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PART IV, A Voyage to the Country of the Houvuxninns.” Chap. 1 ‘The Author sets out as Captain of a Skip. His Men conspire against him, con- fine hina long Time to bis Cabin, set him an Shore sn an unknown Land. He travels up into the Country. The Yahoos, a strange Sort of Anima, described. The Author meets to Houyhaoins. I CoxnisveD at home with my Wife ad Children about five Months in avery hhappy Condition, if could have learned the Lesson of knowing when Lwas well. eft my poor Wife big with Child and accepted an advantageous Offer made me to be Captain of the Adventure a stout Merchant-man of 350 Tus: For I understood Navigation well, and being grown weary of a Surgeon’ Employment at Se, which however I could exercise upon Oceasion, 1 took asklfal young Man of that Calling, one Robert Purefiy, into my Ship. We set sall from Pprsmeonth upon the 7th Day of September, 1710; on the 1th we ret with Captain Pocoek of Bristol at Tenarif, who was going to the Bay of Campeachy, to eut Logwood. On the 16th he was parted fram us by a Stor heard since my Return, that his Ship foundered, and none escaped, but one Cabbin-Boy: He was an honest Man, snd good Sailor, but a litle to posi- tive in hs own Opinions, which was the Cause of his Destruction, a it hath been of several others. For if he had followed my Advice, he might at this, Time have been sae at home wth bis Farily a well as my sl hap several Men died in my Ship of Calentares so that 1 was forced to set Recruits out of Barbadoes, and the Leeward Island, where | touched by the Direetion of the Merchants who employed me; which | had soon too much Cause to repent; for I found aftensards that most of them had been 9. Peta ponunce whionins’ spetg the hin hse: The mpc Haye ate mht kn ut ca ey ese yt laa ae {ie tht the ode the Heuqhadnone mote on coal aps enable ears weer sind hem pe Cannone copane he ephestn wuts be ipsa nine edge nen rb Seance and fen fuctoned se taphor for mene dammantcharaison of than ‘Se ec nd ety bl he ihn re dierent pets am th Hous wo regi hn ge sdereretetas tries ra pricnechck geaceirwkcrpenteo ae Sse i Saag clit wep of ae seg sk ‘eae cgreeecucseumy Tanc tis ‘bent hv ab cn tty Chetan Ogle Te he Sbcupuetiaisacimmmeraets etal ogee ite motes ho lesen deri con, Clpts tera late one te ‘Shows Suft iment ses Sn ancl hai Rx om Seren | | as Gouin Teavets: acaneers: ha ify Hands om Board and my Orders were that shag trade wh the Indian in he SouthSea, and ake what Discovetes I coul Thad picked up, debauched my oer Sten, and hy toseize the Shipand secure me; which hey i Morning ushing into shy Cabbin, snd binding me Hard and Foo, thre Mingtotheow me overboard i lfered a tir tld ther was thee ‘nea ea submit Ti ey ae me eo a en st, oly fastening one my Lage with iain neat my Bed and ple Cig em Doth econ who wiecommandeto ot dead ft atamptd my Liberty Tey sent me down Vital and Din tt the Ganernment ofthe Ship to thesineer Their Desian Was tot Prats and plunder the Spunind, hich they could not de tl hey tore Sen. Bat isthe resolved to sell he Goods inthe Ship, and then gy {oMadagiscar for Recruits, several among them having ed ince my Ce finement They sailed many Weeks, and raed withthe dws: ney tot what Course they took, being kept ose Psone nm) Cabin, an ‘Spectng noting less than tobe marred they often threatened me Grow the Sh Bay of May, 1711, one James Wel came dosmtomy Cale bins ad sud he had Orders fom the Captain Co set me ashe. expostie fd wth him, but in ain; neter would eso much a ellie ho hele te Captain tas, They forced me into the Longboat ettngine pat on my Be SunofClouths- which were as good as new nd asmall Bundle ime Ton but no fums except my Hanger and they were x hl ant search try Pocket, into which I conveyed what Money I ad, with some other Title Necesaries They rowed about a Lea; and then setme down ona Sano. Tesi ew ellie mat Country ta heya wore ey ier no more than my slut said thatthe Capes (a hey ead im) wor rene ater they had sold he dingo get of me inthe rst Place here theydncovered Land They pushed off ined eising me 0 Take hast, for fear of being overtaken by the Td and bade me level Th this desolate Condition radranced forward and sm got upon in Ground, where {set dawn ona Bank to rest my sel, and easier what fd best todos When Iwasa litle refeshed, I went up fous the County olingto deliver my suf tothe fst Savage should meet and purehase I Life rom them by some Bracelet, Glas ings, and ber Toys, which Silos usally provide themselves with in those Voyages, and hero Thad Sere about me! The Land was divided by lng Rows of Trees not regulary anted, but naturally rowing hee war great Plenty of Grass and several Frtds of Outs I walked very circurnspetly fo fear of being surprised or Shudenly shor with an Avro from Behind of on either Side Fell ino @ ‘nen fond where tay many Tacs of human Fest, and some of Cows Bur most of Horses. Atlas beheld several Animal ina il, ard one oF two a the same Kind singin Tree. Thee Shape ves very singly and ‘Liormed, which a litle dscomposed, me, s0 that 1 ay down bhi @ Tike! to anne tem ber Some fem cing Fran nea he Flace where ling gave me an Opportunity of distinety marking thei Form Th ead td reas were Covered wth hk a some and aher lnk they hod Benn like Goats, and aon Ridge of Hae dv thee Teka and the fore Pars of thei gs and Feo; but the est oF tei Bodies 4. The Mado ttt cant of Acs te ang . | a a AVouce ro 1s Countny or rie HouHNnyus 455 - mere bare, so that I might sce thee Skins, which were of a brown Bull lout, They hed no Tals nor any Hair at al on tele Buttcks, xcept mt the Aru; wich, I presume Nature had placed there to defend them the) st onthe Grounds or chs Posture hey used; aswel as ng dow, fd often stood on ther hind fect. They clibed high Tres, x nimby a: Squire, forthe had strong extended Claws before and behind, termina ‘on sharp Poets, hooked: They would often spring, an bound, and ls sth prodigious Agi The Females werenot so large asthe Males, they had Jong lank lair on their Heads, and onya Sot of Down on the rest of their Fotis, except abou the Anus, and Pudenda. Thee Dug hung between theirfore Feet and often reached almost tothe Ground a they walked. The ir ofboth Sexes was of several Colours, brown, red, Black and yellow. Upon the whole, I never hcheld in all my Travel so disagreeable an Anima, arith many conched ss tesnpa wags at _SategT RS cath eConmap nd eed ursued the beaten Road, hopingit might direct me to the Cabbin of some “Indian. Uhad not gone far when met one of these Creatures fll in my “Was, and coming up directly to me. The ugly Monster, when be saw me, dis- ~ torted several Ways every Feature of his Visoge, and stared as at an Ohject ‘hc had never seen before; then approaching nearer, lifted up his fore Paw, | shether out of Curiosity or Mischief, I could not tell: But T drew ony | Hanges, and gave him a good Blov with the fla Side of it; or I durst not _ sike him with the Edge, fearing the Inhabitants might be provoked against me, Ithey should come to know, that I had killed or maimed any - of their Caitle.* When the Beast felt the Smart, he drew back, and roated “te loud, that a Herd of atleast forty sume Mocking about me from the nex. | Field howling and making odious Faces, but ran tothe Body of Tree, and leaning my Back against it kept them off, by waving my Hanger. Several of | this cursed Brood getting hold of the Branches behind, leaped up into the “Tree, from whence they began to discharge their Excrements on my Ilead: ‘However, escaped prety wel, by sti ing elose to the Stem of a Tree, but ‘vas almost stilled with the Filth, which fell about me on every Side, Iw the Midst ofthis Distress, I observed them all to run away’ om a sud- ‘den as fast as they could; at which I ventured to leave the Tree, and pur- sue the Roud, wondering what it was that could put them into this Fright, Bur looking on my Left-Hand, I saw a Horse walking sofiy in the Field; ‘which my Persecutors having sooner discovered was the Cause of their | Tight. The Horse started a litle when he came near me, bt soon reco ‘xing himself, looked full in my Face with manifest Tokens of Wonder: He viewed my Hands and Feet, walking co vd me several times. Foul have pursued my Journey, but he placed himself directly in the Way, yet look- ing with a very mild Aspect, never offering the least Violence. We stood gazing at each other for some time; at last I took the Boldness, to reach my Hand towards his Neck, with a Design to stroak it using the common. Style and Whistle of Jockies when they are going to handle a strange Horse. But, this Aninial seeming to receive my Civiltes with Disdain, Sari athe eh tre {lhe ih a eo Henn tit Caer lb

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