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1.What is the focus of the 2020 campaign?

The objective of this 2020 campaign is to highlight the importance and the most significant
moments for people, in addition to visually include the color that represents this coffee
which is the golden color, giving a touch of elegance and luxury to the brand of this
product, thus being more striking for people, generating the feeling that it is something
exquisite and what better time to consume it than the most important moments in our
lives. On the other hand, the way in which this coffee is manufactured is evident, being a
very special moment for the manufacturers, the advertisements aim to reach people so
that they consume it in the most significant moments, given that it has that special touch
of accompanying people in their most important moments.
2. What kind of symbolism did they use for the 2020 campaign and how did they achieve
The type of symbolism that was used by this last campaign is the use of the color gold in
all its ads, in addition to using the phrase "crafted for the moments that matter", which is
intended to reach the audience to take into account the importance of sharing with the
people we love the most or the most significant events in our lives, and demonstrate that
when consuming this coffee is consuming a luxury and exclusive product, which all people
do not have access to it.
3.What is different or similar regarding the symbolism used in both campaigns? What is
the goal in each campaign?
In both campaigns they were based on standing out with the golden color in their coffee,
both had aspects in their advertisements of a sober and outstanding color such as gold. In
the campaigns of the 80's they emphasized that their consumers consumed golden beans
at the time of buying coffee, on the other hand both campaigns also have a relationship
with the moment of their advertisements, we can notice that in the campaign of the 80's
they were dedicated to making series in which the love life was emphasized, In the 2020
campaign we can see that in several of its advertisements it tries to demonstrate that this
coffee is perfect to accompany the moments that truly matter in a person's life, in addition
to generating the sensation of consuming a high quality product.
4.Which brand archetype would fit best to the current Gold Blend brand and why?
The brand archetype that is most related to the new Gold Blend campaign is that of the
lover, given that this campaign wants to transmit to the consumer that feeling of pleasure
and exclusivity for the fact of consuming this coffee, these ads are able to speak directly to
the people who see them, as if they were made precisely for specific people.

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