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Ren eee ean light to see if you can find Illucido, and catch a Took at the so called Ghost Ship. When you arrive, all is quiet and the quay is empty. The ‘fearsome’ ship is only a See ee ee ee eee Coe en eee ee meee be) "Those things even give me nightmares.” You nearly jump out of r Re eee en eee ee ere ‘you, How did you not notice her? Thin and slight, her shin is Pee ae ae a cee beauty. Her gaze pins you like a bug. a She holds out a deck of cards, their backs are embossed with a pees ee en aoe ee ee a send my regards to IIlucido, and tell him, I'll be in his dreams, Bon nuit.” She blows a kiss, and you wonder is she will be in his nightmares. "I almost forgot. There is always a price to pay.” Your hand is chilled from her touch, and it holds a face down | s a Leen ae eee oc Cuero tee Cmca eet without looking at it. Nothing good could come from this t Tarot. Some things are best left unknown. lee Se ea ee eee ere ee ere Sree tsa ere * $$$ $s < Return of the Eldritch Gods You turn over the card, and find yourself amongst he cold stars, where moonbeams beat barred wanes called cleansing mind. About you spins a wheel of blazing sigils. A being in pale white robes with blind eyes of clouded milk ina face as smooth as an egg Ee ne ea ene Le ea ed the deck thrice more. Twice the Tarat was too kind, its mind had death in store. ceed asping, you come out of your reverie, on your knees on the quay asthe wind sighs in the empty rigging of the Ghost Ship. Stl, in your mind, you see yourself as one of Ce AR a Dee nL RTE anes Se ns ach earaeter stars the seenario with one fility eardin their disear pile.

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