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Uzupełnij zdania zastępując przymiotniki dzierżawcze odpowiednimi zaimkami

These are my flowers. These flowers are mine.
1. That is your house. That house is …………....
2. That isn’t my bike. That bike isn’t .………….
3. These are his books. These books are …………...
4. Those aren;t her children. Those children aren’t …………..
5. That is their garden. That garden is …………….
6. This is our flat. That flat is ……………..
7. These aren’t your cars. These cars aren’t ……………..
Odpowiedz na pytania.
Whose is this car? It’s mine – czyj to samochód? Mój.
Whose are those flowers? They are ours – czyje to kwiaty? Nasze.
1. Whose are those cassettes? (ich) .......………................................. .
2. Whose is that flat? (jej) .....................………………..................... .
3. Whose are those postcards? (moje) .....………............................... .

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