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(Long Term Examination)

Directions: Read and analyze the questions before answering. Select the best answer
on your answer sheet. Erasure means wrong.

PART 1: Multiple Choices

1. ___ and __ serve as the major structural elements of skeletal element of skeletal
a. Iron and Zinc
b. Calcium and Phosphorus
c. Phosphorus and Iron
d. Zinc and Calcium
2. How many percent of the plasma calcium is in the soluble, ionized form?
a. 40-50%
b. 50-60%
c. 60-70%
d. 80-100%
3. The normal level of blood calcium in animal ranges from___ per 100ml of serum.
a. 12 to 15mg
b. 20 to 25mg.
c. 9 to 11mg.
d. 10 to 15mg.
4. How many percent is bound with protein, primarily albumin and other plasma
a. 40-45%
b. 45-50%
c. 50-55%
d. 55-60%
5. The plasma of laying hens contains___ calcium per 100ml of blood.
a. 30-40mg
b. 40-50mg
c. 30-50mg
d. 60-70mg
6. The statement are true about the functions of calcium except.
a. It is the essential skeletal formation, normal blood clotting
b. Rhythmic heart action, neuromuscular excitability, enzyme activation
c. Permeability of membranes and acid base balance of blood fluid and also in
curding of milk
d. All of the above
7. The absorption of calcium except:
a. Small intestine specially the proximal portion of the denum
b. The major role of excretion is through faeces
c. The percentage of absorption of calcium decreases with age, high F intakes,
and high Ca intakes or low vitamin D intakes
d. None of the above
8. The ff. are deficiency symptoms of calcium except.
a. ricket, osteoporosis
b. osteomalacia, milk fever
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
9. The ff. are the functions of phosphorus except:
a. maintained the normal level of blood calcium and its proper activity
b. energy metabolism in the formation of sugar phosphate like adenosine di-
phosohate (ADP) and triphosphate (ATP)
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
10. Which of the following are the deficiency symptoms of phosphorus except:
a. Rickets
b. Osteomalacia
c. Milk fever
d. Both a and b
11. The following is an example of deficiency in Magnesium
a. Magnesium tetany
b. Rickets
c. A and B
d. None of the above
12. The ff. are one of the sources of Magnesium.
a. Rice bran or corn bran
b. Leguminous fodder
c. oil flakes
d. all of the above
13. It is an alkaline salt which forms about 93% alkali of blood serum.
a. Magnesium
b. Phosphorus
c. Calcium
d. Sodium
14. How many percent of the total amount of sodium in the body.
a. 0.2%
b. 0.5%
c. 0.8%
d. 0.9%
15. How many percent is deposited in bones of the total amount of sodium?
a. 0.25%
b. 0.05%
c. 0.10%
d. 0.5%
16. What is true about the function of sodium?
a. It controls body fluid concentration
b. Energy metabolism
c. Help in maintaining neutrability among body tissues
d. Both a and c
17. Excess of this salt in the body that interferes with absorption and metabolism.
a. Sodium
b. Potassium
c. Calcium
d. Iron
18. Nutrients that plays an important role in nerve and muscles excitability and
activates certain enzymes
a. Sodium
b. Calcium
c. Potassium
d. Magnesium
19. Some of the statements that describes the deficiency of potassium.
a. Stiffness, nervous disorder, slow growth, muscular weakness
b. Loss of appetite
c. Controls body fluid concentration
d. Help in maintaining among body tissues
20. The main function of chlorine is.
a. It helps in cell nutrition, growth and reproduction
b. Maintain the normal level of blood
c. It controls body fluid concentration
d. Energy metabolism
Part 2: Matching Type

21. chlorine a. found associated with myoglobin

and enzyme
22. sulfur b. substances which are indispensable
for the growth and maintenance of
the animals
23. iron c. discovered the vitamin D as an
anthracitic factor
24. vitamins d. structural element of skeletal tissue
25. Mc Collum e. The most important minerals in
animal nutrition
26. 1935 f. Required as a co factor in large
number of enzymes involve in
energy transport particularly those
utilizing ATP
27. calcium g. it is found in skin, subcutaneous
tissues and gastric juices
28. phosphorus h. identified an essential factor in the
prevention of haemorrhagic
symptoms in chicks
29. magnesium i. essential for transporting nutrients
around the body and removing
waste from cells
30. sodium j. absorbed in the rumen and small

Part 3: Enumeration

31-32 (Give the two categories of Minerals)

33-38 (Give the 6 major elements)
39-42 (Factors that affect the level of blood calcium)
43-48 (The 6 sources of phosphorus)
49-50 (Example of deficiency of sodium)
(Long Term Examination)

Directions: Read and analyze carefully before answering. Choose the correct answer
on your answer sheet. Erasures means wrong.

Part 1: Identification.
1. _____ the goal is the genetic improvement of farm animals.
2. _____ first evidence of inheritance through experiments with chickens.
3. _____and 4. _____ demonstrated that Mendellian frequencies were the basics of
biometrical correlations.
4. ____ British quantitative geneticist who concept of the genetic properties of breeding
populations and the inheritance of measurements.
5. ____ ability of a gene to block out, cover mask or conceal the expression of its allele
when paired together in body cells.
6. ____ seeks to “quantity” changes in the frequency distribution of traits that cannot
easily be placed in discrete phenotypic classes.
7. _____ established the foundation of modern methods of estimating breeding values.
8. _____ father of animal breeding who says “like begets like”.
9. _____ the phenotypic effect of one gene ADDS to the phenotypic of its own allele or
other genes in the genotype which affect the expression of the trait.
10. ____ presence of a gene suppresses the effect of a gene at another locus.

Part 2: TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement correct and write F if the statement is

11. Dominant epistasis “a a” genotype conceals the effect of all alleles at the other
12. Many alleles at a double locus in a population of animals.
13. Incomplete penetrance is a genotype for trait theory may always show its
expression in the phenotype.
14. The variable expressivity is one genotype produces a large of phenotypes.
15. In heterozygote, the genes are usually express as dominant in the male and
recessive in the female.
16. Recessive X- linked phenotypes are more common in males than in females
17. Non- additive gene action expression of the phenotype of the genes does
necessarily add to the phenotypic expression of the other.
18. There is no sharp distinction between genotypes.
19. Recessive epistasis “aa” genetype conceals the effect of all alleles at second locus.
20. Phenotypic effect in the heterozygote is more pronounced than that of the two
Part 3: Multiple Choices

21. Any of several forms of a gene those are responsible for hereditary variation.
a. amino acids
b. allele
c. callus
d. DNA
22. A complex DNA chain that contains genetic information.
a. chromosome
b. biotechnology
c. base
d. amino acids
23. A group of 20 naturally occurring molecules that are combined to make proteins.
a. DNA
b. RNA
c. amino acids
d. allele
24. a genetic composition of an individual.
a. phenotypic
b. mutation
c. genotype
d. heterozygous
25. Having two different alleles.
a. homozygous
b. phenotype
c. heterozygous
d. RNA
26. The observable or measurable characteristics of an individual.
a. genotype
b. phenotype
c. nucleic acid
d. mutation
27. A gene whose phenotype is expressed when the allele is present as either one or
two copies of the pair.
a. recessive gene
b. dominant gene
c. genetic polymorphism
d. genetics
28. A gene whose phenotype is expressed only when it is present as two copies of both
a. dominant gene
b. transgene
c. recessive gene
29. Traits that are easily classified into distinct phenotypic categories.
a. quantitative trait
b. qualitative trait
c. transformation
d. RNA
30. refers to phenotypes on characteristics of an organism that vary in degree and can
be attributed to multi-gene effects.
a. quantitative trait
b. recessive trait
c. dominant gene
d. transformation
31. DNA or RNA molecules that are composed of nucleotides.
a.nucleic acid
b. mutation
c. phenotype
d. genotype
32. The basic functional hereditary unit consisting of a DNA sequence.
a. allele
b. gene
c. DNA
d. RNA
33. It is composed of nucleotides that are made up of the sugar deoxyribose, a
phosphate group and an organic base.
a. RNA
b. DNA
c. allele
d. gene
34. A natural or induced alteration in DNA structure or sequence.
a. mutation
b. dominant
c. DNA
d. allele
35. The part of cell cycle in which replicated chromosomes are separated into two new
a. meiosis
b. mitosis
c. allele
d. gene
36. Special type of cell division of germs in sexually reproducing organisms used to
produce the gametes such as sperm or egg cells.
a. allele
b. recessive
c. meiosis
d. heredity
37. it sis possible through the process of reproduction
a. heredity
b. allele
c. gametes
d. fertilization
38. Austarlian monk discovered the Law of inheritance.
a. Anton Van Lavoiser
b. Alexander Fleming
c. Gregor Mendel
d. Hartz
39. German Anatomist, threadlike bodies with brightly stained appearance within the
nucleus in 1880.
a. Mendel
b. Fleming
c. Lavoiser
d. Hartz
40. Who describe that chromosome carries of the hereditary material?
a. Mendel
b. Hartz
c. Walter Stanborough Sutton
d. Fleming
Part 4: Matching Type

41. Walter Fleming a. American Biophysicist

42. James Dewey Watson b. German Anatomist in the discovery of
43. Francis harry Compton Crick c. English Biophysicist
44. Gene d. composed of sequence of nucleotides in
45. Complete dominance e. occurs when one allele or version of a
gene completely mask another.
46. Chromosomes f. differences between DNA sequences
47. Genetics g. the change in the genetic structure of an
organism by the incorporation of new or
foreign DNA
48. Genetic polymorphism h. Ribonucleic acid
49. Transformation i. study or science of genes and heredity
50. RNA j. a complex DNA chain that contains
genetic information

Part 5: Enumeration

60- 62 (Give the functions of the gene)

63-65 (Give 3 scientist who rediscovery of Mendel’s Law
66-67 (Give the 2 on how transmission of genetic materials in animal reproduction)
68-70 (Types of gene action)

Prepared by: Donna Hiezel D. Macabitas


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