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Signal timing is the technique which traffic engineers use to determine who has the right-of-
way at an intersection. Signal timing involves deciding how much green time the traffic lights
shall provide at an intersection approach, how long the pedestrian WALK signal should be, and
many numerous other factors.

The design of traffic signal now days have become an important factor for major intersections of
the towns and cities. Traffic controls the movement of traffic and not only reduces accidents but
enables the road users to effectively use the area of road at intersection. The lack of traffic signal
conspicuity is often cited as a contributing factor by drivers who are involved in accidents at
intersections. As such, increasing the conspicuity of traffic signals should lead to improved
safety performance. A time-series evaluation was completed to investigate the effectiveness of
the improvements to the traffic signal on road safety performance.

The main objective of this project is to design an intelligent auto traffic signal control system.
Traffic congestion is one of the major issues to be considered. Generally Vehicular traffic
intersects at the junctions of the road and is controlled by the traffic signals. Traffic signals need
a good coordination and control to ensure the smooth and safe flow of the vehicular traffic.
During the rush hours, the traffic on the roads is at its peak. Also, there is a possibility for the
emergency vehicles to struck in the traffic jam. Therefore; there is a need for the dynamic control
of the traffic during rush hours. Hence, I propose a smart traffic signal controller. The proposed
system tries to minimize the possibilities of traffic jams, caused by the traffic lights, to some
extent by clearing the road with higher density of vehicles and also provides the clearance for the
emergency vehicle.


1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………..03

1.1 Overview
1.2 Background
1.3 Objective

2. Fundamental of traffic signal design………………………………………..................05

2.1 Overview
2.2 Definitions and notations

3. Phase design…………………………………………………………………………….07

3.1 Two phase signals

3.2 Three phase signals
3.3 Four phase signals
4. Interval design………………………………………………………………………….12

4.1 Cycle time

5. Design of isolated fixed time signal……………………………………………………15

5.1 General principles of signal design

6. Analysis of a three legged intersection………………………………………………..16

7. Webster’s method of interval design for a 3-legged


7.1 Procedure for Webster’s method

7.2 Application of Webster’s method toT.K.R COLLEGE X ROAD.

8. Annexure………………………………………………………………………………...22
9. Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………………..29
10. References ……………………………………………………………………………....30



This project discusses with the result of the work done in DESIGN OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL for
T.K.R COLLEGE X ROAD junction which is a 3-legged intersection. This a part of
transportation engineering dealing with the qualitative control of traffic at intersections in order
to prevent accidents and mainly to make effective use of the road area at intersection. This
project resulted in a 3-phase design for T.K.R COLLEGE X ROAD.

1.2 Background and motivation :

Design of road signals is a must requirement for traffic today which enables smooth flow of
traffic, prevents accidents and controls traffic movement at an intersection. Due to the growing
population in Bharat, there is a rapid growth in employment and therefore transportation, these
days have become a very important. This is because due to increase of people, source of
transport viz. vehicles got increased which means increase in traffic volume and due to this
increase of traffic volume, there are many problems arising on the roads. In order to get a grip on
traffic movement and to eliminate problems, these signals are much more useful.

1.3 Objective :

The main objective of this project is to design signal timing for 3-legged intersection at

Along with the signal timing, secondary goal was to find the volume of traffic at junction for
different roads and particularly for vehicles moving in different directions.

1.4 Methodology :

To obtain the above goal, the following methodology should be followed

1. Finding the volume of traffic for different roads and directions.

2. Finding the width of the roads.
3. From the obtained results of the traffic volume, designing of the signal timing is done
on the basis of guidelines provided by particular method of design.

This project is done using Webster’s method of signal timing. This requires computation
of traffic volume and also the width of roads after which requires results can be obtained
using the formulae and also the guidelines given in the method.


2.1 Overview:

The conflict arising from movements of traffic in different directions is solved by time sharing of
the principle.

The advantage of traffic signals includes an orderly movement of traffic, an increased capacity of
the intersection and requires only simple geometric design. However the disadvantages of the
signalized intersection are it affects larger stopped delays and the design requires complex
considerations. Although the overall delay may be lesser than a rotary for a high volume, a user
is more concern about the stopped delay.

2.2 Definition and Notations:

A number of definitions and notations need to be understood in the signal design. They are
discussed below:

 Cycle: A signal cycle is one complete revolution through all of the indications provided.
 Cycle length:Cycle length is the time in the time in seconds that it takes a signal to
complete one full cycle of indications. It indicates the time interval between the starting
of the green for one approach till the next time the green starts. It
denoted by C.
 Interval: Thus it indicates the change from one stage to another. There are two types of
intervals –change interval and clearance interval. Change interval is also known, the
yellow time indicates the internal between the green and red signal indications for an
approach. Clearance interval is also known all red is included after each yellow interval
indicating a period during which all signal faces show red and is used for clearing off the
vehicles in the intersection.

 Green interval: It is the green indication for a particular movement or set of movements
and is denoted by ‘Gi’ . This is the actual duration the green light of the traffic signal is
turned on.

 Red interval:It is the red indication for a particular movement or set of movements and
is denoted by ‘Ri’. This is the actual duration the red light of the traffic signal is turned

 Phase:A phase is the green interval plus the change and clearance intervals that the
follow it. Thus, during green interval, non-conflicting movements are assigned into each
phase. It allows a set of movements to flow and safely halt the flow before the phase of
another set of movements start.

 Lost time: It indicates the time during which the intersection is not effectively utilized
for any movement.

For example, when the signal for an approach turns from red to green, the driver of the vehicle
which is in the front of the queue will take some time to perceive the signal ( usually called as
reaction time ) and some time will be lost here before he moves.


The signal design procedure involves five major steps. They include the

(1) Phase design

(2) Determination of amber time and clearance time
(3) Determination of cycle length
(4) Apportioning of green time
(5) The performance evaluation of the above design

The objective of the phase design is to separate the conflicting movements in an intersecting into
various phases, so that movements in a phase should have no conflicts. If all the movements are
to be separated with no conflicts, then a large number of phases are required.

In such situation, the objective is to design phases with minimum conflicts or with less severe
conflicts. There is no precise methodology for the design of phases. This is often guided by the
geometry of the intersection, flow pattern especially the turning movements, the relative
magnitudes of the flow. Therefore, a trial and a error procedure is often adopted. However, phase
design is very important because it affects the further design steps. Further, it is easier to change
the cycle time and green time when flow pattern changes, where as a drastic changes in the flow
pattern may cause considerable confusion to drivers.

To illustrate various phase plan options, consider a four legged intersection with through traffic
and right turns. Left turn is ignored. See the figure 2.1. The first issue is to decide how many
phases are required. It is possible to have o have two, three, four or even more number of phases

Fig 2.1: Four legged intersection

3.1 Two phase signals:

Two phase system is usually adopted if through traffic is significant compared to the turning
movements. For example in figure 2.2 ,non-conflicting through traffic 3 and 4 are grouped in a
single phase and non- conflicting through traffic 1 and 2 are grouped in the second phase.
However, in the first phase flow 7 and 8 offer some conflicts and are called permitted right turns.
Needless to say that such phasing is possible only if the turning movements are significant, then
a four phase system is usually adopted.

2.2 Two phase signal

3.1 Three phase signals:

Three phase signals are adopted for a three legged intersection, where there are two conflicting
movements which are right turns for both the roads and two non- conflicting movements which
are through movements. The phase plan for this kind of signals is shown in the following figure,
form phase 1 (p1) is provided by only allowing the non- conflicting traffic 1, phase 2 (p2) and
phase 3 (p3) are provided by allowing the conflicting traffic 3 and 4 respectively.

3.3 Four phase signals :

There are at least three possible phasing options. For example, figure 2.3 shows the most simple
and trivial phase plan. Where, flow from each approach is put into a single phase avoiding all
conflicts. This type of phase plan is ideally suited in urban areas, where the turning movements
are comparable with through movements and when through traffic and turning traffic need to
share same lane. This phase plan could be very inefficient when turning movements are
relatively low. Figure 2.4 shows a second possible phase plan option where

Opposing through traffic are put into same phase. The Non-conflicting right turn flows 7 and 8
are grouped into a third phase. Similarly flows 5 and 6 are grouped into fourth phase. This type
of phasing is very efficient when the intersection geometry permits to have at least one lane for
each movement, and the through traffic volume is significantly high. Figure 2.5 shows yet
another phase plan. However, this is rarely used in practice. There are five phase signals, six

phase signals etc. they are normally provided if the intersection control is adaptive, that is, the
signal phases and timing adapt to the real time traffic conditions.

Fig.2.3. One way of providing four phase signal

Fig.2.4. Second way of providing four phase signal

Fig.2.5. Third way of providing four phase signal


There are two intervals, namely the change interval and clearance interval, normally provided in
the traffic signal. The change interval or yellow time is provided after green time for movement.
The purpose is to warn a driver approaching the intersection during the end of a green time about
the coming of a red signal. They normallyhave a value of 3 to 6 seconds.

The design consideration is that a driver approaching the intersection with design speed should
be able to stop line of the intersection before the start of the red time. Institute of
Transportation Engineers (ITE) has recommended a methodology for computing the
appropriate length of the change interval which is as follows:

v 85
2 a+19.6 g

Where y = Length of yellow interval in seconds,

t = Reaction time of the driver,

V85 = 85th percentile sped of approaching vehicles in m/s,

a =deceleration rate of vehicles in m/s,

g = grade of approach expressed as a decimal

Change interval can also be approximately computed as

y= ; ,

Where, SSD = stopping sight distance and

v= speed of the vehicle.

The clearance interval is provided after yellow interval and as mentioned earlier, it is used to
clear on the vehicles in the intersection. Clearance interval is optional in a signal design. It
depends on the geometry of the intersection. If the intersection is small, then there is no need of
clearance interval whereas, for very large intersections, it may be provided.

4.1 Cycle time:
Cycle time is the time taken by a signal to complete one full cycle of iterations. i.e. one complete
rotation through all signal indications. It is denoted by C. The way in which the vehicles depart
from an intersection when the green signal is initiated will be discussed now.

Fig.2.6. group of vehicles at a signalized intersection waiting for green signal

Fig.2.6 illustrates a group of N vehicles at a signalized intersection, waiting for green signal. As
the signal is initiated, the time interval between two vehicles, referred as headway, crossing the
curb line is noted. The first headway is the time interval between the initiation of the green signal
and the instant vehicle crossing the curb line. The second headway is the time interval between
the first and second vehicle crossing the curb line. Successive headways are then plotted. The
first headway will be relatively longer since it includes the reaction time of the driver and the
time necessary to accelerate. The second headway will be comparatively lower because the
second driver can overlap his/her vehicle reaction time with that of the first driver’s. After few
vehicles, the headway will become constant. This constant headway which characterizes all
headways beginning with the fourth or fifth vehicle, is defined as the saturation headway, and
is denoted as ‘h’. This is the headway that can be achieved by a stable moving platoon of
vehicles passing through a green indication. If every vehicles requires h seconds of green time,
and if the signal were always green, then s vehicles per hour would pass the intersection.

Therefore, s = s=

Where;s = saturation flow rate in vehicles per hour of green time per lane,

h = Saturation headway in seconds, vehicles per hour of green time per lane.

As noted earlier, the headway will be more than ‘h’ particularly for the first few vehicles

The difference between the actual headway and h for the i th vehicle and is denoted as ei.

These differences for the first few vehicles can be added to get start up lost time, 1 which is
given by,

l=∑ ei

The green time required to clear N vehicles can be found out as,

T= 1 + h.N

Where; T = Time required to clear N vehicles through signal,

l = Start- up lost time,

h = saturation headway in seconds.


In the design of a signalizedintersection, the objective should be to provide sufficient capacity

for the volume of traffic approaching the intersection. The design should aim at minimizing total
delay, building short queues, and providing a high probability of passing through the intersection
on the first given period for most users. Signal timing should be in accordance with traffic flow
on intersection. The cycle lengths are normally 40 to 60 seconds for two phase
signal. Longer cycle lengths are in use for complex traffic flow and for more than two phases.

5.1 general principles of signal design:

1. Stop time or Red phase R1 of the signal is the sum of go and clearance intervals or green
and amber phases for the cross flow i.e., G2 +A2 at a two phase signal. During this interval, the
pedestrian crossing time may also be incorporated for the road, if turning movements are not

2. Towards the end of red phase, there may be a short duration when lights are put-on along
with red light signal in order to indicate ‘get set’ to go. This phase is last part of phase itself and
may be called ‘red amber’ or ‘initial amber’. The vehicles are not supposed to cross stop line
during the red amber period.

3. Clearance time or clearance amber phase is provided just after the green phase before the
red phase, to fulfill two requirements:

a. Stopping time for approaching vehicle to stop at stop line after the signal changes from green
to amberand not to cross the lineby time the signal changes to red phase.

b. Clearance time for the vehicle which is approaching the stop line at legal speed while the
signal changes from green to amber, allowing sufficient time for the vehicles to cross the
intersection area as it may not be not possible for the vehicle to stop before the stop line at that
stage. Usually 2.0 to 4.0 seconds would be suitable for the amber phase.

4. Go time or green time is decided based on approach volume during peak hour and to enable
the queued vehicles to clear off in most of the cycles.


A three legged intersection is similarly to a ‘T’ or ‘Y’ shaped intersection. For designing a signal
at three legged junction, firstly it should be analysed and then the signal is to be designed
accordingly. Analysis of a three legged intersection containsunderstanding and analysing the
traffic movement occuring at junction. This involves finding conflict points by knowing the
directions of traffic. In other way, analysis of an intersection is nothing but finding the conflict
points which create traffic problems.

The following simple figure shows layout of a three legged intersection.

Three legged intersection

In this intersection (in fig.), the traffic movements are indicated as 1,2,3…6 and the conflict
points are indicated as a, b and c. among the traffic movements 1 to 6, movements 1 and 2 which
are opposing through movements for road a are considered as Non-conflicting movements
because they don’t create conflict point. Movements 3 and 4 which are right turn movements
from road A and road B respectively are considered as conflicting movements and the
movements 5 and 6 are free lefts which cause no traffic trouble. Hence it is clear that a conflict
point is created when a conflicting movement comes into picture. Hence this intersection, there
are three conflict points created by conflicting movements. The conflict point “a” is created by

conflicting movement 4 and non-conflicting movementThe conflict point “b” by conflicting
movement 3 and non-conflicting movement 2 The conflict point “c” is formed by both the
conflicting movements 3 and 4.

The Moto of traffic signal design at junction is to eliminate conflict points such that a smooth
flow of traffic is achieved. Controlling traffic movement and elimination of conflict points are
achieved by stopping particular movements and only allowing particular movements. This is
done through “Phase design”. After the analysis, Phase design is carried out. Generally for a
three legged intersection, it is adopted as a three Phased signal. Moreover, deciding number of
phase’s demands finding conflict points by knowing the directions in which traffic is moving.

This project is all about the same kind of intersection and hence, the same procedure
explained above is adopted.

Once the phase design is done, interval design is carried out . Interval design consists of
determination of Total Cycle Time (total least delay). For calculation of this cycle time, many
methods are in existence, some of them are Trail cycle method, Webster’s method, approximate
method, IRC guidelines method etc.

Among these methods, this project which is a three legged intersection is carried out using
“Webster’s method of interval design”.


1. Webster’s method is a rational approach for signal design. The design is simple and is totally
based on formulae’s laid down by Webster. In this method, the cycle of the signal is determined
which forms a total least delay occurring at signal(least delay of road user).

7.1 Procedure for Webster method:

1. If q1,q2,…etc are the normal fiow values of roads 1,2,…etc and s1,s2,..etc are the saturation
flow values of roads 1,2,…etc respectively, then the Total Cycle Time(C0) is given by;

1.5 L+ 5

Where; L=Total Lost Time


n=number of phases

R=all red time

Y=saturation flow ratio

=y1+y2…and y1=q1/s1; y2=q2/s2= are saturation flow ratio for respective roads.

2. Because of the mixed traffic flow, the representation of flow in terms of

vehicles/hour(or)vehicles/day is not applicable. Therefore such classified volume is brought into
a unique volume by considering various factors such as speed, size disturbance. . Etc a new term
called Passenger Car Unit (P.C.U) is made. This means that the total volume obtained is
represented in terms of P.C.U.

3. The values q1, q2,… i.e., the normal flow values are measured fro0m the field studies along
with the saturation flow values s1,s2, etc. If the saturation flow values are not given, then 160
P.C.U per 0.3metre of road width shall be considered as per I.R.C.

7.2 Application of Webster’s method to T.K.R COLLEGE X ROAD junction:
While doing field studies i.e, finding the traffic volume counts of the roads A and B, the
following data was found. This data is shown in the following figure and further information
regarding the data obtained above, refer to annexures.


Hence, from the above figure,

Volume of road A (q1) (through movement) = 941 PCU/hr

Volume of road B (q2) = 551.5 PCU/hr

Volume of road A (right turn) (q3) =364.5 PCU/hr

Width of road A=21.0 m

Width of road B = 7.5 m

Hence, saturation flow volume for road A (s1) = 5600 PCU/hr (take 160 PCU/hr per 0.3 m)

Similarly, saturation flow volume for road A (s3) =5600 PCU/hr

Saturation flow volume for road B (s2) = 2000 PCU/hr

Now, saturation flow ratios

Y1 = q1/s1 = 941/5600 =0.168

Y2 = q2/s2 = 551.5/2000 = 0.276

Y3 =q3/s3 = 364.5/5600 = 0.0651

Now, Y = y1 + y2 + y3 = 0.168 + 0.276 + 0.0651

= 0.509

Now, Total Lost Time; L = 2n + R

= 2(3) + 12 = 18secs

1.5 L+5
Therefore, Cycle Time C0¿

1.5 ( 18 ) +5


Take Total Cycle Time as 70secs.

Green time for road A; GA1¿
( C0 -L)
¿ ( 70−18)

GA1 ¿ 17.16 secs

y2 0.276
GA2 ¿ (C0 - L )¿ ( 70- 18)
y o .509

GA2¿ 28.19

y3 0.065
Green time for road B, GB¿ ( C0-L)¿ ( 70 -18)
y 0.509

GB ¿ 6.64secs

Now, Total Cycle Time = GA1 + GA2 + GB + R

C0 = 17.2 + 28.2 + 6.6 + 12 = 64secs.(Adopting GA1 = 17.2, GA2 = 28.2,GB =6.6secs)

The rest 6secs is taken amber time of 2secs for each phase.

Now, Total Cycle Time = 64 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 70secs.

Therefore, adopt 70secs as Total Cycle Time,


Road A (GA1) 17.2 2.0 50.8 70.0

Road A (GA2) 28.2 2.0 39.8 70.0

Road B (GB) 6.60 2.0 61.4 70.0

junction Name : Three legged intersection
Direction: T.KR COLLEGE ROAD to Sagar Ring road
Date: 25-06-2014
PCU’s 1 0.5 1 1.5 3 1.5 3 3 4.5 4.5 8 1
TIME Passenger vehicles Goods vehicles others Total nos. Total
Mini Bus LC
bus V
Cars Two Three Two 3-axle 4-7 >7Axial Animal
from to /jeeps Wheelers wheelers Axle trucks axle Or over drawn
trucks trucks Sized
8:00 9:00 168 416 80 6 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 686 501
9:00 10:00 159 500 60 10 9 11 5 3 0 0 0 0 757 551.5
10:00 11:00 132 474 81 2 3 11 6 0 0 0 0 0 709 496.5
11:00 12:00 96 340 61 1 1 10 9 1 0 0 0 0 519 376.5
13:00 14:00 60 199 46 5 3 6 10 0 0 0 0 0 329 261
14:00 15:00 60 286 60 10 1 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 425 297.5
15:00 16:00 56 164 69 4 3 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 306 244.5
16:00 17:00 62 334 56 12 8 13 6 0 0 0 0 0 491 364.5
TOTAL- 793 2713 513 50 28 69 51 5 0 0 0 0 4222.0 3093

Day : Friday
Date : 27-06-2014
8:00 9:00 134 349 73 16 0 10 9 1 0 0 0 0 592 450.5
9:00 10:00 135 337 60 2 7 10 5 1 0 0 0 0 557 420.5
10:00 11:00 85 345 50 0 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 488 331.5
11:00 12:00 116 198 61 3 4 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 389 307.5
13:00 14:00 55 189 56 6 5 8 7 3 0 0 0 0 329 271.5
14:00 15:00 49 260 51 12 2 7 3 2 0 0 0 0 386 279.5
15:00 16:00 59 180 56 6 4 8 6 2 0 0 0 0 321 262
16:00 15:00 71 350 66 9 2 15 10 4 0 0 0 0 527 396
Total volume 704 2208 473 54 25 62 50 13 0 0 0 0 3589.0 2692

Day: Sunday
Date: 29-06-2014
10:00 11:00 93 521 64 4 3 13 4 3 0 0 0 0 705 473
11:00 12:00 109 466 37 0 5 8 9 1 0 0 0 0 635 436
12:00 13:00 125 293 34 0 1 14 4 0 0 0 0 0 471 341.5
14:00 15:00 38 136 22 2 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 204 144.5
15:00 16:00 83 153 27 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 267 195.5
16:00 17:00 78 179 25 2 5 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 305 243.5
17:00 18:00 94 311 35 1 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 450 304
18:00 19:00 90 414 36 2 4 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 556 375
Total Volume 710 2473 280 13 22 56 34 5 0 0 0 0 3593 2513


junction Name : Three legged intersection
Location : Injapur Cross Road
Direction : Injapur Cross Road to Ibrahimp
Day : Wednesday
Date: 25-06-2014
PCU’s 1 0.5 1 1.5 3 1.5 3 3 4.5 4.5 8 1
TIME Passenger vehicles Goods Vehicles Total nos. Total
Cars Two Three Min Bus LCV Two 3-axle 4-7 >7Axial Animal others
from to /jeeps Wheelers wheelers i Axle trucks axle Or over drawn
bus trucks trucks Sized
8:00 9:00 44 216 46 9 0 4 7 2 0 0 0 0 328 244.5
9:00 10:00 69 355 73 5 1 7 7 1 0 0 0 0 518 364.5
10:00 11:00 69 347 64 2 0 6 10 1 0 0 0 0 499 351.5
11:00 12:00 53 228 68 1 2 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 359 254.5
13:00 14:00 58 188 25 3 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 281 201
14:00 15:00 43 145 28 3 1 4 2 3 0 0 0 0 229 172
15:00 16:00 44 110 34 21 7 2 7 1 0 0 0 0 195 151
16:00 17:00 53 213 34 21 7 2 7 1 0 0 0 0 338 273
TOTAL- 433 1802 372 44 56 32 42 10 0 0 0 0 2747 2012

Day : Friday
Date : 27-06-2014
8:00 9:00 69 176 30 12 0 6 6 3 0 0 0 0 302 241
9:00 10:00 59 211 89 3 1 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 375 291
10:00 11:00 59 199 54 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 318 230.5
11:00 12:00 68 136 34 0 1 3 5 2 0 0 0 0 249 198.5
13:00 14:00 57 187 27 3 1 7 6 1 0 0 0 0 289 216.5
14:00 15:00 41 145 28 3 1 4 2 3 0 0 0 0 227 170
15:00 16:00 44 89 34 21 7 2 7 1 0 0 0 0 177 149.5
16:00 15:00 53 213 34 21 7 2 7 1 0 0 0 0 338 273
Total volume 450 1356 330 42 12 28 44 13 0 0 0 0 2275 1770

Day: Sunday
Date: 29-06-2014
10:00 11:00 59 280 71 1 1 9 2 2 0 0 0 0 425 300
11:00 12:00 66 292 36 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 399 260
12:00 13:00 78 215 37 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 333 228.5
14:00 15:00 48 88 12 2 2 5 3 4 0 0 0 0 164 141.5
15:00 16:00 55 145 21 2 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 230 168
16:00 17:00 70 143 19 0 3 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 244 190.5
17:00 18:00 87 202 18 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 312 216.5
18:00 19:00 48 270 15 2 1 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 347 231
Total Volume 511 1635 229 7 8 32 23 9 0 0 0 0 2454 1736


junction Name : Three legged intersection

Direction: Sagar Ring road to GAYATHRI NAGAR road
Day : Wednesday
Date: 25-06-2014
PCU’s 1 0.5 1 1.5 3 1.5 3 3 4.5 4.5 8 1
TIME Passenger vehicles Goods vehicles others Total nos. Total
Min Bus LCV
Cars Two Three Two 3-axle 4-7 >7Axial Animal
from to /jeeps Wheelers wheelers Axle trucks axle Or over drawn
trucks trucks Sized
8:00 9:00 175 236 47 38 59 27 74 15 0 0 0 0 671 881.5
9:00 10:00 241 323 61 17 48 22 57 13 0 0 0 0 782 876
10:00 11:00 246 321 49 4 47 14 49 6 0 0 0 0 736 788.5
11:00 12:00 197 278 57 3 48 14 78 18 0 0 0 0 693 850.5
13:00 14:00 195 270 58 3 33 19 72 15 0 0 0 0 665 781
14:00 15:00 143 200 48 6 56 46 57 46 0 0 0 0 602 846
15:00 16:00 127 173 52 12 53 14 48 44 0 0 0 0 523 739.5
16:00 17:00 120 206 58 19 36 29 49 32 0 0 0 0 549 704
TOTAL- 1444 2007 430 102 380 185 484 189 0 0 0 0 5221 6467

Day : Friday
Date : 27-06-2014
8:00 9:00 137 273 35 31 45 30 28 13 0 0 0 0 592 658
9:00 10:00 227 355 52 10 55 25 70 19 0 0 0 0 813 941
10:00 11:00 193 248 44 2 34 37 65 8 0 0 0 0 631 740.5
11:00 12:00 148 171 41 2 25 18 46 20 0 0 0 0 471 577.5
13:00 14:00 190 285 48 3 30 19 60 18 0 0 0 0 653 737.5
14:00 15:00 150 230 43 5 42 40 58 47 0 0 0 0 615 816.5
15:00 16:00 123 186 52 13 46 19 46 43 0 0 0 0 528 721
16:00 15:00 123 210 57 21 34 31 47 36 0 0 0 0 559 714
Total volume 1291 1958 372 87 311 219 420 204 0 0 0 0 4862 5906

Day: Sunday
Date: 29-06-2014
10:00 11:00 304 355 72 19 45 34 24 13 0 0 0 0 866 879
11:00 12:00 191 194 38 11 25 32 18 7 0 0 0 0 516 540.5
12:00 13:00 259 276 46 17 30 28 34 27 0 0 0 0 717 783.5
14:00 15:00 220 280 61 4 11 20 18 3 0 0 0 0 617 553
15:00 16:00 243 440 99 5 50 10 27 9 0 0 0 0 883 842.5
16:00 17:00 252 389 87 5 42 9 32 17 0 0 0 0 833 827.5
17:00 18:00 197 226 45 1 45 19 34 9 0 0 0 0 576 649
18:00 19:00 176 230 32 2 36 15 17 16 0 0 0 0 524 555.5
Total Volume 1842 2390 480 64 284 167 204 101 0 0 0 0 5532 5630.5

T.KR COLLEGE ROAD to Sagar Ring road – graph showing peak hours- PCU (Y-axis)
vs Time (X-axis)

8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00








8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00








10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00 17.00-18.00 18.00-19.00

Sagar ring road- GAYATHRI NAGAR road – graph showing peak hours- PCU (Y-axis) vs
Time (X-axis)

8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00

8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00

10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 12.00-13.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00 17.00-18.00 18.00-19.00

Sagar Ring road to GAYATHRI NAGAR road– graph showing peak hours-
PCU (Y-axis) vs Time (X-axis)







8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00

8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00











10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 12.00-13.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00 17.00-18.00 18.00-19.00



 This project concludes that the traffic volume at T.KR COLLEGE X ROAD junction
which is a three legged intersection is of low volume.
 The signal design at T.KR COLLEGE X ROAD junction is to be provided for safety of
the road users since, there are many accidents taking place and many of the pupils are
getting badly injured and some of them are also died.
 The improvement of town traffic condition is largely dependent on the modern ways of
traffic management and control. Advanced traffic signal controllers and control system
contribute to the improvement of the urban traffic problem.
 The intelligent of traffic signal controller that is introduced in this project with powerful
functions and hardware interface. Good quality social benefit has been made through the
application of the intelligent traffic controller in practice, and the application result shows
that the intelligent traffic signal controller will improve.
 So, I suggest to providing signals at the junction and it would also help us in controlled
flow of traffic.


1. Introduction to Transportation Engineering Tom. V.Mathew and K V Krishna Rao

2. Highway Engineering by Justo and S.K.Khanna.
3. Highway Engineering by srinivas Kumar


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