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First and foremost, this literature is amazing.

The plot twists and the characters present different

perspectives to the readers. To be honest, the social classes of the people in literature are all
equal with the same opportunities they get from the capital city, there is no such thing as poor
family living because they have no idea what life really is. What makes it unequal is that the
children have been studying for many years and they are not the ones who decide what work
they want to have; they do not have the freedom to pursue their dreams in life. Even though I see
that it is not directly communism because our current views on communism are that there is no
freedom for people and that the one who rules the society is a leader, I see this literature as
communism because the people who live where hold grab their minds to change based on the
leader's beliefs. At first, I assumed that the people who live there have no knowledge of the past,
but the truth is that it has been taken away from them. The only way to live a normal life is to get
out there and go to triangle gate. Overall, it's still amazing literature. I've learned that we can all
live together in one place where social class is equal, where no one is poor or rich, and where
everyone lives in the capital city. The main character in the story, Jonas, and his friends, have no
social class because, as I previously stated, they are all equal. However, I wish for its book 2
because there are so many lessons in the story that a reader will learn.

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