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Narrative Report

In Wednesday December 1, 2021 at 8:30 am students of Pacific Southbay College attend webinar in the
subject of NSTP.Everyone is required to join the said webinar as this will be part of our final exam and a
requirement for signing of clearance. Ma'am Mary said that She will give e-certicificates to everyone
who will attend the said webinar.

When the Discussion start on Gender Development and Gender Identity with the resource speaker
Ma'am Jodil Christine L. Sibala Ma'am Mary remind that we really need to interact with speaker.When
the discussion start Ma'am Sibala shared her screen and we see there is a Question which is What is
Gender Identity? It is who you are.It is how you experience your gender , despite what society expects,
whether that is male,female, neither, or both. It is not outwardly seen by other people.It cannot be
assumed based on appearance, anatomy, social norms and stereotypes and Ma'am Sibala add that It
develops changes overtime.Then speakers explain or tackle the Gender Binary, Gender Dyspboria, the
common Gender Identities,Gender Triangle,The Sex Vs Gender.There are also question that Ma'am
Sibala give us which is She ask us if What is our Gender Identity? Then I've answer it she/her Ma'am
Sibala remind us that, it takes time so it normal to feel unsure about our gender identity, but all we need
to do is Understand our self and when you ask questions in your self it is normal.Also our speaker said
the always Be kind but it doesn't mean you will always say yes or yes everything and it's difference when
we say Be kind it means you will know what is right from wrong and do the right, treat people in a right
way, the be kind focuses in doing right things so be kind always.

One thing I've learned that the importance when you discovering yourself,when your trying to know
your identity when your trying to understand you gender identity is the "Respect Yourself and Other's
Identities" because where all going to a journey where all struggling so that don't judge people always
remember that all of us are trying to understand our gender identity and you need to do is respect it so
you can gain also respect with others.And also I've learned that I need to be kind,Treat everyone with
kindness but it doesn't mean or required you to spend money or it will doesn't require you to do efforts
in order to be kind.Always Respect others and Always Be kind I know I can apply this learnings in my self
thank you.

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