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Micro Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment for ‘I’ Scheme first semester of

Diploma in

11201 Jain Harsh (2015010018)

11202 Phulwade Nakul (2015010062)
11203 Deshmukh Siddhi (2015010022)
11204 Ubale Ravikumar (2015010069)
11205 Kale Pranjal (2015010014)
11206 Sarkate Harshadeep (2015010071)
11207 Deshmukh Yusuf (2015010070)
11208 Salve Raj (2015010056)
11209 Kulkarni Nirjara (2015010058)
11210 Kotkar Sneha (2015010057)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Guide Name
(Lecturer/HOD)In Pursuit of Excellence
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education,
(ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)

This is to certify Jain Harsh , Phulwade Nakul , Deshmukh Siddhi , Ubale Ravikumar , Kale Pranjal
Sarkate Harshadeep , Yusuf , Salve Raj , Kulkarni Nirjara, Kotkar Sneha
have successfully completed their project work entitled “WHAT IS CORROSION. EXPLAIN THE


CORROSION. “in ‘I’ Scheme First semester Diploma in CIVIL ENGINEERING OF Maharashtra State

Board of technical Education the matter embodied in this report is a record of their teamwork carried out

during academic year 2020-2021

Prof. Patil S.S Prof. Patil S.S

Applied science Department Applied science Department

Dr.B.M. Patil
Micro Project proposal
1.0Brief introduction:- Corrosion is a general term used to describe various interactions between a
material and its environment leading to a degradation in the material properties. In a wet environment,
aqueous corrosion can occur due to electrochemical processes which depend upon metal ion transport
and rection.

2.0Aim of the micro-project.

This micro-project aims at

1. What is corrosion? Explain the different types of it.

2. Atmospheric corrosion
3. Wet corrosion

3.0 Action plan.

S.NO Details of Activities Planned Start Planned Name of responsible team

Date finished members
We collected all the Harsh , Nakul , Siddhi ,
06-03-21 07-03-21
information of corrosion Ravikumar Pranjal , Harshadeep ,
1 and types of corrosion yusuf , Raj , Nirjar , Sneha

S.NO. Name of Resources material Specification QITY Remarks

1. PAPERS A4 size 4 -

2. Internet - - -
3. Chart paper A2 size 1 -

4. Pencil For marking 2 -

Micro-Project Report

“What is corrosion (and the different types of corrosion)”

1.0 Brief description5

Corrosion may be defined as the gradual eating away or disintegration or deterioration
of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment. Corrosion is an
important factor in any chemical process plant. It makes all the difference between a
trouble-free operation and a costly shut-down. All metals and alloy are susceptible to
corrosion. No single material may be suitable for all applications. For Instance, gold has
excellent resistance to corrosion under atmospheric conditions, but it gets readily corrode
when exposed to mercury at ambient temperature. On the other hand, iron readily gets
rusted in the atmosphere, but it does not corrode in mercury. Thus, several metals and
alloys perform excellently in a given environment. Further, there are several methods to
effectively control and minimize corrosion. “The secret of effective engineering lies in
controlling rather than preventing corrosion, because it is impracticable to eliminate

2.0Cause of corrosion
It is generally easier to understand why corrosion occur than how, most metals exist in
nature (in ores and minerals) as compounds such as oxides, sulfides, sulfates, etc. because
these compounds represent their thermodynamically stable state. The metals are extracted
from these ores after expending lot of energy. Hence, unless the nature of the of the metal
is substantially changed (e.g. by alloying), the metal will have a natural tendency to revert
back to its natural thermodynamically stable state. This is the basic reason for metallic
corrosion. However, metal that exist in elemental state in nature (e.g. gold) naturally have
excellent corrosion resistance in natural environment.

3.0 Theories of corrosion

The acid theory. This theory suggests that the presence of acids(Such as carbonic acid) is
essential for corrosion.
This theory is particularly applicable to rusting of iron in the atmosphere. According to this
theory, rusting of iron is due to the continued action of oxygen, carbon dioxide and
moisture, converting the metal into a soluble ferrous bicarbonate which is further
oxidizedto basic ferric carbonate and finally to hydrated ferric oxide.

Fe + O + 2CO2 + H2O Fe(hco3)2

2Fe (HCO3)2 + H2O + O2 Fe(OH)CO3 +2CO2 + 2H20

Thistheory is supported by the facts that. Rust analysis generally shows the presence of
ferrous and ferric carbonates along with hydrated ferric oxide and retardation of rusting in
presence of added lime or NaOH to the water in which iron is immersed. One of the most
common ways in which metals are attacked by direct action is by interaction with oxygen.
Alkali and alkaline earth metals (e.g. Na, Ca, Mg, etc.) suffer extensive oxidation even at low
temperatures whereas at high temperatures, practically all metals excepting Ag, Au and Pt
are oxidised.

1). Atmospheric corrosion
When a metal is exposed to the atmosphere, an oxide film is formed on its
surface due to interaction with atmospheric air. If this protective oxide film is
maintained on the entire metal surface, further attack of corrosion does not
occur. But, however, if this oxide film breaks down due to electro-chemical
action on the metal surface due to the presence of moisture or any electrolyte,
corrosion proceeds further.
It is commonly observed that iron articles do not suffer noticeable corrosion in
dry air, but they are rusted when exposed to humid or moist air. When the
humidity of air reaches a particular value, the rate of atmospheric corrosion
steeply increases. In marine atmosphere, the presence of electrolytes such as
NaCl in the humid atmospheric air leads to increase in corrosion of the metals.
Similarly, the atmospheric air near industrial areas is contaminated with acid
fumes and gases such as H2S, SO2, SO3 AND CO3.

2) Wet corrosion
Wet corrosion refers to the degradation and/or rust formation on a metal
surface that occurs due to the generation of a reactive electrochemical cell.
Wet corrosion can damage metal structures and equipment, including stainless
steel.Wet corrosion forms when two different metals are in contact with each
other while situated in a fluid environment with salt concentrations. This
environment creates an electric potential between the two metals, with the
more reactive metal undergoing oxidation and the loss of electrons. Seawater,
chlorides solution and acids are some are some typical electrolytic
environments in which wet corrosion occurs. It can be prevented by
eliminating the moisture. Many structure alloys corrode merely from exposure
to certain substances.
The chemistry of corrosion is quite complex, but It may be considered
essentially as a electrochemical phenomenon. During corrosion at a particular
spot on the surface of the object made of iron, oxidation taken place and that
spot behaves as an anode. The electrons released at this anodic spot move
through the metal and go to another spot on the metal and reduce oxygen at
that spot in presence of H+(which is believed to be available from H2CO3
formed due to dissolution of carbon dioxide from air into water may also be
available due to dissolution of other acidic oxides from the atmosphere). This
spot behaves as a cathode.

5.0 Course outcomes Integrated.

a) Using normal solution of four different acids/base such as
hydrochloric acid. Sulphuric acid. Nitric acid. Sodium hydroxide from
concentrated acid of specified normality.
b) This corrosion medium is used to carry out experiment.

6.0 Actual procedure followed.

Finally we collected the information related to corrosion such as definition,
then also read applied chemistry book for more information about corrosion
then we have collected application, types of corrosion, also know the process
of making of corrosion. Then we write all this information on one rough paper,
then take a chart paper, bordered the chart paper by black pen, then wrote all
information about corrosion.

7.0 Actual Resources used

S.NO Name of resource Specifications Qty Remarks

1. A4 A4 size 1 -
2. Pen Blue, black 2 -
3. Cardboard A4 size 1 -
8.0 Output of the micro projects

We have studied that corrosion is the major industrial issue affecting the
different industrial process and products, need to be addressed. Diploma
engineering must work with various metal equipment while working under
different of surrounding environment on metal.

9.0 Skill developed/learning out of this Micro-Project.

1) known the process of corrosion.

2) we study the Google page of information about corrosion.
3) we study the different types of corrosion.
4) we study the atmospheric corrosion.
5) we study the wet corrosion.

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