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FROM COLUMN A COLUMN B.. HIYA, SUCKERS! THIS HERE'S THE ENORMOUS, THROBBING PENIS ISSUE. ( WAIT-AREN'T THEY ALL?). NOT MY FAVORITE FETISH, BUT KARNO ASSURES ME THAT THE ENORMOUS, BOUNCING BREASTS ISSUE IS COMING UP SOON. MYM... TITTIES! THERE'S NOT MUCH GOING ON IN THE GUEST ARTIST DEPARTMENT FOR THIS ISSUE, SO | GUESS ID BETTER REPEAT KARNO'S DESPERATE APPEAL To HIS FELLOW PERVERTS: CARTOONISTS! Do you want to be a real, live, published pornographer? Then send a sample of your most gleefully exaggetated genital fiction to: Kjartan Arnorsson Hraunbraut 14 200 Kopavogi .-.and your dream might yet come true! KARNO ASKS: THE BIG DONG ISSUE IS A GOOD A PLACE AS ANY TO ASK A QUESTION THAT'S BEEN BOTHERING ME: WHY |S “COCKSUCKER™ A CURSE WORD? X LOVE HAVING MY COCK SUCKED! [T FEELS WONDERFUL. THERE SHOULD BE MADRE COCKSUCKERS ! Big Funnies no. 6, August 2002 is published by Radio Comix, PMB #117, 11765 West Ave, San Antonio Texas 78216, All stories and art are copyright © Kjartan Amorsson, 2002, ( Except material contributed by guest artists ). All other material © Radio Comix. Nothing from this book may be reproduced in any way without the written consent of the author, except short passages for rewiewss or promotions. No similarity to any characters and/or places is intended, and any similarity is purely coincidental. Heck, any similarity would be flattering! Wish I was hung like that. Does anybody actually read these? I get so bored, typing them over and over again. I mean it about copyright violation, though. If you steal these golden children of my imagination, I will rob you of the vital organs of your body in retaliation. Let’s see you violate copyrights with no liver, stomach or lungs! Hah! That will teach you! But honest readers can safely relax, and just ENJOY THE SHOW! All imaginary people depicted in this collection of drawings are 18 years or older UH. YE PH. AND UNLESS You CHANEE He DECOR ARDUND Here, you WON'T SEE mony RA AWEA ACA Ha ve EUNNY! pit NesOR Hick AS my ARM * BRACE YoURSECE FoR & REAMING, DEEDEE GIRL) “4OuNE Been SHINE uP Speen FOR MEARS, HAVENT you? {JOU MORONIC nonsre ou cAN" 7 fei. nee Si i) p= ae @, xy Ze Spe hess oy e D-D-Pon'T BE RIPIeULOS! WHERE ELSE COULD YoU 607% WHAT ELSE cul You 907 T TAKE Goov C-CARE OF ov. 5 LISTEN UR NuDrenis | STAI RlénT WHERE You ARE AND Pon'T Move eR MY PARTNER TREES THE PO6E'S HEAD OFF! TLL wet TE YouR PURSE pxD KES, o-K. roses ag / [3 TIRED of / [BEING THE wonsTER In YOUR PIT, OSE 7 ws of IF yo BECAME, my PRETNER, L cour TAKE A Loy BETTER CARE OF YUL THERE! THAT's THE WAY ooT! MO WEILL HE To TRAVEL FAST NQUEG “Heel $2 WHAT LE We WELL..T CAN'T ARGUE WITH POETIC JUSTICE. LATER... THE pose HAF BEEN PUPesED OF, CLOTHES HPNE BEEN BOUGHT, SAFETY DID... BID You REALLY MEAN “{ WHAT Yoo SAID ABOUT BEING PARTNERS? OK, THAT WILL BE No PRoeLEm- 1» EXCERCISE ALWAYS MAKES ME HUNGRAL wits Youe BRAWN AND in GOT Once “THINGS Eh Down, WE'RE GONNA HIVE To TALK I ABT YOUR PleraeY | HABITS «. TAKE OUR CLOTHES OFF! 'O 2} ITS A REAL FUN GAME WE CALL eee PLE wee Witt BAReE! "GANG- BANG! FIRST, WE ALL THANKS! (nom SAYS 1) AN EARLY DEVELOPER! SIT DOWN ON THIS BALE, AND lass Fh PREAD YOUR LEGS, Ay Says LEA “Gk le A Rouseo LustpuL THOUGHTS IN JOHN. HIS ERECTION GREW f aT ENoRMous AS HE EYED — Lacn BRRBIE’S PIN LITTLE BAce- poor! ey f . { i 1 4 af Ta PAN, THAT IS ONE f _ \ BLASTED AssHotel ~S wo ( Gi aaNe 4 . \ \ - I Z O 2) = 7 OWLS fy 7 SH S P OR, a 2S Oo; stA 2 POomne \\, AND FINISHES OFF WITH THE BIGGEST Cun OF MIS LIFE So ene. WW wow, BARBIE! You'Re A GREAT V7 GANGGANG PLAYER! THAT Ee WEL BRING YouR LITTLE SISTER Too, NEXT, TIME! NUDISTS ®.KEARNO- 3 ? D a= SINKS EVEN DEEPER <7 nro We FETISH x Asi Im A NUDIST! For THE FIRST (ouPLE 2 THRUSTS £ Jp come ON Come ON LEMME ING \A@xe @ ZZ le aE’ ee ERS Tink oor 0% Sonat IT Sse Gor UT Again IN THE END, 2uT Iu ste Hee. DOLLE OV 8S Bien We were made and put in our To them we are caricatures that caper for thelr amusement. little world by decadent gods. ‘They watch us and they laugh. But I care not, for we have something that puts all their petty cruelties in the shade. Love so strong and pure it sometimes frightens me - love for this finest of women, this sweetest of souls. BREAKFAST IN GED, Did it happen by chance, or by Recned wuk design of the gods? And € does it matter? 7 Wow A@ooT sallow Neer Her touch is magic, as always FoR DESSERT ?, tant The poor dear - he's alweys overcharged in the mornig, ‘we save that for sions [give her everything eel Jast six inches... Zs Even at his most passionete, he's still gottle, 20 afraid of hurting me, How I adore the big lug. The shift of her breasts, the swing of her hips She insists on making dinner... my favorite time...the First hol flush of sex has worn off, and | can imagine the gods are busy with other things, leaving us alittle privacy, And even if | am wrong, they only see our bodies, and what are bodies 7 Moro shells, Our world may be a tiny fishbowl cour bodies artificial - but I think we are the h ITS GETTING BIEGER AND Nonon I'VE NOTICED - QF aN - LATELY THAT THE (997, PENISES ARE GETTING BIGGER IN MY SEX CARTOONS. INA WAY, ITS A. NATURAL EVOLUTION. NoT gap. Repoet ro. cenTeaL. CASTING, AT FIRST, JUST DRAWING THE ACT OF SEX WAS BUT AS | GAINED SEXUAL WHY BOTHER DRAWING REALISTIC. EXCITING - A LITTLE EXPERIENCE MYSELF, ORDINARY ‘SEX WHEN PHOTOS COULD DO REALISM FORBIDDEN. SEX LOST T'S ZING IN MY TOONS. ‘$0 MUCH BETTER? THE STRENGTH OF CARTOONS IS HOW THEY CAN GO FAR BEYOND REALITY AT NO EXTRA COST! é Vom cay OYE Bae Mey “foo D0 GRow tat ( 00? ; i er KS ..$0, | STARTED MAKING THE TITS & COCKS A LITTLE BIGGER... BUT MAYBE ITS STARTING TO GET OUT OF HAND. “GABBY'S BIG DAY" KIND OF GOT SILLY, THERE...WHERE DO YOU 60 FROM HERE? IF THE COCKS KEEP GETTING BIGGER AND BIGGER, WHILE THE PUSSIES GET ‘SMALLER AND SMALLER, THEN THE , CARTOONS WILL RATHER PREDICTABLY GO FROM SEXY TO GOOFY TO GROTESQUE... SHOSH, HON pout TRY Te Taue WITH NouR snot FULL y rei AND EVENTUALLY, THE WHOLE THING BECOMES COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS. BOT THIS one 1S aust Riger! EHH - WHATEVER...ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE IN CARTOONS! Baran PHA! You can FoRGer IT! Joo Gor NOTHIN’ IN - Z MERECY sis Rasa : = Yoo WAITING FoR DENY, Te? te ‘ f" Mp (. Ll Zeke 0% 7 ez 6 x z es) 5 eo X X ) Get Soon iene - ax| Vi tere Sie comes | [rrr Yeo REALLY ime IT ALL BY NORSELE 7! 90st "ALL THAT (s BEST (OF DARI AND LIGHT MEET IN Your ASPECT Coco! LETS Go To (mY PLACE, $0 Yoo cAN Recite FT AW Te me! ASTRANGE PLAGUE HAS STRUCK THE HOLY Woop WARREN. BUT THE RABBITS OF THE WARREN Do Nor PANIC, BECAUSE THE POWERFUL WIZARD DOGORN THE PURPLE HAS SENT WoRD THAT HE POSESSES fF CURE. A REPRESENTATIVE OF TAE WARREN Must Come oro HI AND FeTcH THE CURE - IF CERTAIN CONDITIONS ARE (ET... SETS OFF, FULL oF CONFIDENCE, snYOU musT Fottous THIS MAP To THE WIZARO'S AGLDE. ON THE WAY MOU WILL MEET SEVEN CHALLENGES. You MUSTN'T SKIP ONE, FoR EPH LEADS “Co THE NEXT. EACH CHALLENGE NERCOME WILL GIVE YOU A PART OF THE PoweR NEEDED To SEE THE WIZARD, So YoU GOTTA WIN “EM ALL. UNDERSTAND, TEEKA? “BYE, EVERYONE! \ Va, 08Y om on Vee BE BACK WITH Asie FoR HER? “THE MEVICINE MAP SAYS "DOG. IN A RED vest" = THAT most @E DRAWN IN AN ALMe6-T CONTINUOUS. Two-OAY WANKING FRENZY, 2002, ®Y.AGARIRN: YES, Yes, 7E5- We've BEEN CvVER AND OVER THis! 7 -AND ITs Not HEALTHY "Te ASK WHAT THEY ARE ARED VEST, AND NOTHING ELSE! VIR ESL HI ‘vou must BE VOGORN'S RaesiT YES? SEEMS I'LL GE THE QWGIRL'S CHALLENGE WAS. STORING THE wi Fee | eS ERY SIMPLE NEED To sé THEL MY GARDEN THE wieneD YH GATE, ANDoNTo “THE IN ory TITS! = Rov. BUT I AVE THE Key To THE Gave HIPDEN on me! UM GETTIN : An \DEA OF WHAT & KINDA “Quest” THIS 15 GoNNA BE YER, HONE (BUNNY, “THAT'S A Good START! i must've won THAT CHALLENGE -T ust WENT oP A BRA sizet DOING A WIZARD A ERVOR THAT choc! Now OPEN THE GATE AN DO OHH WHAT- WHAT CAN T 00 FOR 90 WHAT HER BROTHER “TELLS ME? Does THAT t Vsuck 2 pot BUT Youve NEVER WE NEVER ) GIRL- SWALLOW IT Down! BREATHE, ON THE OUT STROKE! IT THROUGH THE GAUNTLET ons YouR CONT ALONE! JUST Lick IT AN! Suck (T NOT BAR, FoR A BEGINNER YouR NEXT STP L AA (3 DoCTOR EE, RIGHT DOWN TH’ AED Roa, THERE! ROT. CALLED AN Enema. A SORT OF BATH a INSIDES! OF i OF NONSTOP FUCKING [Tianies So muck Honey - THEY'LL Be (UCH EASIER To HANDLE, Now. HERES NOUR MAP- YOUR NEXT CHALLENGE 15 Yo "END THE INNOCENCE OF THE LAMBS". You'LE FIND “THEM DOWN ev THe RIVER Looe ty 0 3 va! ae BEING . ARK... SHE SAID "INNOCENCE OF THE LAMGS, DIDN'T SHE? LAMBS, PLURAL. T J FIST RER, uke THE COWGIRL? THAT monster looks GROTESAVE ON SUCH A SKINNY, YOUNG KIp.. UH.LAR,T Geeta FUCK STUFF THAT UPA Novi Teo. GO You WANT) 5 BARELY- PUBESCENT, (| 2 LIKE A BRIGHT PINK CANTERN. “TEEICA, HAD To ASK: T HAVE WATCHED ALL THE Fucicive IN MY CRYSTAL BALC, AND OH NOLL GET YooR As A RESULT T AM EXERUCIATINGLY HORNY! ae = OPEN WIDE, BUNNYGIRL~T kwow You CAN err! (HWA NEVER Ger neo OF WATCHING A BIG Bick DEIN' PUMPED INTO A TIGHT, PINK THAT'S THE FOURTH Lone He's PUMPED NEVER EMPTY! “THAT'S CHEATING! AsSAID, Sait 15 DONE “WERE You Go. A SMALL DOSE OF “THIS POWDER IN Ach RABETS Food WILL CURE THE PLAGLE PERMANENTLY! CLEANED UP AND Fin You THAT ‘AH! A BRA OF HeLDING: NS JUST THE THING! AND So, AS TEEKA HOPPED Heme, SHE CARRIED WITH HER NoTONGr “THE SALVATION OF HER WARREN, GUT ALSO ANGTHER GIFT, JOST AS PRECIOUS Wisoom. ON - cov You Do Some THING A€ost THESE ANoIP DING. GUSINESS WITH HORNY, aT oBsesseo WIZARDS! BIG FANS Auhile back T got this great BIG Funnies fan letter from a Sarah Wheeler (* You might remember a 52 lady with light brown hair and blue‘grey’green eyes." ) via Email - it included a ‘couple of twisty drawings she'd drawn of my character Puppy, and a hot little story of Puppy taking in unfeasable amounts of dick. I was thrilled, natch -T love hearing from my female fans - it just goes to show that men aren't the only ones who can like huge cocks ‘and hypersex. Not that I mind hearing from men, either. Write me! I love feedback. T'll be happy to leave your name of your letter if you're afraid your mom reods BF, too. T'm not out to embarrass anyone. Sarah told me she's putting together a portfolio of Puppy drawings. If you wanna see more than the two samples shown here, you can order her portfolios and other cool stuff from this address: ‘The Rainbow Pawprint Attn: Publications 3741 Keystone Ave., Suite #5 Los Angeles, CA 90034 And those who can't wait for the snailmail con eyeball her art on this web page: -T took a peek myself, and Z can honestly say it's way sweet stuff. Check it out! of BIG Funries...hmmm. That's not a terribly original letters Page title. Let's have a contest: Whoever comes up with a better name wins a cheesy prize they can never, ever show to their mother Oh right - T should include my addresses too, if I want people to write me. OK, the snailmail goes to Kjartan Arnorsson Hraunbraut 14 200 Kopavogi ICELAND and the Email goes to Um... guess that's it. Write and tell me what you like. Or even better, SHOW me, like Sarah did. T love to get art in the mail ..And while we're on the subject of fan art, here's a doodle of Teeka by Tincrash! Isn't she cute? Love those organ-stop nipples! ( ) ¢ ..and here's a Puppy doodle I didn't have room for elsewhere. Hey, if I can't do fan art of my characters, who can? Once again, Puppy's sweet scent causes a male to lose all propriety. Luckily, he is slowed down by the slapping of his giant testicles against his legs. Puppy will have to slow down even further if she wants to be caught. Looxit, BooTsi€! I WoKe \— UP WITH A TERRIFIC HARDON THIS MORNING! WANNA Fuck? WHN, SAMUEL STUDHORSE! THAT'S No WAY To TALC Toh LADY! SHOW Some PVANNERS! GOOD (MORNING, Miss BONEE! AS You SEE, I Find MYSELE IN AN FROUSED CONDITION THIS MORNING. WOLD You BE KinD ENOUGH To A GRANT ME Some sexvAL RELIEF, PLEASE 2 MANNERS, EH? WELL, OKAY- Tur trey | — ANYTHING | Zs ONcE! Wit MISTER SAMUEL, SINCE You Asi So NIcety, T REALLY CAN'T REFUSE You! \. we WILL BE ™y PLEASURE TORELP You Out! ALWAYS BE POLITE, Kips. IT CAN'T HURT, AND IT MIGHT HELP!

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