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Week 3.

Tools needed: Fanpage karma (What post or hashtag has the most engagement), Buzz Sumo
(Some contents related), Netlytic (Word cloud, visualization of who talk to who or who reply who),
NodeXL (Use for social network in basis way, star of the social network), Facebook Audience
Insight (TA profile, characteristic, what they like, who they like or what content they prefer)

Can use Similar web to have information in Characteristic

Step in findings:
Can cut down documents and information that you need then arrange it in order
Can list down objectives and follow the objectives, exp (Sentimental score, what is positive, list down,
what is negative, list down)

Be careful with Word count, what to put in detail, what in short or what to leave out, can use Appendix
and Table to help w Word Count.

Slides In-class:

Slide 6: Social Media can and have to be measured

Webpage, Facebook, … already have data

Slide 5+6: Owned, Earned, Paid, Shared Media

Paid Media: GG Analytics, GG Adwords, My share,

Affiliate: You pay the fee for the web if people visit you through the link, friend with money
I promote you if you promote me, relationship balance not related to money, with exchange

Earned Media: Buzz Sumo

Owned Media: Google Analytics (If you are client), Similar web and other to measure competitor

Shared Media: Social Media measurement

For ASM1: Shared, Owned, Earned for CGV

Note: Client website is very biased, should use once and have more reliable source, should not
believe all in your client website
Can recommend base on other companies solution
Divide in units, groups, themes, categories,...
A good foundation research must have 3 faucets: Customers (B2B, B2C), Client (Brand,
Insights (Related to why, why people do what they do or go more deeply in things we dont see), to
check if you reach the insight, give someone a look, if they surprise at what we find that might relevant
to them

Slide 16:
For Market share - Google Analytics and Web Analytics
For Engagement

Slide 18:
Traffic: if have webpage, measure how many people visit
Reputation: Positive, Negative Response and Sentimental

What is the difference between Social Listening and Social Network?

The social network perspective focuses on relationships among social entities and is an important
addition to standard social
Wasserman, S. and Faust, K., 1994. Social network analysis: Methods and applications.
Social listening occurs in a variety of contexts including but not limited to interpersonal messaging on
digital applications (i.e., Snapchat, YikYak, Kik), online social networking sites (SNSs; i.e., Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter), and messaging on mobile devices.
Stewart, M.C. and Arnold, C.L., 2018. Defining social listening: Recognizing an emerging
dimension of listening. International Journal of Listening, 32(2), pp.85-100.
Social Network: Who talk to who, Who reply who, relationships between people
Social Listening: What they talk about, what content

Slide 31:
Netlytics and NodeXL: important for Social Network
Socialgram: Social relationships visualization
In deree: Who receive the most
Out degre: One who spread the most
Total degree: Have both in and out degree

Isolate: The one who don't have other connection, on social media its 80% of isolate
Clique: A group of members that like each other and talk to each other and no one else out of the
Star: One who talk to many people

Follow neither: is not potential audience, cost a lot to make them decide what they dont care
Follow both: Potential audience, likely to make them change their mind because they not ready to
Follow only: Easiest to communicate to one who only trust you, only use yours and no competitors
Brand switcher: Hard and cost to communicate because they can change their mind whatever have
more benefits

Nodes Centrality and Eigenvector

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