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Mauricio Figueroa

Mrs. Walker

ENGL 1302

13 October 2021

Immigration has a positive impact in the United States

Many people have different opinions when it comes to immigration. However, there are

many facts that back up the positive impact immigration has in several areas of the United

States. Immigrants have an impact not only the economy but also in education and society.

Immigration helps to grow the country. At the end of the day, the United States was founded by


Immigration has been an important topic for a very long time. Immigration emerges

from a uniqueness between the countries the US will acknowledge as a foreigner and who they

accept to live and work in their country. There are many reasons why immigration happens.

Most immigrants are trying to find new opportunities for them and their families. Many come

to the country as tourist and stay here. Finding jobs and opportunities in order to have more

religious, economic, or social freedom. One of the most common problems immigrants face is

the violence back in their home countries. Immigrants don’t have a white or black choice,

where they pick being illegal or legal.

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Where do immigrants come from?

According to the U.S Department of Labor, half of the immigrants in 2020 are Hispanic

and one quarter come from Asia. Most immigrants come into the united states with their visa,

expecting to be here only for a period of time. A lot of workers stayed only for certain seasons

and then go back to their countries. The state with more immigrants is California. Los Angeles in

known to be the second city with most Mexicans, falling behind Mexico city. This gives an idea

of how big and serious this is. According to the American Immigration Council ( ) “The United

States was built, in part, by immigrants—and the nation has long been the beneficiary of the

new energy and ingenuity that immigrants bring. Today, 14 percent of the nation’s residents

are foreign-born, over half of whom are naturalized U.S. citizens. Nearly 70 percent of all

immigrants, who come from diverse backgrounds across the globe, report speaking English well

or very well”.

The positive impact immigrant has in the United States is very overrated by most of its

citizens. According to the Center of Equality and Justice of the University of Kentucky (Center

for Equality And social Justice, 2017) Immigration is one of the United States “most significant

economic advantages.” Immigrants help fill jobs that many Native Americans don’t want to do.

Most of these jobs include physical jobs. Some of these jobs are construction, agriculture,

cleaners, personal services, etc.

Immigrants being attacked

Even though many American complain about immigrants stealing their jobs. Immigrants

also have to deal with my injustices. They don’t get many rights. Yes, most immigrants don’t
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pay taxes. But they are not getting any health or educational benefits. According to (D’Acosta,

2018) People complain against immigrants for taking a percentage of the jobs. What this

people don’t realize is that immigrants generate more jobs than what they take away. But how?

According to the newspaper “The Hill”, “Decades of comprehensive analyses show that

immigrants improve the domestic economy and raise incomes for Americans. They reduce

unemployment and have little to no negative effect on the wages of native born workers.

Skilled immigrants particularly benefit the economy as they raise wages for native born

workers. There are also six million jobs unfilled because of the lack of skills or because some

service and agriculture jobs are almost always filled by immigrants”. Immigrants should be seen

as help from outside and everyone should take an advantage from there. They are not going

anywhere, so why don’t obtain something positive out of it. “ Immigration fuels the economy

When immigrants enter the labor force, the increase the productive capacity of the economy and

raise GDP. Their income rise, but so do so those of the natives” ( Orrenius 1) .

Throughout history, humans have seen than when they get too confrontable. Stagnation

happens, immigration has a very important role in this. Immigration has prevented stagnation.

Which means that whenever there are jobs Americans do not want to do, immigrants fill this


Negative numbers have been exaggerated

It is true that many immigrants come into the United States each year. However, there

are many social and political groups who exaggerate and make numbers that doesn’t exist.
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Blaming the government or other organizations for the lack of security in the borders. However,

the true numbers say a complete opposite fact.

The American Civil Liberties Union say that “the U.S., like every country, has the right to

control who enters the country and to enforce the integrity of its internationally recognized

borders. It also has the right to deport persons in the country who are not authorized to be

here. However, the ACLU also believes that the power to exclude and deport must be exercised

fairly, humanely and consistent with the constitutional norms of due process and non-

discrimination, and believes that the government must comply with the legal and humanitarian

principles of international law that bind the United States.”. 

Problems with immigration

Like any other topic, there are some negative impact immigration has in the United


Immigrants should be understood by what they really are. Humans that are trying to get

a better life, new opportunities for them and their families. And help their next generations to

obtain a better way of life. Everyone is different and no one is better. Americans need to be

better humans and treat other respectfully no matter their backgrounds or their skin color.
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2020 - Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“Center for Equality And social Justice.” Immigrants Benefit the Community and Economy |

Center for Equality and Social Justice,


D'Costa, Krystal. “What Are the Jobs That Immigrants Do?” Scientific American Blog Network,

Scientific American, 9 Aug. 2018,


“Immigrants and the Economy.” American Civil Liberties Union,

“The Positive Economic Impact of Immigration.”, 16 June 2021,

Stephen Moore and David Simon, “Immigrants Do Not Steal Our Jobs, They Create Them in the

Economy.” TheHill, The Hill, 5 Apr. 2021,


| By Arloc Sherman, et al. “Immigrants Contribute Greatly to U.S. Economy, despite

Administration's ‘Public Charge’ Rule Rationale.” Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 15

Aug. 2019,


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