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Peer Review of Essay 3 DRAFT

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1. Does the author present a thesis statement about the rhetorical effectiveness of a peer-reviewed article? Is this thesis clear and direct? What is it? Mark it in the
text. What suggestions do you have for the writer in order to strengthen the thesis? Has the author chosen one (and only one) peer-reviewed article to analyze?

The author does present a thesis about the statement. The thesis clear and direct, the thesis is how the researchers have provided multiple sources and listed
events from the past that lead to the currently refund ideals behind bioethics. Yes, the author has chosen on.

2. Does the essay include a controlling idea that is not obvious to everyone? In other words, does it reveal something not everyone would know about how and why
this peer-reviewed article is used? Where can the author develop more of an analysis or more fully develop the ideas?

The essay does include a controlling idea that isn't obvious to the readers or everyone and it does gives us some feed back which reveals something that not
everyone would know about or how it happened. I think the author did a great job in developing her ideals and giving us much detail and evidence possible.

3. Does the essay maintain a cohesive focus around the thesis? Does the author use solid transitions to guide his/her ideas? Determine, as a reader, how you want to
be presented with the information. Does the organization work for you? Indicate suggestions for organization

The author did maintain cohesive focus around the thesis and made a solid transition to guide her ideas. The author did a great job in her intro which would be the
thesis and the type of argument from the article and the evidence to support the claim.

4. Does the author use elements from the article to support the thesis made about it? What are they? Mark them in the text. Are they used as good evidence? Indicate
why or why not in the text. What kind of evidence would help the writer demonstrate his/her point?

The author does use plenty of elements for the article to support the thesis and what it is about. The evidence is pretty great since it does back up her evidence and
the argument that she is making.

5. Are the introduction and conclusion focused on the main point of the essay? Does the conclusion answer the three questions? (1. Did I do what I said I would do? 2.
Why is this important? 3. What do I want my audience to do with this information?)

The introduction is focused on the main point but I think that the conclusion does need more information about what the article was about like a summary. I don't
think she answered the 3 questions but I know she can if she can fix it.

6. Do the body paragraphs revolve around argument/analysis implementing ethos, pathos, logos effectively? Where do the terms need to be utilized more
consistently? Identify where the analysis or explanations require further development.

The body paragraph do revolve around the argument, ethos, pathos, logos, and effectively. She does explain in the essay what ethos the article is and gives us
details and explains to us why.

7. Does each paragraph contain one and only one main idea that connects to the thesis? Does this organization help move the ideas forward? Idenytify where
paragraphs involve too many ideas or a reptition of ideas.

Each paragraph does contain only one main point that connects to the argument. The organization does help move the ideals forward to the following paragraph
and does gives us enough evidence to prove the ideal that she is making towards the argument.

8. Identify which pargraphs are lacking specific examples or evidence from the article.

The last body paragraph can use a bit for details and explain to us what the essay was about since it's the last paragraph it should have a summary about what the
whole essay was about , so that would be like the main point. s

9. Does the author have any fragments, comma splices, or run-ons? If so, mark them in the text. If you know the rule, then go ahead an offer advice to the author. If
you do not know the rule, then simply mention that something seems off.

Yes, the author does have some run-ons and comma splices but other then that she didn't do many mistakes on her essay.

10. Is the essay in the correct MLA format? Where are citations missing or incorrect?

Yes, the author is using the correct MLA format. She does have some run on sentences towards the end of her essay and she is also missing some citations but
other then that she did a great job on her essay.

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file name Essay_3_Draft_1.docx

file size 22.98K

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1. Does the author present a thesis statement about the rhetorical effectiveness of a peer-reviewed article? Is this thesis clear and direct? What is it? Mark it in the
text. What suggestions do you have for the writer in order to strengthen the thesis? Has the author chosen one (and only one) peer-reviewed article to analyze?

The author has a not so clear thesis statement in the introduction paragraph. Flat out state what your going to be proving.

2. Does the essay include a controlling idea that is not obvious to everyone? In other words, does it reveal something not everyone would know about how and why
this peer-reviewed article is used? Where can the author develop more of an analysis or more fully develop the ideas?

Yes the controlling idea seems to be proving that the author of the research is correct in their views of bio ethics

3. Does the essay maintain a cohesive focus around the thesis? Does the author use solid transitions to guide his/her ideas? Determine, as a reader, how you want to
be presented with the information. Does the organization work for you? Indicate suggestions for organization

Yes, all of the body paragraphs point back to the thesis statement and the main argument.

4. Does the author use elements from the article to support the thesis made about it? What are they? Mark them in the text. Are they used as good evidence? Indicate
why or why not in the text. What kind of evidence would help the writer demonstrate his/her point?

Yes, the author does use elements from the article to support their thesis, these take the form of examples the article uses to prove its own claim.

5. Are the introduction and conclusion focused on the main point of the essay? Does the conclusion answer the three questions? (1. Did I do what I said I would do? 2.
Why is this important? 3. What do I want my audience to do with this information?)

Yes, the introduction paragraph and the conclusion paragraph do focus on the main point of the essay, but the conclusion seems a little flat, mentions what the
essay proved throughout the body paragraphs

6. Do the body paragraphs revolve around argument/analysis implementing ethos, pathos, logos effectively? Where do the terms need to be utilized more
consistently? Identify where the analysis or explanations require further development.

There isn't a lot of rhetorical analysis present in this essay, the author states information from the article but never explains it from a rhetorical perspective.

7. Does each paragraph contain one and only one main idea that connects to the thesis? Does this organization help move the ideas forward? Idenytify where
paragraphs involve too many ideas or a reptition of ideas.

Each paragraph does connect back to the thesis in the idea that the article's author showed the moral ethics of nurses.

8. Identify which pargraphs are lacking specific examples or evidence from the article.

Each paragraph has examples straight from the article, some use quotes, while others use summaries of the content.

9. Does the author have any fragments, comma splices, or run-ons? If so, mark them in the text. If you know the rule, then go ahead an offer advice to the author. If
you do not know the rule, then simply mention that something seems off.

The are no fragments, comma splices, or run-on sentences in the essay, the grammar used also is fine.

10. Is the essay in the correct MLA format? Where are citations missing or incorrect?

The essay is mostly in MLA format, the citation page is not in alphabetical order though.


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file name Essay_3_Draft_1.docx

file size 22.98K

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