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Antonio Guevara

Dr. Sharity Nelson

English 1302-104

30 September 2021

Reflection Questions

1. What I learned in my first essay was to learn how to make a better controlling idea so I

used that in my second essay. I also learned how to cite my sources in MLA format with

hanging margins.

2. I did not use the methods I used in the first essay for this second essay because both

essays are different topics and have different genres.

3. I can use MLA formatting for my other courses if it is ever required for a writing

assignment. Also, I can use the same strategies to analyze articles for my other classes.

4. In my personal opinion, I think everything I learned in this second essay I can use in my

other courses if I am ever assigned a writing assignment.

5. The creation of the annotated bibliography helped me get an idea of what I will write in

the essay. I don’t think it will help me in future writing tasks.

6. My strengths are grammar, sentence structure, and also I am very descriptive according to

my peers.

7. My biggest and only weakness is creating a strong controlling idea. I still am getting the

hang of it but I am not entirely there yet.

8. The most challenging aspect of the unit for me was to create a controlling idea and also to

pick what articles I want to use for the essay. The least challenging was picking what

topic I wanted to do my research paper on.

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