),p ([0, 1] × Ω) at t = 0, i.e.,

u0 ∈ Φp (Ω) := W 2(1−1/p),p (Ω) ∩ {u0 ∂Ω = 0}. (0.3)
(see, e.g. [19]).
The nonlinearity f is assumed to have the polynomial rate of growth with
respect to u:
|f (z, x, v)| ≤ C(1 + |v|q ), (0.4)
for some q > 1 and C which are independent of v ∈ Rk , x ∈ Ω, and z ∈ R,
and to satisfy the anisotropic dissipativity assumption in the following form:
there are exponents pi ≥ max{0, pq − 2} such that

fi (z, x, v)vi |vi |pi ≥ −C, (0.5)

where the constant C is independent of z ∈ R, x ∈ Ω, and v ∈ Rk (see [9]).

Moreover, we assume also that the function f (z, x, v) is almost-periodic
with respect to z (see Section 2 for precise conditions), continuous with
respect to x and sufficiently regular with respect to v, namely,
|fv (z, x, v)| + |fvv

(z, x, v)| ≤ Q(|v|), (0.6)
where Q is a monotonic function which is independent of z and x.
The long-time behaviour of solutions of (0.1) in the autonomous case is
usually described in terms of global attractors of dynamical systems associ-
ated with the problem under consideration, see [2], [14], [24] and references
The case of non-autonomous equations is essentially less understood. In
fact up to the moment, there are several natural approaches to extend the
attractors theory to the non-autonomous case. One of them is based on
reducing the non-autonomous dynamical process to the autonomous one
using the skew-product technique. The realization of this approach leads to
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 675

the so-called uniform attractor Aε of equation (0.1) which is independent

of t and is uniform with respect to all nonlinearities φ(t/ε, x, u) belonging
to the hull H(f ) of the initial nonlinearity f , see [6], [15]. The alternative
approach interprets the attractor of the non-autonomous equation (0.1) as
a non-autonomous set as well: Aεf (t), t ∈ R, see e.g. [8], [18].
The homogenization problems for individual solutions of equations of type
(0.1) with rapidly oscillating spatial and temporal terms were investigated
in [3], [4], [21], [22], [27] (see also references therein).
The homogenization of attractors were also studied by many authors.
See, e.g., [5], [23] for attractors of reaction-diffusion and even hyperbolic
equations in non-homogenized spatially-periodic media with asymptotic de-
generacy. The case of regular spatially almost-periodic media was consid-
ered in [9]. The homogenization aspects for the reaction-diffusion problems
with spatial rapid oscillations in subordinated terms (i.e., for f = f (x/ε, u)
or g = g(x/ε)) were considered in [13] and [14]. The temporal averag-
ing of uniform attractors for evolutionary problems was studied in [17] (for
the case of 2D Navier-Stokes system and for the nonlinear wave equation
with rapidly oscillating in time external forces) and in [26] (for the case
of singular perturbed reaction-diffusion system with rapidly oscillating ex-
ternal forces). The homogenization of trajectory attractors associated with
ill-posed evolutionary mathematical physics equations (such as 3D Navier-
Stokes equations, damped wave equations with supercritical nonlinearities,
etc.) is studied in [7].
In the present paper we give a comprehensive study of qualitative and
quantitative aspects of global temporal averaging in equations (0.1). Partic-
ularly, we show that, under the above assumptions, problems (0.1) possess
uniform attractors Aε in Φp for every fixed ε > 0. In order to study the be-
haviour of these attractors as ε > 0, we consider also the averaged problem
for (0.1) which obviously has the following form:

∂t u = aΔx u − f (x, u) + g(x),
u∂Ω = 0, ut=0 = u0 ,

f (x, v) := lim f (h, x, v) dv. (0.8)
T →∞ 2T −T

Autonomous equation (0.7) also possesses a (global) attractor A0 , moreover,

we have the following upper semi-continuity of the attractor Aε .
676 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

Theorem 1. Let the above assumptions hold. Then

distΦp Aε , A0 → 0, as ε → 0,
where dist means a standard non-symmetric Hausdorff distance between sub-
sets of Φp .
The main part of our study is devoted to a more detailed investigation of
the case where the limit attractor A0 is regular, it will be so, for example,
if equation (0.7) possesses a global Liapunov function and all its equilibria
are hyperbolic, see [2]. In this case, the attractor A0 can be represented as a
finite collection of finite dimensional unstable manifolds of these equilibria:
A0 = ∪N
i=1 Mzi ,
where zi , i = 1, · · · , N are (hyperbolic) equilibria of (0.7).
The non-autonomous regular with respect to ε perturbations of regular
attractors associated with reaction-diffusion equations were considered in
[13]. We prove that structure (0.9) is in a sense preserves for sufficiently small
ε > 0, i.e., that the regular structure of the attractor preserves under rapidly
oscillating perturbations as well. To this end, it will be more convenient to
use the alternative concept of the nonautonomous attractor of (0.1) under
which the attractor is defined to be a set-valued function t → Aεf (t).
Theorem 2. Let the assumptions of Theorem 1 hold and let, in addition,
the averaged attractor A0 is regular. Then, for every ε < ε0 , there exists a
family of compact sets Aεf (t), t ∈ R in Φp enjoying the following properties:
1) This family is invariant with respect to the dynamical process associated
with equation (0.1), i.e.,
Ufε (t, τ )Aεf (τ ) = Aεf (t), τ ∈ R, t ≥ τ, (0.10)
where by definition Ufε (t, τ )u(τ )
:= u(t) and u(t) is a solution of (0.1), de-
fined for t ≥ τ .
2) There exist a monotonic function Q and a positive constant γ, which
are independent of ε < ε0 , such that, for every bounded subset B ⊂ Φp , the
following is true:
distΦp Ufε (t + τ, t)B, Aεf (t + τ ) ≤ Q( B Φp )e−γτ , (0.11)
for every t ∈ R and τ ≥ 0.
3) The uniform attractor Aε can be expressed in terms of attractors Aεf (t)
Aε = ∪t∈R Aεf (t) Φp , (0.12)
where [·]Φp means the closure in the phase space Φp .
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 677

As a simple corollary of the proved theorem we derive that

sup distsymm,Φp Aεf (t), A0 → 0 as ε → 0, (0.13)

where distsymm,Φp means a symmetric Hausdorff distance for subsets of Φp ,

and, consequently, the family Aε of uniform attractors is upper and lower
semicontinuous at ε = 0. The following theorem gives an nonautonomous
analogue of decomposition (0.9).
Theorem 3. Let the assumptions of Theorem 1 hold. Then there exist
exactly N almost-periodic solutions ziε (t) of equation (0.1). Moreover, these
solutions are hyperbolic, tend to zi as ε → 0 and the attractors Aεf (t) have
the following structure:
Aεf (t) = ∪N
i=1 Mf,z ε (t), (0.14)

where M+
f,z ε (t), t ∈ R is a (non-autonomous) unstable manifold of the solu-
tion ziε . Note also that M+
f,z ε (t) are diffeomorphic to Mzi , for every fixed t.

Thus, under the above assumptions, every solution of equation (0.1) tends
to one of the almost-periodic solutions ziε (t) and the attractor Aεf (t) consists
of these almost-periodic solutions and heteroclinic connections between them
in a complete analogy with the structure of the autonomous regular attrac-
The following corollary clarifies the dependence of Aεf (t) on t.
Corollary 1. Let P be a complete metric space of all compact subsets of
Φp with the symmetric Hausdorff distance as a metric. Then the function
t → Aεf (t) is almost-periodic as a P-valued function
Aεf (·) ∈ AP (R, P).

The rest of the paper is devoted to study the quantitative aspects of

convergence (0.13).
Theorem 4. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2 hold and let, in addition,
the primitive
F (h, x, u) := [f (h, x, v) − f (x, v)] dh (0.15)
is bounded (and consequently almost-periodic) with respect to h. Then
sup distsymm,Φp Aεf (t), A0 ≤ CF εκ , (0.16)
678 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

where 0 < κ < 1 depends only on the constant γ from (0.11) and on maximal
Liapunov exponent of problem (0.1) and the constant CF depends on the
equation and, particularly, on the L∞ -bounds of function (0.15).
Note that the assumption on primitive (0.15) is always satisfied for the
case of periodic dependence of f (h, x, v) on h. For the case of more general
almost-periodic (and even for quasi-periodic) dependence on h, primitive
(0.15) may be unbounded indeed (see [21]). Note, however, that even in this
case the set of functions f for which (0.15) is bounded is in a sense dense in
the space of all functions f . For simplicity, we explain this assertion on an
example of the so-called quasiperiodic functions f .
Corollary 2. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2 hold and let, in addition,
the function f have the following structure:
f (h, x, v) := G(ω1 h, · · · , ωm h, x, v), (0.17)
where the function G is 1-periodic with respect to the first m arguments,
and ω = (w1 , · · · , ωm ) is a frequency vector associated with f . Assume, in
addition, that G is smooth enough, namely,
G ∈ C 2m (R2m , C 2 (Ω × Rk )).
Then, estimate (0.13) remains valid for almost all frequency vectors ω ⊂ Rm
(with respect to the standard Lebesgue measure in Rm ) :
sup distsymm,Φp Aεf (t), A0 ≤ C(ω)εκ . (0.18)

Unfortunately, the constant C(ω) depends on some Diophantine condi-

tions on the vector ω and, consequently, it is extremely sensitive to small
perturbation of ω. That is the reason why, it seems reasonable to obtain the
probabilistic analogue of estimate (0.18).
Corollary 3. Let the assumptions of Corollary 2 hold and let the frequen-
cies ωi , i = 1, · · · , m be independent Gaussian random variables. Then the
expectation M of random variable (0.18) possesses the following estimate:

M sup distsymm,Φp Aεf (t), A0 ≤ C(σ)εκ , (0.19)

for some constants 0 < κ < 1 and C(σ) depending on dispersions of ω (but,
in contrast of (0.18), this dependence is ‘regular’).
The paper is organized as follows.
The existence and uniqueness of solutions of (0.1) and uniform (with re-
spect to ε) dissipative estimates are derived in Section 1.
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 679

The uniform attractors Aε for problem (0.1) are constructed in Section 2.

Moreover, their upper semicontinuity at ε → 0 is verified here.
The convergence of the nonautonomous dynamical systems Ufε (t, τ ) to the
averaged one associated with (0.7) (together with their Frechet derivatives)
on a finite interval of time is proved in Section 3. The quantitative bounds
for this convergence are derived in Section 4.
Based on these estimates, we investigate in Section 5 the behaviour of
nonaveraged system (0.1) near the hyperbolic equilibrium of averaged system
The regular structure of the non-averaged nonautonomous attractor Aεf (t),
if ε > 0 is small enough, is established in Section 6.
The quantitive and qualitative results on the convergence Aεf (t) to A0 are
obtained in Section 7. Moreover, the almost-periodicity of the set-valued
function Aεf (·) is also verified here.
The paper is concluded by Section 8, where we illustrate the obtained
results on a number of concrete equations in the form of (0.1).
Acknowledgements. This research is partially supported by the INTAS
project no. 00-899, CRDF grant RM1-2343-MO-02 and FRRI grant no. 02-

1. Uniform (with respect to ε) a priori estimates

In this Section, we derive several auxiliary estimates for the solutions of
(0.1) which will be used in the sequel. We start from the dissipative estimate
in the phase space Φp .
Theorem 1.1. Let assumptions (0.2)–(0.6) hold. Then, the solution u(t) of
equation (0.1) possesses the following estimate:
u(t) Φp + u W (1,2),p ([t,t+1]×Ω) ≤ Q( u0 Φp )e−αt + Q( g Lp ), (1.1)
where the constant α > 0 and the function Q are independent of u0 and
ε ∈ (0, ∞).
Proof. Let us first derive the uniform estimate of the Lpq (Ω)-norm of the
solution u(t). To this end, we multiply (following [9]) the lth equation of
(0.1) by ui (t)|ui (t)|pi and take a sum over l ∈ {1, · · · , k} and integrate over
x ∈ Ω. Then, we obtain (after using assumptions (0.2) and (0.5) and after
the integration by parts) that

1  4a (p + 1)
pi +2 i i
∂t ui (t) L pi +2 + ∇x (|ui |(pi +2)/2 ) 2L2
pi + 2 (pi + 2)2
i=1 i=1
680 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

≤ C vol(Ω) + gi Lp ui (t) pip+1
 (p +1) , (1.2)
L i

where p is a conjugated exponent to p (1/p + 1/p = 1) and the constant C

is the same as in (0.5). Note that, due to the Sobolev’s embedding theorem,
the second term in the left-hand side of (1.2) can be estimated as follows:

4ai (pi + 1)
∇x (|ui |(pi +2)/2 ) 2L2
(pi + 2)2

1  k
≥α ui (t) pLip+2
i +2 + α u i (t) pi +2
Ln i(p +2) , (1.3)
pi + 2
i=1 i=1
where α > 0 is independent of ε and ln := the Sobolev’s embedding n−2 is
exponent (W ⊂ L ).
1,2 2l n

Note that, according to our choice of the exponent p (p > (n + 2)/2), we

have p ≤ n/(n + 2) < ln and, consequently, the last term in the right-hand
side of (1.2) can be estimated in the following way:

gi Lp ui (t) pip+1
 (p +1) ≤ C1
pi +2
gi L p +α ui (t) pLil+2
n (pi +2)
L i
i=1 i=1 i=1
inserting estimates (1.3) and (1.4) in (1.2) we have

1  1 k
∂t ui (t) pLip+2
i +2
+ α u i (t) pi +2
Lpi +2
pi + 2 pi + 2
i=1 i=1

≤ C2 1 + gi pLip+2 .
The Gronwall’s inequality now yields

−α1 t
ui (t) pLip+2
i +2
≤ C3 ui (0) pLip+2
i +2
e + C4 1 + gi pLip+2 , (1.6)
i=1 i=1 i=1
for the appropriate constants α1 > 0, C3 and C4 which are independent of ε.
Recall now that Φp ⊂ C and pi ≥ qp − 2, consequently, (0.4) and (1.6)
f (t/ε, x, u(t) Lp (Ω) ≤ Q( u0 Φp )e−α1 t + Q( g Lp ), (1.7)
for the appropriate monotonic function Q which is independent of ε.
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 681

After obtaining estimate (1.7) for the nonlinearity, we may interpret equa-
tion (0.1) as a collection of linear nonhomogeneous heat equations
∂t ui − ai Δx ui = hi (t, x), (1.8)
where h(t, x) := −f (t/ε, x, u(t, x)) + g(x). Estimate (1.1) is an immediate
corollary of (1.7) and the classical Lp -regularity theory for the heat equation
(see e.g. [19]). Theorem 1.1 is proven. 
The following theorem establishes the unique solvability of problem (0.1)
and gives a uniform (with respect to ε) estimate for the differences between
two solutions of this equation.
Theorem 1.2. Let the assumptions of Theorem 1.1 hold. Then, for every
u0 ∈ Φp , problem (0.1) has a unique solution u(t). Moreover, if u1 (t) and
u2 (t) are two solutions of this problem, then
u1 (t)−u2 (t) Φp + u1 −u2 W (1,2),p ([t,t+1]×Ω) ≤ C u1 (0)−u2 (0) Φp eKt , (1.9)
where the constants C and K depend on ui (0) Φb , i = 1, 2, but are inde-
pendent of ε.
Proof. As usual, the existence of a solution for problem (0.1) is a stan-
dard corollary of a priori estimate (1.1) and the Leray-Schauder fixed point
theorem (see e.g. [19]). So, it only remains to verify (1.9). Indeed, let
v(t) := u1 (t) − u2 (t). Then, this function obviously satisfies the equation
∂t v = aΔx v − lε (t)v, v  = u1 (0) − u2 (0), v  = 0,
t=0 ∂Ω
where  1
lε (t, x) := fu (t/ε, x, su1 (t, x) + (1 − s)u2 (t, x)) dx.
Note that, due to (0.6), (1.1) and the fact that Φp ⊂ C, we have the uniform
lε (t) L∞ ≤ C := Q( u1 (0) Φp + u2 (0) Φp ), (1.11)
where the function Q is independent of ε. Multiplying now the lth equation
of (1.11) by vl (t)|vl (t)|p−2 , taking a sum over l, integrating over x ∈ Ω and
using estimate (1.11), we derive (analogously to (1.6)) that
v(t) Lp ≤ C1 v(0) Lp eKt , (1.12)
where C1 and K are independent of ε. As in the proof of Theorem 1.1, esti-
mate (1.9) is an immediate corollary of (1.11), (1.12) and the Lp -regularity
theory for the heat equation. Theorem 1.2 is proven. 
In conclusion of this Section, we derive the smoothing property for equa-
tion (0.1) which is necessary in order to prove the attractor’s existence.
682 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

Theorem 1.3. Let the assumptions of Theorem 1.1 hold. Then, the follow-
ing estimate is valid:
u(t) Φ2p ≤ Q( u0 Φp )e−αt + Q( g Lp ) , (1.13)
where the monotonic function Q and the positive constant α > 0 are inde-
pendent of ε.
Proof. Indeed, let G = G(x) ∈ W 2,p (Ω) ⊂ Φ2p be a solution of the following
elliptic problem: 
aΔx G = g, G∂Ω = 0 (1.14)
and let w(t) := t(u(t) − G). Then, this function obviously satisfies the

∂t w − aΔx w = h(t) := −tf (t/ε, x, u(t)) + u(t), w = 0. t=0
Note that, due to estimates (0.4), (1.1) and the embedding Φp ⊂ C, we have
h(t) L2p ≤ (t + 1) Q( u0 Φp )e−αt + Q( g Lp ) , (1.16)
where Q and α are independent of ε. Applying now the L2p -regularity the-
orem for heat equations to (1.15), we derive that
w(t) Φ2p ≤ (t + 1) Q1 ( u0 Φp )e−αt + Q1 ( g Lp ) . (1.17)
Theorem 1.3 is proven. 

2. The attractors
In this Section, we prove that for every ε, equation (0.1) possesses an
attractor Aε and prove that these attractors tend (upper semicontinuous) as
ε → 0 to the attractor A0 of the averaged system (0.1).
We assume that the functions f (z, x, v), fv (z, x, v) and fvv
 (z, x, v) are

almost-periodic with respect to z, for every fixed x and v. The latter means
(see, e.g., [20] or [21]) that, for every fixed x and v, the set
{f (z + h, x, v), h ∈ R} ⊂⊂ Cb (R, Rk ) (2.1)
is a precompact set in Cb (R) (and analogous statements are true for fv
 ). We also assume that the function f is uniformly continuous with
and fvv
respect to x ∈ Ω in the following sense: for every R ∈ R+ , there exists a
function αR (θ) such that αR → 0 as θ → 0 and
|φ(z, x1 , v1 ) − φ(z, x2 , v2 )| ≤ αR (|x1 − x2 | + |v1 − v2 |), (2.2)
for every x1 , x2 ∈ Ω, z ∈ R and vi ∈ Rk , |vi | ≤ R and for φ = f , φ = fv and
φ = fvv
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 683

In order to reformulate our assumptions on f in a more convenient way, we

introduce the Frechet space M which consists of functions F : Ω × Rk → Rk ,
F, Fv , Fvv
 ∈ C(Ω × Rk ) and generated by the following system of seminorms
F R := sup sup |F (x, v)| + |Fv (x, v)| + |Fvv

(x, v)| , (2.3)
x∈Ω v∈BR

where BR := {|v| ≤ R} an R-ball in Rk . Obviously, the space M thus

defined is a metrizable F -space the convergence in which coincides with the
locally compact convergence with respect to v ∈ Rk .
Lemma 2.1. Let the assumptions (2.1) and (2.2) be valid. Then, the func-
tion f (z, x, v) interpreted as a map from R to M is an almost-periodic (in
Bochner-Amerio sense) function with values in M, i.e., the hull
H(f ) := {Th f, h ∈ R}Cb (R,M) ⊂⊂ Cb (R, M) (2.4)
is compact in Cb (R, M) (here and below, (Th f )(z, x, v) := f (z + h, x, v) and
{·}V means a closure in the topology of the space V ).
Proof. Indeed, let {hn }n∈N be an arbitrary sequence. Then, due to assump-
tion (2.1) and the Cantor’s diagonal procedure, we may assume without loss
of generality that
φ(z, x, v) = lim f (z + hn , x, v), (2.5)

for every x, v from a dense set. Assumption (2.2) now implies that (2.5)
holds, for every x, v ∈ Ω × Rk . Thus, it remains to check that (2.5) is
uniform with respect to x, v ∈ Ω × BR . Assume that it is not so, i.e., there
exist sequences xn → x0 , vn → v0 and zn ∈ R such that
|f (zn + hn , xn , vn ) − φ(zn , xn , vn )| ≥ ε0 . (2.6)
It also follows from (2.5) that the limit function φ satisfies (2.2) as well.
Consequently, (2.2) and (2.6) implies that, for a sufficiently large n, we have
|f (zn + hn , x0 , v0 ) − φ(zn , x0 , v0 )| ≥ ε0 /2 (2.7)
which contradicts to convergence (2.5) with x = x0 and v = v0 . Thus, we
have proved that convergence (2.5) is uniform with respect to x, v ∈ Ω ×
BR . The convergence of derivatives fv and fvv
 can be verified analogously.

Lemma 2.1 is proven. 

Let us return now to equation (0.1). In order to construct the attractor
Aε for this equation we consider (following [6] and [15]) a family of problems
684 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

of type (0.1) with all of the nonlinearities belonging to the hull of the initial
nonlinearity f :
∂t u = aΔx u − φ(t/ε, x, u) + g(x), φ ∈ H(f ), u∂Ω = 0, ut=τ = uτ . (2.8)
Note that assumptions (0.4)-(0.6) on the nonlinearity f obviously remain
valid, for every φ ∈ H(f ), consequently, due to Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, equa-
tions (2.8) are uniquely solvable for every h ∈ H(f ), τ ∈ R and uτ ∈ Φp .
Therefore, solving operators
Uφε (t, τ ) : Φp → Φp , Uφε (t, τ )uτ := u(t), (2.9)
where u(t) is a solution of (2.8) are well defined, for every h ∈ H(f ) and
every t ≥ τ (we indicate in (2.9) the dependence of these operators on ε by
the upper index keeping in mind passing to the limit ε → 0 in the sequel).
Moreover, it follows from Theorem 1.1 that
Uφε (t, τ )uτ Φp ≤ Q( uτ Φp )e−α(t−τ ) + Q( g Lp ), (2.10)
where the function Q and the constant α > 0 are independent of ε, h ∈ H(f )
and τ ∈ R.
Let us now define the extended semigroup Sh (ε) : Φp × H(f ) → Φp × H(f )
which corresponds to the family of equations (2.8) using the standard skew
product technique (see e.g. [6] or [15]):
Sh (ε)(v, φ) := (Uφε (h, 0)v, Th/ε φ), (2.11)
where (Th/ε f )(t/ε, x, v) := f ((t + h)/ε, x, v). Recall that, by definition, a
set Aε ⊂ Φp × H(f ) is an attractor of the semigroup Sh (ε) if the following
assumptions are satisfied:
1. The set Aε is compact in Φp × H(f ).
2. The set Aε is strictly invariant, i.e., Sh (ε)Aε = Aε .
3. The set Aε attracts bounded subsets of Φp × H(f ), i.e., for every
bounded in Φp × H(f ) set B and for every neighbourhood O(Aε ), there
exists a number T = T (B, O) such that
Sh (ε)B ⊂ O(Aε ), ∀h ≥ T (2.12)
(see e.g. [2], [24] for further details).
Theorem 2.1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 1.1 hold and let, in addition,
(2.1) and (2.2) be satisfied. Then, the semigroup Sh (ε), defined above pos-
sesses a (global) attractor Aε ⊂ Φp × H(f ). Moreover, the following estimate
is true:
Aε Φ2p ×H(f ) ≤ Q( g Lp ), (2.13)
where the function Q is independent of ε.
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 685

Proof. As usual, we should verify the assumptions of the abstract theorem

on the attractor’s existence (see, e.g., [2]), namely, we should verify that
St (ε) is continuos, for every fixed t, and the fact that it possesses a compact
absorbing set in Φp × H(f ).
The first assumption can be verified in a standard way (see also Theorem
1.2) so, it only remains to verify the existence of a compact absorbing set.
Indeed, it follows from Theorem 1.3 and from the fact that conditions
(0.4)–(0.6) remain valid, for every φ ∈ H(f ), that
Uφε (t, 0)v Φ2p ≤ Q( v Φp )e−αt + Q( g Lp ) , (2.14)
where the function Q and the constant α > 0 are independent of ε and
φ ∈ H(f ). Consequently, the set
K := { u Φ2p ≤ 2Q( g Lp )} × H(f ) (2.15)
is a compact (the hull H(f ) is compact due to our assumptions and the
embedding Φ2p ⊂ Φp is obviously compact) in Φp ×H(f ) absorbing set for the
semigroup St (ε). Thus, according to the abstract theorem for the attractor’s
existence, the semigroup St (ε) possesses a global attractor Aε ⊂ K. Theorem
2.1 is proven. 
Definition 2.1. Define a (uniform) attractor A for the initial non-autono-

mous system (0.1) by projecting Aε to the first component:

Aε := Π1 Aε , (2.16)
where Π1 (u, φ) := u.
Remark 2.1. The attractor Aε admits an internal definition (without us-
ing the skew product technique), namely, the set Aε is called a (uniform)
attractor for equation (0.1) if the following is true:
1) The set Aε is compact in Φp .
2) The set Aε attracts unif ormly bounded subsets of Φp , i.e., for every
bounded set B ⊂ Φp and every neighbourhood O(Aε ) of Aε in Φp , there
exists a number T = T (B, O) such that
Ufε (τ + t, τ )B ⊂ O(Aε ), ∀τ ∈ R, ∀t ≥ T. (2.17)
3) The set Aε is the minimal one which enjoys 1) and 2).
The equivalence of this definition to the one given above (see Definition
2.1) is verified in [6].
The following corollary gives the description of Aε in terms of bounded
solutions of family (2.8).
686 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

Corollary 2.1. Let the above assumptions hold and let Kφε , φ ∈ H(f ) be a
collection of all solutions u(t) of (2.8) which are defined for every t ∈ R and
bounded in Φp , i.e., u(t) Φp ≤ Cu . Denote also

Kφε (τ ) := Kφε t=τ ⊂ Φp . (2.18)
Then, the attractor Aε possesses the following description:
Aε = ∪φ∈H(f ) Kφε (0). (2.19)

Indeed, description (2.19) is more or less evident corollary of a well known

fact that the attractor Aε is generated by all complete bounded trajectories
of the semigroup St (ε), see e.g. [6] for the rigorous proof of (2.19) in an
abstract setting.
The rest of this section is devoted to study the behaviour of the obtained
attractors Aε as ε → 0.
First of all, we introduce the averaging of the nonlinear function f by the
following formula:

1 T
f (x, v) = lim f (z, x, v) dz. (2.20)
T →∞ T 0

This limit exists due to the almost-periodicity assumption (2.1) and Kro-
neker-Weyl theorem (see e.g. [21]). Moreover, since (due to Lemma 2.1) f
is almost periodic with values in M then, for every R ∈ R+ ,
 1  τ +T 
 f (z, x, v) dz − f (x, v) → 0 (2.21)
T τ R

as T → 0 uniformly with respect to τ ∈ R (the seminorm · R is defined

by (2.3)). Note also that, due to the fact that the convergence in (2.21) is
uniform with respect to τ ∈ R, we may replace the function f in (2.20) and
(2.21) by any φ ∈ H(f ) preserving the convergence to f . In other words,
the averaging f is independent of the concrete choice of the representative
φ ∈ H(f ) (φ = f , for every φ ∈ H(f )).
We now define the averaged system, corresponding to initial system (0.1)
as follows: 
∂t u = aΔx u − f (x, u) + g
ut=0 = u0 , u∂Ω = 0.
Note that assumptions (0.4)–(0.6) obviously remain valid for the averaged
nonlinearity f (x, v), consequently, the results of Theorems 1.1-1.3 and 2.1
also remain valid for limit autonomous problem (2.22).
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 687

Theorem 2.2. Let the above assumptions hold. Then, for every u0 ∈
Φp , problem (2.22) has a unique solution u(t) which satisfies the following
u(t) Φp ≤ Q( u0 Φp )e−αt + Q( g Lp ), (2.23)
where the function Q and the constant α are the same as in Theorem 1.1.
Moreover, the semigroup St0 : Φp → Φp generated by this equation possesses
a global attractor A0 in Φp , which is bounded in Φ2p
A0 Φ2p ≤ Q( g Lp ), (2.24)
where Q is the same as in (2.13), and possesses the standard description in
terms of bounded solutions defined for all t ∈ R:
A0 = Kf0 (0) (2.25)
(compare with (2.18)).
The proof of this theorem repeats word by word the proof of Theorems
1.1 and 2.1 so we omit it here.
The following theorem shows that the attractors Aε of problems (0.1) tend
in a sense to the attractor A0 of averaged problem (2.22) as ε → 0.
Theorem 2.3. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2.1 hold. Then
distΦp Aε , A0 → 0 as ε → 0, (2.26)
where distV is a non-symmetric Hausdorff distance in V , i.e.,
distV (X, Y ) = sup inf x − y V . (2.27)
x∈X y∈Y

For the proof of the theorem, we need the following simple lemma.
Lemma 2.2. Let the function f satisfy assumptions (2.1) and (2.2). Then,
for every T ∈ R, every u ∈ C([T, T + 1] × Ω, Rk ), every φ ∈ H(f ), and every
l ∈ (1, ∞)
φ(t/ε, x, u(t, x)) f (x, u(t, x)) as ε → 0 weakly in Ll ([T, T + 1] × Ω).
Although the assertion of the lemma is more or less standard, for the
reader’s convenience, we give below a sketch of the proof. For simplicity, we
consider only the case T = 0 (the general case is analogous).
Let φ ∈ H(f ), u ∈ C([0, 1] × Ω), l ∈ (1, ∞) and εn → 0 be arbitrary.
Then, due to assumption (0.4), the sequence of functions φ(t/εn , x, u(t, x))
is uniformly bounded in Ll ([0, 1] × Ω) and, consequently, without loss of
generality we may assume that it is weakly convergent to some function
688 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

F (t, x). Our task is to prove that F (t, x) = f (x, u(t, x)). To this end, it is
sufficient to verify that, for every θ ∈ C([0, 1] × Ω),
[φ(t/εn , x, u(t, x))θ(t, x) − f (x, u(t, x))θ(t, x)] dx dt → 0 (2.29)
x∈Ω t∈[0,1]

as εn → 0. For every N ∈ N, let us approximate the functions u(t) and θ(t)

by piecewise continuous (with respect to t) ones such that:
uN (t, x) = u(m/N, x) and θN (t, x) := θ(m/N, x) for t ∈ [m/N, (m+1)/N ].
Then, due to the continuity of u and θ, we have
u − uN L∞ → 0 and θ − θN L∞ → 0 as N → ∞ (2.30)
and, consequently, (thanks to assumption (0.6) for φ and f ) for every δ > 0,
we may choose N = N (δ) such that
 [φ(t/εn , x, u(t, x))θ(t, x) − f (x, u(t, x))θ(t, x)] dt dx ≤ δ (2.31)
x∈Ω 0
 N−1   m+1 
 N t m m  m
+  [φ( , x, u( , x)) − f (x, u( , x))] dt · |θ( , x)| dx.
x∈Ω m=0 m εn N N N

After the variable change, z = t/εn , we derive that

[φ(t/εn , x, u(m/N, x)) − f (x, u(m/N, x))] dt (2.32)
 m/(εn N )+1/(εn N )
= (εn N ) [φ(z, x, u(m/N, x)) − f (x, u(m/N, x))] dt.
N m/(εn N )

Applying estimate (2.21) for the function φ ∈ H(f ) with T = 1/(N εn ) and
τ = m/(εn N ) in order to estimate the right-hand side of (2.32), we derive
 [φ(t/εn , x, u(m/N, x)) − f (x, u(m/N, x))] dt
  ∞ → 0 (2.33)
m/N L (Ω)

as εn → 0. Inserting this estimate to (2.31), we derive (2.29). Lemma 2.2 is

Proof of the theorem. Recall that, due to estimates (2.13) and (2.24)
and the compactness of the embedding Φ2p ⊂ Φp , the family of attractors
{Aε , ε ∈ R} is precompact in Φp . Consequently, it only remains to verify
that, for every εn → 0 and un ∈ Aεn such that un → u in Φp , the limit point
u belongs to A0 (see, e.g., [2]). Let us verify this assertion. Indeed, according
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 689

to description (2.19), there exist the nonlinearities φn ∈ H(f ) and bounded

complete solutions un ∈ Kφεnn , i.e., un (t), t ∈ R, satisfying the equations
∂t un = aΔx un − φn (t/εn , x, un ) + g (2.34)
such that un (0) = un . Note that, thanks to (1.1) and (2.13), we have the
uniform estimate
un W (1,2),p ([T,T +1]×Ω) ≤ Q( g Lp ), (2.35)
where Q is independent of n and T ∈ R. Recall, that the spaces W (1,2),p ([T,
T + 1] × Ω) are reflexive and, consequently (due to the Cantor’s diagonal
procedure), we may assume without loss of generality that there is a function
u(t) such that
u W (1,2),p ([T,T +1]×Ω) ≤ Q( g Lp ) (2.36)
un u weakly in W (1,2),p ([T, T + 1] × Ω), (2.37)
for every T ∈ R. Note also that, due to the compactness of the embedding
W (1,2),p ([T, T + 1] × Ω) ⊂ C([T, T + 1] × Ω), convergence (2.37) implies the
strong convergence in C:
un → u strongly in C([T, T + 1] × Ω), (2.38)
for every T ∈ R. Particularly, u(0) = u and, consequently, it remains to
prove that u ∈ Kf0 passing to the limit n → ∞ in equations (2.34) (e.g., in
the sense of distributions).
As usual, passing to the limit n → ∞ in the linear terms of (2.34) is an
immediate and the only problem is to pass to the limit in the non-linear
term. To this end, we recall that the hull H(f ) is compact in Cb (R, M) and,
consequently, without loss of generality, we may assume that φn → φ ∈ H(f )
in this space, and introduce the following identity:
φn (t/εn , x, un (t, x) − f (x, u(t, x)) (2.39)
= φn (t/εn , x, un (t, x)) − φn (t/εn , x, u(t, x))
+ φn (t/εn , x, u(t, x)) − φ(t/εn , x, u(t, x))
+ φ(t/εn , x, u(t, x)) − f (x, u(t, x)) .
The first term in the right-hand side of (2.39) tends to zero (in L∞ ([T, T +
1] × Ω)) due to convergence (2.38) and assumption (0.6). The second one is
also tends to zero due to the convergence φn → φ in Cb (R, M). And finally,
690 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

the third one tends to zero weakly in Lp ([T, T + 1] × Ω) due to Lemma 2.2.
Thus, the limit function u(t) satisfies limit equation (2.22) and, consequently,
u ∈ A0 . Theorem 2.3 is proven. 

3. The averaging of individual solutions: qualitative aspects

In this Section, we reprove the classical Krylov-Bogolubov’s averaging
principle for the case of (0.1) and verify that the operators Uφε (t, τ ) : Φp →
Φp , defined in (2.9) converge to St−τ 0 as ε → 0 unif ormly with respect to
φ ∈ H(f ). This result will be essentially used in the next sections in order
to clarify the structure of the attractors Aε for small ε > 0. We start with
the following theorem.
Theorem 3.1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2.1 hold. Then, for every
R > 0, there exist a constant KR and a function αR (ε) such that αR (ε) → 0
as ε → 0 and
Uφε (τ + t, τ )u0 − St0 u0 Φp ≤ eKR t αR (ε) (3.1)
uniformly with respect to φ ∈ H(f ), u0 ∈ BR and τ ∈ R.
For the proof of the theorem, we need the improved version of Lemma 2.2.
Lemma 3.1. Let KC and KLl , 1 < l < ∞, be arbitrary compact sets in
C([0, 1] × Ω) and Ll ([0, 1] × Ω) respectively. Then there, exists a function
α(ε) (depending on KC and KLl ) such that α(ε) → 0 as ε → 0 and
 [φ(t/ε, x, u(t, x)) − f (x, u(t, x))]θ(t, x) dt dx ≤ α(ε), (3.2)

for every φ ∈ H(f ), u ∈ KC and θ ∈ KLl .

Proof of the lemma. Indeed, assume that the assertion is wrong. Then,
there exist φn → φ ∈ H(f ), un → u ∈ KC , θn → θ ∈ KLl , and εn → 0 such
 [φn (t/εn , x, un (t, x)) − f (x, un (t, x))]θn (t, x) dt dx ≥ α0 > 0. (3.3)

Passing to the limit n → ∞ in (3.3) and using conditions (2.2) on φ ∈ H(f ),

we derive that
 [φ(t/εn , x, u(t, x)) − f (x, u(t, x))]θ(t, x) dt dx ≥ α0 /2,

for n >> 1 large enough, which contradicts the assertion of Lemma 2.2.
Lemma 3.1 is proven. 
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 691

Proof of the theorem. We first note that Tτ φ ∈ H(f ), for every τ ∈ R if

φ ∈ H(f ), consequently, we may verify (3.1) for τ = 0 only.
Let u0 ∈ BR ⊂ Φp and let uε (t) := Uφε (t, 0)u0 , u0 (t) := St0 u0 be the
corresponding solutions of non-averaged and averaged equations respectively.
We set vε (t) := uε (t) − u0 (t). Then, this function obviously satisfies the
∂t vε − aΔx vε = hε (t, x) := −[φ(t/ε, x, uε (t)) − φ(t/ε, x, u0 (t))]
− [φ(t/ε, x, u0 (t)) − f (x, u0 (t))], vε  = 0.
Multiplying now equation (3.4) by vε (t), integrating over x ∈ Ω and using
that φu is uniformly bounded (thanks to assumption (0.6)), we obtain
∂t vε (t) 2L2 − KR vε (t) 2L2 ≤ 2 [φ(t/ε, x, u0 (t)) − f (x, u0 (t))], vε (t) . (3.5)
Moreover, due to estimates (1.1) and (2.23), we have
u0 W (1,2),p ([T,T +1]×Ω) + vε W (1,2),p ([T,T +1]×Ω) ≤ QR (3.6)

and, consequently (due to the compactness of embedding W (1,2),p ⊂ C), the

sets {u0 (t), u0 ∈ BR } and {vε (t), u0 ∈ BR } are compact in C([T, T + 1] × Ω)
(uniformly with respect to T ∈ R+ ). Therefore, Lemma 3.1 implies the
  T +1   
 [φ(t/ε, x, u0 (t)) − f (x, u0 (t))], vε (t) dt ≤ αR (ε) (3.7)
where αR is independent of u ∈ B , φ ∈ H(f ), T ∈ R and tends to zero
0 R +
as ε → 0. Inserting this estimate into the right-hand side of (3.5) and using
the Gronwall’s lemma, we derive that

vε (t) 20,2 ≤ CeKR t αR (ε). (3.8)
In order to deduce (3.1) from (3.8), we note that the function hε (t, x) in
the right-hand side of (3.4) is uniformly bounded in L∞ (R+ × Ω) (thanks to
(0.4) and (3.6)), consequently
 T +1
hε (t) 2p
dt ≤ QR (3.9)
uniformly with respect to φ ∈ H(f ), u0 ∈ BR and T ∈ R+ . Applying now
the L2p -regularity theorem for heat equations to (3.4) and using (3.9) and
that vε (0) = 0, we derive
vε (t) Φ2p ≤ QR . (3.10)
692 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

The interpolation inequality

vε (t) Φp ≤ C vε (t) L2 vε (t) γΦ2p (3.11)
(with γ = 1 − 1/(2p − 1)) together with (3.8) and (3.10) imply (3.1). Theo-
rem 3.1 is proven. 
In the next sections we will need also the analogue of (3.1) for Frechet
derivatives of Uφε (t, τ ). To this end, we first formulate the standard result
on the differentiability with respect to the initial values.
Theorem 3.2. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2.1 hold. Then, the operator
Uφε (τ + t, τ ) is Frechet differentiable with respect to the initial values u0 ∈ Φp
and its derivative Du0 Uφε (τ + t, τ )(u0 ) ∈ L(Φp , Φp ) at point u0 ∈ Φp can be
calculated as follows:
Du0 Uφε (t + τ, τ )(u0 )ξ := vξ (t + τ ), (3.12)
where ξ ∈ Φp is an arbitrary vector and vξ (t) is a solution of the equation of
variations which corresponds to (0.1):
∂t vξ (t) = aΔx vξ (t) − φu (t/ε, x, u(t))vξ (t), vξ (τ ) = ξ, (3.13)
where u(t) := Uφε (t, τ )u0 . Moreover, this derivative satisfies the following
uniform estimates:
Du0 Uφε (τ + t, τ )(u0 ) L(Φp ,Φp ) ≤ QR eKR t , (3.14)
where QR and KR are independent of u0 ∈ BR , ε > 0, φ ∈ H(f ) and τ ∈ R,
Uφε (t + τ, τ )u10 − Uφε (t + τ, τ )u20 − Du0 Uφε (t + τ, τ )(u10 )(u10 − u20 ) Φp
≤ CR eKR t u10 − u20 Φp u10 − u20 Lp ,
where CR and KR are independent of u10 , u20 ∈ BR , ε > 0, φ ∈ H(f ) and
τ ∈ R.
The derivation of estimates (3.14) and (3.15) are completely standard so
we omit it here (see e.g. [2]). The fact that these estimates are uniform (with
respect to ε and φ) follows from the fact that estimate (0.6) holds uniformly
with respect to φ ∈ H(f ).
Corollary 3.1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 3.2 hold. Then the Frechet
derivative Du0 Uφε (t + τ, τ )(u0 ) is Lipschitz continuous with respect to u0 .
Du0 Uφε (t + τ, τ )(u10 ) − Du0 Uφε (t + τ, τ )(u20 ) L(Φp ,Φp ) ≤ QR eKR t u10 − u20 Φp
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 693

where QR and KR are independent of u10 , u20 ∈ BR , φ ∈ H(f ), ε > 0, and

τ ∈ R.
Indeed, (3.16) is an immediate corollary of (3.15).
Remark 3.1. Estimates (3.13)–(3.16) remain true for ε = 0 as well if we
define Uφ0 (t, τ ) := St−τ
0 , where S 0 is a semigroup, generated by averaged
problem (2.22).
We are now ready to formulate and prove the averaging principle for the
Frechet derivatives.
Theorem 3.3. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2.1 hold. Then, for every
R > 0, there exist a constant KR > 0 and a function αR (ε), such that
αR (ε) → 0 as ε → 0 and
Du0 Uφε (τ + t, τ )(u0 ) − Du0 St0 (u0 ) L(Φp ,Φp ) ≤ eKR t αR (ε), (3.17)
for all φ ∈ H(f ), u0 ∈ BR , and τ ∈ R.
Proof. As in Theorem 3.1, we may verify (3.17) for τ = 0 only. Let
u0 ∈ BR ⊂ Φp and u0 (t) := St0 u0 , uε (t) := Uφε (t, 0)u0 be the corresponding
solutions of averaged and non-averaged system respectively. Let also ξ ∈ Φp
be an arbitrary vector and vξε (t) := Du0 Uφε (t, 0)(u0 )ξ, vξ0 (t) := Du0 St0 (u0 )ξ
be the corresponding solution of equation of variations, i.e.,

∂t vξε (t) − aΔx vξε (t) = −φu (t/ε, x, uε (t))vξε (t), vξε (0) = ξ,
∂t vξ0 (t) − aΔx vξ0 (t) = −f u (x, u0 (t))vξ0 (t), vξ0 (0) = ξ.
Without loss of generality, we may assume that ξ Φp = 1. Then, analo-
gously to Theorem 1.2, we derive that
vξε W (1,2),p ([T,T +1]×Ω) + vξ0 W (1,2),p ([T,T +1]×Ω) ≤ QR eKR T . (3.19)

Let wξ (t) := vξε (t)−vξ0 (t). Then, this function obviously satisfies the equation

∂t wξ (t) − aΔx wξ (t) = f u (x, u0 (t))vξ0 (t) − φu (t/ε, x, uε (t))vξε (t), wξ (0) = 0.
In order to estimate the right-hand side of (3.20), we use the following iden-
φu (t/ε, x, uε (t))vξε (t) − f (x, u0 (t))vξ0 (t)
= [φu (t/ε, x, uε (t)) − φu (t/ε, x, u0 (t))]vξε (t) (3.21)

+ φu (t/ε, x, u0 (t))wξ (t) + [φu (t/ε, x, u0 (t)) − f u (x, u0 (t))]vξ0 (t).
694 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

Multiplying (3.20) by wξ (t), using (3.21) and estimating

|([φu (t/ε, x, uε (t)) − φu (t/ε, x, u0 (t))]vξε (t), wξ (t))| (3.22)
≤ CR uε (t) − u0 (t) L∞ vξ (t) L∞ ( vξε (t) L∞ + vξ0 (t) L∞ ) ≤ QR e2KR t αR (ε)
(due to (3.1), (3.19) and the embedding Φp ⊂ C), we derive that
∂t wξ (t) 2L2 − KR wξ (t 2L2 ≤ QR e2KR t αR (ε)

+ 2 [φu (t/ε, x, u0 (t)) − f u (x, u0 (t))]vξ0 (t), wξ (t) .
In order to estimate the last term in the right-hand side of (3.23) we note
that (due to uniform estimate (3.19)) the set {vξ0 (t)wξ (t)e−2KR t , u0 ∈ BR }
is uniformly bounded in W (1,2),p ([T, T + 1] × Ω), T ∈ R and, consequently,
(due to the compactness of the embedding W (1,2),p ⊂ C) this set of functions
is compact in C([T, T + 1] × Ω) (uniformly with respect to T ∈ R+ ). Thus,
according to Lemma 3.1 (applied to the almost periodic function φu instead
of φ), we have
  T +1 
 [φu (t/ε, x, u0 (t)) − f u (x, u0 (t))]vξ (t), wξ (t) dt

≤ QR e2KR T αR (ε)
where α (ε) → 0 as ε → 0. Inserting this estimate to (3.23) and using the
Gronwall’s lemma, we finally obtain that

wξ (t) Φp ≤ QR e2KR t αR (ε). (3.25)
The derivation of (3.17) from (3.25) is the same as in Theorem 3.1, namely,
applying the L2p -regularity theorem for heat equations to relation (3.20) and
using (3.19) and that wξ (0) = 0, we have
wξ (t) Φ2p ≤ QR eKR t , (3.26)
where the constants are independent of φ ∈ H(f ), ε > 0 and u0 ∈ BR .
Interpolation inequality (3.11) together with (3.25) and (3.26) imply (3.17).
Theorem 3.3 is proven. 

4. The averaging of individual solutions: quantitative aspects

In this section, we discuss the problem of finding the quantitative esti-
mates for the difference between the corresponding solutions of averaged
and non-averaged equations in terms of the parameter ε or (which is the
same) of clarifying the rate of convergence of the function αR (ε) to zero
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 695

as ε → 0. As usual, this problem is closely related with the existence of a

bounded z-primitive for the almost periodic function f (z, x, v) − f (x, v) with
zero mean.
Theorem 4.1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2.1 hold and let, in addition,
the function f (z, x, v) − f (x, v) possess a z-primitive F (z) which is almost-
periodic with values in M (F ∈ AP (R, M), where the space M is the same
as in Section 2), i.e.,
Fz (z, x, v) = f (z, x, v) − f (x, v). (4.1)
Uφε (t + τ, τ )u0 − St0 u0 Lp ≤ CR ε1/2 eKR t , (4.2)
where CR and KR are independent of ε > 0, φ ∈ H(f ), u0 ∈ BR , and τ ∈ R.
Proof. As before, we may assume without loss of generality that τ = 0.
Note also that, since F is almost periodic with values in M, we have the
uniform estimate:
|F(z, x, v)| + |Fv (z, x, v)| + |Fvv

(z, x, v)| ≤ Q(|v|), (4.3)
where the monotonic function Q is independent of F ∈ H(F ), z ∈ R, and
x ∈ Ω. Moreover, it is not difficult to verify passing to the limit in (4.1)
that, for every φ ∈ H(f ), there exists F := Fφ ∈ H(F ) such that
Fz (z, x, v) = φ(z, x, v) − f (x, v). (4.4)
Let now u0 ∈ BR and uε (t) := Uφε (t, 0)u0 , u0 (t) := St0 u0 be the corresponding
solutions of the non-averaged and averaged problem respectively. Then, the
function vε (t) := uε (t) − u0 (t) obviously satisfies equation (3.4). Multiplying
the i-th equation of (3.4) by vεi (t)|vεi (t)|p−2 integrating over x ∈ Ω, t ∈ [0, T ]
and taking a sum over i = 1, · · · , k, we derive (analogously to (1.6), (1.12)
and (3.5)) that
vε (T ) Lp ≤ KR vε (t) pLp dt (4.5)
k  T
+ [φi (t/ε, x, u0 (t)) − f i (x, u0 (t))], vεi (t)|vεi (t)|p−2 dt.
i=1 0

Integrating by parts in the integrals in the right-hand side of (4.5) and using
assumption (4.4), we derive
[φi (t/ε, x, u0 (t)) − f i (x, u0 (t))], vεi (t)|vεi (t)|p−2 dt
696 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik
= ε Fi (T /ε, x, u0 (T )), vεi (T )|vεi (T )|p−2
− (p − 1)ε Fi (t/ε, x, u0 (t)), ∂t vεi (t)|vεi (t)|p−2 dt (4.6)
−ε (Fi )v (t/ε, x, u0 (t))∂t u0 (t), vεi (t)|vεi (t)|p−2 dt.
Let us estimate every term in the right-hand side of (4.6). Indeed, it follows
from (4.3), (2.23) and from the Hölder inequality that
ε| Fi (t/ε, x, u0 (T )), vεi (T )|vεi (T )|p−2 | (4.7)
≤ Cεp F(T /ε, x, u0 (T )) pLp + 1/(2k) vε (T ) pLp ≤ QR εp + 1/(2k) vε (T ) pLp .

ε (Fi )v (t/ε, x, u0 (t))∂t u0 (t), vεi (t)|vεi (t)|p−2 dt (4.8)
 T  T
 p p
≤ Cε p
Fv (t/ε, x, u0 (t)) L∞ ∂t u0 (t) Lp dt + vε (t) pLp dt
0 0
≤ QR T εp + vε (t) pLp dt.
And finally,

ε Fi (t/ε, x, u0 (t)), ∂t vεi (t)|vεi (t)|p−2 dt (4.9)
 T  T
p p
≤ Cε p/2
F(t/ε, x, u0 (t)) Lp ∂t vε (t) Lp dt + vε (t) pLp dt
0 0
≤ QR T εp/2 + vε (t) pLp dt.

Here we have used the fact that vε is bounded in W (1,2),p ([T, T + 1] × Ω).
Inserting these estimates into the right-hand side of (4.6), we derive the
vε (T ) Lp ≤ QR T ε + KR
vε (t) pLp dt. (4.10)
The Gronwall’s lemma implies now estimate (4.2). Theorem 4.1 is proven.

Corollary 4.1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 4.1 hold. Then
Uφε (t + τ, τ )u0 − St0 u0 Φp ≤ CR ε1/2(2p−1) eKR t , (4.11)
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 697

where CR and KR are independent of ε > 0, φ ∈ H(f ), u0 ∈ BR , and τ ∈ R.

Indeed, (4.11) is an immediate corollary of (4.2) and interpolation inequal-
ity (3.11).
Let us now discuss the assumptions of the proved theorem. We first
note that in the case where f (z, x, v) is periodic with respect to z, assump-
tion (4.1) is automatically satisfied. Indeed, since the periodic function
f (z, x, v) − f (x, v) has a zero mean, a function
F (z, x, v) := [f (z, x, v) − f (x, v)] dz (4.12)
will be bounded, continuous and periodic with respect to z. However, for
general cases where f (z, x, v) is almost-periodic (or quasi-periodic) with re-
spect to z function (4.12) may be unbounded with respect to z (see e.g. [21]).
Such strange behaviour of (4.12) is possible due to the fact that in contrast
to the periodic case the almost-periodic function may have arbitrarily small
Fourier modes and, consequently, small denominators may appear in (4.12)
after the integration.
Thus, verifying whether or not integral (4.12) is bounded (or (which is the
same) is almost-periodic) with respect to z is a rather complicated problem
(see [21] for further examples and explanations). That is why, we give below
only several sufficient conditions, which are formulated in terms of Fourier
amplitudes and Fourier modes of the function f (z, x, v). Recall (see [21]),
that an almost-periodic function f (z) can be expanded into Fourier series:

f (z, x, v) ∼ Aωk (x, v)eiwk z , (4.13)

where {ωk }k∈Z ⊂ R are Fourier modes and Aωk ∈ M are the corresponding
Fourier amplitudes which can be found by the following formula:

1 T
Ak (x, v) := lim f (z, x, v)e−iωk z dz. (4.14)
T →∞ T 0

Particularly, A0 (x, v) ≡ f (x, v).

Proposition 4.1. Assume that, for every R > 0

(1 + |ωk |−1 ) Aωk R < QR < ∞ (4.15)
k∈Z, ωk =0

(the norm · R is defined by (2.3)). Then, function (4.12) is bounded and

almost-periodic with respect to z (with values in M) and, consequently, sat-
isfies the assumptions of Theorem 4.1.
698 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

Proof. Indeed, in this case, the function f is obviously represented by

uniformly convergent series (4.13) and, consequently,
 1  iωk z 
F (z, x, v) = Aωk (x, v) e −1 . (4.15 )
k∈Z, ωk =0

Condition (4.15) guarantees the uniform convergence of (4.15 ) and the es-
F (z, x, v) R ≤ 2QR .
Proposition 4.1 is proven. 
Let us now consider the particular case where f has only finite number
m of rationally independent Fourier modes (i.e., f is quasiperiodic with
respect to z). In this case, there exists a vector ω = (ω 1 , · · · , ω m ) ∈ Rm of
rationally independent modes such that every mode ωk can be represented
in the following form:

ωk = (ω, lk ) := ω i lki , lk ∈ Zm . (4.16)

It is well known (see, e.g., [21]) that  (4.16) implies existence of a function
G ∈ C(Tm , M) (where Tm := Rm Zm is an m-dimensional torus), such that

f (z, x, v) = G(ω 1 z, · · · , ω m z; x, v), G(φ; x, v) ∼ Al (x, v)ei(φ,l) (4.17)

with Al := A(ω,l) in notations of (4.13).

Proposition 4.2. Assume that the vector of frequencies ω ∈ Rm satisfies
the following Diophantine condition:
|(ω, l)| ≥ Cω |l|1−m−δ , (4.18)
for some positive δ < 1. Assume also that the function G in (4.17) is suffi-
ciently smooth with respect to φ, namely,
G ∈ C 2m (Tm , M). (4.19)
Then the function f , defined by (4.17) has a quasi-periodic primitive F which
satisfies condition (4.1) of Theorem 4.1.
Proof. Indeed, assumption (4.19) implies that

Al R ≤ QR |l|2m (4.20)
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 699

where QR is independent of l. Consequently, according to (4.18) and (4.20),

1 + |wk |−1 Aωk R ≤ 1 + |(ω, l)|−1 Al R
k∈Z,ωk =0 l∈Zm ,l=0
≤ QR (1 + Cω |l|m−1+δ )|l|−2m ≤ QR |l|−m−1+δ < ∞.
l∈Zm ,l=0 l∈Zm ,l=0

Proposition 4.2 is proven. 

Remark 4.1. Note that the set of frequencies ω ∈ Rm
for which Diophantine
condition (4.18) is violated has a zero Lebesgue measure (see, e.g., [1]). Thus,
in a sense a bounded primitive exists for almost all sufficiently regular ((4.19)
is assumed to be valid) quasiperiodic functions with zero mean.
Recall that Theorem 4.1 implies that the upper bound for difference be-
tween the corresponding solutions of non-averaged and averaged equations
in Lp has at least an order ε1/2 with respect to ε. In order to obtain the
lower bounds we consider the following simplest example:
y  (t) + y(t) = sin , y ∈ R, y(0) = 0 (4.21)
which has a solution
ε  t t 
yε (t) = 2
− sin + ε cos − εe−t . (4.22)
1+ε ε ε
The corresponding solution of the averaged equation is obviously y0 (t) ≡ 0
and, consequently, the lower bound for the rate of convergence is ε1 with
respect to ε. The next theorem shows that it is possible to obtain the
upper bound with the sharp rate of convergence ε1 with respect to ε if the
nonlinearity f satisfies the assumptions of Proposition 4.1.
Theorem 4.2. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2.1 hold and let, in addition,
the non-linear function f satisfy condition (4.15). Then
Uφε (t + τ, τ )u0 − St0 u0 Lp (Ω) ≤ CR eKR t ε, (4.23)
where CR and KR are independent of ε > 0, φ ∈ H(f ), u0 ∈ BR , and τ ∈ R.
Proof. As before, without loss of generality, we may assume that τ = 0.
Note also that the Fourier modes ωk and the modulus |Aωk (x, v)| of Fourier
amplitudes are the same for every φ ∈ H(f ) and, consequently, assumption
(4.15) is satisfied uniformly with respect to φ ∈ H(f ). Thus, without loss of
generality, we may also assume φ = f .
700 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

Let u0 ∈ BR and uε (t) := Ufε (t, 0)u0 , u0 (t) := St0 u0 be the corresponding
solutions of the non-averaged and averaged equations. Then, a function
vε (t) := uε (t) − u0 (t) obviously satisfies the equation
∂t vε (t) − aΔx vε (t) = −[f (t/ε, x, uε (t)) − f (t/ε, x, u0 (t))]
−[f (t/ε, x, u0 (t)) − f (x, u0 (t))] , vε (0) = 0.

We now introduce a function wε (t) as a solution of an auxiliary equation

∂t wε (t) − aΔx wε (t) = hε (t) := [f (t/ε, x, u0 (t))) − f (x, u0 (t))], wε (0) = 0.

In order to solve (4.25), we expand hε (t) in Fourier series (4.13)

hε (t, x) = Aωk (x, u0 (t, x))eiωk t/ε . (4.25 )
ωk =0

The uniform convergence of (4.25 ) is guaranteed by assumption (4.15). Let

us introduce a function
 ω −1
θε (t, x) := eiωk t/ε −i − aΔx Ak (x, u0 (t, x)). (4.26)
ωk =0

We note that (4.26) satisfies (4.25) if u0 ≡ u0 (x) is independent of t. In order

to estimate (4.26), we recall that the operator −aΔx generates an analytic
semigroup in Lp (Ω) (see, e.g., [16]). Therefore, the following estimate holds
for its resolvent
|λ| · (λ − aΔx )−1 Lp →Lp ≤ Cp , ∀λ ∈ iR. (4.27)
Particularly, (4.27) implies that
 ω −1 
 k  ε
 −i − aΔx  p p ≤ Cp (4.28)
ε L →L |ωk |
and, consequently, due to (4.15) and (2.23),

θε (t) Lp ≤ Cp ε |ωk |−1 Aωk (x, u0 (t, x)) Lp ≤ QR ε, (4.29)
ωk =0

for the appropriate QR . Let now Wε (t) := wε (t) − θε (t). Then, this function
satisfies the equation
∂t Wε (t) − aΔx Wε (t) = Hε (t), Wε (0) = −θε (0) (4.30)
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 701

 ω −1 
(Ak )v (x, u0 (t, x))∂t u0 (t, x) .
Hε (t) := − eiωk t/ε −i − aΔx
ωk =0
Using now (4.28), (4.15) and (2.23) and arguing as before, we derive the
Hε Lp ([T,T +1]×Ω) ≤ QR ε ∂t u0 Lp ([T,T +1]ω) ≤ QR ε, (4.32)
where QR
is independent of T . Having estimates (4.29) and (4.32), we may
deduce from (4.30) (multiplying the ith equation by Wεi |Wεi |p−2 and arguing
analogously to (1.6)) that
Wε (t) Lp ≤ CR ε, (4.33)
for some CR > 0. Combining (4.29) and (4.33), we finally deduce that

wε (t) Lp ≤ CR ε. (4.34)
We are now ready to finish the proof of the theorem. To this end, we
introduce one more function Vε (t) := vε (t) + wε (t) which obviously satisfies
the equation
∂t Vε (t) − aΔx Vε (t) + lε (t)Vε (t) = lε (t)wε (t), Vε (0) = 0, (4.35)
where  1
lε (t, x) := fv (t/ε, x, suε (t) + (1 − s)u0 (t)) ds.
Recall that, due to (0.6), (1.1) and (2.23), we have lε (t, x) L∞ ≤ QR ,
consequently, (4.34) implies the estimate

lε wε Lp ([T,T +1]×Ω) ≤ CR ε. (4.36)
Using (4.36) and arguing as in (1.6), we derive from (4.35) the following
Vε (t) Lp ≤ CR eKR t ε, (4.37)
for the appropriate constants CR and QR . This estimate together with (4.34)
imply (4.23). Theorem 4.2 is proven. 
Remark 4.2. Note that, arguing as in the proof of Theorem 4.2, we may
verify that (4.23) remains true with the exponent p replaced by any f inite
r ≥ p.
Remark 4.3. Note that the constant KR in (4.23) depends only on con-
stants and functions introduced in (0.4)–(0.6) and is independent of frequen-
cies ωl . But the constant CR in (4.23) depends on sum (4.15) (consequently,
702 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

depends on small denominators and is extremely sensitive to small pertur-

bations of ωl ) in the following way:

CR ≤ CR (1 + |ωk |−1 ) Aωk R , (4.38)
k∈Z, ωk =0

where CR  is already independent of ω . Moreover, if (instead of convergence

(4.15)) we only have that

(1 + |ωk |−1+δ ) Aωk R < QR < ∞, (4.39)
k∈Z, ωk =0

for some 0 ≤ δ < 1, then arguing as in the proof of Theorem 4.3, but using
instead of (4.28) a weaker estimate
 ω −1   
 k  ε 1−δ
 −i − aΔx  p p ≤ Cp , (4.40)
ε L →L |ωk |
we derive the following analogue of (4.23):
Uφε (t + τ, τ )u0 − St0 u0 Lp (Ω) ≤ LR eKR t ε1−δ , (4.41)
where the constant KR is also independent of ωl and the constant LR satisfies
the following analogue of (4.38):

LR ≤ CR (1 + |ωk |−1+δ ) Aωk R , (4.42)
k∈Z, ωk =0

where CR  is already independent of ω . We will essentially use this simple

observation in Section 7 in order to obtain the probabilistic interpretation
for the quantitative averaging of regular attractors.

5. The averaging near a hyperbolic equilibrium

This Section is devoted to the detailed study of the behaviour of non-
averaged system (0.1) in a neighbourhood of a hyperbolic equilibrium of
averaged system (2.22). To be more precise, we assume that there is z0 =
z0 (x) ∈ Φp which satisfies the equation

aΔx z0 − f (x, z0 ) = g, z0 ∂Ω = 0. (5.1)
We consider the equation of variation which corresponds to the equilibrium
z0 (see Theorem 3.2):

∂t w = Lz0 w := aΔx w − f v (x, z0 )w, w(t) ∈ Φp , w(0) = ξ. (5.2)
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 703

It is well known that the resolvent of the operator Lz0 is compact in Lp (Ω)
(particularly, the spectrum of Lz0 is discrete) and generates an analytic
semigroup in Lp (Ω)
Dv0 St0 (z0 )ξ = eLz0 t ξ. (5.3)
Our main assumption for this section is that the equilibrium z0 is hyperbolic,
i.e., the spectrum of Lz0 does not intersect the imaginary axis:
σ(Lz0 ) ∩ iR = ∅. (5.4)
Let Π− : Lp → Lp and Π+ : Lp → Lp be the spectral projectors which
correspond to the stable ({Re λ < 0}) and to the unstable ({Re λ > 0}) parts
of the spectrum of Lz0 respectively and let V − := Π− Lp and V + := Π+ Lp
be the corresponding spectral subspaces (see [16]). Then, the subspaces V ±
are invariant with respect to eLz0 t :
eLz0 t V ± = V ± , Lp = V + + V − , V + ∩ V − = {0} (5.5)
and, moreover, the space V + is finite dimensional κ(z0 ) := dim V + < ∞
(recall that κ(z0 ) is called the unstable index of the equilibrium z0 ). The
following classical result describes the behaviour of a linearized system near
the hyperbolic equilibrium.
Proposition 5.1. Let z0 ∈ Φp be a hyperbolic equilibrium. Then, there exist
C > 0 and α > 0 such that

eLz0 t ξ− Lp ≤ Ce−αt ξ− Lp , ∀ξ− ∈ V − ,
eLz0 t ξ+ Lp ≥ C −1 eαt ξ+ Lp , ∀ξ+ ∈ V + .

Moreover, if ξ+ ∈ Φp ∩V + (resp. ξ− ∈ Φp ∩V − ), then estimates (5.6) remain

valid with Lp replaced by Φp .
For the proof of the proposition, see, e.g. [16].
The main task of this section is to obtain the description, analogous to
(5.6), for non-averaged system (0.1) for sufficiently small ε in a small (but in-
dependent of ε) neighbourhood of z0 (surely, the linear subspaces V ± will be
replaced by the appropriate nonlinear manifolds). We start by constructing
an almost-periodic solution of (0.1), which corresponds to the equilibrium
z0 as ε = 0.
Theorem 5.1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2.1 hold and let z0 ∈ Φp be
a hyperbolic equilibrium for averaged system (2.22). Then, there exist δ > 0
and ε0 > 0 such that, for every φ ∈ H(f ) and every ε < ε0 , equation (2.8)
has a unique solution uεφ (t), which is defined for all t ∈ R and belongs to the
704 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

δ-neighbourhood of z0 for all t, i.e., this solution is uniquely defined by the

sup uεφ (t) − z0 Φp ≤ δ. (5.7)
Moreover, this solution is almost-periodic with respect to t with the same
frequency basis as f (t/ε, x, v) and tends to z0 as ε → 0 :
lim sup uεφ (t) − z0 Φp = 0. (5.8)
ε→0 t∈R

Proof. In order to simplify the notations, we only consider below the case
φ = f , although all the estimates, obtained below, are uniform with respect
to φ ∈ H(f ).
Assume that the solution u(t) := uεf (t) is already constructed. Then, it
obviously satisfies the following relation:
u(m + 1) = Ufε (m + 1, m)u(m), ∀m ∈ R. (5.9)
Conversely, if the function u(m), m ∈ Z satisfies (5.9), then the function
u(τ ) := Ufε (τ, m)u(m), τ ∈ [m, m + 1] satisfies equation (0.1). Thus, instead
of solving (0.1) it is sufficient to solve (5.9). Denote,
S ε (τ ) := Ufε (τ + 1, τ ) := S10 + K ε (τ ). (5.10)
Then, it follows from Theorems 3.1–3.3 that
K ε (τ )v0 Φp + Dv0 K ε (τ )(v0 ) L(Φp ,Φp ) ≤ αR (ε), v0 Φp ≤ R, (5.11)
where the function αR is independent of τ and tends to 0 as ε → 0. Moreover,
due to Theorem 3.2, we have also the estimate
Dv0 K ε (τ )(v01 ) − Dv0 K ε (τ )(v02 ) L(Φp ,Φp ) ≤ CR v01 − v02 Φp , (5.12)
for v01 , v02 ∈ BR . Recall also that, due to Theorem 3.2, we have
S10 v0 − z0 Φp + Dv0 S10 (v0 ) − L L(Φp ,Φp ) ≤ CR v0 − z0 Φp , (5.13)
for v0 ≤ R and L := Dv0 S10 = eLz0 .
Estimates (5.11)–(5.13) allow to apply the implicit function theorem to
relation (5.9). Indeed, let
R(Φp ) := Cb (Z, Φp ) (5.14)
be the space of all bounded sequences with values in Φp . Consider a function
F : R(Φb ) × R+ → R(Φb ), F(w, ε)m := wm − S01 wm−1 − K ε (m − 1)vm−1 .
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 705

It follows from (5.10)–(5.14) that F(z0 , 0) = 0, that F is Frechet differen-

tiable with respect to the first argument and its derivative Dw F(w, ε) is
continuous at (w, ε) = (z0 , 0). Thus, it only remains to verify that the linear
Dw F(0, 0) : R(Φp ) → R(Φp ), [Dw F(0, 0)w]m = wm − Lwm−1 (5.16)
is invertible. The following standard lemma shows that this is an immediate
corollary of the fact that z0 is hyperbolic.
Lemma 5.1. Let z0 be a hyperbolic equilibrium. Then, operator (5.16) is
invertible in R(Φp ) and in R(Lp ), i.e., for every h ∈ R(Φp ) (resp. h ∈
R(Lp )), the equation
vm = Lvm−1 + hm−1 (5.17)
has a unique bounded solution v := Th ∈ R(Φp ) (resp. v ∈ R(Lp )). More-
over, the solving operator T satisfies the following estimate:
T R(Φp )→R(Φp ) + T R(Lp )→R(Lp ) ≤ C. (5.18)
± := Π v , h± := Π h , and L± := Π L. Then,
Proof. Indeed, let vm ± m m ± m ±
vm = Lvm−1 + h±
m−1 . (5.19)
It now follows from Proposition 5.1 that a unique bounded solution of (5.19)
is defined by the following expression:

vm := − L+ h+
l ,

vm := L− h−
l . (5.20)
l=m l=−∞

The convergence of series (5.20) and estimate (5.18) are immediate corollaries
of estimates (5.6). Lemma 5.1 is proven. 
We are now ready to finish the proof of the theorem. Indeed, all con-
ditions of the implicit function theorem is verified for function (5.15) and,
consequently, there exist δ > 0 and ε0 > 0 such that, for every ε < ε0 in the
δ-neighbourhood of z0 , there exists a unique function uε ∈ R(Φp ) such that
F(uε , ε) ≡ 0, , uε − z0 R(Φp ) ≤ δ (5.21)
or (which is the same) m ∈ Z satisfies (5.9). Moreover,
uε (m), → z0 in uε
R(Φp ) as ε → 0. Thus, the existence of a bounded solution u (m) = uεf (m)

of equation (5.9) is proven. Analogously, we can establish the existence

of the solution uεφ (m) for every nonlinearity φ belonging to the hull H(f )
of the initial nonlinearity f . Moreover, it can be easily proven using the
706 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

explicit construction of uε given above that uεφ (m) depends continuously on

φ ∈ H(f ). The desired solution uεφ (t), t ∈ R, can be now defined as follows:
uεφ (t) := uεTt/ε φ (0).

The almost-periodicity of this solution follows from the fact that the function
φ → uεφ (0) is continuous and that the flow Tt/ε : H(f ) → H(f ) is almost-
periodic (since f is assumed to be almost-periodic, see [21] for the details).
Theorem 5.1 is proven. 
Remark 5.1. The results similar to the proved above are often referred as
‘global averaging principle’ or ‘the second Bogolubov’s theorem’.
The next corollary gives the quantitative estimate for the rate of conver-
gence in (5.8) under the assumptions of Section 4.
Corollary 5.1. Let the assumptions of Theorems 5.1 and 4.1 hold. Then
sup uεφ (t) − z0 Lp ≤ Cε1/2 , (5.22)

where C is independent of φ ∈ H(f ). Moreover, let, in addition, the assump-

tions of Theorem 4.3 hold. Then the improved version of (5.22) is valid:
sup uεφ (t) − z0 Lp ≤ C  ε, (5.23)

where C  is independent of ε ≤ ε0 and φ ∈ H(f ).

Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 5.1 we only consider the case φ = f ,
moreover, we only derive below estimate (5.23). Estimate (5.22) is com-
pletely analogous only instead of (4.23) one should use (4.2).
Note that the function uε (m) := uεf (m), m ∈ Z satisfies the relation

uε (m) − z0 = L(uε (m − 1) − z0 ) + [S10 (uε (m − 1) − S10 (z0 ) (5.24)

− Dv0 S10 (z0 )(uε (m − 1) − z0 )] + K ε (m − 1)(uε (m − 1))
(see (5.9)–(5.13)). According to (4.23), we have
K ε (m − 1)(uε (m − 1)) Lp ≤ Cε. (5.25)
Moreover, due to Theorem 3.2, the second term in the right-hand side of
(5.24) can be estimated as follows:
S10 (uε (m − 1) − S10 (z0 ) − Dv0 S10 (z0 )(uε (m − 1) − z0 ) Lp
≤ C uε − z0 R(Φp ) uε − z0 R(Lp ) .
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 707

Applying the operator T, defined in Lemma 5.1 to both sides of (5.24) and
using estimates (5.18), (5.25) and (5.26), we derive that
uε − z0 R(Lp ) ≤ C1 uε − z0 R(Φp ) uε − z0 R(Lp ) + C2 ε. (5.27)
Recall that, according to Theorem 5.1, uε − z0 R(Φp ) → 0 as ε → 0. Con-
sequently, for a sufficiently small ε > 0, (5.27) implies the estimate
uε − z0 R(Lp ) ≤ 2C2 ε.
Corollary 5.1 is proven. 
Introduce now the perturbed unstable sets Mz0 ,δ (φ, ε), φ ∈ H(f ), of the
equilibrium z0 by the following standard expression:
Mz+0 ,δ (φ, ε) := {u(0) : ∃u(t), t ≤ 0 is a backward solution
of problem (2.8), such that u(t) − z0 Φp ≤ δ, t ≤ 0}.
The following theorem shows that sets (5.28) are smooth finite dimensional
submanifolds of Φp if δ and ε are small enough.
Theorem 5.2. Let the assumptions of Theorem 5.1 hold. Then, there exist
δ > 0 and ε0 > 0 such that, for every ε < 0 and every φ ∈ H(f ), sets
(5.28) are κ(z0 )-dimensional C 1 -submanifolds, which are diffeomorphed to
the unstable subspace V + . As usual, these manifolds can be represented as
graphs of C 1 functions Nφ,ε : V + → V − :
Mz+0 ,δ (φ, ε) = Vδ (z0 ) ∩ {u0 := uεφ (0) + v0+ + v0− : v0± ∈ V ± , v0− = Nφ,ε (v0+ )}
where Vδ (z0 ) is a δ-neighbourhood of z0 in Φp , and functions Nφ,ε are con-
tinuous with respect to φ ∈ H(f ), for every f ixed ε > 0. Moreover, for
every u0 ∈ Mz+0 ,δ (φ, ε) there exists a unique backward solution u(t) ∈ Vδ (z0 ),
u(0) = u0 , of problem (2.8) and this solution satisfies the estimate
u(t) − uεφ (t) Φp ≤ Ce(α/2)t u(0) − uεφ (0) Φp , t ≤ 0, (5.30)
where α > 0 is defined in Proposition 5.1, C is independent of ε, u0 and φ,
and the solution uεφ (t) is constructed in Theorem 5.1.
Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 5.1, we only consider below the case
φ = f (the continuity of the obtained manifolds with respect to φ ∈ H(f ) will
be clear from the construction given below). Moreover, in order to construct
manifold (5.28) we first prove that the set of all backward solutions of (0.1)
which belong to Vδ (z0 ) is in a fact a smooth manifold in the corresponding
functional space. We seek for this backward solution in the form uεf (m) +
708 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

w(m), m ∈ Z− , where uεf is defined in Theorem 5.1 and w ∈ R− (Φp ) :=

Cb (Z− , Φp ) satisfies the following relation (compare with (5.24)):
w(m) = Lw(m − 1) (5.31)
+ [S10 (w(m − 1) + uεf (m − 1)) − S10 (uεf (m − 1)) − Dv0 S10 (z0 )w(m − 1)]
+ [K ε (m − 1)(w(m − 1) + uεf (m − 1)) − K ε (m − 1)(uεf (m − 1))],
where m = 0, −1, . . .. To transform relation (5.31), we need the following
R− −
β (Φp ) := {v ∈ R (Φp ) : sup e
w(m) Φp < ∞}, β ∈ R

and simple analogue of Lemma 5.1 for the spaces R− β (Φp ).

Lemma 5.2. Let the assumptions of Lemma 5.1 hold. Then, for every
h ∈ R− +
β (Φp ), |β| ≤ α/2, and for every v0 ∈ V
+ the problem

v(m) = Lv(m − 1) + h(m − 1), Π+ v(0) = v0+ (5.32)

has a unique solution v := Iv0+ + T− h,
where I : V → + R−
β (Φp )
is a bounded
linear operator, which corresponds to the solution of (5.32) with h ≡ 0, and
T− : R− −
β (Φp ) → Rβ (Φp ) is a bounded linear operator, which corresponds to
the solution of (5.32) with v0+ = 0.
We left the rigorous proof of the lemma (which is based on estimates (5.6)
and is completely analogous to the proof of Lemma 5.1) to the reader.
We are now ready to finish the proof of the theorem. Applying Lemma
5.2 to equation (5.31) and denoting the second and the third term in the
right-hand side of (5.31) by S(w(m − 1), ε) and K(w(m − 1), ε) respectively,
we derive the following relation for w:
w = Iv0+ + T− S(w, ε) + T− K(w, ε), (5.33)
where v0+
= Π+ w(0). As in the proof of Theorem 5.1, we are going to apply
the implicit function theorem to relation (5.33). Indeed, introduce a function
F : R− (Φp ) × V + × R+ → R− (Φp )
by the relation
F(w, v0+ , ε) := w − Iv0+ − T− S(w, ε) − T− K(w, ε). (5.34)
Using estimates (5.13), we derive that
S(w(m), ε) Φp ≤ C1 w(m) 2Φp + C2 w(m) Φp uεf (m) − z0 Φp
Dv0 S(w(m), ε) Φp →Φp ≤ C3 ( w(m) Φp + uεf (m) − z0 Φp ),
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 709

for the appropriate constants Ci which depend only on w(m) Φp . Analo-

gously, it follows from (5.11) that
K(w(m), ε) Φp + Dv0 K(w(m), ε) Φp →Φp w(m) Φp ≤ w(m) Φp αR (ε).
Estimates (5.35)–(5.36) imply that F, Dw F, Dv+ F are continuous at (0, 0, 0)
and that Fw (0, 0, 0) = Id. Therefore, due to the implicit function theorem,
there exists δ > 0, ε0 > 0 such that, for every ε < ε0 and every v0 belonging
to a sufficiently small neighbourhood V (0)+ of zero in V + , there exists a
unique solution w of
F(w, v0+ , ε) = 0 such that w R− (Φp ) ≤ δ. (5.37)
Moreover, this solution has the form: w = : V (0)+ → R− (Φp ),
W (v0+ , ε)
1 +
where W is a C -function with respect to v0 . Note that (5.37) is equivalent
to (5.31) and, consequently,
Mδ,z 0
(f, ε) = Vδ (z0 ) ∩ {u0 = uεf (0) + W (v0+ , ε)(0) : v0 ∈ V (0)+ }. (5.38)
Recall also that, due to definitions of the operators I and T− and relation
(5.37), we have
Π+ W (v0+ , ε)(0) ≡ v0+ . (5.39)
Thus, (5.29) is satisfied with
Nf,ε (v0+ ) := Π− W (v0+ , ε)(0).
It only remains to verify the exponential stabilization (5.30). To this end, we
note that, due to (5.35)-(5.36) and Lemma 5.2, function (5.34) is well-defined
F : R− −
α/2 (Φb ) × V × R+ → Rα/2 (Φb ),
where α > 0 is the same as in Proposition 5.1. Moreover, applying the
implicit function theorem to relation (5.37) with w ∈ R−
α/2 (and taking into
account the uniqueness part), we derive that
W (v0+ , ε) R− (Φp ) ≤ C v0+ Φp . (5.41)

Estimate (5.41) implies (5.30). Theorem 5.2 is proven. 

Note now, that taking ε = 0 in Theorem 5.2, we obtain the unstable
manifold Mz+0 ,δ (f , 0) for averaged system (2.22). Moreover, it follows from
the construction given in the proof of the theorem that
Nφ,ε (v0+ ) − Nf ,0 (v0+ ) Φp + Dv+ Nφ (v0+ ) − Dv0 Nf ,0 (v0+ ) V + →V − ≤ α(ε),
0 0 0
710 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

for v0+ ∈ V + (0) where α(ε) → 0 as ε → 0. Note also, that

Π− Dv+ F(0, 0, 0) = 0

and, consequently, Dv+ Nf ,0 (0) = 0. Therefore, we have the estimate


Nf ,0 (v0+ ) Φp ≤ C v0+ 2Φp . (5.43)

Let us now formulate several corollaries of the proved theorem.
Corollary 5.2. Let the assumptions of Theorem 5.2 hold and let u(t), t ≤ 0
be a backward solution of problem (0.1) such that u(t) − z0 Φp ≤ δ, for
every t ≤ 0. Then u(0) ∈ Mz+0 ,δ (f, ε) and, consequently, u(t) exponentially
stabilizes to uεf (t) as t → −∞ ((5.30) is satisfied).
Corollary 5.3. Let the assumptions of Theorem 5.2 hold. Then, for every
t ≥ 0, we have the embeddings
Mz+0 ,δ (Th/ε φ, ε) ⊂ Ufε (h, 0)Mz+0 ,δ (φ, ε). (5.44)
Moreover, if u(0) ∈ Mz+0 ,δ (φ, ε) and u(t) − z0 Φp ≤ δ for t ≤ N , then
u(t) := Uφε (t, 0)u(0) ∈ Mz+0 ,δ (Tt/ε φ, ε) for t ≤ N. (5.45)

Indeed, (5.44) and (5.45) follow immediately from definition (5.28) of the
unstable sets.
Remark 5.2. Note that (it follows from (5.41)) estimate (5.30) can be
improved in the following way:
u(t) − uεφ (t) Φp ≤ e(α/2)t Π+ (u(0) − uεφ (0)) Φp . (5.46)

Remark 5.3. Replacing t → −∞ by t → +∞ in definition (5.28) and

arguing analogously to Theorem 5.2, we may define and study the stable
manifolds Mz−0 ,δ (φ, ε), which consist of initial data for solutions tending ex-
ponentially to uε (t) as t → +∞. We do not give a proper consideration
of these manifolds because only the unstable manifolds are significant for
constructing the regular attractor (see the next Section).
Note also, that arguing as in Corollary 5.1, we may estimate the rate of
convergence of α(ε) to zero in (5.42) if the assumptions of Section 4 are
satisfied. For example, let the assumptions of Theorems 5.1 and 4.3 be
satisfied. Then the following estimate is valid:
Nφ,ε (v0+ ) − Nf ,0 (v0+ ) Lp + Dv+ Nφ,ε (v0+ ) − Dv+ Nf ,0 (v0+ ) V + →Lp ≤ Cε,
0 0
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 711

where C is independent of φ ∈ H(f ) and of v0+ ∈ V (0)+ . Since estimate

(5.47) is also not necessary for the quantitative averaging of regular attrac-
tors (see Section 7), we left its rigorous proof to the reader.
We conclude this section by proving that every solution of (0.1) tends
exponentially to the appropriate unstable manifold while it remains in a
δ-neighbourhood of z0 .
Theorem 5.3. Assume that the assumptions of Theorem 5.2 hold. Then
there exists δ > 0 and ε0 > 0 such that, for every ε < ε0 , φ ∈ H(f ) and
every trajectory u(t) := Uφε (t, 0)u0 which belongs to the δ-neighbourhood of
z0 for t ≤ N , there exists a trajectory v(t) := Uφε (t, 0)v0 which belongs to the
unstable manifold (v0 ∈ Mz+0 ,δ (φ, ε)) such that

u(t) − v(t) Φp ≤ Ce−(α/2)t u0 − v0 Φp , t ≤ N, (5.48)

where the constant C is independent of φ ∈ H(f ), ε ≤ ε0 , u0 , and N ∈ [0, ∞].
Proof. As before, we only consider the case φ = f . We claim that, for a
sufficiently small δ and ε, there exists a unique v0 ∈ Mz+0 ,δ (f, ε) such that
the corresponding solution v(t) satisfies the condition
Π+ v(N ) = Π+ u(N ). (5.49)
Then due to assumptions of the theorem
Π+ (v(N ) − uεf (N )) Φp ≤ C+ u(N ) − uεf (N ) Φp ≤ C+ δ. (5.50)
Moreover, we claim that the solution v(t) thus obtained satisfies all assump-
tions of the theorem. In order to verify these assertions, we need the following
analogue of Lemmata 5.1–5.2 for the case of a finite interval.
Lemma 5.3. Let the assumptions of Lemma 5.1 hold and let N ∈ N.
Consider the problem

w(m) = Lw(m − 1) + h(m − 1), m = 1, · · · , N,
Π− w(0) = w− , Π+ w(N ) = w+ .
Define, analogously to (5.14), the spaces of finite sequences
[0,N ]  
Rβ := w ∈ Cb ({0, · · · , N }, Φp ) : max eβm w(m) Φp < ∞ . (5.52)

Then, problem (5.51) defines three bounded linear operators:

→ Rα/2 , I− −
[0,N ] [0,N ] [0,N ] [0,N ]
T[0,N ] : Rα/2 → Rα/2 , I+
[0,N ] : V
[0,N ] : V → R0 ,
712 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

(where α > 0 is the same as in Proposition 5.1). The first one (h → w)

solves (5.51) with zero boundary conditions and arbitrary right-hand side h,
the second one (w+ → w) solves (5.51) with h = 0, w− = 0 and arbitrary
w+ , and the third one (w− → w) corresponds to the case h = 0, w+ = 0 and
arbitrary w− . Thus, a unique solution w of (5.51) can be represented in the
following form

w = T[0,N ] h + I+
[0,N ] w+ + I[0,N ] w− . (5.54)
Moreover, the norms of these operators are bounded uniformly with respect
to N ∈ N

T[0,N ] R[0,N ] →R[0,N ] + I+
[0,N ] V + →R[0,N ] + I[0,N ] V − →R[0,N ] ≤ C, (5.55)
α/2 α/2 α/2 0

where C is independent of N ∈ N.
The assertion of the lemma can be easily verified analogously to the proof
of Lemma 5.1 so we omit the rigorous proof here.
Let us first check the existence of a solution v(t). As before, we seek for
it in the form v(m) = w(m) + uεf (m), m = 0, · · · , N . Then, the sequence
w(m) satisfies (5.31) with the following boundary conditions:
Π− w(0) = Nf,ε (Π+ w(0)), Π+ w(N ) = Π+ (u(N ) − uεf (N )) := wN , (5.56)
where the function Nf,ε is defined in Theorem 5.2. According to Lemma 5.3,
we may rewrite (5.31) in the following form (compare with (5.33)):
F(w, wN , ε) := w − I− +
[0,N ] Nf,ε (Π+ w(0)) − I[0,N ] wN (5.57)
− T[0,N ] S(w, ε) − T[0,N ] K(w, ε) = 0,
[0,N ] [0,N ]
where F : R0 × V+ × R+ → R0 . It is not difficult to verify, using
estimates (5.35)-(5.36), (5.42)–(5.43) and (5.55), that function (5.57) satisfies
all assumptions of the implicit function theorem and, consequently, there
exist δ > 0 and ε0 > 0 such that, for every wN ∈ V+ , wN Φp ≤ δ and every
ε < ε0 , there exists a unique solution w(m) of (5.57) such that
w R[0,N ] ≤ C wN Φp ≤ Cδ. (5.58)

Moreover, since norms (5.55) are independent of N ∈ N, the constants δ > 0,

ε0 > 0, and C in (5.58) are also independent of N .
Thus, the solution v(t), which satisfies (5.49) and belongs to the unstable
manifold is constructed. So, it only remains to verify inequality (5.48). To

this end, we introduce functions w(m) := u(m)−uεf (m) and θ(m) := w(m)−
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 713

w(m). Since the function w(m) also satisfies (5.31), we derive (analogously
to (5.57), but taking into the account Π+ θ(N ) = 0) that
θ = I−
[0,N ] Π− θ(0) + T[0,N ] (S(w, ε) − S(w,
 ε)) + T[0,N ] (K(w, ε) − K(w,
 ε)) .
It is not difficult to verify (analogously to (5.35) and (5.36)) that
S(w(m), ε) − S(w(m),
 ε) Φp + K(w(m), ε) − K(w(m)
≤ C θ(m) Φp α (ε) + w(m) Φp + w(m)
 Φp ,

where C > 0 and α (ε) → 0 as ε → 0. Particularly, (5.60), (5.58) and the

fact that u(t) belongs to δ-neighborhood of z0 for t ∈ [0, N ] imply that
 ε) R[0,N ] + K(w, ε) − K(w,
S(w, ε) − S(w,  ε) R[0,N ] ≤ C1 θ R[0,N ] (α(ε) + δ)
α/2 α/2 α/2
where C1 is independent of N . Applying (5.61) and (5.55) to (5.59), we
derive the estimate
θ R[0,N ] ≤ C  θ(0) Φp + C  (α (ε) + δ) θ R[0,N ] , (5.62)
α/2 α/2

where C  and C  are independent of N . Taking now δ > 0 and ε0 ≥ ε small

enough, we derive from (5.62) that
θ R[0,N ] ≤ C3 θ(0) Φp

or (which is the same)

u(m) − v(m) Φp ≤ C3 e−(α/2)m u(0) − v(0) Φp , m = 0, · · · , N. (5.63)
Estimate (5.48) is an immediate corollary of (5.63). Theorem 5.3 is proven.
Corollary 5.4. Let the assumptions of Theorem 5.3 hold and let, in ad-
dition, a solution u(t) = Uφε (t, 0)u0 , ε < ε0 and φ ∈ H(f ), remains in the
δ-neighbourhood of z0 for every t ≥ 0. Then, this solution stabilizes expo-
nentially to uεφ as t → +∞, i.e.,

u(t) − uεφ (t) Φp ≤ Ce−(α/2)t u(0) − uεφ (0) Φp , t ≥ 0. (5.64)

Indeed, the solution u(t) satisfies all assumptions of Theorem 5.3 with
N = ∞, consequently, there exists a solution v(t), which belongs to the
appropriate unstable manifold and satisfies (5.48) for every t ≥ 0. Partic-
ularly, v(t) remains in the δ-neighbourhood of z0 for every t ≥ 0. But,
according to (5.30), every solutions belonging to the unstable manifold ex-
cept of uεφ (t) goes out from this neighbourhood for a sufficiently large t.
714 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

Therefore, v(t) ≡ uεφ (t) and then (5.64) coincides with (5.38). Corollary 5.4
is proven.

6. Regular attractors
In this Section, we consider the case where averaged system (2.22) pos-
sesses a global Liapunov function, it will be so for instance if the averaged
nonlinearity f (x, v) has a gradient structure
f (x, v) = ∇v F (x, v), F ∈ C(Ω × Rk ). (6.1)
In this case, under the natural (generic) assumption that all equilibria of
(2.22) are hyperbolic, we have the following detailed description for the reg-
ular structure of A0 .
Proposition 6.1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2.2 hold and let, in
addition, the semigroup St0 : Φp → Φp possess a global Liapunov function.
Assume also that the set of its equilibria
R := {z0 ∈ Φp , aΔx z0 − f (x, z0 ) + g = 0 } (6.2)
is finite and all the equilibria are hyperbolic. Then, the attractor A0
is a
finite collection of finite dimensional unstable manifolds, which corresponds
to every equilibrium z0 ∈ R:
A0 = ∪z0 ∈R M+
z0 , (6.3)
where dim Mz+0 = κ(z0 ) and Mz+0 ∼ Rκ(z0 ) and every solution u(t) ∈ Kf
belonging to the attractor is a heteroclinic orbit, connecting two different
equilibria z0− , z0+ ∈ R:
lim u(t) − z0− Φp = 0, lim u(t) − z0+ Φp = 0, z0+ = z0− . (6.4)
t→−∞ t→+∞

Moreover, the attractor A0 is exponential in the following sense: there exist

a positive constant α > 0 and a monotonic function Q such that, for every
bounded subset B ⊂ Φp , we have
distΦp St0 B, A0 ≤ Q( B Φp )e−αt . (6.5)
The proof of Proposition 6.1 is given, e.g. in [2]. (In a fact, we reprove
below this proposition for more general non-autonomous case, see also [13]).
The main task of this section is to verify that description (6.3)–(6.5) re-
mains valid (after minor changes) for non-averaged equation (0.1) if ε < ε0
is small enough. To this end, we note that, due to Theorem 5.1 and the fact
that R is finite, there exist δ0 > 0 and ε0 > 0 such that, for every ε < ε0 ,
every z0 ∈ R and every φ ∈ H(f ), equation (2.8) possesses a unique solution
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 715

uεφ,z0 (t), t ∈ R, which remains in δ0 -neighbourhood of the equilibrium z0 ,

this solution is almost-periodic with respect to t and tends to z0 as ε → 0.
Thus, it is natural to define
Rεφ := {uεφ,z0 , z0 ∈ R} (6.6)
and interpret it as the set of all ‘equilibria’ of non-averaged problem (2.8)
which correspond to the equilibria set R as ε → 0. We are now ready to
formulate the analogue of (6.4) for the non-averaged equation.
Theorem 6.1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2.1 and Proposition 6.1
hold. Then, there exists ε0 > 0 such that, for ε < ε0 , every solution u(t) :=
Uφε (t, 0)u0 , t ≥ 0, φ ∈ H(f ) of equation (2.8) stabilizes to one of ‘equilibria’
lim u(t) − uεφ,z0 (t) Φp = 0, for some z0 = z0 (u) ∈ R. (6.7)

Moreover, every complete bounded solution u(t) ∈ Kφε of (2.8) is a hetero-

clinic orbit between to different ‘equilibria’ from (6.6):
lim u(t) − uεφ,z − (t) Φp = 0, lim u(t) − uεφ,z + (t) Φp = 0, z0+ = z0− .
t→−∞ 0 t→+∞ 0
Particularly, there are not any almost-periodic solutions of (2.8) except of
For the proof of the theorem, we need the non-autonomous analogue of
the following two lemmata which play a fundamental role in the proof of
Proposition 6.1 (in the autonomous case).
Lemma 6.1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 6.1 hold. Then, for every
δ < δ0 there exists ε0 := ε0 (δ) > 0 such that, for every ε < ε0 and every
R ∈ R+ , there is a positive number T = T (δ, R) such that, for every solution
u(t) := Uφε (t, 0)u0 , u0 Φp ≤ R, φ ∈ H(f ), we have
∪s∈[0,T ] {u(s)} ∩ ∪z0 ∈R Vδ (z0 ) = ∅, (6.9)
where Vδ (z0 ) := {u0 ∈ Φp , u0 − z0 Φp ≤ δ}.
Assertion (6.9) means that every solution u(t) visits a δ-neighbourhood
of some equilibrium z0 ∈ R while t ∈ [0, T ].
Proof. Indeed, assume that the assertion of the lemma is wrong. Then,
there exist εn → 0, φn ∈ H(f ), u0n ∈ VR (0) and Tn → +∞ such that
distΦp (un (t), R) ≥ δ0 > 0, t ∈ [0, Tn ], un (t) := Uφεn (t, 0)u0n . (6.10)
716 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

We now set φ̃n := T−Tn /(2ε) φn and ũn (t) := Uφ̃ε (t, −Tn /2)u0n . Then, it
follows from (6.10) that
distΦp (ũn (t), R) ≥ δ0 > 0, t ∈ [−Tn /2, Tn /2]. (6.11)
Recall, that u0n ∈ VR (0), consequently, due to Theorem 1.3
ũn W (1,2),2p ([T,T +1]×Ω) ≤ C, T ≥ 1 − Tn /2. (6.12)
Therefore (due to compactness of the embedding W (1,2),2p ⊂ C(Φp ) and
that Tn → ∞), without loss of generality we may assume that un → u0
in the spaces C([T, T + 1], Φp ) for every T ∈ R. Arguing as in the proof
of Theorem 2.3, we establish that u0 (t) is a complete bounded solution of
averaged equation (2.22). From the other side, passing to the limit n → ∞
in (6.11), we derive that
distΦp (u0 (t), R) ≥ δ0 > 0, t ∈ R (6.13)
which contradicts the existence of a global Liapunov function for averaged
problem (2.22) (see also (6.4)). Lemma 6.1 is proven. 
Lemma 6.2. Assume that the assumptions of Theorem 6.1 hold. Let δ0 > 0
be a sufficiently small number and let L : Φp → R be a Liapunov function of
the averaged system (2.22). Then, there exist δ  < δ0 and ε0 = ε0 (δ  ) such
that the following statements are valid if ε < ε0 : let z0 ∈ R, u0 ∈ Vδ (z0 ),
and u(t) := Uφε (t, 0)u0 , φ ∈ H(f ), be a solution of (2.8), then
1) if u(T ) ∈ Vδ (z0 ), for some z0 ∈ R, z0 = z0 and T > 0, then necessarily
L(z0 ) < L(z0 );
2) if u(T ) ∈ / Vδ0 (z0 ), for some T > 0, then u(t) ∈ / Vδ (z0 ), for every
t ≥ T.
Proof. Let us only verify the first statement of the lemma (the second one
can be verified analogously). Indeed, let this statement to be wrong, i.e.,
there exist an equilibrium z0 ∈ R with
L(z0 ) ≥ L(z0 ), (6.14)
sequences δn → 0, εn → 0, un0 ∈ Vδn (z0 ), Tn ∈ R+ , and φn ∈ H(f ), such
that the corresponding solutions un (t) := Uφεnn (t, 0)un0 satisfy
un (Tn ) ∈ Vδn (z0 ). (6.15)
Let δ0 > 0 be such that Vδ0 (z0i ) ∩ Vδ0 (z0j ) = ∅, for z0i , z0j ∈ R, z0i = z0j . It
follows from (6.15) that there exist 0 < tn < Tn such that
un (tn ) − z0 Φp = δ0 , un (t) − z0 Φp < δ0 , t < tn . (6.16)
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 717

Moreover, thanks to un (0) → z0 , one can easily verify using Theorem 3.1
that tn → ∞ as n → ∞. Shifting the time variable t → t + tn , we obtain a
new family of solutions
ũn (t) := Uφ̃εn (t, −tn )un0 , φ̃n := T−tn /εn φn (6.17)

such that
ũn (−tn ) → z0 , ũn (0) − z0 Φp = δ0 > 0, ũn (T̃n ) → z0 , T̃n := Tn − tn > 0.
Passing now to the limit n → ∞ in (6.18) and arguing as in Lemma 6.1, we
obtain a complete bounded solution ũ(t) of averaged equation (2.22) such
ũ(t) → z0 , as t → −∞ and ũ(0) − z0 Φp = δ0 .
Recall now that (2.22) possesses a global Liapunov function L, consequently
(see also (6.4)), ũ(t) is a heteroclinic orbit, i.e., there exists z01 ∈ R such that
ũ(t) → z01 as t → +∞ and, consequently, L(z01 ) < L(z0 ). (6.19)
A priori, we have two possibilities: 1) z01 z0
= z01
and 2) =z0 .
The first one
contradicts assumption (6.14). So, it only remains to investigate the second
one. In this case, we obviously have a sequence T̃n < T̃n , T̃n → +∞, such
ũn (T̃n ) → z01 , ũn (T̃n ) → z0 , T̃n > T̃n . (6.20)
Arguing now as before, we derive from (6.20) the existence of the other
heteroclinic orbit ũ1 (t) of equation (2.22), such that
ũ1 (t) → z01 , as t → −∞ and u1 (t) → z02 as t → +∞.
As before the equality z02 = z0 is prohibited by (6.14). Thus, repeating the
above procedure, we obtain a sequence of heteroclinic connections for (2.22):
z0 → z01 → z02 → · · · , L(z0 ) > L(z01 ) > L(z02 ) > · · · . (6.21)
Recall now that, due to our assumptions, the set R is finite, therefore, se-
quence (6.21) cannot be infinite. Consequently, we must have z0 = z0N for
some N (because we have from the very beginning un (Tn ) → z0 for some
Tn → ∞). Assertion (6.21) implies now that L(z0 ) > L(z0 ) which contra-
dicts (6.14). Lemma 6.2 is proven. 
We are now ready to complete the proof of the theorem. Indeed, it follows
from Theorem 1.1 that it is sufficient to verify (6.7) only for u0 ∈ VR0 (0)
where R0 > 0 is large enough. Fix now a constant δ  > 0 in such way that,
for every z0 ∈ R, the local description of the dynamics (given in Theorems
5.1–5.3) works in Vδ0 (z0 ) if ε < ε0 (it is possible to do because we have only
718 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

a finite number of equilibria). Moreover, fix also δ  ≤ δ0 /2 in Lemma 6.2 and

T := T (δ  , R0 ) from Lemma 6.1 (in other words, we assume that ε0 is small
enough that the assertions of Lemmata 6.1 and 6.2 hold with constants fixed
above). We claim that, for every ε < ε0 , we have stabilization (6.7). Indeed,
u(t) := Uφε (t, 0)u0 be an arbitrary solution of (2.8) such that u0 ∈ VR0 (0).
Then, it follows from Lemma 6.1 that there exists a time T1 ≤ T and an
equilibrium z01 such that
u(T1 ) ∈ Vδ (z01 ). (6.22)
After the first visiting the δ  -neighbourhood of the equilibrium z01 a solution
u a priori has two possibilities: 1) u(t) remains inside of Vδ0 (z0 ), for every
t ≥ T1 ; 2) there is a moment T1 > T1 such that u(T1 ) ∈ ∂Vδ0 (z01 ). In the
first case, due to Corollary 5.4, u(t) stabilizes exponentially to uεφ,z 1 (t) as
t → +∞ and, consequently, (6.7) holds with z0− = z01 .
Consider now the second possibility. In this case, due to Lemma 6.2, our
solution u(t) never returns in Vδ (z01 ), for t > T1 . Applying Lemma 6.1 again,
we derive that there exists T2 > T1 , T2 − T1 ≤ T and an equilibrium z02 ∈ R,
such that
u(T2 ) ∈ Vδ (z02 ), and L(z01 ) > L(z02 ). (6.23)
Repeating the above arguments, we construct finally the monotone increas-
ing sequences Ti > 0, i = 1, · · · , N and Ti > Ti , i = 1, · · · N − 1, Ti+1 − Ti ≤
T , and a sequence of equilibria z0i , i = 1, · · · , N such that
u(Ti ) ∈ Vδ (z0i ), i = 1, · · · , N, u(Ti ) ∈ ∂Vδ0 (z0i ), i = 1, · · · N − 1,
L(z01 ) > L(z02 ) > · · · > L(z0N ).
Note that the last inequality of (6.24) together with the finiteness of R
implies that this sequence cannot be infinite, therefore there exists N =
N (u) ≤ Nmax := #R such that
u(t) ∈ Vδ0 (z0N ), for t ≥ TN . (6.25)
Including (6.25) together with Corollary 5.4 implies (6.7). Assertion (6.8)
can be verified analogously only we should use also Corollary 5.2 in order to
verify the convergence as t → −∞. Theorem 6.1 is proven.
Let us now verify the analogue of (6.3) for the non-averaged system.
Note, however, that, in contrast to limit equation (2.22), equations (2.8)
are non-autonomous for ε > 0, consequently, the global unstable manifolds
Mz+0 ,f (t, ε) and the non-autonomous analogue Aεφ (t) of the regular attractor
A0 also naturally depend on t and φ ∈ H(f ).
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 719

Definition 6.1. Define the non-autonomous regular attractor Aεφ (t) by the
following expression:
Aεφ (t) := Kφε (t), t ∈ R, φ ∈ H(f ), (6.26)
where the kernels Kφε (t) have been defined in (2.18). Moreover, for every
z0 ∈ R define the global unstable sets Mz+0 ,φ (τ, ε) in the following natural
Mz+0 ,φ (τ, ε) := {uτ ∈ Φp : ∃u ∈ Kφε , u(τ ) = uτ ,
lim u(t) − uεφ,z0 (t) Φp = 0}
Uφε (t, τ )Mz+0 ,φ (τ, ε) = Mz+0 ,φ (t, ε), t ≥ τ. (6.28)
The next two theorems show that the object, defined by (6.26) is indeed a
natural non-autonomous analogue of the (autonomous) regular attractor A0
of limit system (2.22) (see Proposition 6.1).
Theorem 6.2. Let the assumptions of Theorem 6.1 hold. Then, for a
sufficiently small ε < ε0 , the sets Mz+0 ,φ (τ, ε) defined by (6.27) are finite
dimensional C 1 -submanifolds of Φp which are diffeomorphed to Rκ(z0 ) , for
every fixed τ ∈ R. Moreover, attractor (6.26) is a finite collection of these
unstable manifolds corresponding to equilibria z0 ∈ R:
Aεφ (t) = ∪z0 ∈R Mz+0 ,φ (t, ε), t ∈ R (6.29)
(compare with (6.3)).
Proof. Indeed, description (6.29) is an immediate corollary of (6.27) and
Theorem 6.1. So, it remains to verify that unstable sets (6.27) are indeed
C 1 -submanifolds of Φp . For simplicity, we verify this fact only for φ = f
and τ = 0 (the other cases can be considered analogously). To this end,
we use the standard reasonings which are based on the following evident
representation of the set (6.27):
Mz+0 ,f (0, ε) = ∪∞ +
n=0 Mn , Mn := UT−n/ε f (0, −n)Mz0 ,δ (T−n/ε f, ε),
where the local unstable manifolds Mz+0 ,δ (φ, ε), δ > 0 are defined in (5.28).
Note that (5.44) implies the embedding
Mn ⊂ Mn+1 . (6.31)
Note also that M0 is a submanifold of Φp if δ > 0 is small enough (due to
Theorem 5.2). Let us verify that every Mn is also a submanifold. To this
end, we recall the following standard lemma.
720 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

Lemma 6.3. Let the assumptions of Theorem 2.1 hold. Then,

1) the operator Uφε (t, τ ) : Φp → Φp is injective for every t ≥ τ , ε ≥ 0, and
φ ∈ H(f );
2) The kernel of its Frechet derivative
ker{Du0 Uφε (t, τ )(u0 )} = {0}, (6.31)
for every u0 ∈ Φp .
The assertions of this lemma are immediate corollaries of a standard the-
ory of backward uniqueness for parabolic boundary problems (see e.g. [2]).
Recall now that the manifold M0 is finite and κ(z0 )-dimensional, conse-
quently the assertions 1) and 2) are enough in order to verify that
UTε−n/ε f (0, −n) : M0 → Mn

is a diffeomorphism. Thus, Mn , n ∈ N are κ(z0 )-dimensional manifolds

(diffeomorphed to Rκ(z0 ) ) as well. Formulae (6.30) and (6.31) now imply
that Mz+0 ,f (0, ε) also possesses a structure of a C 1 -manifold, diffeomorphed
to Rκ(z0 ) . So, it remains to verify that the topology induced on Mz+0 ,f (0, ε)
coincides with the topology, induced by its embedding to Φp . But this
fact is an immediate corollary of Lemma 6.2, which prohibits the recurrent
(homoclinic) orbits near z0 . Theorem 6.2 is proven. 
Let us now verify that the obtained regular attractors Aφ (t) are uniformly

with respect to ε < ε0 exponential ones.

Theorem 6.3. Let the assumptions of Theorem 6.1 hold. Then, there exist
positive constants γ > 0, ε0 > 0 and a monotone function Q such that, for
every ε < ε0 , φ ∈ H(f ), τ ∈ R, and bounded subset B ⊂ Φp the following
estimate is valid:
distΦp Uφε (t + τ, τ )B, Aεφ (t + τ ) ≤ Q B Φp e−γt . (6.32)

Proof. As in the autonomous case (see [2]), the proof of estimate (6.32) is
based on the following lemma.
Lemma 6.4. Let the assumptions of Theorem 6.1 hold and let u(t) :=
Uφε (t, 0)u0 be a solution of (2.8) such that
u(t) − z0 Φp ≤ δ0 for t ∈ [0, N ], (6.33)
for some equilibrium z0 ∈ R. Then,
distΦp u(t), Aεφ (t) ≤ Ce−βt distΦp u0 , Aεφ (0) , t ∈ [0, N ], (6.34)
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 721

where positive constants C, 0 < θ < 1 and β are independent of u, ε ≤ ε0 ,

φ ∈ H(f ), N ∈ R+ , and z0 ∈ R.
Proof of the lemma. Indeed, according to Theorem 5.3 there exists v(t) ∈
Mz+0 ,φ (t, ε) such that estimate (5.48) is satisfied, consequently,
distΦp u(t), Aεφ (t) ≤ C1 e−(α/2)t , t ≤ N (6.35)

(where α > 0 is a minimum of the constants α = α(z0 ), introduced in

Proposition 5.1, over z0 ∈ R). From the other side, it follows from estimate
(1.9) that
distΦp u(t), Aεφ (t) ≤ C2 eKt distΦp u0 , Aεφ (0) (6.36)
(where the constant K > 0 is also uniform with respect to u0 , φ, and ε ≤ ε0 ).
Combining (6.35) and (6.36), we derive for t ≤ N that
distΦp u(t), Aεφ (t) ≤ C3 e−α/4t min{e(K+α/4)t distΦp u0 , Aεφ (0) , e−α/4t }.
(6.36 )

Computing the minimum in the right-hand side of (6.36 ), we obtain the
min{e(K+α/4)t distΦp u0 , Aεφ (0) , e−α/4t } ≤ distΦp u0 , Aεφ (0) (6.37)

where θ := α/(2(α + 2K)). Lemma 6.4 is proven. 

We are now ready to prove (6.32). Indeed, due to uniform estimate (2.10)
it is sufficient to verify it only for B = VR (0), for a sufficiently large fixed
R, and, due to the translation invariants, we may assume also that τ = 0.
Let u0 ∈ VR (0), ε < ε0 , φ ∈ H(f ), and u(t) := Uφε (t, 0)u0 be an arbitrary
solution of (2.8). Let δ0 and δ  > 0 and T = T (δ  ) be the same as in the proof
of Lemma 6.2. Fix now the sequence z0i , i = 1, · · · , N (u) ≤ Nmax = #R, of
equilibria and the sequences of times Ti , i = 1, · · · , N , Ti , i = 1, · · · , N such
that TN = ∞ and the following conditions are satisfied:

1. u(t) ∈ Vδ0 (z0i ), for t ∈ [Ti , Ti ], i = 1, · · · , N,
2. T1 ≤ T, 0 < Ti+1 − Ti ≤ T, i = 1, · · · , N − 1.

The existence of such sequences is verified in the proof of Lemma 6.4. Thus,
on the intervals t ∈ [Ti , Ti ], i = 1, · · · , N , thanks to Lemma 6.4, we have the
distΦp u(t), Aεφ (t) ≤ Ce−β(t−Ti ) distΦp u(Ti ), Aεφ (Ti ) . (6.39)
722 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

From the other side, for t ∈ [Ti , Ti+1 ], i = 0, · · · , N − 1 (where T0 = 0) we

have the estimate, analogous to (6.36):
distΦp u(t), Aεφ (t) ≤ CeKT distΦp u(Ti ), Aεφ (Ti ) . (6.40)
Iterating formulae (6.39) and (6.40) and using the obvious estimates
distΦp u0 , Aεφ (0) ≤ R0 ; e−θ βTi −β(t−Ti ) ≤ e−βθ t , t ≥ Ti ,
i i

we derive that
   Nmax −θNmax βt
distΦp u(t), Aεφ (t) ≤ R0 C 2 eKT e , t ≥ 0. (6.41)
Since all the constants in (6.41) are independent of the choice of the trajec-
tory u(t), estimate (6.41) implies (6.32). Theorem 6.3 is proven. 
Remark 6.1. Recall that (in Section 2), we studied the uniform attractor
Aε for system (0.1) (see Theorem 2.1 and Definition 2.1), the construction
of which is based on a reducing the initial non-autonomous dynamics to the
autonomous one by a skew-product technique. Definition (6.26) of the non-
autonomous attractor Aεφ (t) corresponds to an alternative generalization of
the attractor’s concept to the non-autonomous case, which is widely used
for the study the long-time behaviour of stochastic equations (see e.g. [18]).
Under this approach the attractor of a non-autonomous dynamical system
{Ufε (t, τ ) : Φp → Φp , t ≥ τ } (which corresponds to initial problem (0.1))
is defined to be a family of sets {Aεf (t), t ∈ R} which enjoys the following
1. Aεf (t) is compact in Φp , for every t ∈ R;
2. The family {Aεf (t), t ∈ R} is strictly invariant, i.e., Ufε (t, τ )Aε (τ ) =
Aεf (t);
3. This family possesses a pull-back attraction property, i.e., for every
t ∈ R and every bounded subset B ⊂ Φp , we have
lim distΦp Ufε (t, t − τ )B, Aεf (t) = 0. (6.42)
τ →+∞

It is known (see [6]) that the non-autonomous attractor, thus defined coin-
cides with the one, defined in (6.26) using the kernel sections Kfε (t).
Note however, that (in general) the convergence in (6.42) is not uniform
with respect to t ∈ R and (therefore) the forward convergence Ufε (t+τ, t)B →
Aεf (t + τ ) as τ → +∞ may be violated at all. Theorem 6.3 shows that we
have this uniformness and the forward exponential attraction property, for
the case of rapidly oscillated perturbations of autonomous regular attractors.
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 723

Note, in addition, that, in this case, we have a clear relation between the
uniform attractor Aε and the non-autonomous one Aεf (t):

Aε = ∪t∈R Aεf (t) Φp (6.43)

which also may be violated for general non-autonomous systems.

7. The averaging of regular attractors

In this section, based on the results on previous section, we give a more
comprehensive study of the convergence Aε → A0 for the case where the
limit attractor A0 is regular. We start with the following theorem:
Theorem 7.1. Let the assumptions of Theorems 2.1 and 6.1 hold. Then,
for every φ ∈ H(f ) and every T ∈ R, the symmetric distance between the
attractors Aεφ (T ) and A0 possesses the following estimate:
distsymm,Φp Aεφ (T ), A0 ≤ C (αRmax (ε))κ , (7.1)
where αR (ε) is the same as in Theorem 3.1, Rmax = supε≥0 Aε Φb < ∞,
and C > 0, 0 < κ < 1 are certain positive constants which depend only on
equation (0.1), but are independent of φ and T .
Proof. As before, we only check the assertion of the theorem, for the case
φ = f (the other cases are analogous).
Let v0 ∈ Aεf (T ), for a fixed T ∈ R. Then, by definition, there exists a
bounded complete solution uε ∈ Kfε such that uε (T ) = v0 . Let u0M (t) be
a solution of limit problem (2.22), defined for t ≥ T − M and satisfying
the initial condition u0M (T − M ) := uε (T − M ), where M > 0 is a positive
number, which will be fixed below. Then, from the one side, due to Theorem
3.1, we have
v0 − u0M (T ) Φb ≤ eKRmax M αRmax (ε). (7.2)
From the other side, since the limit attractor A0is exponential (due to our
assumptions and Theorem 6.3), we have
distΦp u0M (T ), A0 ≤ C  e−γt , (7.3)
where γ > 0 is defined in Theorem 6.3. Combining estimates (7.2) and (7.3)
and taking into account that M > 0 is arbitrary, we derive
distΦp v0 , A0 ≤ min eKRmax M αRmax (ε) + C  e−γt . (7.4)
M >0
724 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

Computing the minimum in the right-hand side of (7.4) and reminding that
v0 ∈ Aεf (T ) is arbitrary, we obtain
distΦb Aεf (T ), A0 ≤ CαRmax (ε)κ , (7.5)
where κ := KR γ +γ .
Let now v0 ∈ A0 and u0 ∈ K0 be the corresponding complete bounded
solution. Define again uε (t), t ≥ T − M as a solution of nonhomogenized
problem (0.1) with the initial condition uε (T − M ) := u0 (T − M ). Then,
analogously, from Theorem 3.1, we deduce that
v0 − uε (T ) Φb ≤ eKRmax M αRmax (ε). (7.6)
From the other side, according to Theorem 6.3, we have
distΦb v0 , Aεf (T ) ≤ C  e−γM , (7.7)
where γ > 0 is independent of ε. Combining (7.6) and (7.7) and fixing M in
an optimal way, we derive that
distΦb A0 , Aεf (T ) ≤ CαRmax (ε)κ . (7.8)
It remains to note that (7.5) and (7.8) imply (7.1). Theorem 7.1 is proven.

Corollary 7.1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 7.1 hold. Then, for every
φ ∈ H(f ) and every T ∈ R, the family of sets {Aεφ (T ), ε ∈ [0, ε0 ]} is upper
and lower semicontinuous at ε = 0. Moreover,
sup sup distsymm,Φb Aεφ (T ), A0 → 0 as ε → 0 (7.9)
φ∈H(f ) T ∈R

and, consequently,
distsymm,Φb Aε , A0 → 0 as ε → 0, (7.10)
where Aε is a uniform attractor, associated with equation (0.1).
Assume now that the assumptions of Section 4 are satisfied, then Theorem
7.1 implies the following estimate for quantity (7.1).
Corollary 7.2. Let the assumptions of Theorems 7.1 and 4.1 hold. Then,
for every φ ∈ H(f ) and every T ∈ R, we have
distsymm,Φb Aεφ (T ), A0 ≤ Cf εκ , (7.11)
where 0 < κ < 1 and Cf > 0 are independent of φ ∈ H(f ) and T ∈ R.
Particularly, if the nonlinearity f is quasiperiodic with m independent
frequencies ω ∈ Rm with respect to t and smooth enough (i.e., (4.17) and
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 725

(4.19) are satisfied), then, due to Proposition 4.2, estimate (7.11) holds for
almost every frequency vector ω ⊂ Rm . Note however, that the constant

Cf in this case depends on Cω in Diophantine condition (4.18) (Cf ∼ Cωκ )
and, consequently, it is extremely sensitive to small perturbations of the
frequency vector ω ∈ Rm . Thus, since in applications only an approximate
value of the frequency vector ω ∈ Rm is usually known, the quantitative
estimate of distance between homogenized and nonhomogenized attractors in
the form (7.11) seems senseless. One is the most natural way to overcome this
problem is to give a probabilistic interpretation of estimate (7.1). Under this
approach, the frequency vector ω ∈ Rm is treated as a random variable and
one investigates the expectation of random variable (7.1). For simplicity, we
only consider the case of Gaussian random variable ω although the concrete
type of distribution function seems to be non essential for the estimates
formulated below.
Theorem 7.2. Let the assumptions of Theorem 7.1 be valid. Assume also
that ωi , i = 1, · · · , m be independent Gaussian random variables with expec-
tations mi and dispersions σi . Let, in addition, the nonlinearity f has the
f (t, x, u) := G(ω1 t, · · · , ωm t, x, u), (7.12)
where the fixed deterministic function G : Tm → M satisfies the condition
G ∈ C m (Tm , M) . (7.13)
Then, the attractors Aεφ (t) can be also interpreted as random variables.
Moreover, the expectation M of symmetric distance (7.1) possesses the fol-
lowing estimate:
M sup sup distsymm,Φp Aφ (T ), A 0
≤ C(σ)εκ , (7.14)
φ∈H(f ) T ∈R

where C(σ) and 0 < κ < 1 are some constants, and in contrast to (7.11) the
dependence of C on σ and G is regular.
Proof. Indeed, for fixed ω arguing as in the proof of Theorem 7.1, but using
estimate (4.41) instead of (4.2), we derive the estimate
distsymm,Φp Aεφ (T ), A0 ≤ CLκR1max εκ , (7.15)
where 0 < κ < 1, 0 < κ1 < 1,

LRmax := (1 + |(w, l)|−1+δ ) Al Rmax , (7.16)
l∈Zm , l=0
726 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

δ > 0 is a small fixed parameter, and the Fourier coefficients Al are defined
in (4.17) (see Remark 4.3). Let us estimate random variable (7.15). First of
all, we note that, due to (7.13) (see also (4.20)),

LRmax ≤ C1 (1 + |(ω, l)|−1+δ )|l|−m (7.17)
l∈Zm , l=0

and, consequently, we have

M sup sup distsymm,Φp Aεφ (T ), A0 ≤
φ∈H(f ) T ∈R

κ1 (7.18)
≤ C2 εκ M |(ω, l)|−1+δ |l|−m
l∈Zm , l=0

(here, we have implicitly used the fact that κ1 < 1). So, it remains to
prove that the series in the right-hand side of (7.18) is finite. To this end,
we recallthat (w, l) is also a Gaussian randomvariable with expectation
m(l) := m 2
i=1 ll mi and with dispersion σ (l) :=
i=1 |li | σi . Consequently,
2 2

M |(ω, l)|−1+δ = (2πσ(l))−1/2 |z|−1+δ e−(z−m(l)) /(2σ(l)) dz

−1+δ −z /2
≤ σ(l) (−1+δ)/2
|z| e dz ≤ Cδ |σ| |l|
(−1+δ)/2 (−1+δ)/2
Here we have essentially used the fact that δ > 0. Inserting (7.19) in the
right-hand (7.18), we derive estimate (7.14). Theorem 7.2 is proven. 
Remark 7.1. Note that the exponent κ1 in (7.15) is less than 1/(2p − 1) <
1/2 (see (4.11)), consequently, arguing as in the proof of Theorem 7.2, we
may deduce that

M sup sup | distsymm,Φp Aεφ (T ), A0 |2 ≤ C  ε2κ (7.20)
φ∈H(f ) T ∈R

and, consequently, the dispersion D of the random variable (7.1) possesses

the estimate:

D sup sup distsymm,Φp Aεφ (T ), A0 ≤ C  εκ (7.21)
φ∈H(f ) T ∈R

which is analogous to (7.14).

In conclusion of this section, we investigate the dependence of the at-
tractors Aεf (t) on t under the assumptions of Theorem 6.3. We first recall
that, according to (6.29), these attractors consist of a finite collection of the
corresponding unstable manifolds M+ z0 ,f (t, ε) and the dependence of these
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 727

manifolds on t is almost periodic. Note however that, in contrast of Aεf (t),

these manifolds are not compact (and not closed) in the phase space Φp
and, consequently, these almost-periodicities are not very informative. In
order to overcome this disadvantage, we prove below the almost-periodicity
of the function t → Aεf (t) as a set-valued function. To this end, we need to
introduce the following space.
Definition 7.1. Let BR be an R-ball in the space Φ2p , which contains all
attractors Aεφ (t), t ∈ R, φ ∈ H(f ) (such R exists due to Theorem 2.1).
Consider, a space P of all closed subsets of BR endowed by the symmetric
Hausdorff distance as a metric:
P := {B ⊂ BR : B = B, d(B1 , B2 ) := distsymm,Φp (B1 , B2 )}. (7.22)
Then, as known, (P, d) thus defined is a complete metric space.
Theorem 7.3. Let the assumptions of Theorem 6.3 hold. Then, for every
ε < ε0 and every φ ∈ H(f ), the function t → Aεφ (t) is continuous and
almost-periodic as a function with values in P:
Aεφ (·) ∈ AP (R, P). (7.23)

Proof. As before, we restrict ourselves to prove the theorem only for φ = f

(the case of arbitrary φ ∈ H(f ) is analogous).
Let f˜ := Ts f , s and τ be arbitrary positive numbers and let uεf (t), vfε˜
be solutions of (0.1) with the nonlinearities f and f˜ and with initial values
uεf (t − τ ) = uτ and vfε˜(t − τ ) = vτ respectively. Then

uf (t) − vf˜(t) Φb ≤ Ce
ε ε Kτ ˜
f − f R + uτ − vτ Φp (7.24)
if uτ Φp , vτ Φp ≤ R (see (2.3) for the definition of · R ). Indeed, the
function w(t) := uεf (t) − vfε˜(t) satisfies the equation
∂t w(t) − aΔx w(t) = −[f (t/ε, x, uεf (t)) − f (t/ε, x, vfε˜(t))]
+[f˜(t/ε, x, vfε˜(t)) − f (t/ε, x, vfε˜(t))].
Then, according to (2.23) and (0.6), the first term in the right-hand of (7.25)
can be estimated via
|f (t/ε, x, uεf (t)) − f (t/ε, x, vfε˜(t))| ≤ QR |uεf (t) − vfε˜(t)| (7.26)
and the second term can be estimated by
|f˜(t/ε, x, vfε˜(t)) − f (t/ε, x, vfε˜(t))| ≤ f − f˜ R . (7.27)
728 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

Using estimates (7.26) and (7.27) and arguing as in the proof of Theorem
1.2, we derive estimate (7.24).
Let us now verify now the assertion of the theorem. To this end, we verify
that the function Aεf (t) also has a relatively dense set of μ-almost periods,
for every μ > 0. We derive this fact from the estimate
distsymm,Φp Aεf (t + s), Aεf (t) ≤ C1 f − Ts/ε f κR , (7.28)
for some 0 < κ < 1 and C1 > 0 which are independent of t, s ∈ R. Indeed,
(7.28) implies, from the one side, that Aεf (t) is uniformly continuous with
values in P since f is uniformly continuous in M. From the other side, (7.28)
implies that every μ-almost period Tμ /ε of f (t/ε, x, u) is simultaneously
an C1 μκ -almost period of Aεf (t) and, consequently, Aεf (t) is indeed almost-
periodic with values in P thanks to Bochner-Amerio criteria.
Thus, it remains to prove estimate (7.28). Indeed, let u0 ∈ Aεf (T ) and
uεf (t) ∈ Aεf (t) be a complete bounded solution of (0.1) such that uεf (T ) =
u0 . Let vfε˜(t), t ≥ T − τ be a solution of (0.1) with the right-hand side
f˜ := Ts/ε f (t/ε, x, u) and with the initial condition v ε (T − τ ) := uε (t − τ ).
f˜ f
Then, from the one side thanks to (7.24), we have
u0 − vfε˜(T ) Φp ≤ CeKτ f − Ts/ε f R . (7.29)

From the other side, thanks to (6.32), we have

distΦp vfε˜(T ), Aεf (T + s) ≤ Ce−γτ . (7.30)

Combining (7.29) and (7.30) and fixing τ in an optimal way (as in the proof
of Theorem 7.1), we obtain that
distΦp Aεf (T ), Aεf (T + s) ≤ C1 f − Ts/ε f κR (7.31)
uniformly with respect to T ∈ R. The opposite estimate
distΦp Aεf (T + s), Aεf (T ) ≤ C1 f − Ts/ε f κR
can be proven analogously. Estimate (7.28) is proven. Theorem 7.3 is proven.

Remark 7.2. It can be easily verified that, under the assumptions of the
previous theorem, the hull H(Aεf (·)) of the almost-periodic function Aεf (t)
in Cb (R, P) possesses the following description:
H(Aεf (·)) = {Aεφ (·), φ ∈ H(f )} (7.32)
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 729

and, consequently (analogously to (6.43)), we have

Aε = H(Aεf (·))t=0 . (7.33)

8. Examples
In this concluding section, we give several concrete examples of equations
of the form (0.1) for which the conditions of Section 7 are satisfied. We start
with the most simple case of a scalar equation
Example 8.1. Let k = 1. Consider a scalar equation

∂t u = aΔx u − f (t/ε, x, u) + g(x), x ∈ Ω ⊂⊂ Rn , u = 0.
Assume that the function f (h, x, u) is almost-periodic with values in M (see
Section 2), satisfies the standard condition
f (h, x, v) ≥ 0, for |v| > L, (8.2)
for a sufficiently large fixed L and h ∈ R, x ∈ Ω, and growth restriction (0.4).
Then, our dissipativity assumption (0.5) is satisfied for every p and, conse-
quently, the assumptions of Sections 2 and 3 are fulfilled for equation (8.1)
(in a fact growth restriction (0.4) is also can be omitted for the scalar case
due to the maximum principle). Moreover, the limit homogenized equation

∂t u = aΔx u − f (x, u) + g(x), x ∈ Ω ⊂⊂ Rn , u = 0∂Ω
is autonomous and has a gradient form. Thus, for generic g ∈ Lp (Ω) this
limit equation possesses a regular attractor (see e.g. [2]). Therefore, the
assumptions of Section 6 are also satisfied for generic external forces g ∈
Lp (Ω).
Example 8.2. In the following example, we consider a system of two coupled
parabolic equations, which is a nonautonomous analogue of the so-called
FitzHugh-Nagumo system:

⎨∂t u1 = d1 Δx u1 − f (t/ε, x, u1 ) − u2 + g1 (x),
∂t u2 = d2 Δx u2 − γu2 + δu1 + g2 (x), (8.4)

u1 ∂Ω = u2 ∂Ω = 0,
where u = (u1 , u2 ), x ∈ Ω ⊂⊂ Rn , d1 , d2 , γ, δ > 0 are positive parameters.
Assume also that the nonlinear interaction function f (h, x, v) is almost peri-
odic with values in M (see Section 2) and satisfies the following assumptions:

1. C(1 + |v|q+1 ) ≥ f (h, x, v) · v ≥ −C1 + C2 |v|q+1 , q > 1
2. fv (h, x, v) ≥ −K,
730 M. Efendiev and S.Zelik

for some constants C, Ci , and K. Then, a simple calculation reveals that

anisotropic dissipativity assumption (0.5) is satisfied for every p1 = p2 > 0
and, consequently, the results of Sections 1, 2, and 3 hold for system (8.4).
Assume now, in addition, that

γ > K. (8.6)

Then, the limit averaged problem

⎨∂t u1 = d1 Δx u1 − f (x, u1 ) − u2 + g1 (x),
∂t u2 = d2 Δx u2 − γu2 + δu1 + g2 (x), (8.7)
u1 ∂Ω = u2 ∂Ω = 0

possesses a global Liapunov function in the form

|∂t u1 |2 |∂t u2 |2 |∇x u1 |2 |∇x u2 |2
L(u1 , u2 ) := + + γd1 − γd2
Ω 2 2δ 2 2δ
2 |v|
2 γ
+γF (x, u1 ) + γu1 · u2 − γ − γg1 u1 + g2 u2 dx
2δ δ
where F (x, v) := 0 f (x, v) dv, see [12] for details. Thus, in this case, for
generic g = (g1 , g2 ) ∈ Lp (Ω)2 the attractor of averaged problem (8.7) is
regular, consequently, the assumptions of Section 6 are satisfied for (8.4)
and, therefore, for sufficiently small ε, the nonautonomous attractor of it
is also regular, almost-periodic and tends to the attractor of limit equation
(8.7) as ε → 0 (see Theorems 6.3, 7.1 and 7.3).
Example 8.3. In the last example, we consider the following generalization
of the Lotka-Volterra system:
∂t ui (t) = ai Δx ui (t) − fi (ui (t)) − ui (t) j=1 b i,j (t/ε, )u 2 (t) + g (x),
j i

ui  = 0, i = 1, · · · , k
where ai > 0, bij (h) are scalar almost periodic functions, such that bij (h) ≥ 0
and the functions fi satisfy the assumptions

1. f ∈ C 2 (R, R), 2. C(1 + |ui |qi ) ≥ fi (ui ) · ui ≥ −C1 + C2 |ui |qi , (8.10)

for some fixed vector (q1 , · · · , qk ) satisfying qi > 1. Then, dissipativity as-
sumption (0.5) is obviously satisfied, for every p1 = · · · = pk > 0. Conse-
quently, the results of Sections 1-3 hold for system (8.9). Moreover, the limit
short the regular attractor for the reaction-diffusion system 731

averaged equation
∂t ui (t) = ai Δx ui (t) − fi (ui (t)) − ui (t) j=1 b i,j u 2 (t) + g (x),
j i
ui  = 0, i = 1, · · · , k

has a gradient form if bij = bji and, consequently, its attractor is regular
for generic g ∈ [Lp (Ω)]k . Thus, the results of Sections 5-7 are also valid for
equation (8.9) for generic external forces g.

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