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* Read scan thru chapters of PR Research book and slides before class, not watching videos in class
* Not communication (Increase market share, audience, engagement) -> Just to find out and identify
* Past back you up instead of talking about the future (in communication)

Notes thru definition:

Secondary res - go through the database to find the gap that are missing

Primary res - fill in the gap by primary res

Quantitative res - Ask public w specific questions with multiple choice answer -> Specific how many
people answer to that question (A, B, C, D, survey)

Qualitative res - Ask public how they feel/ think, self-written answer, 1 question to have information
(Probing question), and add more question to know more from the previous question

Textual res - Secondary res about academic, law, politic, literature information

ASM 1: Secondary, texture; 2: Qualitative (Focus group discussion/ In-depth Interview); 3:

Quantitative (Face-to-face interview/ Central Location test); 4: Presentation

Things to prepare: Think of 2 brands not so big and not so new, should be in Vietnamese market and
stuck with that choice for 3 asms, shouldn’t be at other countries

Week 1:

Slide 16, 17: Watch videos and answer “What do they research about before they make it?” ->
Research fit in communication

Slide 16: The amount of the trash, procedure to become a country, public attention towards the
topic (not seen,…) to find the way to engage with the citizen over the world, the government
attitude about the trash status,

Slide 17: Qualitative research about athletic feelings who fight for their very last moment even if
they have/might fail, or stars come back after their hiatus, cases of sportsmanship, how sport spirit
influences the people, how people welcome them back,..

Slide 21: Definition of Marketing Research

Similarities: related to systematic, On-going, related problems, …

Slide 26, 29: SMART Research Objectives

- To investigate, to understand, to assess
* To identify what about who in what way until/from when
(Compulsory in every SMART Objectives)
-> Have it on Monday next week for ASM 1

Slide 31: Communication objectives (IMB objectives)

Not to focus

Slide 33: The Research Process

1. What does the client want to know that don’t know yet: why their sales drop, why their
customer leaving
2. Choose quanti, quali, what exactly (online, offline,…)
3. How many ppl and what are they, target audience/ persona
4. Field work: staff to go out and interview the respondent
5. Putting information together, define the problem and may call out some respondent for their
answers and drafting down
6. Written reports, powerpoint, feedback, final report, pitching

Slide 42: Good Research

- Everything connected, linked with what before
- Be honest about the number
- Limitations connected w objectives and meth, cant be done in the research, cant do more since the
researcher stick to the objectives, limitation from tools

Slide 44:
- Don’t use research after the crisis, hard to get information
- Research when you know what you want to know
- Asian mindset don’t accept their missing faucet or problem with their brand

Slide 45: Some sensitive situations

Slide 46: Take a look and what have learned for next class

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