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ReNeisha Russell November 15, 2020

“This I Believe…” Philosophy on Middle Level Teaching

Young Adolescent Development

A profound amount of development that occurs during adolescence. In addition to the

obvious physical development, students undergo cognitive, social, emotional, and moral

developmental changes. It is important to remember that no two adolescent children

development in the same way or at the same pace.

Adolescents are experiences changing in height, weight, and facial and sexual characteristics.

These changes may be uncomfortable for the student and lead to decreased self-esteem. Physical

changes may become a distraction in the classroom as students are constantly worried about how

they look. In an attempt to combat this, I believe that educators should strive to make it known

that everyone is going through changes and it is ok to be different.

Every student has different intellectual and emotional processes. Classrooms should be

appealing to all types of learners. One important thing to note is that with different cultures

comes different beliefs, skills, and knowledge. It is important to make sure classroom instruction

and resources are available in a familiar language and that the personal preferences of each

student are respected. Socialization is an important aspect of this time and has a profound impact

on moral development; adolescents tend to do and be what is accepted among their peer group.

Erikson placed children ages of 12 to 19 in the stage of Identity vs Role Confusion.

Experiences during this time should help facilitate the development of personal identity. School

is where they spend majority of their time and where majority of their interaction takes place. It

is important that the environment is conducive for positive self-identification. This includes both

teaching and modeling behaviors of respect and acceptance of differences.

Implications of Diversity
ReNeisha Russell November 15, 2020

It is important for the student body, as well as faculty and staff to be diverse. Every

student deserves the opportunity to be around and interact with those who differ from them by

gender, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. This allows them to become more aware of

those who are different from them while learning how to interact in a way that doesn’t just

tolerate, but also accepts the differences of others. Being in an environment with different types

of people allows for the student to assess their current identity and what is expected of them, as

well as possible changes, especially spiritually, they may want to make. Curriculum should

provide opportunities for students to explore differences in different groups of people.

Middle Level Curriculum and Instructional Strategies

During adolescence the brain undergoes major changes. The prefrontal cortex is still

developing, so students may have a hard time to keep thoughts and ideas organized. As an

educator, I will work to make sure that my instruction is presented to students in an organized

manner. It may be necessary to provide tools, such as graphic organizers, to help students

organize information.

According to Piaget, adolescents are moving from the stage of concrete operations to

formal operations. This stage is characterized by the ability to build upon previous knowledge to

understand abstract concepts. Keeping this in mind, as middle level educator I will strive to

create curriculum that focus on making connections between previous knowledge from various

sources instead of spending a great deal of time discovering how students best learn.

Essential Attributes and Characteristics

Education for young adolescents should be developmentally responsive, challenging,

empowering, and equitable. Curriculum should be created with the developmental needs of

adolescents as priority. Every student should receive the same education, and all held to high
ReNeisha Russell November 15, 2020

expectations of success. Every student should gain the knowledge and skills needed in order to

take responsibility for their lives. Every student should have equal opportunities and

representation; educators should strongly advocate for this. The characteristics of a successful

school fall into 3 categories:

1. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.

a. Educators should value all adolescents and prepare to engage them in active and

purposeful learning with curriculum this is challenging, exploratory, and relevant.

I will strive to incorporate multiple learning theories/approaches into curriculum.

2. Leadership and Organization

a. I will be sure my overall goals align with the vision of the school. I have to be

sure that I am knowledgeable of this age group and voice my opinion when it time

to collaborate with my team. Learning as an educator never stops; I will be

committed to continued education and professional development opportunities.

3. Culture and Community

a. I will strive to make my classroom inviting, safe, and inclusive. It is my job to

advocate for not only the academic success, but also the personal growth of my

students. This will require me to be readily available to offer assistance to my

students. I am committed to working with whoever it takes in and out of the

school to give my students the best experiences and chance at a great education.

Middle Levels Schools

Every middle level school should have curriculum that is representative of the essential

attributes and characteristics. In addition to subject-content curriculum, there should also be

exploratory curriculum. I believe that health and wellness curriculum should be a component in
ReNeisha Russell November 15, 2020

every grade level during middle school. There should be a student government that is presented

by students in their respected grades. Students should have access to facility advisors in order to

ensure that all decisions are made in the best interest of the students. Schools should be open to

family and community engagement. This would allow for extracurricular clubs and

organizations, also conducive to positive development and learning.

Contemporary Concepts, Principles, Theories, Models, and Research

There are many concepts, theories, and models used in order to properly education

adolescents. I have a duty to make sure I am familiar with and able to apply each other them. It

will be important that I plan lessons that allow students to explore learning through the different

theories (behaviorist, cognitive, constructivist, and humanist). It will be important for me to

explore learning that is subject-, learner-, and problem-centered when appropriate. Instruction

that explore the different approached to curriculum will be important. Perennialism, essentialism,

experimentalism, existentialism, constructivism, and re-constructivism are all appropriate for the

middle grades learner. There is research that supports each mode of learning and it will be

important for me to explore this research in order to justify using it.

Family and Community Involvement

Family and community involvement are two of the most important external factors

impacting middle grades education. There have been studies indicating family involvement has

the potential to positively impact a student’s performance in school. Students who have families

that are engaged in their learning tend to have better attendance, fewer behavior problems, and

better overall performance.

Though adolescence is a time when students are learning to exist outside of their family

unit and parents are often rejected, the parents’ roles continue to play a vital part in development.
ReNeisha Russell November 15, 2020

As a middle level school professional I will strive to make sure families have an opportunity to

be active in their student’s education. This will entail keeping open communication and provide

opportunity for feedback. I know that families will have different backgrounds and face different

challenges. I will strive to reach a common middle ground with all families.

In addition to active parents, adolescents tend to welcome and benefit from positive

relationships with other adults like a member of the school staff or a leader in the community.

With these interactions come more awareness of the social world and a concern for social justice.

I will strive to implement the curriculum in ways that allows for the students to assess the world

around them.

My Role and Responsibility

As a middle level educator, it is my ultimate duty to make sure my students learn in a

way that is developmentally appropriate and within a safe environment. I have to advocate for

equal representation as well as fair and just policies for all students.

I know that for many students, I will be more than just a teacher. Some will view me as a

trusted adult. I will take this role seriously. I will advocate for the best interest of my students,

even if it means going against the status quo. I will try my best to give my students the best

education regardless of any barriers we may face.

I know that my overall mood and attitude towards the students have a large impact on

outcomes. I will strive to stay positive and treat every student as a human and with respect. I will

model the actions I require of my students. Every child deserves a champion. Often people shy

away from middle grades education because of the bad stigma around children this age, but they

need someone too! A teacher who is committed to the wellbeing of the student can and will

make all the difference in that student’s life. I promise to be that teacher.

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