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Nama : Anggiani Puspita Sari

NPM : 2019804263
Kelas : Sistem Informasi 5A Malam
MK : Pengantar Teknologi Sistem Cerdas

Rangkuman Jurnal Agricultural Product Sales Recommendation System Using The

Method Item Based Collaborative Filtering

Agriculture is one of the important sectors in development as a fulfillment of food needs, a provider of
raw materials for industry, and as a provider of new jobs. The lack of market information makes it
difficult for farmers to market their agricultural products. In addition, on the other hand, buyers
(customers) want to make it easier to buy a product effectively and efficiently.

Information technology is increasingly providing benefits and competent information in accordance with
human needs. Technological development information affects various sectors of life, such as in the fields
of business, entertainment, news and etc. The development of internet technology in Indonesia give rise
to the phenomenon of trade in goods or online services (E-Commerce). E-commerce is one way to
improve performance and mechanism for the exchange of goods, services, information, and knowledge
by utilizing technology network-based digital equipment.

Research Methodology
This research begins with a literature study, in this stage collects data and references from various data
sources such as journals and books related to research that will done. After that, continue by doing
product data collection and analysis and identification of collaborative filtering algorithms, namely
describe the workflow of the system whole.

Analysis and Identification of Item Based Algorithm Collaborative Filtering

Item Based Collaborative Filtering requires some data such as product data, data customer and rating
data. To get value rating, the customer chooses the product first and then assign a rating value to the
product. After getting product rating data, the system will calculate the value of similarity (similarity)
one product to another use adjust cosine similarity algorithm. After value similarity is obtained next,
namely filtering products that have similarities and determine the minimum value of product similarity.
Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the results of the method
implemented in the application sales of agricultural products provide solutions for users (customers) in
getting product recommendation. By using item based collaborative filtering method results
recommendations obtained are more accurate and results recommendations to each customer will be
different different according to the rating value given by the customer towards a product. With using the
formula for calculating the adjust cosine similarity and weighted sum system can calculate product
similarity value as well as predicting the value of a customer's rating of a product. The similarity value
obtained has range of values from -1 to +1, the bigger the value of similarity, the greater the value of
similarities between the products. After determine the minimum value of similarity or product similarity
that is >= 0.7 then we get some predictions of a product's rating, value product similarity that has the
most value high will be recommended to customers.

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