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1 WORRIED ABOUT How LITTLE FEEDBACK, BIG FUNNIES IS GETTING, OUR SALES ARE GLAH, AND “THE ONLY GUEST ARTIST WE HAVE THIS 135UE IS_DON LemAX.. GRANTED, HE'S A TERRIFFIC OLO PRO, AND HIS STUFE IS GREAT.... BUT HE'S HERE BECAUSE T HUNTED Him Down, [AND FANBOYED Him INTO CONTRIBUTING. BE HONEST ITH ME -15 \/f m1 Your HosT, SAVAGE SauiRRet. 9 V WE cot Some GREAT TITS AND Pf PEKS FoR You, “THis |ssuE! POLKS! 1 THIN T CAN SAFELY SAY “TART NO AMERICAN PORN Comic SHOWS You MORE ENGORGED FLESH FoR YOUR DOLLAR! YOU HAVE MADE A WISE INVESTMENT! BUT Now, KEARNO WANTS. To WRINGE: NO, I STILL THINK. ASKING PEOPLE TO WRITE IN IS THE BEST WAY To Go. TO ENCOURAGE THIS, I'ne) INCLUDING AN OPINION POLL IN THIS ISSUE ~ PICK Ft STORY, AND KARNO WILL DRAW IT, WST_TO EXCITE Your JICES! 12ZAT A 6009 DEAL, OR WHAT? So WRITE INE PARTICIPATE IN LIFE, FoR ONCE s WHY 1s NOBOVY WRITING. IN? WHERE ARE ALL THE UP AND % COMING PORNOGRAPHERS ? HAVE THEY BEEN EATEN UP GY THE NET ANG CompuTER GAMES? I FUNCAMENTALIST SEX HATRED BACK, IN THE SHAG OF GENERALISSIMo BUSH? OR Am f dust A LAZY EDITOR? eT wat AML SP PeSED To 90? Go DooR To DOOR, ASKING IF THE IKJARTAN ARNERSS0; HRAONBRAUT IY 220 IeB ANOS! TCELAND Kacnoe@ islendia. is BIG funnies no.8, Feb. , 2003 is published by Radio Comix, PMB #117, 11765 West Ave, San Antonio, Texas 78216. All contents are ©copyright Kjartan Arnorsson, except for Lomax’s 4 pager, Nothing from this book may be reproduced without the express written consent of the copyright holders, except short passages for the purpose of review or promotion. Don't try us, fanboy. We're older and meaner than you are. No similarity to any character(s) and/or place(s) is intended, and any similarity is purely coincidental. All characters are over the age of 18. Actually, they're drawings, and have whatever age I say they do. This is obvious to all but a gibbering idiot. Alas, since gibbering idiocy is ever more common among the officials and bureaucrats of our great nation, we had to include that age statement. Ah well. Things will improve after the revolution, Meanwhile, just ENTOY THE SHOW! FELLOW PERVERTS presents a real treat for you, this issue: Namely Don Lomax, veteran maestro of ‘American porno comix! He's the author of Case Morgan PI, Hooters, Vietnam Journal, and assorted strips for just about every men's mag that's worth the money. It is therefore a great honor to present Mr. Lomax's first, and hopefully not last story in BIG Funnies: DON'T GET ME WRONG. 1 DIDN'T COME TO THE U.S. RECRUITING BUT AS 1 GRAVITATED ‘ WELL-KNOWN, PREFERENCE, ASION LADIES AND ORIENTAL TWATTIES, ONY FIRST GENERATION DESC OF ENT THE PECIFIC RIM VOICED THEIR LONGINGS TO ME TO EXPLORE THEI ROOTS. ON DREAMY. Se OS RIGID MANHOOD IS é OULD THREE PLONE TICKETS, LADIES. SEE YOu AT THE AIRPORT . Cast DISSENSION OVER ANY 51 OF FILIPINA TISN\ RECEPTAC! BACK INTHE ISLANDS. ance THE Wen GE NOU DON'T GRASP THE CONCEPT, LITA. YOu CON'T ASK You QT THE TOP OF Your’ VOICE AND NEVER TAKE NO FOR ON a REFUSES awe DEMANDS = EN WHOT F WHEN I RETURNED TO iE wi OF Home GND HEARTH NW LADIES ELE HON IE, HAPPENED TO. x . YOU GIVE TEM ON INCH ., THE YEARS. YOU HON! ' 3 ARIGUT TO WOKE Your COMPLAINTS KNOWN - LUZ, READ YOUR TM LISTENING GO OVERD, READ Tv ETY . DON'T BE GERAID. TAN NOTHING IF NOT UNDERSTANDI OND AGGUIESCENT. THESE ARE CUR DEMANDS: WE FEEL You Have BEEN NEGLECTING US @ LITTLE OF LATE. THE KITTEN Cc AME BY ED'N'KJARTAN 2002, [ THanks, WHAT'S THE BIS OCCASION > DIPYA CLONE SOUR SELF? ARH, YOCNAN | GUTRAN NEED! Come IN, LAGORATOR| ArtyerizgD Peasones ony" ORGANIC? WHAT, WITHOUT MACHINES? EXPCTUNS much LIKE YOUR FREEZER BoK, CONTAINING THE UNTOUCHED BODY OF A YOUNG FELIN WerAN. A Booy THAT RAY NOT OECAYED IN TWo HUNDRED YEARS !/ JUST THE PORN WE TURNS OUT HER ENTIRE BOY 15 MAE FRM BERN- STYLE IeannoRTAL CELLS. SHE'D PRoeRELT STILL Be GRERTHING “ory, (FAN INFECTION HADN'T FILLED AND SENT ceLLs! NEITHER! THAT'S THE THE ONLY REAL PROBLEM WAS DERYORATION, UT THE STEEL COFFIN HELPED! WITH THAT. WE GOT HER REWYORATED, GUT “THAT DAMN INFECTION |S STILL HOLOING THINGS ope [WHICH 1S WHERE T COME IN. 06 You HAVE “THE MANUFACTURE DATA SET UP? Ns \nPLE. WiLL T NEED SUPPLEMENTS? (7 wouLont Have CALLED You IE DON'T. T KINA ENVY You, oman ov CAN MAKE BIODRUGS IN “XouR oun BODY S 5 T HAVE To 60 THRU DSZENS ‘OF MACHINES “to Po Ir! O & IMPRESSIVE EVEN \E TL DIDN'T Katou WHAT IT CAN Do! AND SO, SCIENCE AND BIOLOGY COMBINE THEIR POWERS To WoRIK WHAT IN LESS ENLIGHTENED: “TIMES WOULD HAVE BEEN CALLED BLACK MAGIC BREATHE! ISN'T THAT MIRACLE ENOUGH FoR You? You CAME EXPECT BRAN | FONCTION, TOO! THE BRAIN IS “THE MMKST DELICATE. TTINR? YOU THERE? 1 HAD Tis REALLY SERRIGLE... [Fare ct erst, mez2 | youve (coma? gu 1 FEEL, rE] BEEN D....1N_A DEEP comma FINE. Just HUNGRY. ol FoR A LONG TIME! (WHERE'S TINA? OR BULL? WHERE ARG MY FRIENDS? A LONG TIME, UM, Long? 1 HANE A covPLE OF Four BAIS, IF You'RE HUNGRY. TTHET'RE_NoN- THANKS. | NEEDED THAT Now T NEED A SHOWER. CAN YOU SHOW ME To THE NEAREST ONE? NOW, WAITS You CAN'T BE WALKING AROUND 30 AHH! A sHower! SO(NE THINGS: “ME FUTURE HASN'T IMPROVED UPON! To “TAKE SPECIAL Food SUPPLEMENTS, 50 0% BOY WILL HAVE ALL THE OW. Ano THEY PISTILL DRUGS Eom Youre] / << @Leop? NO, THEY'RE USUALLY VENTED THRU THY Pens. IT'S QUITE PLEASANT, RETUALLY. Mmmm... L CAN FEEL IT DOING hm Goow, ALREADY! [sore oloN'T HURT ME! THAT WAS ATOAZING! WHAT CAN I 00 FoR... THAT'S ALRIGHT, HONEY. 1 WAS JUST. WORKING THE FEIN S OvT... RARE .-rHee's YT p Nice! You've ffi Got A Lovely “Touch, Yormany, $700 REMIND ME OF A FRIEND OF CHINE, HE'S. YouR "COFFIN" WAS ACTUALLY An AUTOPSY FREEZER 6Ox, BUT “You HADN'T BEEN AUTOPSIED. THERE'S PROBABLY A STORY BEANO “THAT. To Put IT PAILDLY, 1 CAN BARELT BELIEVE “THIS 1S HAPPENING. OH oy Go ALL, PAY FRIENDS ARE MOK, THIS IS GOODY HOSPITAL Foot HAS IMPROVED, I see! | Nolo Just How You FEC? CO GRANDPA HAD ALL YouR FILONS, AND L...THAT THERE IN THE SHewER, IT WAS JUST LIKE A TEENAGE FANTASY COMING TRUE. | COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! THEY'RE STILL SHOWINE ALL oF THEM, BULL, TINA, DANY, PADDY, EVERMONE. THERE NEVER WAS ANYONE ELSE auITe You WERE BORN IN 1989? How “THE “TIME OF MANY QUESTION S* CAN You POSSIBLY BE ALIVE 7 Hew AN YOO) keno THE Test RESLLTS VEFORE SORT OF ZEN THING: BIZARRE. PHYSICALLY, SHE RUCISTER Yoo As A CLONE. COULD PASS FoR 1G, STRANGE CCULON'T Yoo JOST. For & 30 ERR O19 WOMAN, AORN PRETEND To BEA PY OF MYSELF, wusT “TO FIT ON YOOR Fores! COULD IT BE... SHE SINIPLY DOESN'T AGE? No-cAN'T BE Ton 6200 To BE TRUE... PYovrRe REFUSING THE T REGOLATE HN BoDY FAR BETTER THAN ANY MACHINE CAN. THE oncY THINés| [CET INSIZE Me ARE “THIS IS AMAZING! YOUR CELLS ARE A GOLDMINE, Ms. KELLY! SHARE ANY OF. THAT GOLO, 90? YOUR RECOVERY |S GOING SIMPLY MIRACULOUSLY, THE INFECTION IS Almst GONE - You JUST NEED ONE MoReE DOSE To BE IN THE ‘CooL. HOw wb T TAKE Ir TIME FoR A DOSE ~cAN You COME WATH NE “To (wy GED- ALL YOR ACCOUNTS WERE CLOSED OVER A CENTURY AGO MEZZ! HOWCAN YOU ASK VS TD... ALL T WANT IS A MEASLY 20% OF ANY DISCONERIES MADE OFF Ygut- Butt BROUGHT You BACK THAT'S WHY T_ NEED To MEET LIVING EXPENSES, POC COULD You SIGN HERE? DISTILLED AND | 4 CONCENTRATED IT FOR AN INJECTION ! FINALLY, THE FIRST FLURRY OF DATAGRTHERING IS WELL, UH, YOU CovLD STAT WITH CNER, AND THE GATHERERS SIT BACK “To DIGEST IT. ME, IF YOU WANT. US THREE MEDICAL FREAK “Tr PES SHARE THs BIG OL! Hose: ~ THERE'S PLENTY oF Room. AND WE'D LOVE To HAVE You! {.6oTTA GET euTA HERE, Yoroan. ALL I'VE SEEN oF THE WORLD OF 2219 1S “THis Cove, STERILE LAB,ANDA PACK OF HALEWIT BURGAUCRATS! Reornes Just Lee YoU, HUH? “THAT SoUNDS CREAT To MEY LETS Go! ‘y'know, YOMAN, THE GREATEST THING ABOUT THIS WwoRLO OF THE FUTURE 1S WHAT (T ISn'T UT ISN'T A NUICED-ouT WASTE CAND. IT L0l'T A POLLUTED, OVER POPULATED HELLHOLE. HUMANITY wise UP IN “TIME. WE POADE IT! WE'RE Coke. Verserecce HERE) (ens Macy 15 A “Toxic | My ELEANUP EXPERT. LL YOUR OLP FRIENDS ARE GONE BY Now. 1 CAN'T IMAGINE WHAT THAT'S LIE! Mou (ust FEEL Licé & TIME TRAVELER! Um NERY Gta To BEST WAY “To DEAL WITH IT IS To. MAKE NEw FRIENOS. | REALLY HOPE T CAN FIT IN HERE! ANY ONE BEROTIFUL EARLY AUTUMN ORY. WELL, THE FIRST THING IT) GOING To bo IS SETRE THE PAST. INTELLECTUALLY, LRN IT'S GEEN 2co YEARS, AND ALUI Know IS Gone, FRIENDS. WHERE IS TNA Now? WHERE (S SHE URIED? tm BACK FROM THE DEAD. I'm BRN AGAIN, So WHAT WILL T USE THIS NEW LIFE OF MINE FOR? J 2 45 BUT EMOTIONALCY, IT FEELS jee WEEKS YES....1 MUST FIND “THE FINAL RESTING PLACES oF PRY LOVED ONES AND PAY (IY RESPECTS, CLOSE THE BOOK ON MY OLD LIFE. THEN I'LL BE FREE TO BUILD SOMETHING NEW, “THAT'S A 6000 PL [‘sucez..... wen ANTONE ELSE, HAPPY To RFE Hel TEAN Last FoR HOURS, A Bur You. feat “THE en pAAGIC “Tove! ~ ee 4) THANKS. THAT MAKES ALL THE piererence! Jy ES THE GOS FXKED MAE ONE BY ONE, EACH Cock IN HER ALITTLE BIGGER “THAN THE ONE BEFORE Qut THERE CAME A POINT IN THE INITIATION WHERE eZ . - fas “THOUGHT IT MONT 1 Fo Join) “HE eini6stee < Not @e WORTH CUP. Z ox \ ve e’- \@> re Ce) " 1 JON SHE PIO” SHE HAD PASSED THE IITIATION, APTER ALL. (oon —. HS oo a La re oS Be \ WOE Apo Oe \ Coe Y er ea tx MOA a Gs A SPE CB er ery GREER Coe ae aa RzEAK ee = MUZZANN Nea sh wen Get GET we CLgaNa Y S35 rm ‘UP FoR THE ORAL 4, Y - re A\ a ANAL PRR —s a TEST A ¢ ae) : = \ SS ey ‘ < ist EZ A 6 BiG FANS «Seems to be the De Facto name of the BIG Funnies letters page. But if someone can think of a better name, speak up! Particularly since we're finally getting lots of letters in! “Kann! As a reader of your comic “Big Funnies", I wanted to say your recent issue with its dedication to Stellos, touched me all over again. ‘And T also wanted to ask if why you thought the one pic in the last issue with the stretched out female bunny on the immense penis was disturbing.... ‘There are a few women out there that have that exact fantasy....( myself being one of them ) Tt's fantasy, and I enjoy it. Anyway, keep up with the artwork that makes so many of us happy out in the world.” Jenn. Youre more than welcome, Jenn - I love hearing from my female readers! Below, David writes: *Karno's Big Funnies #5 and #6 - Like the return of the Macho Schmuck with humans instead of anthropomorphics. ( Even though you did get Savage Squirrel in there having a ball at the Macho Scmuck’s expense. ) Also liked the story of Teeka the bunny girl. I liked her figure most after she had removed the key from the cowgirl, and after having sex with the goat guy “doctor”. After that, it was a bit much. Issue #4 -"First Day on The Job"- Nice work. Great "yikes!" look as she sees the stallion's erection, and her "gulp" look was the capper. Also like the stallion and the mouse-gir! on the beach cover. Looks like she's up to something! Cute end panel with Bootsie the cow-gir! and Sammy the horse-guy with his "education* on proper behaviour, and his "reward". Also from issue #5 - "The Fan" with Kitten Kelly. Her “deflowering” of the young guy was a very nice story, you even had a bit of humor in it, as Kitten playfully "gooses" the guy as they enter the shower, and the bull and cow losing it as he lets out a yell of sheer joy. I would too, under the same circumstances.” David Z. Jenn and Kermit write: “The first thing I would like to say is how sad Tam hearing about STELLOS and his wife. I was just becoming aware of his work and wish to experience more than what is on furry nation. Maybe you could help in some new sites! My feed back would have to state any thing containing Molda, or like wise figures attracts me like a magnet, as I AM a big tit addict. My porno collection is taking over my home! Anyway that take over I would relate to the male part characters in your strips. T'll let you know how the tests go.” Kermit the Hermit ‘Tests? What tests? This worries me. Am I supposed to know about these tests? Scott hand-wrote me a terrffic letter, which, due to it’s Jength, I unfortunately have to to chop up like a side of beef, and just run a slice of one of the good parts: .." The best story in this issue was by for *THE DRAGON'S BRIDE" Excellent, excellent job, my man! I really like the way you depicted the dragons! All of the art was realty good and quite dynamic ( some- thing that can make or break a sex comic ). What did T like best about the Dragon's Bride? The fact ‘that it had a human female interacting with the dragons. T'm really not into *furries” or “anthropo- morpics* that much when that's all there ever are in story, $0 you can imagine what a surprise and turn- ‘on this story was when I saw the dragons fucking the human girl, Mery! Z think you have really been selling yourself short if you think you can't draw human women because you definitely can ( Mery proves that for me! ). I was a little disappointed that we didn't see more action with Mery and the two Dragons, it ended rather abruptly...I was kind of hoping to have seen a OP. with Mery and the Dragons, plus some throat-gagging suck jobs on some huge dragon dick! Maybe next time? T did like the little interplay between you and the ignorant critic at the end. I can really identify with everything you said, as T am a writer of porn-fics... My stuff is designed to make people to get them- selves off, pure and simple. It's entertainment for crying out loud! Scott M T knew the lady. Those are real. KGARTAN cae My old pal, PAL, writes in with this ego-boosting missive via Email. Such praise from PAL is extra heartwarming, because I know he’s a damn good writer, himself. Praise from Ceasar, and all that... Karna, In this current unerotic age, where access to all types of naughty naked people is as easy as typing "XOOC' on a search engine, people of little imagina- tion and no talent flood the world with uninspired drivel that displays sex as something so primal and consuming as to drain any aspect of enjoyment out cof it. Having witnessed a fair sampling of today's "porn," one could conclude that a prerequisite to ‘orgasm was overbearing angst. In other wards, when was the last time you saw people screwing who looked like they were having fun? You, Karno, bring mirth and silliness back to naked people (with HUGE erogenous zones) that has been sorely missed since the passing of Xooxenophile. Forget the grim determination of most comic porn, give me the laughter and delightful interludes that you provide so weil. PAL Ajacs writes in via Email: ‘Thank you for BIG Funnies. I enjoy your fine comic nearly every day (sometimes twice)! T wish T could say I own every issue of BIG Funnies, but the things sell out so fast, I'm lucky to grab what I can, when I can! I do own more: than T've missed, and each one is, in my opinion, premium porno! ‘My favorite characters in your comics are Bootsie Bovee of the Pleasure Boosters, and Molda. T never knew T had a thing for cows! Still, Bootsie has a smokin’ little bod, and when she bent over for her version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, she was HOT! ‘Twas kind of sad that Molda had another man in issue #7. T sort of hoped she and Donny were more of an “item than that. On the other hand, that means that Donny has all the right in the world to invite Dian over to help him do Moldal Of all the compliments I could heap on your mag, the best T can think of is that it hasn't sunk as low as some of the naughty comics T liked to read. "Squirmin' Herms" was close to grossing me out, but a lot of other mags have gone to being fully homosexual. YUCK! ‘Thanks for making it about the fine babes, man. Well, that's all for now. Keep up the good work ‘and MORE BOOTSIE! MORE MOLDA! Signed, ATACS, Richard Karandosh wrote me a wonderful letter that soberly explained why “cocksucker” had become a curse word. [ surely wish I could run it all, because it’s GREAT stuff. But it would take up the whole letters section if I did. Damn. At least I’ll run his criticism on BIG Funnies: Moving on, issue #6 was pretty darn good! T haven't seen that Porno Babies story since Xtra Spicy Tails #4. (Ves, it was a good idea to change the name to Pleasure Boosters. I liked the old name, and T know they aren't children, but it really gave the wrong idea.) I'd like to see a sequel to "the Monster": it was a nice, and kind of romantic story. "Teka" was great fun, and your art was looking very Ernie Colon-ish there. (Which is huge praise, from me!) I only had problems with "Play nice with Barbie” in the last panel when we saw how small (and assume how young) that little filly is, compared to her mom. Then ‘talking about a little sister? That just hit my gag reflex. (I'm not asking you to change, I'm just telling you my reaction, Tt made me. say "Yuck" at the end.) Issue #7 just came out and is wonderfull (Yes, writing this letter has taken that long.) The Dragon's Bride was fun, and the "screw the critics" sequence was a nice change-up for an ending. Almost as if you assumed that the rest of the story was so predictable as to be ignorable. Perhaps that's true, but I still wanted to see Mery double-penetrated by draconian fenceposts. (I'm a perv, but you should guess that.) Cap'n Breezy was very funny and well written. The art was all right, passible but not my favorite style. Dog Bone was « fun way of playing with anthropomorphism. Hey, where's the fun in funny animals if they're just humans with animal heads? The two "At what point...” pages were interesting, but would have been more so if we knew who were making the comments at the bottom. I think T recognized a couple of names, and T do wonder what the heck Trump wrote. And Big Game, Hunters was nice, if familiar. Wasn't that space ship from Star Spooge in Savage Funnies Special No. 1? Is the bug back to his wench-napping ways? Will he get his little buggy butt kicked as usual? I sure hope so! Is it just my imagination, or are the shrinking pages done at a different time than the rest of the comic? No matter, it's a good story. Well, that's all for now. Thanks for all the fun, and T'll see you next issue, Richard Karandosh. Welp, that’s it for now! Please do keep the comments coming in to: KIARTAN ARNORSSON Hraunbraut 14 200 Kopavogi ICELAND

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