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It is probably the hardest task in the word to define the term “Beauty.

” There’s a popular saying that

beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. The saying throws light on the fact of how there are different
perspectives of beauty and how it differs from person to person. Beauty can be vaguely defined as a
specific characteristic that an individual or an animal or a place or an idea; holds.

The characteristic is precisely one of pleasure which also attributes to people getting attracted to it.
“Beauty” is a human-made concept and also a psychological one. No physical or animated attribute
makes someone or something beautiful.

The characteristic held by the objects which are termed “beautiful” must give pleasure to the ones
perceiving it. Since pleasure and satisfaction are two very subjective concepts, beauty has one of the
vaguest definitions. It differs from people to people as there can be several perspectives of looking at
beauty as a concept. Beauty, the concept falls under the study of psychology, sociology as well as
culture. It is a dynamic concept and has no stable viewpoint.

Historical Origin:

Ancient Greece- The concept of beauty can be traced back to ancient Greece. The classical Greek word
that is the nearest to the meaning or translation of beauty was “kallos.” The word “Kallos” meant
something good something of fine quality. It was also mostly used as a titillating connotation.

In the koine Greek, “beauty’ was also associated with the word “hour” which give us the perspective
that it has some relation to time. Anything “of the hour” was considered beautiful.

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