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DRY Ingredients LIQUID Ingredients

 1 Cup Grated Carrots - ½ tsp. Vanila Extract

 1 ¼ Cup Brown Sugar - 1 Cup Oil

 4 pcs. Egg
 ½ tsp. Cinnamon powder
 ½ tsp. Baking Soda NOTE: Pigain muna ang grated carrots
 ¼ tsp. Nutmeg Powder bago sukatin
 2 Cups All Purpose Flour
 1/3 Cup Raisins (optional)
 ¾ Cup Pineapple Crashed (optional)


1. Mix Dry Ingredients – ( flour/salt/cinnamon/baking soda/nutmeg/)

2. Empty bowl Beat Egg gradually drop sugar
3. Gradually drop pineapple juice(crashed) (optional)
4. Gradually Drop Carrots
5. Gradually Drop vanilla
6. Mix it (Hand mixer)
7. Gradually drop all the Dry ingredients
8. Gradually pour Oil
9. Gradually drop Pineapple crashed
10. Muffin Tray (put the muffin lining)
11. Use the measuring cup – drop the finished carrot cake in a muffin liner
12. Bake for 10-15 minutes


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