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The introduction and body paragraph(s) of an argumentative text

Name : Afdhalul Rijal

Std. No. : 1906102020070

Doing homework is common thing for every student, homework is a task given by a teacher to
students to do outside school hours. Giving homework basically aims to improve students’
abilities to a more maximum stage because the teacher feels that the provision of materials and
exercises in the classroom is not enough to make students fully understand the material.
Homework also forces students to study independently. Homework given by the teacher should
be reduced or removed; a lot of tasks will cause students to feel tired, stressed, and inactive
because they constantly spend their time sitting while on assignments.

Teachers should reduce giving homework to students for reasons of mental health and more
time for students to rest. Based on research from Donaldson-Pressman (2015), Data shows that
homework at this level is not only not beneficial for children’s grades, but there is sample
evidence that it is detrimental to their attitudes about school, their grades, their self-confidence,
their social skills, and their quality of life. And Acording to Conner, J., Pope, D., & Galloway, M.
(2010) More than a quarter (28%) of the sample reported six or more hours of afterschool
commitments, including homework, each night. The busy schedules these students maintain
leave little room for downtime and rest. If this continues, it can disrupt students’ lives. Students’
activities outside of school are important as their activities at school. Teachers should be more
sensitive to this situation by reducing the pressure placed on them and also not giving them a lot
of assignments so that they have more free time to spend on hobbies or family. On the other
hand, homework can improve students’ abilities and understanding of the material and also
stimulate students to study independently at home. However we cannot risk the health of
students. The benefits obtained are still not commensurate with the risks. Students are also
humans who rest, they also have a life outside of school to do their hobbies or just rest and
spend time with family.

In the end of the discussion, the homework given to students by the teachers should be less.
Since a lot of homework would makes them inactive and spending a lot of time on sitting to
finish their homework. Teacher should be maintained the amount of homework that should be
given to students and teachers also should rise their awareness about students’ mental health.

Keterangan :
No Description Color
1 Background Information Black
2 Thesis Statement Yellow
3 Topic sentence Blue
4 Supporting Reasons Orange
5 Details (evidence) Green
6 Commentary Purple
7 Counter-argument (opposing side) Red
8 Rebuttal Light Blue
9. Readdress the thesis/claim Grey
10. Solutions Light Green

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