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Felix Amante Senior High School

Brgy. San Ignacio, San Pablo City


WEEK 8-10

Most Essential Learning Competencies

Analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major social science ideas:
a. Psychoanalysis
b. Rational Choice
c. Institutionalism
d. Feminist Theory
e. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
f. Human-Environment Systems

After going through this lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the approach.
2. Connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
3. Interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in the
Social Sciences.

Lesson Proper

Psychoanalytic theory founded by Sigmund Freud who is a Austrian neurologist. He

was born on May 6, 1856 at Pribor, Czechia and died on Sept 23, 1939 at Hampstead,
London United Kingdom. He graduated from medical faculty at the University of Vienna
1896, and on 1900 he was officially recognized when he released a book about
interpretation of dreams.

 Both an approach to therapy and a theory of personality.
 Set of philosophical nature of human
 Focus on unconscious motivation- the main cause of behavior which lie in
unconscious mind.
1. Deterministic
 Life is about gaining pleasure and avoiding pain
2. Human as Energy System

 Freud believe that human are motivated by the unconscious, where the
ID is found along with the aggression and sex instinct.


o Contain all the feeling, urges or instinct that are beyond our
awareness but it affects our expression, action and feeling
(Eg. slip of tongue, dreams, wishes)
o Facts stored in a part of the brain, which are not conscious
but are ready or available to be use in the future. (E.g. A
person will never think of her home address at that moment
when her friend ask for it, she can easily gave or recall it.
o The awareness of our own mental process( thoughts/feeling)
o Level of mental life that are directly available to us.
Consists of three parts:
1. Id
2. Ego
3. Superego

1. Id- infants are born with this id intact, operates on
PLEASURE PRINCIPLE- to gain pleasure and avoid pain.
- Driven by sexual and aggressive urge.
2. EGO- operates on reality principles. The rational level of
personality. Does realistic and logical thinking. The balance
between ID and Superego.
3.Superego- differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong. Operates on Moral
Principles. It states that if people follow their superego, they will feel proud but if they
don’t follow, they will be anxious and at the same time feel guilty about it.
 Children progress under six psychosexual stages during psychosexual development.
 A person has a tendency to become fixated or stuck in a certain stage when a basic need is
not met, and later on this person will face difficulty in transiting to another stage.

1. Oral Stage- birth to 18 months. Pleasure centers on the mouth- sucking,

biting. Fixation – if the child is over stimulated in this stage, as a cigarette or
alcohol or derive pleasure from having or acquiring it. While on the other hand
if the child is under stimulated in this stage he or she will make sarcastic
remarks or be argumentative.
2. Anal Stage- 18 months until 3 yrs. Focuses on bowel movement, if parents
were over-emphasizing potty training, the child will develop a retentive
character, while on the other hand if the parents were negligent about potty
training the child will develop a bad temper, cruelty and disorderliness.
3. Phallic Stage -3 years to 6 years .Pleasure zone is the sex organ/genitals
Oedipus complex in males / Electra complex in female: The boy will have the

desire to posses his mother and displace his father and the girl will want to
posses the father and remove her mother Child whom had been fixated in this
stage will develop a phallic character, such as reckless, proud and vain This
conflict can also cause the child to be afraid of close relationship and weak
sexual identity Freud stated that fixation may be a root of homosexuality.
4. Latency Stage -6 years to 11 years, until puberty the child’s energy are focused
on peer activities and personal mastery of learning and physical skills
5. Genital Stage -12 years onwards .Sexual interest in opposite sex increase
The child improve their personal identities, develop caring feeling towards
others, establish loving and sexual relationship and progress in successful
careers. Frigidity, impotence and unsatisfactory relationship


-Freud basically views human nature as deterministic. (Corey, 2009). He was
mostly neutral or pessimistic about the nature of humans. (Flanagan &
Flanagan, 2004). According to six dimensions (Feist & Feist, 2009), Freud’s
view of human nature can be summarized as follows: deterministic, causal,
pessimistic, unconscious, biological and both unique/similar.

- To make the unconscious conscious or increase client awareness.
- To help the client develop greater ego-control or self-control over unhealthy
or maladaptive impulses.
- To help the client dispose of maladaptive or unhealthy internalized objects
and replace them with more adaptive internalized objects.
- To repair self-defects through mirroring, presenting a potentially idealized
object, and expressing empathy during optimal therapeutic failures.

-There is a number of techniques that evolve over time in order to
accommodate the dynamic individual and to help the counselor in facilitating
deeper understanding by counselees and these are the following:
- Creating a trusting atmosphere, free association
- Interpretation of resistance
-Dream analysis
-Interpretation of parapraxes
-Interpretation of the transference relationship Creating a Trusting
Atmosphere All external stimuli are minimized.
Dream Analysis
-An important procedure for uncovering unconscious material and giving the
client insight into some areas of unresolved problems (Corey, 2009).

Interpretation of Parapraxes
-Parapraxes is a general term for minor errors such as slips of the tongue,
mistakes in writing, motor movements, forgetting things, and small accidents.
Freud called such phenomena the “Psychopathology of Everyday Life” and
attributed them to the unconscious forces (Chaplin, 1985)

- Freud was a member of western society, and was dominated by males.
He came from the majority of European well-off males, which affects his
approach of viewing things class.
-He was a Jew who faced an ongoing prejudice among people in Vienna.
-He was struggling with conflicts between his cultural heritage as well as
his religion and the pervasive influence of anti Semitism during his time
-Freud’s theory grew out based on a small and unrepresentative sample
of people, restricted to him and to those who sought psychoanalysis with
Freud’s greatest contribution is his exploration of the unconscious and
his insistence that people are motivated primarily by drives of which they
have little or no awareness (Feist & Feist, 2009).
According to Freud personality consists of three systems: the id, the
ego, and the superego. These are names for psychological structures
and should not be thought of as manikins that separately operate the
personality; one’s personality functions as a whole rather than as three
discrete segments. The id is the biological component, the ego is the
psychological component, and the superego is the social component
(Corey, 2009)
Humans are born with coexisting instincts namely life instincts (Eros) and
death instincts (Thanatos). The life instinct functions to meet basic needs
for love and intimacy, sex, and survival of the individual and species. He
believed that the aim of life is death (Neukrug, 2011). Instincts are raw,
possess no conscience, and are largely unconscious. Thus, humans
must find ways to restrict these, especially if living in the civilized world.

A feeling of dread that results from repressed feelings, memories,
desires, and experiences that emerge to the surface of awareness. It
can be considered as a state of tension that motivates us to do
something (Corey, 2009).
It serves a useful function by protecting the ego against this kind of
conflict or pain of anxiety (Feist & Feist, 2009). Ego defenses are normal
behaviors that can have adaptive value provided they do not become a
style of life that enables the individual to avoid facing reality (Corey,
1. List down 3 things that you want or like to do during your elementary days, and
among these three you will choose which is the most memorable for you and
2. What can you say about Freud’s structure of personality?
3. Is the structure of personality manifest in your own personality? Give examples to
support your answer.

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