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By: Karen G. Visaya

I. Objectives:

1. To describe what is an ecosystem

2. To identify biotic (living) and abiotic(non-living) things.
3. To identify the examples of ecosystem
4. To become concern to our environment

II. Subject Matter

A. The ecosystem and its components

B. Reference: Understanding the ecosystem and its components, science book for grade 4
C. Materials: Laptop, projector, speaker and flash card
D. Values: To let the student be motivated in learning.

A. Preliminary Activity

Good afternoon Good afternoon, ma’am

Let us pray,
Anthony, lead the prayer. (The lord’s prayer)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy
kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Checking of attendance
When I call your name, say the word present.

B. Motivation / Review
(One student will answer)
What is our lesson yesterday? It’s all about the properties of Matter
Okay, let’s go on to out topic for today.
We will discuss about THE ECOSYSTEM AND ITS


Stand up everyone and let sing the song


I’ve got a big pond in my backyard
It’s my own little ecosystem working hard (Chorus)
All the organisms are part of the food web I’ve got a big pond in my backyard
They play specific roles to make sure that they all get fed It’s my own little ecosystem working hard
All the organisms are part of the food web
The grasses growing on the edge and the algae in the water They play specific roles to make sure that they all get fed
The producers photosynthesize with light, CO2 and water
CO2 is in the air, the light comes from the sun The grasses growing on the edge and the algae in the water
They produce the oxygen and the food needed by everyone The producers photosynthesize with light, CO2 and water


Some snails eat the algae and some snails eat the grass CO2 is in the air, the light comes from the sun
They’re the primary consumers ‘cause they eat only plants They produce the oxygen and the food needed by everyone
And even when the grass has died there’s still some energy
left (Chorus)
For the decomposers, dead things are what they like best
Some snails eat the algae and some snails eat the grass
(Chorus) They’re the primary consumers ‘cause they eat only plants
And even when the grass has died there’s still some energy
The fish eat the snails and the turtles eat the fish left
And every time that one of them eats it only gets 10% For the decomposers, dead things are what they like best
So every gram of turtle needs 10 grams of fish
A gram of fish needs 10 grams of snails to fulfill its energy (Chorus)
The fish eat the snails and the turtles eat the fish
(Chorus) And every time that one of them eats it only gets 10%
So every gram of turtle needs 10 grams of fish
An ecosystem relies upon this energy pyramid A gram of fish needs 10 grams of snails to fulfill its energy
It takes an awful lot of plants to let 1 turtle live requirements
1000 plants, 100 snails, 10 fish would be just right
To keep 1 turtle well fed and it all starts out with light (Chorus)

An ecosystem relies upon this energy pyramid

It takes an awful lot of plants to let 1 turtle live
I will show some flashcards and answer whether it’s animal or 1000 plants, 100 snails, 10 fish would be just right
a plant. To keep 1 turtle well fed and it all starts out with light

Students will answer

A picture of butterfly


A picture of rose

A picture of grasshopper

A picture of bougainvillea

A picture of grass Plant

B. Explore

1. Group the students into five. Ask them to write the

things that comes into their mind upon hearing the
word Ecosystem, biotic, and abiotic. Students are in their group, having their brainstorming.
-Each group must have a spokesperson.
-All members should participate in the activity


 Allow the speaker to sum up what they learn

upon their brainstorming. It must answer the
following questions: One group will explain their learnings.

1. What is an ecosystem?

An ecosystem consists of all the organisms and the physical

environment with which they interact.
2. How does biotic differ from abiotic?
Biotic factors are living things within an ecosystem such as
plants, animals, and bacteria, while abiotic are non-living
components; such as water, soil and atmosphere.

3. What is the example of biotic and abiotic? Examples of biotic factors are animals, birds, plants, fungi,
and other similar organisms.

Examples of abiotic factors are water, air, soil, sunlight, and


……listens throurougly
This time, let’s discuss:

1. The ecosystem and its examples

An ecosystem is a community of living and non-living

things that work together – it
consists of abiotic (soil, water, air) and biotic parts
(flora, fauna).


Examples of ecosystems are: agroecosystem, aquatic

ecosystem, coral reef, desert, forest, human ecosystem,
littoral zone, marine ecosystem, prairie, rainforest,
savanna, steppe, taiga, tundra, urban ecosystem and
others. plants, animals, soil organisms and climatic

2. The component of ecosystem: Biotic (Living) and

Abiotic (Non-Living) Things

Ecosystem is consisted of two major components,

biotic or living components and abiotic or nonliving
components. Biotic components include plants,
animals, decomposers. Nonliving components include
air, water, land.
E. Evaluate

Please get a ¼ sheet of paper and answer the following


________1. What is an environment where both biotic and

abiotic exists with one another?
________ 2. Give one example of biotic or living things.
________ 3. Give one example of abiotic or non-living things.

For numbers 4 and 5, identify the picture whether it’s biotic or

_______ 4. A picture of fungus
_______ 5. A picture of river.

Pass your papers.

Okay class, let’s call it a day.

Who will lead the prayer?

(One student will volunteer)

Sign of the cross

Thank you class, good bye..
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world
without end. Amen.

Thank you ma’am. Goodbye.

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