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Video 1: Oxygen therapy via nasal cannula

Low flow oxygen which is nasal canula, a standard nasal cannula can deliver 1 to 6 liters of
oxygen. That kind of convert to in the amount of oxygen of oxygen they’re actually inspiring or
their fraction aspiring oxygen of fio2. Standard cannula first of all it will plug in the flow meter
and that’s fairly simple, plug them right in that flow meter, always start the oxygen flow and turn
the knob counterclockwise must go with 3 liters. How to apply to the patient’s face, there is a
little bit curvature to that cannula prongs that things always curve back. If you put them on
backward its going to oxygenate the epithelial cells on the inside their nose but not get down into
their oral pharynx down to lungs where we really need. Always put in the nose first give it a little
preasure but don’t to tight. The nasal cavity it’s going to act almost like a reservoir, so when they
take their breath in they’ll pull that fraction of inspired oxygen down to our lungs and then
exhaling take the next breath in. if the patient is on greater than 3 years he recommended cubed a
humidifier just helps to humidify the air so it doesn’t dry out their hands.

Video 2: Simple and Nonrebreather mask application

Simple mask is a device you’ll see a lot in a post surgery area. It’s a nice way to deliver oxygen
but it’s a very poor way to give an exact amount of oxygen. This mask has a little adapter on, its
all comes together its going deliver anywhere from 40 to 60%. Generically you can put a low
flow of oxygen, but usually it’s recommended 8 to 10 liters.
Non rebreather often used in EMS world, AR, place where patient having crash. They’re going
to pull more like 80 to 90% oxygen each breath from that. Don’t put that on a patient with the
bag deflated because usually what happen is when they take a breath there’s one way valve in
that and they’re pulling air from nothing that’s in the bag. All in a non breather there is only a
1liter flow that goes on that 15 liters or even higher. What happen it is the bag blow up and that
in the bag right there that is 100 % oxygen. So when it goes to the patient, you’ll see when they
take their breath that bag will deflate a little bit and that will fill up while they’re exhaling, when
they’re exhaling into it because its one way valve but what will happen is the oxygen from the
flow meter wil refill it. So each time you take a breath it comes from this bag and delivers really
close to 100% fio2.

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